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Firms are encouraged to continually initiate innovation activities as part of their new product development processes and to be open to the use of external knowledge sources. Yet, many are abandoned. Openness to external knowledge sources and the experience of abandoning innovation activities are, therefore, becoming a part of an organization’s reality and innovation strategy. In this paper, we aim to explore how the experience of having abandoned an innovation activity can affect innovation performance and the role two key dimensions of openness, external search breadth and formal innovation collaboration breadth, play. Using data from the UK Innovation Survey, we find that the experience of having abandoned an innovation activity leads to improved innovation performance and that this is negatively moderated by the two dimensions of openness. When external search breadth is high, i.e. when an organization engages with a higher number of different types of knowledge sources, the link between abandoning innovation activities and innovation performance weakens. Similarly, when formal innovation collaboration breadth is high, i.e. the breadth of a firm’s formal collaboration relationships is high, the link between abandoning innovation activities and innovation performance also weakens. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

基于2010—2012年中国176家高技术上市公司数据,从专利技术许可视角,研究外向型开放创新模式下创新开放度与企业绩效的关系。研究表明,目前我国企业对外创新输出的开放程度总体较低,开放广度对企业财务绩效、创新绩效均无显著性影响,开放深度与财务绩效、创新绩效则呈现倒U型关系。企业可以通过调整外向型开放深度和优化创新广度和深度的协调关系提升创新绩效和财务绩效。  相似文献   

卢剑峰  陈思 《科研管理》2021,42(9):175-183
    企业创新离不开对外部知识的利用和搜寻,大数据技术能让企业在各种领域深层次地获取全面、完整的数据。因此本文探讨了外部知识搜寻对企业创新能力的影响。同时,将大数据能力的调节作用纳入考虑,探讨其在外部知识搜寻与企业创新之间的调节效果。研究中采用无反应偏差检验分析和同源偏差检验分析检验了数据的有效性;采用回归分析法来探讨各研究变量间关系并验证研究假设。研究结果显示外部知识搜寻深度和广度对激进式创新及渐进式创新均有正向影响,其中,搜寻广度对渐进式创新影响较大,搜寻深度则对激进式创新影响较大。在进行外部知识深度与广度搜寻时,大数据能力发挥显著正向作用。大数据能力对激进式创新和渐进式创新都有正向影响。大数据能力在外部知识搜寻深度与渐进式创新和激进式创新关系中有正向调节作用,在外部知识搜寻广度与渐进式创新和激进式创新的关系中调节作用发挥不明显。  相似文献   

基于创业板上市企业的面板数据,实证分析技术多元化广度和深度分别与企业创新绩效的关系以及动态能力分别对两者关系的调节作用。结果表明,技术多元化的广度与企业创新绩效之间呈正相关;技术多元化的深度与企业创新绩效之间呈正相关;动态能力正向调节技术多元化广度和深度与企业创新绩效的关系。  相似文献   

以ICT产业专利为数据基础,基于社会网络视角,构建2487家企业的专利引用网络,从知识吸收与知识扩散两个维度探究专利引用网络结构要素对企业创新绩效的影响。同时,剖析联系强度这一关系要素在知识流动与企业创新绩效关系间起的调节作用。实证结果表明:知识吸收广度和知识吸收深度对企业创新绩效有正向影响;知识扩散广度和知识扩散深度对企业创新绩效具有负向影响;联系强度正向调节知识吸收深度与知识扩散深度对企业创新的影响,但对知识吸收广度、知识扩散广度与企业创新绩效之间的关系没有起到预设的调节作用。  相似文献   

This article aims to reconcile the seemingly contradicting arguments put forth in different literatures regarding the role of financial resource constraints as inhibitors or enablers of innovation in organizations. Recognizing that innovative endeavors are regularly carried out through team projects, we examine when, i.e., under what conditions, financial resource constraints enable, rather than inhibit, the performance of innovation teams. Specifically, we propose that the relationship between financial constraints and innovation project performance is moderated by a bounded creativity approach, a team process that leverages the team's domain-relevant skills, an engaging project objective, strong team cohesion, and team potency.  相似文献   

