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研制了一套数字化铁饼三维信息采集系统,该系统包括一个数字化铁饼、USB连线、上位机软件和一台PC计算机,其中,数字化铁饼由上、下壳体、金属圈、电路板、加速度传感器、角速度传感器等组成.该系统能够对运动员完整掷铁饼过程中的用力信号实时采集,进行动力学分析.现场测试表明,数字化铁饼三维信息采集系统动力学数据采集方便可靠,为铁饼项目的技术诊断、科学研究提供了一种崭新的测量方法与手段.  相似文献   

力量训练是投掷运动员最重要的身体训练之一,力量的大小会直接影响到其他素质的发展,正确合理技术的掌握和专项成绩的提高。因此,国内外从事投掷项目的教练员和运动员都特别重视力量的发展。我国投掷项目(尤其是重器械的项目)的成绩。与世界先进水平相比差距很大。其主要原因是力量水平相差很大(当然技术水平和其他素质也有差距)。如以重器械投掷运动员的杠铃深蹲一项相比较:世界优秀运动员的杠铃深蹲均在300  相似文献   

运用三维测力台系统和红外光点运动分析系统同步测试的方法,定量测试分析运动员杠铃负重量半蹲练习过程中,人体对地面的跨伸力、对杠铃的作功率和杠铃在人体作用下运动的加速度、末速度、动量等参数指标与负荷重量的相互关系;及各参数指标的最大值与弹跳力的相关关系。为继不同训练水平的运动员发展弹跳力的力量素质训练内容的定向化、负荷重量的定量化提供了科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和测试法等,对原中国男排主攻队员隋盛胜在完成扣半高球起跳技术和杠铃深蹲及跳深动作中下肢肌肉表面肌电特征进行了综合研究。研究结果表明:隋盛胜扣半高球起跳所测肌肉中,积分肌电值和贡献率最大的是股二头肌,其次是臀大肌和股直肌。在缓冲阶段,臀大肌贡献最大,在蹬伸阶段,股二头肌贡献最大;杠铃深蹲和跳深动作均与扣球起跳技术的积分肌电值和贡献率不完全一致,相比之下,杠铃深蹲更接近于起跳;杠铃深蹲动作对发展股直肌效果最好。跳深动作对发展臀大肌效果最好;杠铃慢速深蹲对发展股直肌、臀大肌、股二头肌、半腱肌和腓肠肌外侧头比杠铃常速深蹲更为有效。23cm跳深对发展股直肌、臀大肌、股二头肌、半腱肌和腓肠肌外侧头比48cm和58cm跳深更为有效。  相似文献   

赛艇动力学测试系统的研制   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
研制了一种新型赛艇力量、加速度等多参数动力学测试评价系统.通过传感器,将采集到的数据传至计算机,利用开发研制的软件系统,分析所测得的数据的大小、特征和相互之间的关系,并通过依据力学原理而建立的一套技术指标来评价运动员的技术特征,找出存在的问题.该系统在国家赛艇队备战2000年悉尼奥运会中得到成功的应用,为改进和完善赛艇技术提供了科学训练的手段.  相似文献   

将16名青少年男子羽毛球运动员随机分为聚组训练组与传统力量训练组,设计为期6周的杠铃深蹲试验,采集2组受试者实验前后的深蹲最大力量(1RM)、30 m冲刺跑、原地纵跳CMJ(无摆臂)等数据,探究深蹲聚组训练对青少年羽毛球运动员下肢最大力量和爆发力的影响。结果显示:6周深蹲训练后,聚组训练与传统训练对运动员下肢最大力量均有显著提高,传统训练提高幅度优于聚组训练,其原因可能是传统深蹲训练代谢物的累积效应使机体适应性增强;CMJ纵跳、30 m冲刺跑成绩聚组训练均优于传统训练,聚组训练提高下肢爆发力的效果更佳,其原因是聚组训练组间加入短间歇,能源物质得以恢复,使运动员训练时动作速度和功率维持在较高水平。  相似文献   

<正>一、力量训练与解剖学相结合在短跑训练中,力量训练能够提高跑的速度。作为教练,要想提高力量训练的有效性,就必须从人体解剖角度正确地选择所要训练的相关肌群。如,在训练中,要提高运动员的大腿前摆能力,就必须将重点放在提高屈髋肌群上,要发展髂腰肌的力量,其次还要发展耻骨肌、缝匠肌等肌群,而不能一味地深蹲杠铃,发展大腿的力量(深蹲杠铃可以提高伸髋屈膝的能力)。  相似文献   

关于竞技运动的归属与体育概念确立问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对体育概念上的分歧,是与竞技运动的归属问题紧密联系在一起的。有所谓上位概念与下位概念,广义的体育与狭义的体育之分。把运动训练与体育教学、身体锻炼一起作为整个体育的组成部分为上位概念,称作“身体文化”。(运动训练是竞技运动的主要组成部分之一。)舍之,只包括体育教学、身体锻炼两部分,即为下位概念,称作“狭义的体育”。有的  相似文献   

