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【目的】以中国第一本被SCI /SSCI 收录的体育学术期刊——《运动与健康科学》(英文版)为例,探讨国际化编委会在英文科技期刊被SCI /SSCI 认可及收录中发挥的重要作用。 【方法】 结合《运动与健康科学》国际化编委会组建及日常工作实践,着重讨论编委会在组稿、审稿、宣传推广、推荐人才方面的工作以及具体实践方式。【结果】 实践证明, 国际化编委会对于期刊提高质量、提升国际影响力具有重要的意义。【结论】 我国科技期刊工作者应充分发挥国际化编委会的各方面作用,从而推动期刊的国际化发展。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨高质量特刊对提升英文科技期刊内容质量与影响力的作用,探寻通过组织特刊提升期刊质量与知名度的内在机制与规律。【方法】 基于《运动与健康科学(英文)》5年来特刊组织的实践,分析特刊在提升学术质量和期刊传播能力等方面的贡献,以及特刊组稿的方式、经验与启示。【结果】 期刊组织高质量特刊不仅能够吸引高质量稿件,增强期刊国际影响力,还能挖掘和发现期刊所需人才,向世界展示中国学者的学术水平,“讲好中国故事”,为期刊可持续发展注入活力。【结论】 英文科技期刊应抓住发展机遇,着力组织高质量特刊,逐步提升内容质量与影响力,打造中国科技期刊品牌。  相似文献   

【目的】 探索学术期刊利用微信平台打造期刊品牌和提升期刊影响力的方法和途径。【方法】 以《药学进展》办刊实践为例,从微信社群促进编委交流、公众号传播编委观点以及学术活动推动行业发展这3个角度介绍微信平台在期刊品牌建构和影响力提升过程中所发挥的作用。【结果】 《药学进展》通过微信社群和公众号的运营,强化编委与期刊之间的关联,打造精品内容,服务行业需求,从而显著提升了期刊的品牌影响力。【结论】 强化编委队伍建设和提高内容传播效率是学术期刊构建品牌和提升影响力的有效举措,学术期刊应增强服务和策划意识,并利用微信平台在互动性和传播效率方面的优势,充分调动编委参与办刊的积极性。  相似文献   

摘 要 【目的】以岩土工程类英文科技期刊为研究重点,针对新创期刊的特点并结合实际办刊经验,探讨如何提升我国英文科技期刊的国际影响力,重点考察期刊显示度、认可度和知名度(品牌)等,并注重分析与讨论其各要点。【方法】 以《岩石力学与岩土工程学报》(英)为例,分析其目前进展与存在的问题,找出与其他知名期刊存在的差距,并给出一些建议和举措以提升期刊的国际显示度。【结果】期刊社要做好“两手抓”——论文和引用,要保持足够的耐心和信心,脚踏实地,为创办国际精品期刊做好基础性工作,进而提升国际影响力和知名度。【结论】所提供的举措与经验可为其他一些新办或没有被国际知名数据库收录的英文学术期刊提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】将图书出版行业中私域流量运营的成功经验运用到学术期刊运营中,为提升学术期刊微信公众号影响力、增强关系强度、提升学术期刊传播力提供参考。【方法】通过分析私域流量的发展及其在图书出版领域的应用,结合学术期刊用户的特点以及《中国有色金属学报》私域流量运营的经验,提出私域流量视域下学术期刊的传播策略。【结果】《中国有色金属学报》通过在传播媒介、传播关系、传播内容和传播场域4个方面进行改革,实现高效传播,使期刊影响力得到提升。【结论】在私域流量视域下,学术期刊应利用用户的关系资源,塑造关键意见消费者,并通过布局热点话题以及创新专题,提升与用户的关系强度;重点运营多资源用户,通过维系情感加强用户对期刊的归属感;积极打通“微信视频号+微信公众号”通道,利用视频号推荐算法实现引流。  相似文献   

