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姜鑫 《情报理论与实践》2012,35(2):68-71,91
文章介绍了广泛存在于各类组织内的非正式网络的相关概念,分析了正式网络与非正式网络之间的关系,并从网络密度和距离、中心性分析、凝聚子群分析和结构洞分析等几个角度探讨了组织非正式网络内隐性知识共享活动的影响因素。以一家高新技术企业研发部门内的非正式网络为例,利用社会网络分析方法对这一非正式网络内隐性知识交流与共享的情况进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

曾萍  邓腾智  曾雄波 《科学学研究》2011,29(11):1696-1708
 以广东珠三角地区122家IT企业为研究对象,考察IT基础、知识共享与组织创新之间的关系,结果表明:组织内的知识共享,包括组织内非正式知识共享与正式的知识共享,均可以显著地促进技术创新,而组织内非正式知识共享与组织间的知识共享,则对管理创新有积极影响;IT基础对于组织间的知识共享以及组织内非正式知识共享有促进作用,但IT基础对于组织内正式的知识共享却没有显著影响;组织内知识共享,包括组织内非正式与正式的知识共享,在IT基础与技术创新之间起到了完全中介作用,而组织间的知识共享,包括组织间非正式与正式的知识共享,则在IT基础促进管理创新的过程中发挥了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

The importance of knowledge sharing for modern organizations is widely acknowledged. However, we know little about the micro-processes of knowledge sharing and its contribution to the work practices of organization members. In order to open the black box of knowledge sharing, two field studies were undertaken within industrial research organizations. Informed by speech act theory and the interpretation of research work as problem solving, the empirical studies yielded taxonomies of knowledge sharing moves and the effects of knowledge sharing. Taken together, these taxonomies show the heterogeneity of the process and value of knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the paper contributes to the nascent study of the justification of organizational knowledge by showing the different roles of moves in the development of justified solutions. Finally, the paper discusses the facilitation of the different types of knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

知识治理是知识管理活动的制度保障,是在制度层面上对知识行为的引导、激励和约束,进而维护知识活动各方的利益平衡、促进知识活动效益的最优化。知识共享行为是一种组织制度安排的结果,同时也是一种行为过程,受到知识治理的影响。知识治理对于知识共享行为的影响研究,很多的学者都从不同的侧面进行分析,涉及变量和因素有限,结论不稳定。另外,知识治理对于知识共享影响的内在机理有待进一步深入地探究。最后,从研究方法上,知识治理是组织层面的变量,个体知识共享是个体层面的变量,现有文献较少运用跨层次分析方法来整合组织和个体两个层面,剖析知识治理机制对个人层次知识共享的影响,因而研究结论有待验证。因此,基于现有文献研究的不足,本文探索性地引入中介变量组织支持感来分析知识治理对于知识共享行为的影响关系。依据已有的文献成果,本文提出以下8个假设:(1)正式知识治理对非正式知识治理具有正向的影响作用;(2)正式知识治理对于个体知识共享行为具有显著的正向影响;(3)非正式知识治理对于个体知识共享行为具有显著的正向影响;(4)正式知识治理对于组织支持感有显著的正向影响;(5)非正式知识治理对于组织支持感有显著的正向影响;(6)组织支持感对个体知识分享行为有显著的正向影响;(7)组织支持感中介了正式知识治理与个体知识共享行为之间的关系;(8)组织支持感中介了非正式知识治理与个体知识共享行为之间的关系。为了验证以上假设的有效性,本研究以中国华北地区140家企业621名员工为被试对象,其中男性占53.62%,本科以上员工占89.05%,工龄在5年以上的员工占76.97%,基层和一线工人占87.76%。对于模型中所涉及的变量,本文借鉴已有研究的中成熟量表进行测量。正式知识治理和非正式知识治理的测量参考了Cao等(2012)对于正式知识治理和非正式知识治理的测量量表,组织支持感使用Eisenberger编制的问卷,知识共享行为采用Yi开发了一套有效可靠的知识共享行为量表。所有变量在本文样本中内部一致性信度α系数都达到标准。在确保问卷的可信性和有效性基础上,本文利用跨层次分析对研究假设进行验证。得到了如下结论:(1)在知识管理领域中,员工组织支持感是链接组织知识治理与个体知识共享行为的中介桥梁。组织层面的知识管理活动一方面通过正式的知识治理对于员工的知识共享行为产生一定程度的影响,但是更重要是要通过对于员工组织支持感的影响来间接的作用员工知识共享行为。(2)组织知识活动对于员工个体知识共享行为的影响是多层次相互作用的结果,过程复杂。组织层面的正式知识治理通过三条途径作用员工个体知识共享行为:直接作用、通过非正式知识治理影响组织支持感的间接作用以及通过组织支持感的间接作用。非正式知识治理是间接的通过组织支持感的单途径来影响个体知识共享行为。与同类研究相比,本文进一步打开了知识治理对知识共享行为影响的"黑箱",丰富了知识管理的相关理论。此外,本文结论对企业知识管理实践活动具有很强的指导意义,具体表现在两个方面:一是企业要有效创建完善的知识治理机制,二是要重视对员工组织支持感的提升。本文虽然做出了一定的贡献,但仍然存在一些不足:第一,样本收集的数据受到地域和行业的限制;第二,对于知识治理的划分需要进一步研究;第三,中介变量、作用路径和机理还需要进一步探索。以上三点问题将是今后研究和改进的方向。  相似文献   