科学合作在科学知识生产中扮演着重要角色,而科学研究所产生的科学知识对于企业技术创新至关重要。运用2000-2017年新能源汽车产业相关学科在web of science刊载的32715家中国组织参与的合作论文585348篇,构建组织间科学合作网络139090个(个体网)。同时从德温特数据库下载了1893家中国组织在新能源汽车产业申请的专利16112条,将参与了科学合作(合作论文)与产生了技术创新绩效(专利申请)的组织进行匹配,最终聚焦于174家企业,利用面板数据,实证分析我国新能源汽车产业科学合作网络关系如何影响企业技术创新绩效。研究发现,企业在网络中的关系广度与关系强度均能正向影响企业技术创新绩效,关系强度比关系广度对企业技术创新绩效的影响更直接;知识多样性(学科多样性和技术多元化)中介于网络关系对企业技术创新绩效的影响,学科多样性中介于关系强度对企业技术创新绩效的影响,而关系广度则通过技术多元化影响企业技术创新绩效;研究还发现,企业进行学科多样性和技术多元化均有利于其提升技术创新绩效。  相似文献   

The use of university-industry collaboration in the innovation process is viewed as a major driver of firm competitiveness. The organizational dynamics underlying successful external relationships, however, remain poorly understood. Using longitudinal case studies of 15 innovation projects, we examine how firms with varying degrees of experience in collaborating with universities and public research organizations rely on different social capital dimensions to achieve successful collaborations. We find that experienced firms establish external collaborations on the basis of cognitive social capital, but this basis is reinforced by relational social capital over time. Conversely, less experienced firms initially base their university collaborations on relational social capital, which is reinforced by cognitive social capital over time. Based on these findings, we theorize on the interplay of different dimensions of social capital in university-industry collaborations over time. Our study has important implications for the management of collaborative innovation projects. In particular, it provides guidance to enable less experienced firms to develop successful collaborations with university partners.  相似文献   

双元创新搜索对创新绩效的正向作用已得到研究支持,而多维视角的双元创新搜索研究及员工层面的双元创新搜索实现研究仍处于起步阶段。基于创新搜索、组织双元与情境理论,以多维视角构建三类双元创新搜索策略并分析其对创新绩效的差异化影响;从员工层面剖析情境分离的调节作用。通过275家企业调研数据,运用层次回归法得出实证结果:搜索目标相同时宽度与深度搜索双元并序、搜索目标不同时宽度与深度搜索交叉双元比单一搜索战略更显著地提升着创新绩效,且后种双元策略对创新绩效提升度最高;宽度或深度搜索时市场知识与技术知识搜索双元并序未能显著改进创新绩效甚至损害创新绩效;情境分离在双元创新搜索与创新绩效间起正向调节作用。  相似文献   

The paradox of openness: Appropriability,external search and collaboration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To innovate, firms often need to draw from, and collaborate with, a large number of actors from outside their organization. At the same time, firms need also to be focused on capturing the returns from their innovative ideas. This gives rise to a paradox of openness—the creation of innovations often requires openness, but the commercialization of innovations requires protection. Based on econometric analysis of data from a UK innovation survey, we find a concave relationship between firms’ breadth of external search and formal collaboration for innovation, and the strength of the firms’ appropriability strategies. We show that this concave relationship is stronger for breadth of formal collaboration than for external search. There is also partial evidence suggesting that the relationship is less pronounced for both external search and formal collaboration if firms do not draw ideas from or collaborate with competitors. We explore the implications of these findings for the literature on open innovation and innovation strategy.  相似文献   

由于企业自身知识和能力的局限性,创新搜索是其获得所需资源、推动创新发展的有效方式。现有研究表明,企业所采取的创新搜索策略会对其创新成果有显著的影响。采取开放式创新模式能够使企业接触到原本难以获得的资源,并对内部创新的驱动因素产生影响,促进创新的绩效。另外,对企业认知过程的研究也指出了创新搜索广度在消除其认知偏误方面的重要性。当面对创新风险带来的不确定性时,企业可以通过增加创新搜索的广度来有效应对。除了拥有多个创新目标之外,企业也可以通过增加创新信息来源数量来提升创新成功的可能性。本文以创新目标、信息来源与创新成功之间的关系为切入点,主要探讨了创新搜索广度对创新成功的影响程度,检验了创新搜索的"广种"效应。本研究主要回答以下三个问题:首先,企业的创新目标广度是否会提升其创新成功可能性?其次,企业的创新信息来源广度是否会提升其创新成功可能性?另外,创新搜索广度(包括创新目标广度与创新信息来源广度)与企业创新成功之间的关系是否会受到单一依赖性的影响?针对这三个问题,本文通过经济学与统计学相结合的理论分析建立了理论框架,并运用2008年中国企业创新调查数据进行了大样本(共包括30个制造业细分行业的870家企业信息)的实证分析,对创新搜索广度、创新信息来源广度对企业创新成功可能性的作用以及单一依赖性的影响进行了检验,发现并总结出关于我国制造业企业创新搜索"广种"效应的规律。研究发现:企业的创新目标广度与其创新成功可能性正向相关,即企业的创新目标越多,其创新成功可能性越大;企业的创新信息来源广度与其创新成功可能性正向相关,即企业的创新信息来源越多,其创新成功可能性越大;另外,企业的单一信息来源依赖性会负向调节信息来源广度对创新成功可能性的正向作用,但并不会完全抵消其正向影响。替换变量、分组回归等稳定性检验的结果进一步支持了本研究结论的正确性与可靠性。研究结论证明,我国制造业企业中创新搜索确实存在"广种"正效应,无论是增加创新目标还是扩展创新信息来源都对企业创新活动的成功有着显著的正向影响;同时,若企业对于少数创新信息来源依赖性过高,这种单一信息来源依赖性会削弱信息来源广度的正向作用,减小创新搜索的"广种"正效应。  相似文献   