【目的】 分析我国基本科学指标(Essential Science Indicators,ESI)化学SCI论文的发文情况以及SCI收录期刊的现状与影响力,指出我国化学科技期刊供给侧与需求侧的不平衡,提出创办我国化学优势学科英文期刊的可行性。【方法】 通过ESI分析我国化学SCI论文的产出情况,结合《期刊引证报告》对我国化学SCI收录期刊的国际影响力、学科分布、出版基本情况进行多方面分析。【结果】 我国化学学科论文发表量在全球居首位,但是我国化学SCI收录期刊数量仅有21种,出现供需不平衡,与美国、英国、德国等国家有一定的差距。【结论】 加强我国化学优势学科领域的英文期刊布局,使化学科技期刊的供给侧与需求侧达到平衡;创办前沿性和交叉性的化学学术期刊,填补学术期刊空白,增强化学学科学术话语权;与国际优秀出版集团合作,提升化学期刊质量,可以促进我国化学科技期刊的发展。  相似文献   

【目的】掌握中国英文科技学术期刊的发展现状与国际影响力情况,为我国英文科技期刊国际化发展提供政策参考。【方法】 对中国英文科技学术期刊基本现状进行分布统计分析,基于《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》与JCR数据,进行期刊国际影响力的全面计量和多维度比较分析。【结果】 我国英文科技学术期刊发展势头良好,整体国际影响力不断提升,但期刊布局与发展尚不均衡,与出版强国相比还有差距,有较多国际引用来自国内机构。【结论】 国家的英文科技期刊扶持政策已见成效,应持续支持;建议进行学科与地域布局规划,针对两极分化进行统筹调整,建议在国际影响力评价指标中增加“海外机构引用比例”。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨新时期国际军事医学期刊对编辑胜任力素质的新要求及其能力培养策略。【方法】 以《军事医学研究(英文)》编辑部的编辑培养实践为例,构建新时期国际军事医学期刊编辑胜任力素质新要求及能力培养模式,打造顺应时代发展的编辑核心价值体系。【结果】 新时期国际军事医学期刊编辑胜任力素质包含具备与学科发展并进的学术素质,与国际视野并行的科学素质,与数字化、网络化、智能化时代相应的信息技术素质。同时,还需要对编辑的再学习能力、价值创新能力和全方位整合能力进行培养,以达到新的胜任力素质要求。【结论】 国际军事医学期刊应立足于新时期编辑“核心价值”,培养编辑能力提升胜任力素质,从而实现期刊新时期的新跨越。  相似文献   

提升期刊国际影响力的宣传策略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
摘 要 【目的】针对如何提升我国英文学术期刊国际影响力的现实问题,提出期刊要集合自身资源,融合多渠道手段,扩大期刊的全球传播范围。【方法】 结合国内外英文学术期刊的宣传推广经验,分析了期刊开展国际宣传工作的途径。【结果】 提出了期刊信息宣传的形式,并介绍了具体的实施方案。同时对如何更好地开展国际宣传推广提出了几点建议。【结论】 通过多元化的宣传举措,国内学术期刊可以进一步提高国际影响力。  相似文献   

【目的】 总结《科学通报》英文版(Science Bulletin,2015年之前为Chinese Science Bulletin)与Springer出版集团11年的国际合作实践,以期对我国英文科技期刊更好地借助国际合作提升自身影响力等方面提供一定的借鉴和参考。【方法】 介绍《科学通报》英文版与Springer 11年的国际合作出版基本情况、合作基本内容和不同发展阶段的探索,梳理刊物较长一个阶段的发展趋势。【结果】 国际合作的不断深化和海外可见度的提升,为刊物质量的提高和国际影响力的提升起到了积极的促进作用。【结论】 在坚持继续深化国际合作的同时,要大力提升自身办刊能力,积极组织高质量稿源,提升国际竞争力和影响力,且以集团化方式参与国际合作争取更多的合作效益。  相似文献   