Information systems (IS) service organizations are increasingly more concerned with their ability to co-create digital services with customers in service ecosystems. Practitioners and researchers, however, lack understanding of which organization mechanisms effectively contribute to IS organizations’ innovation practices. Grounded in service-dominant logic, we hypothesized that process reference frameworks (PRFs), such as the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), act as institutional arrangements through their norms, rules, and practices, enhancing IS organizations’ ability to innovate digital services. Data collected from 159 IS organizations confirmed our hypotheses, showing that effects on digital service innovation are mediated by an organization’s digital service climate and co-creation practices. This study makes four major contributions. First, our results contribute to the literature on service-dominant logic and the role of institutional arrangements in facilitating service innovation in service ecosystems. Second, our study offers a novel understanding of PRFs’ role in value co-creation and digital service innovation. Third, by introducing the digital service climate from existing theoretical frameworks that might assist in conceptualizing the role of culture and shared meaning, our study contributes to further theorizing on the social factors that influence service ecosystem practices. Finally, our findings can motivate IT managers to consider using PRFs to develop capabilities for creating business value together with customers.  相似文献   

刘琦  杜荣 《情报理论与实践》2012,35(7):65-68,60
知识共享是知识管理的核心内容,同时也是知识管理过程中阻碍因素最多的部分。通过文献分析,对知识共享与组织绩效之间的关系、影响组织内与组织间知识共享的因素进行梳理,强调"面子"和"关系导向"的重要性,提出促进知识共享的有效途径,指出现有文献研究的局限和对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

Knowledge processes (knowledge creation, retention, and sharing) are influenced by organizational structure, and governance and coordination mechanisms. While project-based organizational structures facilitate knowledge creation; they can hinder knowledge retention and sharing without adequate governance mechanisms. Drawing from the knowledge management and knowledge governance literatures, this paper proposes knowledge governance mechanisms – consensus-based hierarchy, shared human resource practices, and performance measures and output control – that promote knowledge processes in project-based organizations (PBOs). The functioning of knowledge governance is described in a Japanese PBO, Maekawa Manufacturing Ltd. Although the case indicates that both soft and hard dimensions of knowledge governance support knowledge processes, soft dimensions are prioritized in this particular organization. Some implications and suggestions for further research are given.  相似文献   

Effective teamwork, knowledge coordination, and knowledge creation are recognized as essential sources of team effectiveness and creativity in modern organizations. Nowadays, social media is significantly modifying the patterns in the use of technology to support knowledge management practices in teams. At the same time, the literature shows that transactive memory system (TMS), which refers to how team members share their distributed knowledge and expertise, is an important factor affecting team performance. However, minimal effort has been made to elaborate on the precise role of social media in supporting TMS for enhancing absorptive capacity (ACAP) and knowledge creation capability (KCC) of the team, which in turn might influence team creative performance (TCP). Therefore, to address this gap in the literature, a theoretical model is developed and validated. Survey data collected from 334 members of 68 knowledge work teams indicated that social media use at work has a positive relationship with TMS and both social media use at work and TMS are positively related to ACAP and KCC of the team. Results further indicated that ACAP positively influenced KCC, and both have a direct relationship with TCP. This study shows that careful investment in social media by an organization can enhance meta-knowledge of “who knows what” within teams. Finally, exploring external knowledge alone is not enough. Instead, organizations must ensure external knowledge is utilized to create new knowledge to improve TCP.  相似文献   