金昕  陈松 《科研管理》2015,36(2):32-40
利用214家中国知识密集型服务企业的样本数据,实证检验了知识源广度和深度及其平衡如何影响企业的探索式创新绩效,以及动态能力在知识源广度和深度与探索式创新绩效关系间如何发挥中介和调节作用。研究结果表明提高知识源广度和深度均有利于提升企业的探索式创新绩效,其中,知识源广度比深度更有利于改善探索式创新绩效,但知识源广度与深度的平衡对探索式创新绩效的提升无显著影响;感知能力和转化能力在知识源广度和深度与探索式创新绩效之间均起到部分中介作用,但资本能力仅能够正向调节知识源深度对探索式创新绩效的提升。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(4):104724
Despite the importance of process innovation in fostering supply chain competitiveness, existing studies primarily emphasize product innovation and overlook institutional environments. This study builds on the dyadic capability-based view and institutional theory to investigate how buyer's and supplier's technological capabilities jointly affect supply chain process innovation in China. We differentiate between two distinct dimensions, technological capability strength and technological capability asymmetry, and propose that technological capability strength negatively influences supply chain process innovation whereas technological capability asymmetry promotes such innovation. We also examine how formal (i.e., government intervention) and informal (i.e., guanxi importance) institutional factors moderate the effects of technological capability strength and asymmetry on supply chain process innovation. Empirical analyses based on 157 buyer–supplier dyads in China offer strong support for our hypotheses, which provide important implications for the supply chain innovation collaboration literature and managerial practice.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on radical and incremental innovation in the services industry. Insights from the Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Ability-Motivation-Opportunity (AMO) Framework have been used to assess the role of social capital (SC) as a mediator between HPWS, radical innovation (RI), and incremental innovation (II). By using a simple random sampling technique, 328 responses were received from respondents in Pakistan's banking sector firms. For data analysis, structural equation modeling was applied. The results of the study show that HPWS is a significant driver of II, but not RI, in banking sector firms. Moreover, SC plays the role of mediator in the HPWS-innovation link. Outcomes of the study extend the understanding of the “black-box” (i.e., the transmission mechanism between systems of human resources(HR) practices and innovation). It also contributes to understanding HPWS, SC, II, and RI in the context of Pakistan's banking sector. This study expands on earlier research in the areas of HPWS, SC, and Innovation. It supports the view that internal SC enables RI and II. Prior studies indicated that HPWS drives innovations, yet there has been no clear explanation about the mechanism of this effect. By providing empirical evidence on the mediating role of SC, this study expands on existing literature. Empirical validation of an association between HPWS RI, and II contributes to theory by supporting the tenets of the AMO Framework. Unlike prior research that focused on short-term financial outcomes, this study used RI and II as alternate indicators of organizational performance. Our study expanded the literature into the services sector. Furthermore, we contributed to the methodology by conceptualizing HPWS as a high-order formative construct, resulting in significant model parsimony. Insights from our study are relevant to managers because it shows that HPWS implementation not only helps banks to attract, develop, and retain talent but also facilitates the development of SC, which is critical for enabling the innovation capability of the firm. Top managers need to consider internal SC in the design of HPWS because carefully designed HPWS drives SC. This enables idiosyncratic relationships among members of the organization. Thus, the firm gets a competitive advantage that is harder to be copied by competitors. First, data were collected from a single industry. It will be useful to know the effects of multiple industries in future research. Second, this study did not differentiate between different dimensions of SC, i.e., structural, cognitive, and relational. It will be interesting to see how these dimensions relate to HPWS and innovation in future research.  相似文献   

