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通过介绍一种新的程序设计方法——面向方面编程方法(AOP)。这项新的编程技术弥补了面向对象编程技术在处理横切关注点时的不足。使用该方法,开发者可以开发出易于设计、理解和维护的系统,能有效地提交代码的质量。在此基础上就AOP产生的背景、基本概念以及它的研究方向和应用热点进行了重点分析。  相似文献   

目的:讨论在可视化图形界面程序设计过程中有关控侍的方法的类的应用,解决业内人士在类设计方面的疑惑。方法:利用Visual Basic程序设计方法,给出方法的类的应用基本概念和基本方法和可行的程序。结果:通过恰当的程序分析得出正确的方法的类设计方法和规则。结论:控件的方法的类的设计必须考虑其应用的透明性和修改的封装性。  相似文献   

为了使可编程控制系统设计人员能够更加娴熟地掌握用PLC实现顺序控制的程序设计方法与技巧,根据PLC程序设计和编程语言形式的特点,以运料小车自动往返运动为例,探讨了用PLC实现顺序控制的三种程序设计方法:顺序控制指令程序设计法、移位指令程序设计法和置位/复位指令程序设计法,并分别编写了三种方法实现运料小车控制的梯形图程序,对三种程序设计法的特点进行了提炼和总结。  相似文献   

《C语言程序设计》是计算机专业的一门专业核心基础课程,是一门语法灵活、功能丰富、应用广泛的高级程序设计语言。根据多年《C语言程序设计》课程的教学实践,分析了当前程序设计课程教学中存在的若干问题,提出了相应教学思想应该转变,特别是实践教学的改革,以提高计算机语言类课程的教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming,面向方面编程),并通过一个具体的权限检查的功能来展现应用AOP的好处。在系统中应用AOP后,系统的核心业务逻辑和安全权限逻辑分开,通过解耦使系统的可扩展性大大增强,使用灵活。  相似文献   

在Delphi程序设计中,事务处理作为一种负责程序平稳进行的技术,广泛的使用于数据库的设计中,以确保非事务性单元内的所有操作都成功完成,保持数据的完整性.本文先介绍了事务处理,然后结合实例分析了显式事务处理在数据库应用系统中的运用.  相似文献   

PBN(performance based navigation)飞行程序在国内运输机场应用广泛,PBN飞行程序设计的工作难点是最后进近航段障碍物评估,为了提PBN飞行程序设计的工作效率、降低出错率,本文将基于目前飞行程序设计常用的工作平台auto CAD,建立障碍物评估模型并研究开发能自动生成最后进近航段保护区、能自动进行障碍物评估的辅助软件,使用某机场数据进行测试,经过测试验证,此辅助软件的计算过程正确、计算结果的精度符合要求。  相似文献   

Visual Basic程序设计是当前中等职业学校计算机专业课程中非常重要的一门课程,是参加对口升学必考科目,同时,作为计算机程序设计的首选语言,熟练掌握Visual Basic程序设计语言是对计算机专业学生的基本要求,在中等职业学校Visual Basic程序设计教学工作已经受到了的广泛重视。文章对Visual Basic程序设计教学现状进行了分析,根据当前教学中存在的问题,对具体教学方法进行了探讨,希望能够提高Visual Basic C程序设计教学质量。  相似文献   

随着PLC与计算机技术的迅猛发展,图形化编程方法得到了越来越广泛的应用,尤其是梯形图(LAD)已成为现代PLC编程的主流方法。梯形图程序虽然简单易懂,但不能直观反映PLC程序执行过程,指令表(IL)编程方法则可以深入揭示PLC程序处理流程,为此,结合实例重点解析IL编程方法在PLC程序设计及应用中的基础地位。  相似文献   

程序设计是中职类学校计算机专业的基础课程之一,目的是要求同学们掌握程序设计的基本思想和编程语言的语法和应用去解决实际工作中的问题。但由于中职学校的学生存在基础学科知识差学习积极性不高等特点,那么在程序设计教学中,如何解决程序设计课程的本身枯燥、难懂这个问题,并找出一条比较新颖的教学方法,提高程序设计课程的教学效果和效率,越来越成为广大程序设计教学的教师颇感兴趣的话题。总结最近几年从事程序设计教学的实际经验,并进行深刻的反思,重新对程序设计教学方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

张俊峰  沈国安 《中国科技信息》2007,8(1):157-158,160
PACS系统成了目前数字化医院的一个重要内容,而DCIOM设备及其之间的通讯的建立是搭建PACS系统的关键技术,成为最近生物医学工作者研究的一个重点。本文在现有动态心电图机的基础上,结合医学成像和通讯的国际化标准DICOM,提出DICOM动态心电图系统的概念,并对其设计中涉及到的标准化部分做了详细的介绍。在实现的过程中,采用了面向对象的设计和编程方法,提高了软件模块的可移植性。  相似文献   