Effective knowledge sharing underpins the day-to-day work activities in knowledge-intensive organizational environments. This paper integrates key concepts from the literature towards a model to explain effective knowledge sharing in such environments. It is proposed that the effectiveness of knowledge sharing is determined by the maturity of informal and formal social networks and a shared information and knowledge-based artefact network (AN) in a particular work context. It is further proposed that facilitating mechanisms within the social and ANs, and mechanisms that link these networks, affect the overall efficiency of knowledge sharing in complex environments. Three case studies are used to illustrate the model, highlighting typical knowledge-sharing problems that result when certain model elements are absent or insufficient in a particular environment. The model is discussed in terms of diagnosing knowledge-sharing problems, organizational knowledge strategy, and the role of information and communication technology in knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

Social media challenge knowledge management because of encouraging conversations, networking and participation in more distributed, diverse and dynamic ways of knowledge development and increasingly important individuals’ interests driving them. Hence, we need to understand the complex relationships between different qualities of knowledge developed in informal and formal processes as well as for overcoming misalignments in routines, tools and infrastructures supporting organizational knowledge creation. This paper contributes a maturation perspective towards explaining organizational knowledge creation and presents a knowledge maturing model, which is grounded in organizational practice and validated with qualitative and quantitative empirical and design studies. The results describe how characteristics of knowledge and support by IT change between phases of knowledge maturing. Our findings confirm theories of organizational knowledge creation with respect to expanding scopes from individuals through communities to organizations moving from interest-driven knowledge exploration in informal contexts to goal-driven knowledge exploitation in formal contexts. The maturation perspective adds to our understanding that organizational knowledge creation is not simply a continuous process. Phases that emphasize changeability alternate with phases concerned with stability. Knowledge develops in contexts that need to switch multiple times between opening up for new knowledge and filtering relevant knowledge and between de- and re-contextualization.  相似文献   

Project-based organizations (PBO) are nowadays widespread in almost all the activity sectors. This type of organizations poses complex problems for information and knowledge management due to the fragmentation and lack of uniformity of organizational structures, processes, practices, and technologies. The ineffectiveness of knowledge sharing over time, between project teams, is perhaps the most prominent issue that PBO must deal with. This strongly affects organizational learning, which seems to under-deliver value to PBO. Therefore, relevant knowledge is trapped in an “informational limbo” out of reach, not being capitalized for the organization. This is particularly true in research and development (R&D) institutions, where knowledge sharing can be hindered by conceptual misunderstandings resulting from different disciplines, cultures and ways of working of project participants. This paper addresses such issues by analyzing, in a comprehensive way, how information and knowledge management can better suit project team's needs and at the same time improve organizational learning. An ethnographic study, based on immersed participant observation, is performed at a Portuguese R&D Institute, in order to understand the link between the way information is managed in a project and how people interact and learn by sharing knowledge between projects. Results provide a set of enterprise information management (EIM) recommendations. Findings also suggest that a PBO-wide EIM strategy, balancing knowledge codification and personalization mechanisms, is a feasible solution to overcome the problems of knowledge sharing in PBO.  相似文献   

    隐性知识为企业技术创新及可持续发展提供了支撑,共享、整合和利用企业内外部隐性知识的研究得到学者们的广泛关注,但现有文献对如何促进组织间隐性知识共享的关注甚少。本文选取中国东部地区的186家知识密集型企业为调查对象,探讨开放情境下核心企业的知识治理与组织间隐性知识共享的关系。研究发现:知识治理对组织间隐性知识共享具有正向影响,组织开放度在市场型和层级型知识治理对组织间隐性知识共享的影响中均具有显著的调节作用,但在社会型知识治理对组织间知识共享影响中的调节作用不显著。该研究可为企业在创新网络中获得基于知识治理的创新和竞争优势提供借鉴。  相似文献   

金辉  杨忠  黄彦婷  吴洁 《科学学研究》2013,31(11):1697-1707
 组织智力资本的增进依赖于组织成员间广泛的共享知识。组织激励与组织文化分别代表了促进组织成员知识共享的正式和非正式组织因素成为学术界与企业界关注的焦点。鉴于鲜有研究同时关注并区分正式的组织激励和非正式的组织文化对知识共享的差异化作用机理,本研究采用修订的社会影响理论对组织激励、组织文化与知识共享三者间的关系进行了系统研究,通过对1182名知识型员工的问卷调查发现:组织激励通过顺从机制的中介效应间接影响组织成员的知识共享意愿;组织文化通过认同机制和内化机制(情感承诺)的中介效应间接影响组织成员的知识共享态度,进而最终影响组织成员的知识共享意愿。  相似文献   

