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There is a paucity of granular, high-resolution broadband data in the United States, which limits the prospects of informed telecommunications policy debates. In the absence of regulation requiring telecommunication providers to accurately report service footprints, pricing, and service quality data, providers refuse to disclose this information, routinely citing competition as the primary reason for keeping network and pricing data obfuscated. In addition, many secondary datasets needed for broadband planning and policy research, such as parcel or address point data, are equally challenging to gather. These datasets are often controlled by county governments, with no overarching access policy, resulting in neighboring counties with widely divergent policies for the release of these important data. In this article we explore the challenges of open data and its impacts on telecommunication policy development. A recent project which explored the spatial provision of Google Fiber in the Kansas City metropolitan area helps to highlight these difficulties. Basic strategies for mitigating information asymmetries and the lack of data transparency for telecommunication policy analysis are discussed.  相似文献   


“At present, the majority of [radio] programs heard are from sources outside of Canada. It has been emphasized to us that the continued reception of these has a tendency to mold the minds of the young people in the home to ideals and opinions that are not Canadian. In a country of the vast geographical dimensions of Canada, braodcasting will undoubtedly become a great force in fostering national spirit and in interpreting national citizenship.”1

This statement, written fifty years ago, could just as well have been written today. But, while the basic issue has remained unchanged over time, the uses to which information and communications can be put have steadily grown. The scope of the issue has also therefore increased.

Included under the heading of communications and information today are such diverse but interconnected matters as broadcasting both by TV and radio, the newspaper, magazine, and book publishing industries, the film industry, advertising, computers and all computer communications, telephone and telecommunications, communications satellites, remote sensing, and, to a point, industrial know‐how and research and development.

In this paper, I shall examine how communications and information affect such issues as Canadian unity, Canadian cultural identity, and Canadian economic viability. I shall concentrate on how Canadian governments have seen this issue, and, to a lesser degree, will show where the views of individuals and other interest groups may differ from government policy.  相似文献   


This study summarizes prior reviews of new media and Internet research, and the growth of the term Internet in academic publications and online newsgroups. It then uses semantic network analysis to summarize the interests and concepts of an interdisciplinary group of Internet researchers, as represented by session titles and paper titles and abstracts from the 2003 and 2004 Association of Internet Researchers conferences. In both years, the most frequent words appearing in the paper abstracts included Internet, online, community, social, technology, and research. The 2003 papers emphasized topics such as the social analysis/research of online/Internet communication, community, and information, with particular coverage of access, individuals, groups, digital media, culture; role and process in e-organizations; and world development. The 2004 papers emphasized topics such as access; news and social issues; the role of individuals in communities; user-based studies; usage data; and blogs, women, and search policy, among others.  相似文献   


In the past several years, the number of sellers from whom customers of telecommunications network services can choose has increased dramatically. Whether it is the provision of domestic long‐distance service, or the offering of international telecommunications, or even the delivery of local communications, where previously service was provided by one firm or by a stable handful of firms that shared a market, users now have a wider range of choice and this increase in the scope of choice is likely to continue into the future. These changes, the result of a combination of developments in technology and regulatory policy, have created new problems for those charged with the regulation of telecommunications.

This paper begins by tracing the changes in regulatory policy that have led to the increase in the number of suppliers of domestic long‐distance telecommunications service. Then, it examines a number of principles for pricing telecommunications network services. Next, it identifies a number of explanations that have been offered for the proliferation in network services that has occurred. It then attempts to draw lessons from developments in the long distance market for the future of local network service. Finally, the paper explores the difficulties that policy‐makers will face in the new, more competitive environment.  相似文献   


The researchers working on information society measures have recently started to consider how people use the Internet not only as a tool but also as a platform for social relations. As the ultimate objective of information society measures is to provide reliable guidelines for social policy, finding criteria for separating “positive” uses of Internet from “negative” ones is an important task. This article employs the concepts of communicative and strategic action as defined by Habermas for that purpose. A general conceptual typology of three communicative and three strategic social uses of Internet is offered, which can be applied to measure uses of any of the Internet's interactive services. A specific empirical application to social uses of personal web sites demonstrates that the deduced measurement instruments achieve satisfying levels of validity and reliability.  相似文献   


We examine the effect of public policy on the growth of Internet use. Using a decentralized country—Spain—as an example, we compare the 17 Spanish regions to test different Internet policy designs, taking into account the quality and number of specific programs promoted by regional governments, as well as the presence or absence of strategic planning in each region. We treat the percentage of Internet users as a dependent variable to compare its diffusion in different territories. Our findings show that educational levels and economic differences explain about half of the variations observed. Furthermore, the regional policies play a significant role in explaining regional variations. We investigate which public policy instruments are more significant for the development of the Internet, and find that focused policy intervention and complex policy initiatives are more significant than other policy instruments in explaining the increase in the percentage of Internet users.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate how customers' social network affects customer referral behavior.MethodologyA survey of 180 qualified questionnaires from ordinary consumers in China was conducted. Structural equation model was performed on the collection of data.FindingsThe results show that condensed subgroups and the relationship strength between customers and between customers and companies have a greater influence on customer referrals than network density and centrality. In contrast, network scale and structural holes do not influence customer referrals.Originality/valueContributing to customer referral theory, this paper examines the influencing factors of customer referral behavior based on social network, providing theoretical suggestions for enterprises better using customer referral to acquire customers.  相似文献   

