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采用文献资料法、调查法等研究方法,对山东省农村居民体育活动发展状况进行了调查分析,随着新农村建设的深入发展,农村居民对体育健身的内容、形式及场所的选择有一定倾向性,不同人均GDP地市的居民对参与体育活动的需求态度呈多元化,现代和传统体育项目都受农村居民欢迎。  相似文献   

我国西部地区居民体育健身情况研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用献资料法、逻辑分析法对我国西部地区居民体育健身情况进行了分析研究。我国西部地区居民的体育态度积极,体育认知水平在提高,体育动机多样化,活动项目和形式带有明显的区域性和民族性特点,活动场所相对固定。但体育人口低于我国平均水平,体育消费水平较低,缺乏兴趣、方法、知识、组织指导和健身环境是影响我国西部地区居民健身活动主要因素。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法,通过对杭州地区成年居民体育健身现状的调查,结果表明:增强体质是杭州地区成年居民参与体育健身的主要目的,健身内容简单,但健身价值,项目选择存在性别和年龄的差异;体育健身参与率低,并具有随意性和不稳定性特点;成年男性体育健身状况好于女性;20~39岁年龄段居民体育健身状况较差;健身意识差,闲暇时间不足是影响杭州地区成年居民体育健身的主要因素。  相似文献   

章玮 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(6):731-733
通过问卷调查、文献资料调研和数理统计等方法,对常州工学院大学生体育健身认知行为的现状进行调研分析,结果表明:大多数学生对体育健身的意义有较明确的认知,超过半数以上的大学生能把体育健身活动作为日常生活内容的组成部分,并表示将来参与终身体育健身活动,然而他们参与体育健身的行为却与其所表现出的态度存在较大反差,这一点女大学生显得尤为突出.大多数大学生每周不同程度地参加体育健身活动,但他们体育活动的时间和次数不足,锻炼效果也不佳,这可能与大学生体育意识薄弱、组织辅导跟不上以及缺乏场地与器材等因素有关.  相似文献   

通过分析改革开放后中国农村政策变革所造成的农村社会文化变迁对农村妇女参与民族传统体育的影响,我们认为:第一,农村社会进步、农村群众体育的蓬勃开展对农村妇女参与民族传统体育活动起到了巨大的促进作用。第二,在促进农村妇女参与民族传统体育活动的过程中,党的方针政策起了巨大的催化作用。第三,改革开放后农村社会文化变迁对农村妇女参与民族传统体育活动既有正面的、也有负面的的影响。在社会经济发展促进农村妇女健身意识和健身需求提高的同时,社会休闲娱乐方式的增加,西方竞技体育的进入也丰富了农村妇女娱乐和健身的可选择性,从而影响其参与民族传统体育活动行为。  相似文献   

本文以女性视角为基点,采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈调查、数理统计等研究方法;对湘西地区妇女参与民族传统体育活动情况进行了详细的描述和分析,研究了湘西地区妇女参与民族传统体育的目的与动机、影响因素分析等;揭示了湘西地区妇女参与民族传统体育的需求与愿望包括妇女在参与体育锻炼的项目、活动地点及活动形式的选择;结合湘西地区的调查研究,提出传承与发展妇女民族传统体育的策略。  相似文献   

湘西地区群众参与传统体育活动现状与需求趋向研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献资料调研、分层与整群抽样相结合、实地访谈、数理统计等方法,对湘西地区群众参与传统体育活动现状与需求趋向进行了调查研究。结果表明,湘西地区传统体育活动具有深刻的民族文化烙印,不能简单地用全民健身等现代锻炼标准加以衡量与评价;群众性传统体育活动缺乏有效的组织管理,亟需加大政府扶持力度;需求趋向体现出多元化特征,在整体需求趋向中,群众希望传统体育活动在保留传统与特色的基础上进行适当改造,走健身娱乐之路。  相似文献   