在跳远教学中,常发现学生不敢放开跑或速度一快就跳不起来,致使进一步提高成绩很困难。快速起跳能力差,这是在学生技术基本成型后所遇到的主要问题。研究表明,快速起跳能力通过结合跳远特征的力量练习(包括最大力量和专项快速力量)和与专项技术逼近度很大的相关练习获得,其中后者起着主要的作用。一、关于力量练习结合跳远项目的力量训练来看,其关键技术是起跳环节,那么相关力量训练也应围绕这一技术。跳远项目的力量练习可分为发展最大力量与发展快速力量。最大力量主要利用杠铃进行大强度训练,如高翻、深蹲、半蹲、半蹲跳等。快速力量训练…  相似文献   

本文对运动测量系统所涉及的坐标定义、姿态算法等进行研究,提出了一种新型人体运动测量方法,本人体运动测量系统主要应用微惯性测量单元(Micro Inertial Measurement Unit,MIMU),按照姿态检测的要求,选取了微机电系统(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,MEMS)传感器来采集数据,其中包括一个三轴陀螺仪、一个三轴加速度计和一个三轴磁阻传感器;并利用STM32单片机作为主控制单元来实现数据处理,通过串口通信实现上位机数据传输;用C语言编写上位机系统软件,检测识别人体动作。  相似文献   

An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39-0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   


An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39–0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r 2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   


The barbell back squat is commonly used by athletes participating in resistance training. The barbell squat is typically performed using standard athletic shoes, or specially designed weightlifting footwear, although there are now a large number of athletes who prefer to squat barefoot or in barefoot-inspired footwear. This study aimed to determine how these footwear influence 3-D kinematics and muscle activation potentials during the barbell back squat. Fourteen experienced male participants completed squats at 70% 1 rep max in each footwear condition. 3-D kinematics from the torso, hip, knee and ankle were measured using an eight-camera motion analysis system. In addition, electromyographical (EMG) measurements were obtained from the rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, erector spinae and biceps femoris muscles. EMG parameters and joint kinematics were compared between footwear using repeated-measures analyses of variance. Participants were also asked to subjectively rate which footwear they preferred when performing their squat lifts; this was examined a chi-squared test. The kinematic analysis indicated that, in comparison to barefoot the running shoe was associated with increased squat depth, knee flexion and rectus femoris activation. The chi-squared test was significant and showed that participants preferred to squat barefoot. This study supports anecdotal evidence of athletes who prefer to train barefoot or in barefoot-inspired footwear although no biomechanical evidence was found to support this notion.  相似文献   

The purposes of the study were to track weightlifters' barbell acceleration with a portable accelerometer over three training sessions to examine test–retest reliability and to compare peak barbell acceleration at different training intensities. Twelve nationally ranked weightlifters volunteered for this study. The portable accelerometer was attached to the right side of the barbell to measure barbell resultant acceleration during the snatch lift at a sampling frequency of 100 Hz. The data were collected over three training sessions at intensity levels of 80%, 85%, and 90% of one repetition maximum. The data were analyzed using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the three training sessions and one-way repeated measure ANOVA to compare the difference in peak barbell acceleration at three intensities. Results showed that the device was highly reliable with an ICC of 0.88 and 95% confidence interval of 0.81–0.93. There were significant differences in peak barbell acceleration at various lifting intensities, indicating a decline of the acceleration as the mass of the barbell became heavier. The portable accelerometer seems useful in measuring barbell acceleration data, which can be analyzed in future studies to monitor a weightlifter's performance in a practical setting instead of testing at a laboratory.  相似文献   

目的:探讨优秀女子举重运动员抓举动作的动力学特点。方法:采用比利时产Footscan足底压力测试系统对四名优秀女子举重运动员的四次成功抓举动作进行分析。结果:(1)四人在抓举整个过程中,身体压力中心的左右波动幅度均大于前后波动幅度。其中发力阶段左右和前后波动最大,而下蹲支撑阶段和提铃阶段波动较小;(2)与其他阶段相比,下蹲支撑阶段的压力中心运动轨迹最小;(3)在抓举整个过程中,身体稳定性顺序为下蹲支撑阶段〉提铃阶段〉上举阶段〉发力阶段,阶段总压力差表现为发力阶段〉下蹲支撑阶段〉上举阶段〉提铃阶段。结论:四人在抓举过程中符合"近、快、低"、和下蹲"低、稳"的要求。付小娟需加强提铃和上举阶段身体的稳定性,郭晴和张茜需加强发力阶段的稳定性。  相似文献   