[目的]认识科技期刊和科技智库互动发展的必要性和可行性,揭示二者互动发展的机理与路径。[方法]运用逻辑演绎推理方法,阐述双方互动发展的必要性、可行性以及机理与路径。[结果]科技期刊与科技智库互动发展的战略意义显著且可行。从机理上看,科技期刊可为科技智库建设输送知识资源并提供人才团队支持,还可张扬智库研究成果的价值;科技智库则能提高科技期刊学术质量、提升期刊社会影响力和塑造科技期刊品牌。二者互动发展的路径主要有协同创新、资源融合、常态化合作和互为环境与保障等。[结论]互动发展既对双方有利,又能使其更好地履行社会责任、更好地提升国家软实力并强化决策咨询功能。  相似文献   

目的】通过对《中国化学快报》办刊经验的总结和遇到问题的剖析,探讨中国英文科技期刊的发展之路。【方法】对《中国化学快报》近年的发展历程进行研究,从中发现中国英文科技期刊发展过程的共性问题,并进行提炼总结。【结果】中国英文科技期刊的生存环境已得到较大改善,但在评价体系等大政策的影响下,优质稿件匮乏、人才流失严重、国际显示度低等共性问题依然存在。【结论】在大政策暂时无法突破的现状下,加强内功修炼,寻找适合自身发展的办刊道路,尽快提高中国英文科技期刊的办刊水平。  相似文献   

互联网思维在学术期刊经营发展中应用的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的】寻找适合学术期刊市场化改革的思维理念,以促进学术期刊经营发展。【方法】 在挖掘互联网思维本质的基础上,从市场化运作的角度分析如何在学术期刊工作流程中应用互联网思维。【结果】互联网思维的本质是以用户为中心,最大化甚至超额地满足用户的需求,同时将用户所需要承担的成本降到最低直至免费。采用学术期刊市场化运作时,在选题策划、编辑加工、出版传播、增值服务各环节都应该围绕互联网思维的本质及其衍生出来的特征思考解决问题。【结论】互联网思维可以作为学术期刊市场化改革的思维理念,应充分理解互联网思维本质,并将其应用到学术期刊工作的整个流程中,从而促进期刊的经营发展。  相似文献   

目的】研究Web3.0快速发展背景下,科技期刊同行评议改进与发展的新平台、新模式。【方法】 以Peerage of ScienceFrontier为案例,针对最新的基于社交网络平台的同行评议模式进行了分析,介绍了该同行评议模式的改进、特点、流程、工作方式等。【结果】在社交网络平台下,同行评议从静态变为动态,从"一对一"变成"一对多",从封闭式评议变成开放式评价。【结论】基于社交网络的同行评议模式是同行评议发展的最新趋势,可为我国的同行评议发展提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]对国外学术期刊的作者贡献声明(ACS)政策及要素进行分析,为期刊ACS政策制定以及未来计算作者贡献程度提供框架。[方法]以文献综述和案例分析的方法,提取2种综合类期刊与8种医学类期刊作者贡献声明的政策内容和要素。[结果]ACS政策内容包括对ACS的强制性要求和理由、作者提交ACS的时间与方式、在全文中ACS的呈现形式、写作ACS的格式等;ACS要素内容包括研究构思与设计、内容分析与解释、成果表达与论文撰写三方面21项。"三视角和三层次"构建对照科研生命周期各项科研活动的ACS框架图。[结论]对ACS的政策分析和所归纳的三维层次框架理论可作为期刊建设ACS标准化体系的参考依据。  相似文献   

沈秀 《中国科技期刊研究》2015,26(11):1232-1237
[目的]从政府与社会、出版单位和编辑个体三个层面,探索在数字出版时代学术期刊出版编辑力提升的策略与路径。[方法]分析学术期刊的现实困境并指出,复合型人才缺乏,公共出版资源建设不足,出版技术难以转化为出版能力等是数字时代学术期刊出版编辑力没能快速提升的原因。[结果]政府和社会应该从多方面加强政策落实,出版单位应该在坚持传统优势的前提下实施数字发展战略,编辑个体应该加强学习,以积极的心态迎接数字出版的挑战。[结论]学术期刊要抓住政策与环境的机遇,切实加强自身建设,提升出版编辑力,发挥学术期刊对科技文化发展的引领作用。  相似文献   


International trade in information technology involves political, economic, and military factors that are highly interrelated, making U.S. policy formulation a complex process which requires extensive data on foreign and domestic policies and technological capabilities. An analysis of U.S. policy for controlling the reexport of high‐technology goods provides an example of this interdependence. Four primary points are emphasized throughout the paper: (1) there seems to be only limited appreciation of how different issues get entangled in the international arena; (2) the data on which to base policy decisions regarding information technology do not exist in a readily available and usable form; (3) there is little understanding of the technological status and policy support for information technology in other countries; and (4) the people needed to analyze international developments and policies in the information technologies are not being trained.  相似文献   

