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膝关节伸膝效率的高低与髌骨的结构特点、膝关节的角度和股四头肌收缩力量的大小有着直接的关系,通过X光射线对髌骨的测量,运用运动解剖学和运动生物力学的理论,研究髌骨的结构、股四头肌的结构和膝关节角度对膝关节运动的影响,对运动员弹跳能力的评价和运动选材方面具有较大的实用价值.  相似文献   

“起跳角疼”及半蹲疼,是指膝关节屈曲呈130°~150°发力起跳或在此角度半蹲时疼痛。常见的原因有:髌骨劳损、髌尖末端病、髌腱腱围类半月板损伤等。 髌骨劳损又称髌骨软骨病、髌骨软骨软化症。 髌骨在膝关节中具有重要的作用,它能保护股骨的髌面,传递股四头肌的力量,加强股四头肌的肌力和维持膝关节在半屈曲位时的稳定性。 生物力学证明,膝关节屈曲小于90°时,仅股四头肌的股直肌起主要伸膝作用,其肌力较弱;超过90°以后,其他三肌逐渐参与伸膝功能。当膝关节伸到130°~150°时,发力点集中,力量最强。此角度…  相似文献   

<正> 一、髌尖末端病的手法治疗维持人体直立、行走、跑跳的主要肌肉之一股四头肌,在股前下行经髌骨延长为髌腱止于胫骨粗隆,股四头肌中只有股直肌的腱纤维在表层止于髌上极,其它腱纤维越过髌骨而延续形成髌腱。髌骨下的髌尖与髌腱在结构上曲绵域教授有所论述,他通过研究认为髌腱附的髌尖处其连接结构为骨组织(髌骨)—钙化软骨层—潮线—纤维软骨带—腱纤维,此种“末端装置”比较坚固。髌骨在膝关节的伸屈运动中有特殊作用,它通过加长四头肌力臂协助伸膝,还增加了髌腱与股骨髁承受压力的应力得以较好分布,髌腱才能承接四头肌强大拉力,来担起运动对膝关节需求的功能。然  相似文献   

赴美短跑留学回国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武兵 《中华武术》2005,(8):36-37
练习太极拳不当,很容易引发膝关节损伤,即髌骨劳损,又称髌骨软骨病、髌骨软骨软化症。生物力学证明,膝关节屈曲小于90°时,仅股四头肌的股直肌起主要伸膝作用,其肌力较弱;当膝关节伸到130°-150°时,发力点集中,力量最强。此角度不但发力大,而且灵活,有利于各种动作的完成,此时髌骨软骨面承受力量最大,关节面接触范围也最大。膝关节的稳定主要靠髌骨维持,这些解剖、生理特点都成为髌骨软骨在半蹲位受伤时的潜在因素。  相似文献   

跨栏运动员的膝关节损伤,除了磕绊栏架等直接外力造成损伤外,多是由于技术不够规范形成的小创伤,起初这些轻度的小创伤,对运动没有什么影响,不会引起重视,但若积累起来形成劳损,就会对运动训练产生不利影响。髌骨劳损——髌骨软骨病,就是这样产生的。髌骨虽然小,作用却很大。它对膝关节起保护和稳定、传递股四头肌力量、增加股四头肌腱的作用力矩及链带作用。  相似文献   

髌骨在功能上为股四头肌的种籽骨,本身没有骨膜,它的功能主要是保护与稳定膝关节,传递股四头肌的力量,增加股四头肌腱的作用力矩及连带作用。在运动中损伤的发生率较高,在跳跃、投掷等运动中损伤较多。 一、髌骨的生理功能 (一)保护股骨关节面; (二)传递股四头肌的力量; (二)增加股四头肌的作用力矩以加强  相似文献   

