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日本链球运动员营原武男用旋转3圈的方法投掷时,成绩较差,改用旋转4圈后,充分发挥了力量,投掷成绩显著提高。在墨西哥奥运会比赛中,以69.78米的成绩获得第四名。当时他的身高是1.74米,体重84公斤,30岁。一个矮小的、体重较轻,年龄又较大的运动员,改用旋转4圈后能投远16米引起许多国家教练员的注视。从此,为提高投掷远度,采用旋转4圈投掷的运动员就多起来了。  相似文献   

田径运动是一切运动的基础,而投掷项目又是田径竞技项目的一个重要组成部分。几年来我担任业体兼职教练员,以投掷项目为主,着重抓了投掷运动员的选材、组织和训练。1 合理化选材将有投掷天赋的中小学生选入投掷队,是出成绩的重要一环。1·1 身体条件,包括身高、体重、臂长、手脚比例等。对铅球运动员就应考虑身材高大,臂长、大手大脚,根据器械的重量这样  相似文献   

从运动学、动力学和肌肉生物力学等方面对比分析,旋转式铅球投掷技术相比背向滑步铅球投掷技术具备延长铅球预先加速工作距离,提高铅球加速动力,获得较高的出手速度等优势。通过对比分析发现旋转投掷技术动作对运动员身高、体重要求较低,可以弥补亚洲运动员身高、体重、力量方面不足,值得在教学和科研中研究,并在运动训练中加以实践。  相似文献   

去年金秋10月在上海举行的世界中学生运动会上,我国投掷项目占据一定的优势,共取得了男、女投掷七个项目的六枚金牌,其中女子铁饼、标枪、铅球的前两名都被我国选手包揽(见表1)。这反映了我国中学生运动员的运动技术水平处于领先地位,也说明我国业余训练抓得早、抓得好,这为我国优秀运动员的表1.1998年世界中学生运动会田径赛投掷比赛前三名成绩前期训练奠定了良好的基础。我国中学生投掷选手中的女选手,身高、体重、身体形态方面略占优势,她们一般身高在1.75~1.80米之间,体重在75~80公斤,体态匀称、健壮。在专项技术上与外…  相似文献   

尹文兵 《精武》2013,(23):34-34,36
在体育教学实践中,投掷实心球运动是一项重要的项目,那么如何提高投掷实心球的成绩成为一项关键的教学任务。实心球运动项目是一项技术结构较复杂的运动,在投掷时需要身体本身的力量加一定的技术技巧,在投掷实心球测验时想要获得高分成绩,必须牢固的掌握实心球投掷时各个环节身体姿势及技巧的良好配合。本文对实心球投掷时的技术方法进行详细的论述,为相关教师提供借鉴,更好的教授学生投掷实心球的方式方法,使学生投掷实心球时可以获得良好的成绩。  相似文献   

莫斯科市《斯巴达克》体育协会运动员 H·利索夫斯卡娅(生于1962年7月16日,身高为1.87米,体重92公斤),是在11岁时入塔什干运动寄宿学校开始从事田径运动的,在这所运动寄宿学校中,利索夫斯卡娅在该校教师 P·H·西斯曼的指导下进行训练,她在这里得到良好的全面训练。以后逐渐确定她的运动专项——推铅球和投掷铁饼(1982年,利索夫斯卡娅在铁饼比赛中取得很高的成绩———63.44米)。从  相似文献   

本取样(统计素材)来自讲义、杂志、报刊等,世界各国优秀男标枪运动员60名,成绩在80m以上,时间53~85年间,女运动员在60m以上,时间64~88年间,其统计学处理得出结果:男子标枪运动员身高、体重、相对体重三项指标与专项成绩成正相关,且相关值极其显说明专项成绩不但与运动员体重、相对体重关系甚大,而且与其身高关系也极其密切。与男运动员相比同等体态的女运动员,由于各项身体素质相对较差,所以不宜追求过高的身高、体重指数。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国与世界优秀篮球运动员的综合比较分析, 找出影响我国男子掷链球运动成绩提高的因素,为优化我国男子掷链球运动训练结构,提高我国男子链球运动成绩提供科学的依据。1身体形态的比较分析旋转速度是掷链球技术核心。在其他条件相同时,体重越大,其转动加速度就越低,对成绩的负面影响也越大。经比较, 我国男子链球运动员的平均身高低于国外运动员,而体重却超过他们。2身体素质的比较分析掷链球是体能主导类速度力量性投掷项目,要求运动员必须具备良好的速度力量和爆发力。经比较,我国男子链球运动员的基础力量水平并不低,而速度力量发展水平却较差。因此,在训练过程中应加强弹跳力和速度力量的训练,使身体素  相似文献   

一、投掷过程中铁饼的运动投掷铁饼,多数是采用背对着投掷方向,用旋转前进的方法将铁饼投掷出去的。在铁饼出手之前,铁饼参与了两个运动:一是铁饼相对人体重心的相对运动;二是人体重心相对地面的牵连运动。因此,铁饼的出手速度即绝对速度便是相对速度和牵连速度的矢量合成,如图一所示。众所周知,出手速度对投掷的成绩至关重要,它与投掷距离的平方成正比。但怎样才能增大出手速度呢?长期以来,人们始终  相似文献   