主动组织遗忘对企业组织实现突破式创新具有重要意义。利用江浙沪皖地区268家企业的515份样本数据,以外部知识搜寻宽度作为中介变量,研究主动组织遗忘和突破式创新的关系。研究结果显示:主动组织遗忘的两个维度忘却学习和避免恶习均对突破式创新产生显著的正向影响;外部新旧知识的搜寻宽度在主动组织遗忘和突破式创新之间均起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

在合作创新网络动态演进过程中,发明者面临着怎样的机会与约束?本文以华为公司和苹果公司在美申请专利数据为样本,运用负二项模型,实证研究了发明者自我网络动态对其知识深度搜索及广度搜索行为的影响,并实证了网络社群动态对自我网络动态与知识搜索深度及广度关系的调节效应。研究发现:发明者自我网络扩张和自我网络衰退对知识搜索深度及广度之间都存在倒U型的影响,而自我网络稳定负向影响知识搜索深度及广度。进一步实证发现:发明者所处的网络社群扩张对自我网络扩张与知识搜索深度及广度间的关系具有正向调节作用,网络社群稳定对自我网络稳定与知识搜索深度及广度间的关系具有正向调节作用,网络社群衰退对自我网络衰退与知识搜索深度及广度间的关系具有正向调节作用。本研究弥补当前静态视角及单一层面对创新网络功能机制的研究,对指导创新主体构建及管理自身创新网络具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

针对“关键核心技术创新突破”焦点问题,考虑创新过程的动态性特点、关键影响因素及其作用机制,以企业和学研机构为博弈主体构建产学研协同模式下关键核心技术创新演化博弈模型,系统探讨影响博弈双方合作策略选择的关键因素及其驱动机制,并结合数值仿真揭示各因素变动下协同创新系统的演化轨迹。结果表明:政策激励因素能够促进企业与学研机构协同创新,但不同政策措施的影响效果具有差异;降低合作成本和“搭便车”收益,提升合作收益增量能够促进协同创新;盲目设置过高的创新深度而使研发成功率过低无助于双方合作;企业对学研机构的研发资助、违约金、机会损失和声誉损失以及合理的利益分配系数能够有效抑制中途背叛行为的发生。基于此,提出优化政府政策组合、鼓励企业牵头组建创新联合体、完善体制机制设计等建议,从而为政府科学施策、精准施策,推动解决关键核心技术“卡脖子”问题提供实践参考。  相似文献   

如何提高组织柔性推动技术创新是动态环境下企业关心的重要问题。本研究在组织柔性理论和创新理论基础上,提出了基于战略导向的分析框架,并在调研基础上对各假设关系进行了实证检验。研究发现:能力柔性和资源柔性对技术创新产生不同的影响。资源柔性对渐进创新起促进作用,但对突变创新反而有不利的影响;而能力柔性对突变创新和渐进创新均有正向的推动作用。顾客导向只能提高资源柔性,对能力柔性没有显著的影响;企业家导向会增强企业的能力柔性,但会降低企业的资源柔性。研究通过分析不同战略导向对企业柔性影响的差异,阐述了导向对技术创新的不同作用。  相似文献   

While open innovation provides a new paradigm to sustain a firm’s competitive advantage, opening up to external knowledge also entails substantial risks of appropriation and opportunism. Building on this “open paradox” framework, this study investigates whether societal trust—a key aspect of informal cultural norms—serves as an effective mechanism in improving relational governance among partners, thereby leading to better collaborative outcomes. Using a novel panel data on co-owned patents across 29 countries, we show that firms in high trust countries are able to produce a higher level of joint output (i.e., co-owned patents). This effect is more pronounced when perceived opportunism is higher (i.e., firms in high-tech industries, or in countries with less disclosure transparency), and when formal contracts are less enforceable (i.e., in countries with relatively weak legal systems). We further show that open innovation is the channel through which societal trust promotes innovative efficiency. Overall, our study establishes societal trust as a key factor in influencing the efficiency of open innovation.  相似文献   

竞争战略、创新选择与企业绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郑兵云  李邃 《科研管理》2011,32(4):59-68
基本竞争战略对企业绩效的影响一直是学术界关注的焦点,但研究结论却出现了分歧。在相关研究的基础上,将渐进创新和突破创新作为中介变量,构建了竞争战略、创新选择与企业绩效关系的概念模型,通过问卷调研对316家企业进行了实证检验。研究发现,低成本战略和差异化战略对企业绩效都有显著的正向影响,但影响机制不同。低成本战略对绩效存在直接效应和以渐进创新为中介的间接效应;而差异化战略并不能直接提升企业绩效,只能通过突破创新对企业绩效产生正向影响。  相似文献   

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