吴义爽 《科研管理》2014,35(7):20-26
"如何加速集聚进程、同时规避网络风险"是当前中国发展生产性服务业亟待统筹解决的现实问题,而理论界鲜有探讨。本文基于对浙江地区近年来若干创新个案的观察,主要运用产业集聚理论、双边平台理论和演化经济学理论,研究一种平台企业主导的生产性服务业集聚发展模式,为解决前述问题提供理论与经验支撑。文章首先从整体结构、交易与竞合关系、治理主体三个方面刻画了平台企业主导下服务交易网络的架构特征,并以此为基础剖析了前述创新个案中存在的多重集聚动力机制,以及平台企业对集聚网络的风险控制机制。文章对该模式加速集聚进程同时规避网络风险的机理给出了一个"架构功能主义"的理论解释,并进一步讨论了蕴含其中的理论与政策含义。  相似文献   


International Telecommunication Union’s ICT Development Index and related measures of a country’s ICT development maturity suffer from several limitations, including subjective estimation of the weights of individual indicators and sub-indices, use of inappropriate quantitative models, specification bias arising from the exclusion of potential predictors from the estimation models, and a failure to capture the disparities among different groups of countries. To overcome these problems and provide a more reliable measure of ICT development, this study develops the Modified ICT Maturity Level Index using the 2015 data of 166 countries. This index adds affordability, efficiency, and quality to the existing sub-indices of access, use, and skills. Sub-index and indicator weights are determined in an outcome-orientated way using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. We find that affordability, quality, and efficiency significantly explain the variation in the level of maturity of ICT development in addition to the previously used dimensions of International Telecommunication Union’s ICT Development Index and modified ICT Development Index (mIDI) developed by Gerpott and Ahmadi, and that their explanatory power differ by a country’s level of economic development. The new index produces significantly different country rankings. This has important implications for ICT policy priorities and provides a measure of ICT development maturity less prone to the innocent or intentional distortion of such policy priorities.  相似文献   


This paper examines how federal systems of government in Canada and Australia deal with the challenges of promoting regional innovation and knowledge‐based industries. It focuses on selected cases of federal and regional (provincial or municipally based) policy initiatives and structures that support cross‐sector collaboration between ‘knowledge institutions’ (such as universities) and locally based industries. The study reveals both anticipated commonalities in and unexpected differences between the Canadian and Australian innovation environments and policy approaches. Federalism, resource‐based economies and sparse population have led to similar concerns and solutions. However, building local innovation systems and networks is a question of building on social capital and Canada seems rather more inventive and effective than Australia in turning social capital into sustainable organisations. Several regions of Canada have developed very strong community involvement in networks and institutions for improving technological skills, awareness and programmes—examples which provide valuable lessons for Australia.  相似文献   


During the late 1990s, photography moved from being a primarily analogue medium to being an almost entirely digital medium. The development of digital cameras and software for working with photographs has led to the wholesale computerization of photography in many different domains. This paper reports on the findings of a study of the social and organizational changes experienced by marine mammal scientists who have changed from film‐based photography to digital photography. This technical change might be viewed as a simple substitution of a digital for an analogue camera, with little significance for how scientists do what they do. However, a perspective anchored in social informatics leads to the expectation that such incremental technical changes can have significant outcomes, changing not only how scientists work, but also the outcomes of their research. This present study finds that key consequences of this change have been the composition of the personnel working on the scientific research teams for marine biology projects and the ways in which these scientists allocate their time.  相似文献   

科技期刊强化宣传推广的若干策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的】针对科技期刊传统的宣传策略大多存在效率低、影响范围小等缺点,提出一套依托网络技术和数字技术的期刊精细化宣传策略和技巧。【方法】 以《自动化学报》和International Journal of Automation and Computing实践为例,从宣传内容和宣传方式两个方面阐述了精细化宣传的实施步骤和方法。【结果】实践证明,自借助网络和数字新技术实施精细化宣传工作以来,两刊实现了精确定位宣传目标和细化宣传工作流程的目的,促进了宣传效果最大化和期刊影响力的提升。【结论】有效地将先进的网络、数字技术及管理理念引入期刊宣传工作中,有利于期刊品牌快速推广。  相似文献   


The Internet is a tool with the potential to enable consumers to effectively participate in collective bargaining in the marketplace. The purpose of this paper is to address the viability of the concept of countervailing power in the Internet era. First, some theoretical perspectives on how on-line consumer networks have the potential to be a new source of countervailing power are introduced. Next, the potential for consumer countervailing power in the Internet era is discussed. A case study that illustrates the viability of the propositions is then presented. Finally, implications and limitations of the paper are briefly discussed: if the potential for countervailing power can be established, then the circumstances under which collective bargaining would occur and the determinants of its outcome would be of vital interest to consumer economists and policy makers.  相似文献   

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