Background  Sialic acid (SA) is a nine carbon sugar derived from mannosamine and pyruvate. High levels of sialic acid and aspartate transaminase (AST) levels in cerebrospinal fluid have been described in pyogenic meningitis (PM) compared to tubercular meningitis (TBM). Objectives  To evaluate the levels of CSF free SA in PM and TBM and to assess the correlation between CSF free SA and CSF glucose or total protein levels. Patients and Methods  A total of 122 subjects were studied and divided into children and adults. Further, these have been subdivided into controls, PM and TBM. CSF free SA was estimated by thiobarbituric acid assay of Warren and AST by Reitmann and Frankel method. Results  CSF free SA and AST levels in children and adults were significantly high in PM (p<0.001) as compared to TBM and controls. Conclusion  A very high CSF free SA and AST were found to be characteristic of PM, making them useful parameters to differentiate PM from TBM.  相似文献   

【目的】 分析《中华医学杂志英文版》(Chinese Medical Journal,CMJ)与国外三大医学期刊《新英格兰医学杂志》《柳叶刀》《美国医学会杂志》通讯类文章的差异,为优化国内医学期刊通讯类栏目提供参考。【方法】 利用Web of Science数据库和《期刊引证报告》,比较2015—2016年CMJ与国外三大医学期刊通讯类文章的载文情况,分析2017年排名前10位高被引文章的特点。【结果】 CMJ通讯类文章刊载量、比例、被引频次和引用率均明显偏低;同时,对学科研究热点追踪程度低,从而导致被关注程度较低。【结论】 国内医学期刊对通讯类文章重视程度不高,所发表的通讯类文章影响力较低。应重视通讯类栏目建设,及时把握相关学科领域的研究前沿和社会热点,刊发高影响力通讯类文章。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨我国医学期刊在富媒体数字内容开发方面的有效路径。【方法】 以《新英格兰医学杂志》《柳叶刀》《美国医学会杂志》《英国医学期刊》四大医学期刊网站富媒体数字内容为主要调研对象,结合国内医学期刊现状以及笔者所在编辑部实践情况,分析探讨我国医学期刊富媒体数字内容开发现状。【结果】 随着数字化出版革命的不断演进,富媒体内容已经成为四大医学期刊数字内容增值服务的重要部分,具有如下特点:均较早地引入专家视频、音频访谈内容;越来越多的文章以富媒体形态出版;对期刊学术资源进行二次加工,推出多种交互式产品;出现视频形态的“文章”;信息图得到广泛应用;部分资源通过付费订阅等方式开辟新的营收途径。国内医学期刊数字化发展还处于初级阶段,富媒体内容开发能力薄弱,应当从加强集约化经营、重视专门人才的引进以及培养、充分发掘自身特色资源等方向入手,增强富媒体内容的开发能力。【结论】 国内医学期刊应当学习借鉴四大医学期刊在富媒体内容开发方面的先进经验,结合实际情况和自身特色,提高富媒体内容开发能力,更好地促进学术影响力的提升,创造更大的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

Brugia malayi microfilarial excretory-secretory (mf ES) antigens obtained byin vitro maintenance of mf are important tools in the immunodiagnosis of bancroftian filariasis. To increase the yield of mf ES products, the effect of nutritional supplements on the culture medium (RPMI 1640) and the maintenance temperature were studied. Supplementation of RPMI 1640 medium with organic acids and sugars of Grace's insect culture medium forin vitro maintenance of 10 lakhs of mf in 40 ml medium increased the yield of mf ES antigen from 152 μg to 364 μg of mean protein, content and the mean antigen titre from 200 to 400. Supplementation with phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) and shift in the culture temperature resulted in a further increase in the yield of mf ES antigen to 502 μg of mean total protein with an antigen titre of 800. The modification resulted in a net increase of 3 fold in the protein content and 4 fold in the antigen titre of ES products. The above modifications in thein vitro maintenance of mf did not affect the diagnostic quality of mf ES antigen, which gave a sensitivity and specificity of 80% and 90% respectively in detection of filarial IgG antibodies inWuchereria bancrofti infected cases.  相似文献   

