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In the second half of the nineteenth century, sport and tourism developed simultaneously under British inspiration. The models of the Alpine Club and the Touring Club set examples which were emulated in France, thus benefiting the development of physical activities and the planning of places of interest. While private commercial initiatives were only slowly emerging, the French Alpine Club and Canoe Club, effectively assisted by the Touring Club de France, promoted tourist expansion. This paper shows how the cooperation orchestrated between the sports and tourist societies played a driving role in the development of the tourist economy in France. To support this project, this case study uses the comparative analysis of two tourist areas: the banks of the River Marne, taken over by Parisian water sport enthusiasts, and the Dauphiné Alps, favoured by English mountaineers as early as the 1860s. Comparing two different geographical areas and two different activities allows us to highlight the common process which accounts for the joint development of sports and tourist activities. Our analyses, which are based on a precise chronology and a detailed cartography, underline the progressive structuring of sports sites and development of tourist infrastructures needed to accommodate sportsmen and -women. This work is founded on an analysis of the archives and publications of the above-mentioned organizations. The tourist development of these areas is identified through cadastral maps and tourist guides.  相似文献   

In France, there is a growing enthusiasm for outdoor sports and recreation. In the meantime, the risk of both severe and frequent injury associated with active pursuits in mountain areas is acknowledged. This paper tackles accidents related to mountain sports, with a focus on three critical activities: hiking, mountaineering and ski touring. The aim consists of estimating the actual number of accidents (whether they entailed deaths or injuries) in the three above-mentioned activities. In order to align the information collected, then provide estimations based on the reasoned crossing of these secondary data, we consulted and summarised all the databases available on the French territory. Results address the trauma-related mortality in absolute values, and a comparison with the death rate of other sports. The calculation of a mortality index, including secondary mortality, is then provided. Elements of mountain sports accidentality are also presented, intending to clarify how many casualities occur each year in the French mountains. Last, a focus on the particularities of each mountain sport is provided.  相似文献   


The development of outdoor activities has been dominated by a two-fold movement: first, it has been regularly renewed through the appropriation of new spaces and the creation of new sports equipment enabling nature to be explored in different ways; second, increased accessibility to practice areas has made practice more democratic. Our study focuses on the practice areas and their implications for the evolution of the activity. We will show that accessibility was first made possible by the urbanization of nature, especially through the creation of tourist destinations. This led to the planning and creation of practice areas in and around urban zones at the expense of an artificial landscaping of sites, which raises serious issues as to the future of the activities. This study uses an extensive corpus of French sources ranging from publications by outdoor activity groups to public archives, especially from the Ministry of Sports and the Institute for Urban Planning and Development of the Greater Paris region.  相似文献   

Tourism is important for many rural territories in France, notably with respect to economic development. A growing element of such tourist activity concerns outdoor sports which rely heavily on a region’s natural resources and are centred predominantly on a series of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Given the importance of tourism to local economies, a fuller understanding of the nature and operational characteristics of these enterprises, and of their relationship with other local actors, is essential to ensure their future development. With this objective, this paper aims to explore and evaluate the emergence of ‘localised tourist systems’ and the adaptation of this concept to outdoor sports. By using a systems approach, emphasis is given to analysing the interplay between different actors in the public, private and associative sectors and the mutual benefits that derive from such collaboration. Using evidence from the region of Ardèche in south-east France, it is argued that outdoor sports entrepreneurs form part of a ‘localised outdoor sports tourist system’ which provides added-value to the activities of these enterprises and to local institutional actors and the means to create a competitive advantage for the region’s tourist development. Future research might usefully explore in more detail the relative strength of linkages between the different actors.  相似文献   

Tourism and sport are two phenomena that rapidly expanded at the end of the nineteenth century. The latter is often viewed as a service in a system structured by the former, in the way tennis courts or golf courses are established near hotel facilities. Yet, the development of outdoor sports reveals that a tourist territory can be defined by its sports function. Through the example of mountaineering in the French Pelvoux massif, we are going to show that a physical activity may have a major role in determining tourist territories and the local economic growth. This research paper investigates, chronologically and geographically, the expansion of mountaineering in the Pelvoux massif and its spin-off effects on touristic amenities, especially in the development of hotel services, town-and-country planning and communications. This demonstration is based on archives from several alpine societies – the French Alpine Club, the Society of Dauphiné Tourists and the Touring Club de France – as well as on monographs published by mountaineers.  相似文献   

陈琳  李谦 《冰雪运动》2012,(2):64-68
为促进新疆冰雪运动的发展,提高我国冰雪运动项目的综合实力,加快新疆冰雪运动的发展速度,缩小新疆与黑龙江冰雪运动发展的差距,实现西北和东北地区“两翼齐飞”,共同推动我国冰雪运动发展,运用文献资料法对新疆和黑龙江冰雪运动发展特征、自然条件、政府重视程度、场地设施、后备人才、群众基础进行了对比分析和研究,提出加强政府重视程度、加大冬季体育场馆及场地建设力度、提高后备人才质量、科学化管理和加强科研力量等对策,旨在找出新疆冰雪运动发展模式,为相关管理部门实施政策提供有力依据  相似文献   