浙江省新农村女性的健身参与与促进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,对浙江省新农村女性参与健身活动的认知、目的、行为与内容及影响因素进行了调查与分析,认为新农村女性有强烈的参与健身活动的意识,对体育健身与卫生保健知识有一定的认知,但健身项目与形式、场所的选择比较单一.主张扩大宣传,充分发挥新农村妇联及非政府组织的作用,增加投入,加强新农村女性体育的科学研究,为新农村女性提供良好的健身环境和健身方式,实现新农村体育与小康社会的和谐发展.  相似文献   

上海市青少年体育发展现状实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等,对上海市青少年体育发展现状进行实证研究。结果显示:在“阳光体育运动”认知与参与层面,青 少年学生对于“阳光体育运动”的认知基本上处于浅显了解层面,“应试教育”制度下造成的“学习压力大”仍然是制约青少年参加体育活动的最 主要因素;在学校体育教育层面,体育教师的“量”较充裕,但“质”不容乐观,学校体育场馆器材基本能满足体育教学,但体育课教学内容尚不能 满足学生多元化的体育需求;在社区体育层面,针对青少年的社区体育场地设施较为短缺,社区青少年体育活动的组织情况不容乐观,青少年参 与社区体育活动的状况不佳;在家庭体育层面,家长对青少年参与体育活动的态度较为积极,但对青少年参加学校运动队训练支持率一般。  相似文献   

为促进湘鄂渝黔边区农村妇女的体育发展,采用随机整群抽样方法,选择该地区520名农村妇女进行实地调查,对影响该地区农村妇女体育行为的因素进行logistic回归分析。结果表明:生活满意度、参加体育活动意愿、体育设施、家人的支持、政府宣传和组织是湘鄂渝黔边区农村妇女体育行为的主要影响因素。建议提高湘鄂渝黔边区农村妇女体育行为认知,家庭、社会和政府部门积极支持农村妇女参加体育活动,通过扩大宣传、积极组织农村妇女体育活动、不断完善农村公共体育基础设施建设等,促进湘鄂渝黔边区农村妇女体育发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the development of sport participation in the rural peripheral area of northeast Germany over a time period of 35 years from modernization and transformation theoretical perspectives. The data are based on 3 healthcare surveys carried out in 1973, 1994 and 2004/2008 in the adult population of 14 rural communities. A comparison of the results of the surveys revealed that participation in sports increased from 23?% in the year 1973 to 55?% in 2004/2008. Women in particular showed an increased participation in sports. In 2004/2008 women had a 1.32 greater chance to be actively engaged in sport than men. In 1973 the chance of women actively engaged in sport to undertake 2 h per week was only half as high as men active in sport; however, sex differences in the extent of sport have leveled off over time. Age and education were associated with sport participation in all three time periods surveyed. In the 1970s the highest sport participation was in the group with an average level of education but in 1994 and 2004/2008 there was a social gradient with the highest participation in sports in the group with the highest education level. In 1973 a social gradient in sport participation could be observed depending on the income. Because sport participation in rural communities lies clearly below the average total German and also East German levels, despite positive developments and is still greatly dependent on sociodemographic features, it is suggested that this can be counteracted by sport developmental programs specific for rural peripheral areas.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、逻辑分析和实地考察等研究方法,从文化权利视角对全民健身计划实施中的农村体育社会整合问题进行研究。结果表明:社会整合就是以利益关系协调为基础的各种社会关系的协调,其实质是协调利益关系。实现文化权利是文化利益协调的基础,体育机构和一种文化权利,农村体育赛事的文化利益体现在促进农民体育参与、改善农村体育基础设施、提供文化信息、强化群体文化认同等方面。发展农村体育对农村社会整合具有重要意义。  相似文献   

体育公共服务是最能体现一个国家体育整体实力的关键要素。我国体育的薄弱环节就是公共服务。全民健身服务是我国体育公共服务的重要组成部分。因此,研究全民健身服务供给体系,对我国体育强国的建设有着举足轻重的作用。本文在分析了我国全民健身服务供给体系的现实基础以及全民健身服务供给存在的问题后,围绕体育大国向体育强国迈进的背景和时代要求,体育强国进程中群众体育的目标与任务,全民健身服务体系的概念与内涵,提出了创新我国全民健身服务供给体系的思路和对策,以期为我国实现由体育大国向体育强国迈进提供必要的理论基础和现实依据。  相似文献   