This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to important differences between Japanese and the Western views. This paper is based on our discussions with Rafael Capurro – a dialogue now represented by two separate but closely interrelated articles. The companion paper is broadly focused on the cultural and historical backgrounds of the concepts of privacy and individualism in “Western” worlds; our main theme focuses on different concepts of privacy in Japan and their sources in related aspects of Japanese culture. The interrelationship between our two papers is apparent in our taking up identical or similar topics in each paper. Reading our two papers in conjunction with each other will bring about deeper and broader insights into the diverse values and worldviews of Japan and Western cultures that underlie concepts of privacy that at a surface level appear to be similar  相似文献   

The effect of the oral administration ofVitex negundo leaf extract on the levels of enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants were studied in the adjuvant induced arthritic (AIA) rats The levels of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT, GPx, G6PD, GSH and Vit-C were estimated in various groups of the experimental rats. It was observed that the antioxidant enzyme levels in the AIA were significantly low when compared to normal rats. A significant decrease in enzymic antioxidant—SOD, CAT, GPx, G6PD and non-enzymic antioxidant—GSH, Vit-C were observed in the liver of AIA rats compared to the normal rats. These results suggest that the leaf extract ofVitex negundo possesses antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Aqueous root extract ofAchyranthes aspera was incorporated in the experimental diet ofLabeo rohita (rohu). Control diet was prepared without root extract. Feeding of fishes with experimental diet has significantly (p<0.05) enhanced the serum anti-proteases level than fishes fed with control diet.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus (Afu) causes allergic and invasive forms of diseases in humans. In order to identify genes relevant for pathogenesis, a total of 235 cDNA clones were randomly selected and sequenced from cDNA library of Afu. One of the partially sequenced cDNA clones was homologous to polyubiquitin. Sequencing of the complete cDNA clone showed an open reading frame of 912 bases. Comparison with genomic sequence of Afu using BlastN program, revealed that polyubiquitin gene comprises of 992 bases and contains one intron of 80 bases. The recombinant expression of fusion protein showed an approximately molecular weight of 43-kDa on SDS-PAGE. The translation product of the cDNA sequence showed four tandem repeats of 76 amino acid residues in a single polyubiquitin protein and showed 100% identity with polyubiquitin protein sequences of S. cerevisiae, N. crassa, C. albicans, S. pombe, and M. grisae. Polyubiquitin gene is known to play important role in a variety of cellular processes and recently have been implicated in fungal pathogenesis. Identification of polyubiquitin gene of Afu has opened up scope to study its role in understanding Aspergillus biology and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Researchers in indexing and retrieval systems have been advocating the inclusion of more contextual information to improve results. The proliferation of full-text databases and advances in computer storage capacity have made it possible to carry out text analysis by means of linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge. Since the mid 80s, research has tended to pay more attention to context, giving discourse analysis a more central role. The research presented in this paper aims to check whether discourse variables have an impact on modern information retrieval and classification algorithms. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, a functional framework for information analysis in an automated environment has been proposed, where the n-grams (filtering) and the k-means and Chen’s classification algorithms have been tested against sub-collections of documents based on the following discourse variables: “Genre”, “Register”, “Domain terminology”, and “Document structure”. The results obtained with the algorithms for the different sub-collections were compared to the MeSH information structure. These demonstrate that n-grams does not appear to have a clear dependence on discourse variables, though the k-means classification algorithm does, but only on domain terminology and document structure, and finally Chen’s algorithm has a clear dependence on all of the discourse variables. This information could be used to design better classification algorithms, where discourse variables should be taken into account. Other minor conclusions drawn from these results are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to differences between Japanese and Western conceptions. It starts with a reconstruction of the genealogy of Western subjectivity and human dignity as the basic assumptions underlying Western views on privacy. An analysis of the Western concept of informational privacy is presented. The Japanese topic of ‘‘denial of self” (Musi) as well as the concepts of Seken, Shakai and Ikai (as analyzed by the authors of the companion piece on privacy in Japan) give rise to intercultural comparisons. The paper addresses the question of privacy in cyberspace and mass media. Finally the question of freedom of speech is related to the Japanese concepts of Ohyake and Watakusi.  相似文献   

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