髌骨劳损指髌骨的关节软骨面(包括股骨髌 面的关节软骨面)和髌骨周缘股四头肌张腱膜的附丽部分的慢性损伤,即髌骨软骨病(又称髌骨软骨软化症)和髌骨张腱末端病。 主要是由于膝关节局部长期负担过重或反复的微细损伤积累而成。一、症状 (一)膝软与膝痛 损伤初期是在大运动量训练后感到膝酸软无力,隐隐作痛。随着损伤程度的增加,膝痛逐渐加重。一般常在活动开以后减轻,运动结束后又加重。不少病例关节酸痛程度还与气候变化有关。 (二)做动作时疼痛加重 膝软或膝痛同动作有密切的关系,特别是半蹲时最为明显,凡是半蹲发力或扭转做…  相似文献   

髌骨劳损的透析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
髌骨劳损系指髌骨的关节软骨面(包括股骨髌面的关节软骨面)和髌骨周缘股四头肌张腱膜的附丽部分的慢性损伤,即髌骨软骨病(又称髌骨软骨软化症)和髌骨张腱末端病。这两种疾病可单独发生,也可一起发生,两者的损伤原理无甚差异,症状也有相似之处。 (一)原因和损伤原理——发生原因主要是膝关节(尤其是半蹲位姿势)局部长期负担过度或反复的微细损伤积累而成。在体育运动中,很多动作要处于半蹲位,即130~150°进行发力或移动。因膝关节在这个角度时,伸膝力量最大,关节活动最有利和最灵活,这就导致了产生损伤的机会。例如篮球滑步防守与进攻、急停与起跳,排球的跳起扣球、滚动救球,短跑的起跑,跳远的起跳,跳高  相似文献   

据有关资料报导:在排球运动损伤中,膝关节的损伤占第一位,其中尤以髌骨劳损见多。本文仅就排球运动中髌骨劳损的产生原因及预防措施谈点粗浅意见。症状早期或轻者表现在大运动量后或作半蹲动作时膝软或膝痛,休息后减轻或消失;如果发展下去可有上下楼梯痛,严重者走路和静坐时也痛,在运动中可出现因膝软使不上劲而坐下或跌倒的现象;让患者单足支撑并逐渐下蹲,会出现膝软和膝痛。病程长又严重的,检查时可触及髌骨边缘有增厚或条索感,髌尖延长,股四头肌萎缩;早期x线拍  相似文献   

膝关节受伤以后,最早出现萎缩的肌肉是股四头肌内侧头。足球运动员膝关节伤病多,所以对其股四头肌肌粗值进行定量分析,具有实际意义。以体表形态数据建立数学模型,推导出股四头肌肌粗值,建立了统一的对比衡量标准。肌粗值的变化,首先是受髌骨上5cm 外缘腿围影响,其次是受髌中围的影响,相关程度分别为高度相关和低度相关,而肌粗值与髌骨上10cm 外缘腿围间变化呈不相关。  相似文献   

吴震  唐宝盛 《冰雪运动》2012,(1):47-53,73
在客观评价肌肉功能的基础上,探讨不同针刺方法对股四头肌运动性疲劳的影响。利用表面肌电仪记录右侧股四头肌伸膝运动的动态表面肌电信号(sEMG),并提取积分肌电值(iEMG)、中位频率(MF)。股四头肌伸膝运动sEMG原始图像显示:静息状态时,肌电信号振幅波动小,频率缓慢;运动性疲劳时,肌电信号振幅波动增大,频率加快;治疗后,浮刺组与直刺组的肌电信号振幅波动减小,频率减慢;而对照组未有明显变化。发生运动性疲劳时,iEMG值升高,MF值降低。浮刺治疗后,浮刺组股四头肌伸膝运动iEMG值较疲劳时降低,MF值较疲劳时上升。研究表明,sEMG可以作为局部肌肉运动性疲劳以及恢复效果的评价手段;针刺具有抗运动性疲劳作用;在股四头肌运动性疲劳恢复效果上浮刺优于直刺,可能与改善肌肉电生理有关。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether vibration applied directly to a muscle-tendon could enhance neuromuscular output during and 1.5 and 10 min after a bout of ballistic resistance training. Fourteen participants were exposed to two training conditions in random order: exercise with vibration and exercise with sham vibration. The exercise comprised three sets of ballistic knee extensions with a load of 60-70% of one-repetition maximum. Vibration (1.2 mm amplitude, 65 Hz frequency) was applied with a portable vibrator strapped over the distal tendon of the quadriceps. Knee joint angular velocity, moment, and power, and rectus femoris and vastus lateralis electromyography root-mean-squared were measured during knee extension. During and after training, the vibration did not induce significant changes in peak angular velocity, time to peak angular velocity, peak moment, time to peak moment, peak power, time to peak power, or average EMG of the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. We conclude that direct vibration, at the selected amplitude and frequency, does not enhance these neuromuscular variables in ballistic knee extensions during or immediately after training.  相似文献   