This study attempts to analyse the means by which winter sports were spread in France. I look more specifically at the political factors that promoted the development of skiing, within the context of international tension that prevailed during the years prior to World War I. My analysis strives to demonstrate the importance of discourse and actions centred on patriotism, and to point out the factors that brought skiing into people's everyday lives and helped them acquire a sense of national affiliation. My approach consists of analysing the justifications given for the promotion of skiing on France's mountain ranges, particularly those aimed at its mountain populations. The forms of legitimacy used to justify the development of skiing, its close-knit relations with the army, the institutional framework selected under the influence of the French Alpine Club, the staging of practices and forms of sociability maintained for each targeted population – all of these phenomena help grasp the ways in which new norms dictating social behaviours were disseminated and internalised in the mountains of France.  相似文献   

The development of life skills has been associated with participation in sport, football and other physical activities. A factor in enabling this ambition to be realized is the actions and behaviours of sports coaches. Drawing on the concept of positive youth development through sport, the first part of this paper considers the types of environments coaches need to create in order for players to develop life skills. The second part of this paper discusses formal coach education and its role in developing coaches’ knowledge of life skills development. The third and final section of this paper offers an alternative explanation of how people’s exposure to certain social contexts results in the development of life skills. A review of literature in these areas reveals that the role sport and football has played in players’ development of life skills is unclear and in need of future research attention.  相似文献   

北京成功申办2022年第24届冬奥会,我国的冰雪运动将迎来宝贵的发展契机,学校体育是我国体育事业发展的重要基础,冰雪运动进校园将是发展我国体育事业良好的举措,冰雪项目的普及应注重冰雪文化的营造,本文主要运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对学校营造校园冰雪文化的积极作用及国外发达国家校园冰雪文化营造进行分析,整理国外发达国家的营造方式并分析其营造特点。提出以下对我国校园冰雪文化营造的启示:(1)我国应积极探索冰雪运动文化与其他学科的结合学习,努力搭建冰雪文化成长平台。(2)我国应结合自身情况创建必要的冰雪运动教材供学生学习、使用。(3)在学校中适当开展冰雪运动的相关集体活动、冰雪运动竞赛,丰富校园冰雪活动、烘托校园冰雪文化,起到引导、促进作用。(4)在条件允许情况下积极设立冰雪运动校队、社团,给爱好冰雪运动的学生提供成长的环境,也起到以点带面的作用利于冰雪文化的传播及冰雪运动的整体发展。  相似文献   

体育强国建设背景下中国冰雪运动公共政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以体育强国建设对我国冰雪运动发展的统摄作用为切入点,分析我国冰雪运动发展的新时代背景及存在短板。提出:以体制改革和科技助力的方式提升冰雪运动竞技水平;以科学规划和丰富类型的方式拓展冰雪运动场地供给;以业态均衡和服务大众的方式打造冰雪运动产业链条;以主体建设和注重青少年普及的方式夯实冰雪运动大众基础。应彰显2022年北京冬奥会重大事件的引领作用,全面发挥冰雪运动的辐射作用。厘清政府、社会和市场在发展冰雪运动中的作用:在“放、管、服”改革趋势下,政府应扶持全国性冰雪运动协会发挥其在标准和政策制定、赛事推广、人才培养、对外交流等方面的作用,在全国范围内启动层次化、社会化、市场化融合发展模式,通过购买服务、委托代理、合作治理等方式与社会组织共同创办多元化的冰雪活动;在社会方面,应通过网络化、层级化、基层化的冰雪运动社会组织强化社会治理能力,使有组织的冰雪运动深入基层;在产业方面,应以产业融合方式重点构建冰雪运动服务型产业业态,塑造创新型产业品牌,促进其高质量发展。  相似文献   

我国与世界冬季体育运动发展大国相比,还存在一定的差距,分析冬季体育运动与产业发展的现状,对促进我国冬季体育运动与产业向世界大国迈进具有重要的意义。采用文献资料法、调查法、逻辑分析法、实证研究法、数理统计法为主要研究方法,对我国冬季奥林匹克运动发展现状进行研究,结果表明:我国参加冬季会比赛的运动项目数逐年增加,但能获得金牌的项目较少,项目布局不合理;训练体制与运动员培养形式过于传统化;冬季项目人才培养不系统;冬季运动相关的旅游业、彩票业、服务业、产品制造开发业、俱乐部制度、宣传传播方面发展滞后。针对这一现状提出,应理清冬季体育运动项目的发展规律,使项目得到全面的发展;建立完善的人才培养体系,为冬季项目的发展提供坚实的人才基础;以冬季体育旅游为龙头,发展冬季体育产业、彩票业、广告业等的建议。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对我国山地民族体育发展现状及路径进行分析与研究。认为山地民族体育以其独特的地域性展现着传统体育的魅力与价值,同时在与民众、社会、生态环境的相处中发挥了积极的促进作用。但是也存在着传统体育文化内涵弱化,难以得到良好的传播与传承等问题,在此基础上提出“挖掘民族文化内涵,构建民族生态旅游品牌;发挥新媒体的号召力;发挥学校体育教学的力量;以及运用民运会的影响力”等发展方式,以实现我国山地民族体育可持续发展。  相似文献   