地理信息科学是地理学的一个分支,其方法论研究受科学哲学和地理学方法论的影响,同时也从该学科大量的研究成果、工程项目和软硬件产品中提炼的案例中总结和归纳而来。本文在本学科的时代需求和国家前瞻布局的背景下,首先阐述了地理信息科学方法论的哲学观和实用观,提出了研究中应该处理好的六个关系:然后建立了方法论的结构体系,由地理信息本体论、六个科学方法和七个技术方法组成;进而分析和论证了地理信息的本体特征及其与方法论的关系,最后讨论了地理信息科学方法论的创新机制和策略。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an operational methodology for characterizing the architecture of complex technical systems and demonstrate its application to a large sample of software releases. Our methodology is based upon directed network graphs, which allows us to identify all of the direct and indirect linkages between the components in a system. We use this approach to define three fundamental architectural patterns, which we label core–periphery, multi-core, and hierarchical. Applying our methodology to a sample of 1286 software releases from 17 applications, we find that the majority of releases possess a “core–periphery” structure. This architecture is characterized by a single dominant cyclic group of components (the “Core”) that is large relative to the system as a whole as well as to other cyclic groups in the system. We show that the size of the Core varies widely, even for systems that perform the same function. These differences appear to be associated with different models of development – open, distributed organizations develop systems with smaller Cores, while closed, co-located organizations develop systems with larger Cores. Our findings establish some “stylized facts” about the fine-grained structure of large, real-world technical systems, serving as a point of departure for future empirical work.  相似文献   

孙波  孙冬 《科教文汇》2012,(12):81-83
本文根据在标准遗传编程中由于种群多样性对算法收敛特性的影响,引入了结合自动定义函数的方法,对标准遗传编程进行改进,从而得到更优的收敛性能和缩短运行时间。文中结合求路径最优化的旅行商问题来进行实际验证,结论得出改进的算法具有更好的收敛性能。  相似文献   

Automatic software fault detection and repair is made possible by autonomic software recovery. By incorporating this function, the software will run more efficiently and aggressively while requiring much less time and resources for maintenance. The focus of this article is on a suggested automated approach to Software Fault Detection and Recovery. The Software Fault Detection and Recovery (SFDR) procedure identifies when a software component has been damaged due to a fault and then restores the damaged component so that the software can continue functioning normally. During the design process, the SFDR is examined and created independently from the intended program. The proposed technique was implemented into an application that demonstrates the SFDR's performance and effectiveness to guarantee its practicality in real-world scenarios. The results of this experiment were encouraging. Results from experiments and comparisons to prior works show that the proposed methodology is successful.  相似文献   

Java与C#现如今网络开发的两大主要平台,而多线程鳊程则是进行并行处理计算中的基础,本文主要阐述了在Java与C#开发平台下如何进行多线程编程的方法及注意事项,并且比较和分析两种开发平台下进行多线程编程的差异。  相似文献   

张瑾  顾军 《科教文汇》2014,(33):78-79
形象化教学强调用学生容易理解的方式讲述抽象深奥的知识,使学生的逻辑思维与形象思维联系起来,提高学习效率。针对“VB程序设计”课程教学面临的困境,从数据讲解具体化、算法演示直观化和代码书写模块化三个方面研究如何在VB程序设计课程中开展形象化教学。教学实践表明,VB程序设计的形象化教学法能够有效提高课程的教学质量,不但对培养学生的“计算思维”有很好的促进作用,而且为教师教学提供方法论指导。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103788
The domain of transition studies has been drawing more and more scholarly attention and, as a result, its body of knowledge is rapidly growing. This raises new challenges as well as opportunities, not the least regarding the methodological and philosophical underpinnings of research in this domain. In this respect, transition research, as a relatively young field of inquiry, has been little concerned with methodological investigation and reflection. We propose a framework that enables this reflection: the so-called ‘transition research onion’. Subsequently, we utilize this framework to systematically assess 217 peer-reviewed papers in the field of transition studies, to distill key methodological patterns and trends of the field. The findings suggest that the methodology of transition studies, in terms of depth and diversity, is underdeveloped. These insights serve to guide future research on transition processes.  相似文献   

There are many obstacles to effective open innovation in the public sector context, especially at the “fuzzy front end” (FFE), where the need or opportunity is known but serious resources have not yet been committed to possible solutions. In this paper, we report on a theoretically inspired and practically tested methodology for FFE public sector digital innovation. The methodology was purpose-built for the context and has been progressively refined using reflection-on-practice, but broadly consists of a hybrid of private sector open innovation practices, and agile software development processes. We outline the background, context, principles, stages and artefacts. Then we evaluate the method in terms of barriers and opportunities to FFE public sector innovation. We note that establishing the necessary context: a nurturing environment; cross-agency commitments in cash and in kind; and boundary spanning appointments, is as important to success as is the detailed execution of the method.  相似文献   

The bond graph is a modelling and simulation tool, providing many possibilities. A methodology based on causal and behavioral bond graph analysis to build a dynamic icon model library in continuous thermofluid process is presented. The developed approach is implemented using SYMBOLS software and applied to a complex steam generator installation. The methodology given as assistant tool, is proposed so that the industrial designer can easily build a thermofluid model of most technological processes.  相似文献   

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