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随着生活水平提高、生活方式改变,老年超重或肥胖人群大量增加,同时患有高血压、高血脂、高血糖等疾病的人群不断增多,伴肥胖而聚集发生在个体上多个心血管疾病危险因子的现象,即代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS),已成为发达国家和发展中国家新的流行病和重大健康问题。MS主要特征为多重心血管代谢危险因素聚集,关键的病理生理机制涉及腹型  相似文献   

多囊卵巢综合征是绝经前妇女的内分泌疾病,主要表现为高雄激素血症。多囊卵巢综合征患者雄激素的增加源于胰岛素抵抗及内脏脂肪组织代谢活性物质导致的高胰岛素血症。30%~75%多囊卵巢综合征患者体重过高。肥胖对多囊卵巢综合征的表现类型有显著影响,且与多囊卵巢综合征妇女不孕相关,也增加了多囊卵巢综合征患者发生代谢综合征及心血管疾病的危险性。该文就肥胖与多囊卵巢综合征相互影响的病理生理机制、肥胖对多囊卵巢综合征表现类型的影响,肥胖对多囊卵巢综合征患者发生代谢综合征及心血管疾病的影响及目前对多囊卵巢综合征肥胖患者治疗的新方案作以综述。  相似文献   

血管性痴呆(VD)是指由缺血性卒中、脑出血性卒中和造成记忆、认知和行为等脑区低灌注的脑疾病所致的严重认知功能障碍综合征[1]。随着人口老龄化的发展,血管性痴呆患者不断增多,它严重影响了患者的生活质量,不仅给患者带来了痛苦,也给家庭和社会带来了沉重的负担。目前尚无治愈的方法,但可以控制它的进展。中医药在这方面发挥了独特的优势,随着研究和认识不断深入,中医药在防治血管性痴呆方面取得了一定的成绩。文章就近5年来中医对此病的治疗做综述。  相似文献   

王瑞  方兴  张兴棠 《大众科技》2022,24(1):85-88
近年来,随着世界人口老龄化进程的加快,血管性痴呆的发病率及死亡率也在逐年上升.中医药在治疗血管性痴呆方面有一定的优势,具有安全性高、副作用小的特点,文章基于中医药的特点,从中药单药、中药汤剂、中成药、针灸治疗等方面改善VD患者的认知功能进行阐述,以期对今后中医药治疗血管性痴呆提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

蒋利明 《大众科技》2022,24(1):89-92
目的:研究讨论血管性痴呆老年患者临床治疗过程中实施康复治疗方案对认知功能障碍的影响.方法:搜集病例时段为2019年1月至2021年6月期间,总计搜集30例血管性痴呆老年患者纳入研究,按照抽签评分方法对老年患者实行分组处置,15例老年患者为一组,组别为对照组、讨论组,分别给予常规西医治疗、康复治疗,针对组间临床治疗效果进...  相似文献   

血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)发病率逐年上升,对社会及家庭造成了严重的经济和精神负担。近年来各医家以中医学传统理论为依据,结合现代临床经验,对血管性痴呆的中医病因病机进行了深入的探讨,给血管性痴呆的中医药防治提供有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

羽竹 《科学生活》2011,(8):83-84
施红,女,上海第十人民医院中医内科副主任医师,上海中医药大学兼职副教授,从事中医内科临床工作18年,并承担同济大学医学院中医学的教学工作11年。临床擅长治疗脑梗塞,高血压病,老年血管性痴呆,椎——基底动脉供血不足,血管紧张性头痛,脑出血、脑栓塞、颅脑外伤等所致的后遗症,以及老年虚损的中医调理。尤其擅长于慢性胃肠炎、更年期综合征的中医治疗。  相似文献   

张秀杰  朱海燕  谢敏 《西藏科技》2014,(5):47-50,45
目的分析藏族人群中MS(代谢综合征)对脉搏波速的相关影响。方法选取2013年1月1日至2013年10月1日自愿在我院体检中心接受健康体检的藏族受检者1100例,均进行病史问询,行体重、血压、血糖、血脂,以及脉搏波速等相关检查,并根据检查结果进行分组,对不同代谢情况受检者的baPWV检查情况,MS组不同性别与不同年龄段受检者的baPWV检查情况,以及不同年龄段与不同代谢异常情况的baPWV检查情况分别作统计分析。结果藏族人群中MS与baPWV之间存在明显的相关性,且随着代谢异常指标的增加,两者之间的相关性更为显著;不同代谢情况下,藏族女性人群的baPWV检测值较藏族男性人群均相对更高;60岁以上人群的baPWV检测值相对更高;60岁以上且相关代谢指标全部异常受检者的baPWV检测值明显最高(P0.05)。结论藏族人群中代谢综合征组成成分的聚集可能促进动脉僵硬度的发生发展。开展藏族人群代谢综合征成分聚集的评估及进行脉搏波速度检测有助于心血管事件的一级预防。藏族人群MS对脉搏波速有较明显的影响,临床可通过严格检测脉搏波速,对藏族人群MS的发生情况作出初步诊断,以降低藏族人群MS相关性高危病症的发生率,提高临床干预效果。  相似文献   