小罗出生于青海省海溪州,那是海拔3200米的高原地区。她今年24岁,身高1.62米,体重50公斤,从小喜爱运动。1973年上初中时,在地区中学生运动会上以5′15″的成绩获得女子1500米第一名,选进青海省队。当时身高1.53米,体重40公斤。历年比赛最高成绩如下:  相似文献   

This study examined the predictive ability of the medicine ball chest throw and vertical jump for muscular strength and power in adolescents. One hundred and ninety adolescents participated in this study. Participants performed trials of the medicine ball chest throw and vertical jump, with vertical jump peak power calculated via an estimation equation. One-repetition maximum and peak power for the chest press and leg press were assessed using pneumatic exercise machines. The medicine ball chest throw strongly correlated with chest press one-repetition maximum and peak power, while the vertical jump peak power strongly correlated with leg press one-repetition maximum and peak power. The predictive ability of medicine ball chest throw was better than vertical jump peak power for muscular strength and power when controlling for sex, age, height, weight, and maturation, and was not affected by involvement in sports. Results show good predictive ability of the medicine ball chest throw for muscular strength and power in adolescents, while predictable ability of vertical jump peak power is weakened when other factors are taken into account.  相似文献   

二元与一元运动训练理论辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾善光  陶于 《体育学刊》2007,14(5):19-23
通过对二元与一元训练理论的分析认为,两种理论构建基础以及产生分歧的主要原因是对体能与技术关系的认识问题,特别是对早期训练专项化及专项化过程中体能与技术相互转化关系的认识。运动训练最终目的是发展竞技能力、提高专项运动成绩,体能与技术是专项竞技能力结构中的重要组成部分,体能与技术的高度统一是发展专项竞技能力的重要途径,而早期专项化训练过程中体能与技术的相互转化才是专项竞技运动能力发展的关键。两种"理论"在指导具体的训练实践方面应是相辅相成的关系。  相似文献   

身体形态是人体结构的外在表现,与人体的机能、体能密切相关。本文通过对2005-2010年江苏省24000名中小学生身高指标、体重指标及身高标准体重评价进行比较(2005年和2010年7-18岁每个年龄段男∕女生各500名),分析五年来江苏省中小学生身体形态的变化特点和趋势,为体育行政部门的决策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8-9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: 'sit & reach', medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and body mass index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   

研究体育专业和非体育专业大学生基础代谢率以及总能量消耗的差异,为大学生了解促进体质健康的因素提供借鉴和参考.采用大学生能量监控系统实验手段,采用t检验对测量所得的数据进行横向比较.体育专业学生总能量消耗比非体育专业学生总能量消耗均大.其中体育专业男生和非体育专业男生有显著性差异,基础代谢率偏高.体育专业和非体育专业的学生的体质存在一定性的差异.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the maturity-related differences and its influence on the physical fitness, morphological and performance characteristics of young elite paddlers. In total, 89 kayakers and 82 canoeists, aged 13.69 ± 0.57 years (mean ± s), were allocated in three groups depending on their age relative to the age at peak height velocity (pre-APHV, circum-APHV and post-APHV) and discipline (kayak and canoe). Nine anthropometric variables, a battery of four physical fitness tests (overhead medicine ball throw, countermovement jump, sit-and-reach test and 20 m multistage shuttle run test) and three specific performance tests (1000, 500 and 200 m) were assessed. Both disciplines presented significant maturity-based differences in all anthropometric parameters (except for fat and muscle mass percentage), overhead medicine ball throw and all performance times (pre > circum > post; < 0.05). Negative and significant correlations (< 0.01) were detected between performance times, chronological age and anthropometry (body mass, height, sitting height and maturity status), overhead medicine ball throw and sit and reach for all distances. These findings confirm the importance of maturity status in sprint kayaking and canoeing since the more mature paddlers were also those who revealed largest body size, physical fitness level and best paddling performance. Additionally, the most important variables predicting performance times in kayaking and canoeing were maturity status and chronological age, respectively.  相似文献   

中外优秀足球运动员身高、体重特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
身高、体重是足球运动员最重要的身体形态指标。通过对中外优秀足球运动员的身高、体重的比较研究,寻求我国足球运动水平与世界足球强国的差距所在。  相似文献   


A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8–9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: ‘sit & reach’, medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   

文章运用实验法分析我国青年男篮运动员身体形态、素质与运动技术的相关性,建立线性回归方程,为优秀篮球运动员的选材提供参考。结果显示,我国青年男篮运动员整体状况一般,但处于生长发育期,仍有发展空间;克托莱指数与身高、体重、伸臂高均呈正相关,而体质指数与体重显著相关,与身高无线性关系;伸臂高与运动技术水平正相关,身高、体重与三角移动负相关,与下肢爆发力、力量素质及速度素质正相关,纵跳、摸高与伸臂高正相关,而与投篮、运球、脚步移动等技术呈负相关,且大部分运动技术与身体素质间无线性相关。  相似文献   

武术运动生理学、生物化学研究现状与分析(综述)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对长拳、南拳、太极拳类套路和散手运动的能量代谢特点及发展该能力的训练方法,对武术科研中评定运动员负荷强度及运动能力的生理和生化指标的研究现状,成果进行了综述讨论。  相似文献   

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