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宋俊述  王国防  王磊  孙捷 《科技风》2023,(21):67-69
随着油田生产信息化的全面覆盖,设备体量大、类型多、分布广等现状为其高效运维带来巨大挑战。如何实现故障准确定位和快速诊断成为当前重要的研究课题。本文主要研究基于大数据的油田设备智能诊断技术,对设备状态进行全口集成融合,建立基于状态评估的故障诊断模型,可识别故障类型,追溯故障原因。进一步地,通过归因分析训练数据集,利用机器学习对故障诊断进行动态优化调试,所训练的优化模型预测准确性更高,故障诊断时间大幅缩短,有效提升生产信息化运维水平。  相似文献   

针对智能装置测试的现状,重点对测试技术进行了深入的研究与探讨,并在此基础上提出了通用化、实用化的智能装置测试方案。  相似文献   

介绍了SDCA-5型高智能电缆故障闪测仪的主要性能及测试原理,并就如何应用SDCA-5高智能电缆故障闪测仪进行电缆故障的查找及测试波形进行分析。通过实践证明,此法不但对电缆故障点位置的查寻快捷方便,而且安全可靠,可提高工作效率。  相似文献   

电力工业的发展方向是智能电网,而智能电网的起步引领电力系统向着更高速、高效、安全以及资源优化配置的方向发展。监控系统的实施保证了电力系统的安全,如何更好的开发、利用监控系统,优化一次设备的安全监控成为以后电力系统实践的发展方向。实施对电力设备和电力系统进行状态监测,就可以及时发现早期故障的征兆,以便于维护人员采取有效的监测手段并加以维护,将安全隐患扼杀在萌芽状态,从而避免恶性事故的发生。  相似文献   

利业鞑 《大众科技》2012,14(3):36-39
随着中小型网络的迅速发展,局域网应用逐渐成为人们学习、工作和生活的重要组成部分,在局域网建成后,为实现资源共享的最大化,大量上网络应用系统,容易造成局域网运行中网络阻塞,网络设备故障频发,甚至灾难性的瘫痪,针对这一问题,根据国际通用网络性能测试标准,提出测试参考模型,设定测试指标,从局域网组建、应用到维护等不同阶段的网络性能测试,检测局域网中网络线路和设备的性能指标,利用之判断和排除局域网中的故障和隐患。  相似文献   

GSM-R网络测试仪系统安装在铁路无线测试列车上,运用计算机控制技术,控制各个测试模块集的各功能单元模块,通过测试、计算、分析等,实现对铁路GSM-R无线通信网络的测试、评估及运营期间的网络维护和优化等功能。  相似文献   

故障诊断技术是提高故障检测和隔离能力,提高任务可靠性的重要手段,基于模型的故障诊断分析方法得到了广泛应用,但难以用于实时检测诊断,难以计算虚警率等设计指标。本文提出扩展多领域物理系统建模语言Modelica,将多种故障模态嵌入模型中,利用基于假设的真值维护系统(ATMS)方法分析了测试集的生成算法。理论上分析了计算虚警率的可行方案,体现了新模型的优势。  相似文献   

本文介绍了大规模集成电路功能测试的基本原理,并对集成电路功能测试的几个主要方法进行了概述,通过对比每种测试方法的优缺点,进而得出模拟故障法为适合我国大规模集成电路功能测试的最佳方法。该方法主要是解决了随着大规模集成电路的发展,单个电路本身的输入、输出管脚数量不断增加而带来的测试矢量呈现指数增长的问题,从测试时间和测试成本上考虑,使用传统的穷举法已经不可能符合大规模集成电路的测试要求。与传统的穷举法相比,它可以在不降低测试结果的准确性和可靠性的同时,使编制程序所需要的测试矢量控制在可以接受的水平上。最后,本文介绍了模拟故障法的主要思路和测试顺序。  相似文献   

针对电力系统运行过程中所涉及到的智能装置测试分析研究进行了全面详细探讨,着重针对其中的相关测试技术执行了深入研究工作,进而在相关工作的技术上进行了分析研究,以期为完善我国智能装置应用发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

今后我国将以建设统一坚强智能电网为战略发展目标,本文总结了智能电网接入大量新能源发电的重要特点,提出了智能电网设备测试新领域。  相似文献   

本文研究的是一套科学的试卷质量的评鍪方法,应用考试理论详细阐述了试卷质量评鉴的意义、试卷评鉴的指标体系内容,并以一个实用分析表简单说明其应用,为定量地、客观地评价试卷质量提供了科学的方法。  相似文献   

针对属性权重信息不完全未知的三角犹豫模糊多属性决策问题,提出基于一致性指数的双向投影决策方法。针对三角犹豫模糊决策信息,给出备选方案与正负理想点形成向量的表达式,利用备选方案与正负理想点一致性变化关系,构建基于一致性指数的三角犹豫模糊双向投影测度模型。在此基础上,建立基于一致性指数最大化的属性权重优化模型,通过求解优化模型计算权重。并通过算例说明方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

朱葛俊 《科技通报》2012,28(2):87-88,94
提出了一种新的基于差分进化和粗糙集理论的多目标寻优算法。应用差分进化作为的搜索引擎,尝试将它在单一目标优化中展现出的良好收敛作用转换到多目标优化问题中。在搜索的第二阶段中,为了提高迄今为止已有的非支配解决方案的普遍性,应用到了粗糙集理论。对于专用文献中通常采纳应用标准的测试函数和尺度的检验,本文的混合方法是有效的。  相似文献   