网络组织的学习特性辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李维安  邱昭良 《科研管理》2007,28(6):175-181
组织学习与网络组织有着紧密的联系。一方面,组织学习与创新、知识转移等作为网络组织的重要内容,在网络组织研究中被广泛提及;另一方面,网络组织对于组织学习也有显著影响。本文基于文献分析,识别出网络组织具备五项基本属性(结点活性与层次性、相互依赖性、联结多元性、持续互动性、中间性)与五项衍生属性(嵌入性、复杂性、柔性、多样性、合作性),并根据上述十项特性,指出网络组织是适宜组织学习的组织形式,组织学习对于网络组织的生成与运行也具有重要影响。  相似文献   

赵英  袁莉 《情报杂志》2012,(1):161-165
研究了组织内部网络结构对知识共享和知识推荐的影响。首先在相关理论分析的基础上,选取某科研团队,设计调查问卷收集网络关系资料,通过SNA描绘出该团队的正式网络以及合并了非正式网络关系的复杂网络,并使用社会网络的相关测量指标对比分析,设计知识共享推荐系统,最后证明融合了正式网络关系和非正式网络关系的复杂网络更能有效地促进知识的流通和共享。  相似文献   

社会资本对个体间非正式知识转移影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识管理的主要目的是将个体知识转变成组织知识.个体间非正式知识转移是组织知识管理的重要环节之一.基于现有的知识转移理论,提出社会资本对个体间非正式知识转移影响的假设与理论模型.通过实证研究对模型进行了验证和修正,揭示社会资本三个维度不仅时个体间非正式知识转移效果产生正向的显著影响,还分别通过知识转移机会、动机、能力(吸收能力)的正向显著中介作用影响个体间非正式知识转移效果,为组织试图通过促进个体间非正式转移以提升组织绩效提供了对策建议.  相似文献   

通过调查中国274家企业,研究组织记忆对企业创新绩效影响过程,研究结果表明,组织记忆对企业创新绩效有显著正向影响,企业知识共享行为在其中起到部分的中介效应,而企业家社会资本调节了知识共享和企业创新绩效之间关系,并对研究结论进行讨论。  相似文献   

在分析项目导向型企业知识共享主体以及共享路径的基础上,对其知识共享障碍因素进行深入的研究。结果表明,项目导向型企业的知识共享障碍主要表现在个体与个体、团队与团队以及个体、团队与组织等3个层面。为解决项目导向型企业中知识共享的障碍问题,从搭建知识共享平台、制定制度保障和营造欢快、信任与合作的文化氛围等方面提出解决方案。  相似文献   

李志宏  朱桃  罗芳 《科学学研究》2010,28(6):894-901
知识经济时代,良好的组织气氛对企业员工的知识共享行为具有积极影响,当前组织气氛对知识共享行为的直接作用已经得到学者的普遍认同,但其中的影响机理尚需深入探讨,为此,以华南地区200名IT企业研发人员为样本,对组织气氛对知识共享行为的影响路径进行了实证研究,结果表明:组织知识共享气氛(友好关系、创新、公平)不仅对知识共享行为有直接的显著正向影响,还通过影响自我效能、结果预期进而对知识共享行为产生间接的影响;自我效能对结果预期有显著的正向影响;结果预期对组织知识共享气氛无显著正向影响。最后,根据研究结果,给出了促进组织知识共享行为的相关建议。  相似文献   

唐于红  毛江华 《科研管理》2020,41(4):200-208
本研究基于自我归类理论和社会需要理论,探索个体感知差异对职场排斥和知识共享行为的影响,以及成就需要和归属需要在这个过程中的调节效应。利用来自356位企业员工的样本数据,采用分层回归的方法进行假设验证。结论显示个体感知差异负向影响知识共享行为,职场排斥中介了二者之间的负向关系,个体成就需要和归属需要反向调节个体感知差异与知识共享行为、个体感知差异与职场排斥之间的关系。研究结果为知识共享领域的研究提供了新的视角和框架,同时对企业管理实践有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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