肌肉代起止点是确定肌肉长度、拉力作用线和肌力臂的关键因素,在人体运动的运动学和动力学的定量分析、在体肌肉工作形式的确定、建立生物力学模型、定量评定肌肉功能等研究中有重要作用。通过实验方法进行下肢肌肉附着点的标记。下肢作用于髋、膝、踝三个关节的共38块肌肉中.具有代起止点的肌肉为73.68%。研究结果表明:肌肉代起止点对确定肌长度、肌拉力线、肌力臂和定量评定肌肉功能有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to determine whether vibration applied directly to a muscle-tendon could enhance neuromuscular output during and 1.5 and 10 min after a bout of ballistic resistance training. Fourteen participants were exposed to two training conditions in random order: exercise with vibration and exercise with sham vibration. The exercise comprised three sets of ballistic knee extensions with a load of 60–70% of one-repetition maximum. Vibration (1.2 mm amplitude, 65 Hz frequency) was applied with a portable vibrator strapped over the distal tendon of the quadriceps. Knee joint angular velocity, moment, and power, and rectus femoris and vastus lateralis electromyography root-mean-squared were measured during knee extension. During and after training, the vibration did not induce significant changes in peak angular velocity, time to peak angular velocity, peak moment, time to peak moment, peak power, time to peak power, or average EMG of the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. We conclude that direct vibration, at the selected amplitude and frequency, does not enhance these neuromuscular variables in ballistic knee extensions during or immediately after training.  相似文献   


In this study, we aimed to clarify the characteristics of neuromuscular function, kinetics, and kinematics of the lower extremity during sprinting in track and field athletes with a history of strain injury. Ten male college sprinters with a history of unilateral hamstring injury performed maximum effort sprint on an athletic track. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the long head of the biceps femoris (BFlh) and gluteus maximus (Gmax) muscles and three-dimensional kinematic data were recorded. Bilateral comparisons were performed for the EMG activities, pelvic anterior tilt angle, hip and knee joint angles and torques, and the musculotendon length of BFlh. The activity of BFlh in the previously injured limb was significantly lower than that in the uninjured limb during the late-swing phase of sprinting (p < 0.05). However, the EMG activity of Gmax was not significantly different between the previously injured and uninjured limbs. Furthermore, during the late-swing phase, a significantly more flexed knee angle (p < 0.05) and a decrease in BFlh muscle length (p < 0.05) were noted in the injured limb. It was concluded that previously injured hamstring muscles demonstrate functional deficits during the late swing phase of sprinting in comparison with the uninjured contralateral muscles.  相似文献   

速滑运动员髌骨劳损的原因和防治措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
膝关节髌骨劳损在速滑专业运动员群体中是最常见的运动损伤之一,这与该项目在运动过程中,膝关节多在半蹲位内收或外展发力有关,如预防和治疗不正确、不及时,不仅会严重速滑影响运动员的运动寿命,甚至还会影响今后的日常生活。从多方面分析和总结了速滑运动员髌骨劳损的原因,阐述了膝关节急性损伤的处理等治疗措施,指出从运动员选材,注重股四头肌肌肉力量的训练,加强柔韧性、协调性和本体感受性的训练,保持肌肉平衡及关节稳定性等方面对速滑运动员的髌骨劳损进行预防,以期帮助运动员科学训练并积极配合医务人员,有效地避免和减少髌骨劳损的发生及其带来的不良影响。  相似文献   