<正>代谢综合征是指一组影响代谢健康的因素,包括腹部肥胖、高血压、高血糖、高甘油三酯和低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平,也是心血管疾病、糖尿病和其他慢性疾病的主要危险因素之一,更是一种越来越普遍的健康问题。  相似文献   

奥拉西坦分为奥拉西坦胶囊和奥拉西坦注射液两种。奥拉西坦胶囊主要适用于轻中度血管性痴呆、老年性痴呆以及脑外伤等症症状引起的记忆与智能障碍。奥拉西坦注射液主要适用与脑损伤及脑损伤引起的神经功能缺失、记忆与智能障碍的治疗。  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome contributes to pathogenesis of Type-2 diabetes and CAD. Insulin Resistance is the key factor of metabolic syndrome implicated in development of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). In present study we have investigated the prevalence of NAFLD in metabolic syndrome and contribution of metabolic risk factors in causation of NAFLD in non-diabetic North Indian male population. The study was conducted on 495 non-diabetic, nonalcoholic subjects (age 30–65 years). Metabolic Syndrome was assessed by using ATP III and ADA (2005) criteria. Anthropometric factors-Waist circumference and blood pressure were measured. Fasting serum samples were analyzed for Glucose, Triglycerides, Cholesterol and its fractions, Insulin, Alanine transaminase, Aspartate transaminase, Gamma glutamyl transferase and free fatty acids. Insulin resistance was estimated by Homeostasis Model and Insulin sensitivity by QUICKI Index. Liver ultrasonographic scanning was used for assessing fatty liver. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and NAFLD was 24% and 14.8% respectively in non-alcoholic population and 27% of metabolic syndrome had NAFLD which was associated with hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, insulin insensitivity along with elevated levels of waist circumference, blood pressure, triglyceride, FFA and decreased HDL-Cholesterol. The prevalence of NAFLD increased with insulin resistance and clustering of metabolic risk factors.  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome is a complex of metabolic factors which includes central obesity, insulin-resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to know the rate of metabolic syndrome in outpatients presenting to medicine department of our hospital and their profile. The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed using International Diabetes Federation criteria. The parameters analyzed included age, sex, blood pressure, BMI, fasting plasma glucose, HDL and triglycerides. The rate of metabolic syndrome was 21.1 % in our study. The younger population was most susceptible to metabolic derangements. Further, females were found to be affected more than males. The extremely significant parameters were deranged fasting plasma glucose, HDL, triglycerides while hypertension was found to be insignificant. Being overweight maybe a strong predictor for presence of metabolic syndrome in our region of study, and all overweight persons should be assessed and appropriately treated to prevent future cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

猪肉是我国居民的主要肉食源,生猪产业在我国畜牧业生产中占有较大的比重,生猪的疾病防控是生猪养殖业的重点。近年来,特别是2006年的蓝耳病和2009年猪H1N1流感发生后,我国生猪产业防疫和检疫所暴露出来的问题受到了社会的广泛关注。对华中地区生猪疾病防控工作进行了研究,并以生猪产业发展、动物疾病发生与危害情况为重点,提出政府宏观调控、散养户和规模化养殖防疫控疫建议以及生猪疾病防控技术对策与措施,对保障我国猪粮安全有重要意义。  相似文献   

中医治疗艾滋病的疗效与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于中医学是理论医学及在“非典”防治中的重要作用,本文就民间中医生在疫区治疗艾滋病的情况以及目前中医治疗艾滋病遇到的问题进行了研究,结果发现民间中医治疗艾滋病的疗效较为肯定,中医药治疗艾滋病的前景广阔。但存在忽视中医学自身标准、传染病法等法律不利于中医药参与治疗艾滋病等问题。为了13亿中国人健康,弘扬中医药应该成为国家战略。  相似文献   