雷达含有多块不同种类的电路板,包括电源、发射、接收、信号、终端、监控等。由于雷达任务的紧迫性,这些电路板在发生故障时,对雷达系统影响非常大。随着电子设备的日益复杂化,越来越需要形成一个自动的对雷达电路板进行测试的系统,即自动测试系统(Automatic Test System)。本文分析了雷达板级测试软件的功能要求,提出了基于测试程序集(TPS)的自动测试系统软件架构及实现方法。该软件已成功应用于多个雷达板级自动测试台。  相似文献   

范瑞科 《科教文汇》2013,(6):104-105,109
广东省东莞市初中毕业生升学体育考试(以下简称体育考试)制度经过了多年的发展和完善,从1990年体育考试加入总分,到2003年因非典停考后改为参考分,再到2007年又重新计入总分。东莞市体育考试方案一直在发生变化,不断地进行完善和优化。为此,我运用文献资料法、领会会议精神(信息收集法)和专家访谈法,对近年来(2007—2012年)东莞市初中毕业生升学体育考试制度的完善和项目的优化进行了分析与研究,发现东莞市体育考试制度日趋完善和项目不断优化,项目设置越来越合理,组织考试过程更显公平公正的原则,体育考试发挥了指挥棒的作用,引导体育教学回9-5常态,回归始终坚持健康第一的指导思想.收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

Pretesting is the most commonly used method for estimating test item difficulty because it provides highly accurate results that can be applied to assessment development activities. However, pretesting is inefficient, and it can lead to item exposure. Hence, an increasing number of studies have invested considerable effort in researching the automated estimation of item difficulty. Language proficiency tests constitute the majority of researched test topics, while comparatively less research has focused on content subjects. This paper introduces a novel method for the automated estimation of item difficulty for social studies tests. In this study, we explore the difficulty of multiple-choice items, which consist of the following item elements: a question and alternative options. We use learning materials to construct a semantic space using word embedding techniques and project an item's texts into the semantic space to obtain corresponding vectors. Semantic features are obtained by calculating the cosine similarity between the vectors of item elements. Subsequently, these semantic features are sent to a classifier for training and testing. Based on the output of the classifier, an estimation model is created and item difficulty is estimated. Our findings suggest that the semantic similarity between a stem and the options has the strongest impact on item difficulty. Furthermore, the results indicate that the proposed estimation method outperforms pretesting, and therefore, we expect that the proposed approach will complement and partially replace pretesting in future.  相似文献   

Document concept lattice for text understanding and summarization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We argue that the quality of a summary can be evaluated based on how many concepts in the original document(s) that can be preserved after summarization. Here, a concept refers to an abstract or concrete entity or its action often expressed by diverse terms in text. Summary generation can thus be considered as an optimization problem of selecting a set of sentences with minimal answer loss. In this paper, we propose a document concept lattice that indexes the hierarchy of local topics tied to a set of frequent concepts and the corresponding sentences containing these topics. The local topics will specify the promising sub-spaces related to the selected concepts and sentences. Based on this lattice, the summary is an optimized selection of a set of distinct and salient local topics that lead to maximal coverage of concepts with the given number of sentences. Our summarizer based on the concept lattice has demonstrated competitive performance in Document Understanding Conference 2005 and 2006 evaluations as well as follow-on tests.  相似文献   

两样本的比较问题在生物医学、质量评价等领域常遇到,解决该问题常用的检验方法是U检验、t检验等参数检验方法。但所处理的数据并不满足U检验或t检验的条件,因此采用非参数检验方法来解决此类问题更为有效。本文结合教学案例和R软件来阐述两独立样本位置的非参数检验。  相似文献   

The problem of designing optimal process-specific rules for non-parametric tuning is undertaken in the paper. It is shown that producing non-parametric process-specific optimal tuning rules for PID controllers leads to the problem that can be characterized as optimization under uncertainty. This happens due to the fact that tuning rules, unlike tuning constants, are produced not for a particular process or plant model but for a set of models from a certain domain. The novelty of the proposed approach is that the problem of obtaining optimal tuning rules for a flow process is formulated and solved as a problem of optimization of an integral performance criterion parametrized through values that define the domain of available process models. The considered non-parametric tuning assumes the use of the modified relay feedback test (MRFT) recently proposed in the literature. It allows one to tune the PID controller satisfying the requirements to gain or phase margins that is achieved through coordinated selection of tuning rules and test parameters. This approach constitutes a holistic approach to tuning. In the present paper, optimal tuning rules coupled with MRFT, for flow loops, are proposed. Final results are presented in the form of tables containing coefficients of optimal tuning rules for the PI controller, obtained for a number of specified gain margins. The produced non-parametric tuning rules well agree with the practice of loop tuning.  相似文献   

Various aspects of analysis and synthesis of resistive n-port networks are considered in this paper. Two different characterizations of the network are examined, the Y matrix characterization and the K matrix characterization. Based on these characterizations, a set of equations is derived which relate the edge admittances with the elements of these matrices. When the K matrix is given, these equations are linear and can be solved analytically. When the Y matrix is given, the equations are bilinear and cannot be solved analytically. In this case, the problem is formulated as an optimization problem and techniques of nonlinear programming are used to obtain a realization. Synthesis from the Y matrix is finally extended to include sensitivity considerations.  相似文献   

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