Lin Jiao 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(12-13):1369-1389

International sport provides an environment where individuals experience their nations in various ways that could shape their identities, knowledges, and behaviours; however, this has been long neglected in the studies of the history of Chinese women’s sports. Remarkably successful in competitions in Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, the Shanghai Liangjiang Women’s Basketball Team is an ideal case that could answer the following question: how did international sport shape Chinese sportswomen’s sense of nationalism in the early 1930s? Through examining team members’ self-identification, gendered choices in international games, constructions of the Japanese, Koreans, and Southeast Asians, this article explores the complicated relationship between national identity building, women’s daily experiences and international sport. It argues Chinese women’s participation in international sports in the early 1930s reinforced their national identifications and nationalistic sentiments. Female players’ shared national pride and humiliation overshadowed their entire foreign experiences.  相似文献   

During the 1920s, women physical educators promoted play days as an alternative model of sport for women that emphasized participation over competition. Play days were special events where girls played a variety of games and sports in teams comprised of girls from different schools. Winning was not important to the success of the day but social activities were. Women physical educators believed this model would ensure that women's sport avoided the abuses found in men's athletics while staying within the boundaries of acceptable gender and class behaviour. The women's leadership worked diligently to market play days as the correct way for women to play sports. They were quite successful with schools and colleges but not in other sport settings. By the 1960s, social forces began to erode the barriers between the play day model and the competitive model. The legacy of play days was at best a mixed one.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对福建省漳州市“城中村”妇女体育参与现状进行调查研究.结果显示:“城中村”妇女的工作时间长、体育意识淡薄,体育参与率和体育消费较低,对体育活动的组织和体育设施的投入要求不高.影响“城中村”妇女参与体育锻炼的因素有年龄、工作时间、受教育程度、职业、家庭月收入.建议政府管理部门加强对“城中村”妇女进行体育卫生健康教育的宣传,适当增加“城中村”体育活动和体育设施的投入,并协调相关劳动部门调整中低阶层群体的收入分配,缩短女工的工作时间等.  相似文献   

在我国全民健身的实施过程中,我国参与体育锻炼人群中女性比例很小,我国女性休闲体育发展缓慢,文章以女性休闲体育对女性休闲生活的积极作用为视角,通过分析对女性体育的影响因素,揭示了休闲体育对女性生活的特殊作用,并提出构建女性休闲体育的发展策略,这对提高全民族身体素质和全民健身有着深远影响。  相似文献   


Although the significance of gender and disability issues has gradually increased in the global society during the past three decades, there are only few studies with regard to the deaf community and sport. This article examines the level of Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing women’s participation in sports and the factors for their continued underrepresentation. The WomenSport International’s Task Force on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Girls and Women in Sport conducted a world-wide survey to determine and assess the needs of deaf and hard of hearing girls and women in sport. A snapshot of the results and issues and future aspirations are provided.  相似文献   

The participation of women in sport is significant to socio-economic empowerment in any country. Evidence reveal that although South Asian female athletes are capable of winning medals in the Olympics, a very low percentage of the South Asian female population ever participate actively in sport. The status and circumstances to participate in sport are restricted for many female athletes in South Asia. This paper examined the main factors that influence women's sporting participation in South Asian countries. Data were analysed by using documentary analysis method. This paper analysed a combination of concepts addressing women and sport in South Asia in two ways. Firstly, it emphasises the issues and patterns of women's participation in sport in South Asian countries after the independence from the British Empire. Secondly, it highlights the benefits to South Asian societies of women's participation in sport, but argues why South Asian women are trivialised in sports participation. Results revealed the inequalities and discrimination that constrain women from participating in the South Asian sports sector as personal, social and cultural barriers. Possible solutions are provided to reduce these factors to encourage South Asian women's participation in sport. Success and the implications of South Asian governments’ interventions on women and sport are also discussed. Results of this study revealed the inequalities and discrimination that constrain women from participating in the South Asian sports sector is continuing.  相似文献   

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