通过对足球、速度滑冰运动员髋关节屈伸肌群横断面积及力学相关指标的测定,探讨不同运动项目的运动员髋关节屈伸肌群形态特征与肌肉收缩效应的特点以及两者间的内在规律,为运动员训练水平的评估及科学选材等提供理论指导。肌肉横断面积采用螺旋CT进行断层扫描,影像分析采用MoticImagesAdvanced3 0测试系统软件,力量测试采用美国Cybex Norm等速测力系统,数据处理采用SPSS 8 0软件。结果表明:足球运动员大腿肌肉横断面积大于速滑运动员,差异主要表现在股四头肌和股后肌群。在相同测试速度下,足球与速度运动员髋关节屈伸时,左右两腿肌肉收缩力量无明显差异。但不同项目间,同一肌群在不同关节运动,不同速度下,则表现出肌肉力量的明显不同。髋关节屈伸运动时,股四头肌与股后肌群横断面积与力矩的相关程度,足球以屈为明显,速滑以右伸为明显。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether sprint performance is related to the mechanical (elongation - force relationship of the tendon and aponeurosis, muscle strength) and morphological (fascicle length, pennation angle, muscle thickness) properties of the quadriceps femoris and triceps surae muscle - tendon units. Two groups of sprinters (slow, n = 11; fast, n = 17) performed maximal isometric knee extension and plantar flexion contractions on a dynamometer at 11 different muscle - tendon unit lengths. Elongation of the tendon and aponeurosis of the gastrocnemius medialis and the vastus lateralis was measured using ultrasonography. We observed no significant differences in maximal joint moments at the ankle and knee joints or morphological properties of the gastrocnemius medialis and vastus lateralis between groups (P > 0.05). The fast group exhibited greater elongation of the vastus lateralis tendon and aponeurosis at a given tendon force, and greater maximal elongation of the vastus lateralis tendon and aponeurosis during maximum voluntary contraction (P < 0.05). Furthermore, maximal elongation of the vastus lateralis tendon and aponeurosis showed a significant correlation with 100-m sprint times (r = -0.567, P = 0.003). For the elongation - force relationship at the gastrocnemius medialis tendon and aponeurosis, the two groups recorded similar values. It is suggested that the greater elongation of the vastus lateralis tendon and aponeurosis of the fast group benefits energy storage and return as well as the shortening velocity of the muscle - tendon unit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of five pedal crank arm lengths (110, 145, 180, 230 and 265 mm) on hip, knee and ankle angles and on the peak, mean and minimum power production of 11 males (26.6 +/- 3.8 years, 179 +/- 8 cm, 79.6 +/- 9.5 kg) during upright cycle ergometry. Computerized 30 s Wingate power tests were performed on a free weight Monark cycle ergometer against a resistance of 8.5% body weight. Joint angles were determined, with an Ariel Performance Analysis System, from videotape recorded at 100 Hz. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and contrast comparisons revealed that, with increasing crank arm lengths, there was a significant decrement in the minimum hip and knee angles, a significant increment in the ranges of motion of the joints, and a parabolic curve to describe power production. The largest peak and mean powers occurred with a crank arm length of 180 mm. We conclude that 35 mm changes in pedal crank arm length significantly alter both hip and knee joint angles and thus affect cycling performance.  相似文献   

Knee joint forces during downhill walking with hiking poles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to determine external and internal loads on the knee joint during downhill walking with and without hiking poles. Kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic data were collected from eight males during downhill walking on a ramp declined at 25 degrees. Planar knee joint moments and forces were calculated using a quasi-static knee model. The results were analysed for an entire pole-cycle as well as differentiated between single and double support phases and between each step of a pole-cycle. Significant differences between downhill walking with and without hiking poles were observed for peak and average magnitudes of ground reaction force, knee joint moment, and tibiofemoral compressive and shear forces (12-25%). Similar reductions were found in patellofemoral compressive force, the quadriceps tendon force and the activity of the vastus lateralis; however, because of a high variability, these differences were not significant. The reductions seen during downhill walking with hiking poles compared with unsupported downhill walking were caused primarily by the forces applied to the hiking poles and by a change in posture to a more forward leaning position of the upper body, with the effect of reducing the knee moment arm.  相似文献   

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