肝细胞大量凋亡坏死进而引起肝脏功能严重损伤是肝衰竭的根本病因。近年来,我国对中医药防治肝衰竭进行了大量的研究,基本认可了"毒邪为肝衰竭的致病之因,贯穿疾病的始终,痰瘀为本,毒、痰、瘀互为因果";运用活血、解毒、化瘀的方法治疗肝衰竭成为广大医家的共识。大黄、赤芍均为传统的活血化瘀类中药。两药为相须配伍之药,是治疗热毒、瘀血的要药,与肝衰竭的中医病因病机及症候较为吻合。文章总结了近年来大黄、赤芍及其复方在治疗肝衰竭中作用机制的研究成果,重点从调节机体免疫、改善内毒素血症、抗凝、促进肝细胞再生的角度来阐述。  相似文献   

As antioxidants play a protective role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, understanding the physiological status of antioxidant concentration among people at high risk for developing these conditions, such as Metabolic Syndrome, is of interest. In present study out of 187 first degree non-diabetic relatives and 192 non-diabetic spouses, 33.1% and 19.7% were found to have metabolic syndrome respectively. Subjects with metabolic syndrome (≥3 risk factors) had poor antioxidants status as reflected by significantly low levels of vitamin A, C & E and significantly increased (p<0.01) oxidative stress as compared to those without metabolic syndrome. At the same time serum insulin levels and insulin resistance were found to be significantly high (p<0.001) in metabolic syndrome. A strong positive correlation (r=0.946; p<0.001) between oxidative stress and insulin resistance was observed in metabolic syndrome. Low levels of antioxidants and increased oxidative stress with insulin resistance in metabolic syndrome suggests that besides therapeutic life style changes (TLC) as suggested in ATP III guidelines inclusion of antioxidant vitamins, fruits and vegetable could be beneficial to ward off the consequences of metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

目的:观察中药与针刺并用治疗高血压的临床疗效。方法:将80例高血压病患者随机分为两组,对照组40例给予西药培哚普利片,治疗组40例在西药基础上加用七味调压颗粒配合针刺风池穴,4周为1疗程,观察2个疗程。结果:在降低血压和改善血管内皮细胞功能方面治疗组均优于单纯降压西药培哚普利,临床症状改善也单纯西药组。结论:七味调压颗粒配合针刺风池穴治疗高血压病疗效显著,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

Numerous classical genetic studies have proved that genes are contributory factors for obesity. Genes are directly responsible for obesity associated disorders such as Bardet–Biedl and Prader–Willi syndromes. However, both genes as well as environment are associated with obesity in the general population. Genetic epidemiological approaches, particularly genome-wide association studies, have unraveled many genes which play important roles in human obesity. Elucidation of their biological functions can be very useful for understanding pathobiology of obesity. In the near future, further exploration of obesity genetics may help to develop useful diagnostic and predictive tests for obesity treatment.  相似文献   

傅其涛  史亦谦  姚政 《科技通报》2000,16(6):484-486
以温补肾阳、振奋心阳、益气活血、化瘀生新为治则,采用制附子,桂枝、淫羊霍、补骨脂、党参、黄芪、当阳、水蛭、鸡血藤、甘草等药物,对30例老年人病态窦房结综合征进行治疗,显效16例,占53.33%,有效10例,占33.33%,总有效率86.66%,对于大多数临床表现为持续的窦性心动过缓早期病窦患者,采用中药治疗都取得满意的疗效。  相似文献   

Primary hemostasis and blood clotting is known to be influenced by the red blood cell volume fraction (hematocrit) in blood. Depressed or elevated levels of red blood cells can lead to vascular perfusion problems ranging from bleeding to thrombus formation. The early stage of hemostasis and thus blood clotting in all vessel sections from the arterial to the venous system involves the adhesion of platelets to von Willebrand factor. Here we present experimental and theoretical results showing that the adhesion probability of platelets to von Willebrand factor is strongly and nonlinearly dependent on hematocrit and flow rate. Interestingly, the actual binding forces are not markedly different, which suggest that the origin of such behavior is in the distribution of platelets. Using hydrodynamic simulations of a simple model, we explicitly show that the higher the hematocrit and the flow rate, the larger the amount of platelets residing close to the wall. Our simulation results, which are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations, explain why such phenomena occur. We believe that the nonhomogeneous red blood cell distribution as well as the shear dependent hydrodynamic interaction is key for the accumulation of platelets on the vessel wall. The work we present here is an important step forward from our earlier work on single molecules and extends into the collective cellular behavior of whole blood. It sheds new light on the correlation between hematocrit and the initial steps in hemostasis and thrombosis, and outlines advances for the treatment of vascular diseases associated with high levels of red blood cells. These results are not only highly relevant for the field of hemostasis and the physics of blood clotting but are also of powerful impact in applied science most obviously in drug delivery and colloidal science.  相似文献   

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