Dynamic squat is one of the most executed fitness exercise. Its use is widespread both for rehabilitation and training purposes. Several typologies of the squat exercise can be performed. The most important are the front squat and the back squat. In the front squat the barbell is held in front of the body across the clavicles and deltoids, while in the back squat exercise the bar is held on the back of the body at the base of the neck. In this paper we will refer to dynamic back squat. The squat exercise can be performed with or without the help of a machine that has the scope of guiding the person during the movement and ensuring his stability and safety. The use of this type of machine is often necessary when the workout is heavy and the risk of incorrect exercise and injuries is high. On the other hand, the rigid structure of this device often overconstrains the lifting movement. From all these observations, the purpose of the paper is to discuss an alternative design of a mechanism able to maintain the advantage to allow a free-body execution and to preserve the safety of the athletes as well. The proposed mechanism has been designed starting from an anthropometric study on the squat movement. This has been performed by using a motion capture system and applying computer-aided engineering techniques. The design activity started from the experimental investigation of the trajectory of the barbell during the natural execution of the unrestricted back squat exercise. The tests have been performed on several subjects with different mass, anthropometry and gender. In a second phase, the data have been processed and analyzed and a specific mechanism, able to reproduce the natural trajectories, has been synthetized. Finally, the design and optimization of the entire structure has been performed through the use of virtual prototyping techniques.  相似文献   

浅析挺举上挺技术动作的重要性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过采用文献资料法、观察调查法对国内外优秀举重运动员的挺举上挺技术进行研究,研究结果表明:上挺的关键所在是预蹲动作,在预蹲过程中应保持身体重心与杠铃重心垂直向下运动,而且要迅速地由预蹲中的制动转为上挺发力。制动是预蹲与发力的中间环节,起着承上启下的衔接作用。制动时应做到尽快地由预蹲的退让性工作转化为发力阶段的克制性工作,这是上挺成功的关键所在。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the association between weightlifting performance and vertical barbell acceleration patterns. Barbell kinematic time-series data were tracked from 18 snatches from six weightlifters during a regional weightlifting competition. These data were used to calculate vertical barbell accelerations. Time-series data were normalised to 100% of lift phase, defined as the time interval between barbell lift-off and maximum height of the barbell during each snatch lift. The time-series data were then entered into a pattern recognition algorithm that extracted principal patterns and calculated principal pattern scores. Body mass-normalised lift weight, which was used to quantify weightlifting performance, was significantly correlated (r = 0.673; P = 0.033) with a pattern that captured a difference in peak vertical barbell acceleration between the transition and the second pull phase. This correlation indicated that barbell acceleration profiles of higher weight snatch lifts were characterised by smaller decreases in acceleration during the second knee bend and smaller peak acceleration during the second pull phase. Weightlifting coaches and sports scientist should monitor and track vertical acceleration of the barbell, with focus on acceleration profiles that limit (1) deceleration during the transition phase between the first and second pull and (2) peak acceleration during the second pull phase of the snatch.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate how lower extremity work was distributed during the pull of cleans performed lifting the barbell to the minimum height required to receive it in a full squat (minimal height clean); or with maximum effort to elevate the barbell as high as possible and receiving it in either a full (maximal effort clean) or partial (power clean) squat. Eight weightlifters screened for proficient technique performed these clean variations at 80% of one repetition maximum. Work performed on the barbell and by the lower extremity net joint moments (NJM) was computed from marker trajectories and ground reaction forces. Total barbell work, lower extremity NJM work, knee extensor work, and knee joint excursion during the second pull was lower in the minimal height clean than the maximal effort and power cleans (P < 0.05). This research demonstrates that more knee extensor work is performed in the second pull of maximal effort and power cleans compared to the minimal height clean. The larger knee extensor work performed is due to larger knee joint excursion during the second pull of the maximal effort and power cleans, but not larger knee extensor NJM.  相似文献   

目的:为国家举重队备战东京奥运会提供科技支撑及举重的运动训练乃至运动员选材提供科学依据。方法:采用德国SIMI-Motion7.50三维运动解析系统对廖秋云打破世界纪录的挺举技术动作视频进行解析,解析的采样频率为50 Hz,运用截断频率为6Hz低通滤波对原始数据进行平滑处理,使用DLT计算空间坐标。结果:①廖秋云提铃至胸阶段的技术堪称完美,准备姿势合理,引膝动作完成质量高。采用积极的伸髋发力,且躯干角度保持80.27deg至77.62deg之间,有利于腹背肌群参与发力。屈髋屈膝接铃,杠铃回落距离为身高的19.61%,属于合理的杠铃回落距离。②上挺阶段,过渡阶段和预蹲制动阶段用时过长。准备姿势站距的调整将降低杠铃所需送达的最终高度,且有利于上挺动作的稳定性。其箭步式上挺杠铃回落距离仅为9.80cm,回落距离小,且双足构成的稳定区域面积大。发力时两心距离控制在3.1cm内,属于理想距离。站稳起立时段末,杠铃向右偏移达17.70cm,对其支撑可能存在隐患。③总体上看,廖秋云的技术优势在于躯干角度控制得当,两心距离始终较近。下肢关节角度变化趋势合理,伸髋发力的方式正确。④廖秋云技术优势明显,但成绩仍具有上升空间。建议优化时间结构,缩短过渡时间,避免额外的能量消耗。缩短预蹲制动时间,提升下肢离心收缩转向心收缩的能力。站稳时段的杠铃横向偏移过大,提示进行左右侧肌肉体量测试评价,并加强弱侧肌肉力量训练。  相似文献   

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