经济欠发达旅游区体育旅游开发研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济欠发达旅游区的体育旅游开发存在着经济基础差、体育设施少、人才缺乏和赛事组织经验不足等不利因素,但其秀美险峻的自然资源和底蕴丰厚的人文资源优势蕴含着巨大的发展潜力。以国家级风景名胜区井冈山为实证,对经济欠发达旅游区体育旅游的资源、现状和存在的问题进行分析,进而提出解决问题的策略与建议。  相似文献   

我国体育旅游市场的区域发展特征及其制约因素   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
制约我国东部经济发达地区体育旅游市场发展的因素有:1)体育赛事水平不高;2)市场开发与经营力度不够;3)对体育旅游产业市场的培育不够。制约我国西部经济欠发达地区、民族区域体育旅游市场发展的因素有:1)地区经济落后,硬件基础设施陈旧;2)体育旅游产品质量不高;3)开发体育旅游资源的理念落后;4)缺乏专业的体育旅游人才。  相似文献   

通过分析改革开放后中国农村政策变革所造成的农村社会文化变迁对农村妇女参与民族传统体育的影响,我们认为:第一,农村社会进步、农村群众体育的蓬勃开展对农村妇女参与民族传统体育活动起到了巨大的促进作用。第二,在促进农村妇女参与民族传统体育活动的过程中,党的方针政策起了巨大的催化作用。第三,改革开放后农村社会文化变迁对农村妇女参与民族传统体育活动既有正面的、也有负面的的影响。在社会经济发展促进农村妇女健身意识和健身需求提高的同时,社会休闲娱乐方式的增加,西方竞技体育的进入也丰富了农村妇女娱乐和健身的可选择性,从而影响其参与民族传统体育活动行为。  相似文献   

论我国北方冬季群众体育的冰雪效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国北方的地域特点及冬季体育产业经济发展的实际出发,论述开发我省冬季群众体育项目必须与冰雪旅游产业融为一体,提出应主动开拓冬季体育产业市场,使我省冰雪运动成为冬季群众体育普及与冬季体育产业开发的重要基地。  相似文献   


Getúlio Vargas’ dictatorship (1937-1945) attributed to sports a key role to foment the formation of a ‘new Brazil’, using football as a crucial element to promote the state nationalist policy. A propitious moment for this attempt would be an international event, a space in which Brazil could demonstrate to the civilized nations – especially to the European countries – the best qualities of ‘the Brazilian race’. This arena was the 1938 World Cup, played in France. This essay presents some aspects of the relationship between football and the construction of Brazil’s national identity in the early twentieth century. My focus on the 1938 World Cup is due to the fact this was a quintessential event not only for the history of Brazilian sports but also for the debates on scientific racism and the construction of national identity. This event shaped, more than eight decades ago, the ways through which football articulated the core commonality of the Brazilian society, becoming one of the key elements to understand contemporary Brazil.  相似文献   

随着国家的发展和社会的进步,人民生活水平不断地提升,人们对健康的认识也在不断地重视,已不只是传统的单一的体育锻炼。而且,山地户外运动自从传到中国得到了快速的发展,户外运动俱乐部空前的发展,各大高校开设户外运动课程,显示出山地户外运动已经走进了人们的生活当中,人们开始接触山地户外运动项目,走进大自然,锻炼身心。但是在参加山地户外运动中存在好多安全风险,根据中国登山协会报道,每一年都会发生大大小小的安全事故,伤及自身。本文通过文献资料法和专家访谈法进行分析山地户外运动疾病和损伤的产生原因和机理,提出针对性的预防和处理,让人们认识到相关运动项目所存在的安全问题,结合自身,对症下药,降低山地户外运动的风险系数,提高自我安全意识。  相似文献   

冬季休闲体育与健身   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王东 《冰雪运动》2009,31(1):69-71
开展冬季休闲体育活动是健身、强体和预防疾病的重要手段之一。冬季休闲体育活动具有促进精神文明与经济的发展,能够强身健体,预防冬季"心理感冒"的作用与功能。研究认为冬季休闲体育呈现出社会参与广泛化、大众化和普及化,休闲项目与练习场馆多元化的发展趋势,正在成为人们一种积极的健康生活方式。提出冬季休闲体育与健身应注意积极热身,把握适宜的运动时间,因人而异选择适当运动项目,保持合理的运动量,注意预防疾病等。  相似文献   

对体育锻炼与主观幸福感关系进行探讨有利于人们健康生活方式的养成。采用心理资本与主观幸福感的2个修订量表,对武陵山片区1 226名非正式结构体育社团成员进行调查,构建了体育锻炼对主观幸福感影响的心理资本中介模型。结果显示:非正式结构体育社团成员的锻炼时长、锻炼频次和指导情况可分别正向预测主观幸福感和心理资本;心理资本可正向预测主观幸福感;心理资本在锻炼时长对主观幸福感预测中起着部分中介作用,在锻炼频次、指导情况对主观幸福感预测中起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

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