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协调学生及其家长与科任教师之间的关系,调解师生冲突,是每一位班主任都要面临的问题.师生冲突,是师生关系不良的一种表现,它令人烦恼、忧伤,使人痛苦、厌倦,给教学工作带来麻烦.学生讨厌教师,教师讨厌学生,是教育的大忌!这个问题如果处理不好,可能会得罪科任教师,影响科任教师的威信和上课情绪;也可能会得罪家长与学生,影响学生的学习积极性,无论是哪一种都会对班级的教育教学工作产生负面影响.  相似文献   

交往行为理论作为教师合作的理论依据,通过建立定期例会制度、专题问题研讨制度、共同参加学生活动来构建班主任与科任教师交往机制;通过充分理解话题、选择空间和时间、创设自由言谈环境来创设班主任与科任教师交往的"理想话语情境";通过培育班主任与科任教师的主体意识、结合个人绩效与团队绩效考核来促进主体间性关系发展。班主任在与科任教师的合作中,以交往行为理论的视角来观察、理解与解决教育教学问题,在实现学生全面而有个性发展的同时,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

班主任就班级的管理理念、管理方式、管理制度以及学生的情况要多与科任教师交流。一是主动与科任教师交流,互通情况,研究问题,确定方向,讨论措施,制定计划,共同管理好班级。比如在制定班工作计划时,主动征求科任老师的意见。二是经常向科任教师征求意见,倾听科任教师对班风、学风建设的合理意见、班级管理的方式方法及个别学生的教育对策。课间可以聊些学生的情况,假如有的科任老师抱怨班上孩子上课不听话,违反纪律等,你可以提出自己准备怎样教育这样的学生,或者一起想办法。三是热情地邀请科任教师参加班级活动,特别是一些联谊活动,使师生增加感情,沟通思想。四是科任老师有困难或身体不舒服时,可引导学生送上问候,或者预先跟学生说:某某老师不舒服,大家要体谅他。五是班主任要树立科任教师的威信,教育学生尊敬科任教师,听从科任教师的指导。六是利用茶余饭后、课前课后,把学生对科任教师的赞誉与不满反馈给科任教师,通过沟通,赢得科任教师的支持与配合。  相似文献   

教书育人是教育工作者的天职 ,部分科任教师对“教书育人”含义的理解有失偏颇 ,把教书和育人生硬地剥开 ,认为科任教师只负责教书 ,而育人工作应由班主任全权负责。这种想法 ,有悖于教育活动全天候全方位的原则 ,违背了教育教学规律 ,不利于完成教书育人这一系统工程。一、科任教师做好育人工作的必要性班主任是班级工作的直接领导者和组织者 ,他与科任教师在教书育人工作中目的一致 ,但分工有差异。这种差异使班主任在学生心目中更具有权威性 ,但班主任的管理能力再强 ,精力和时间毕竟有限 ,他不可能完全了解每一个学生。正常条件下 ,班主…  相似文献   

素质教育不断深入开展,对学校管理和班级管理的要求也越来越高.实行导师制,强化全员育人意识,充分发挥广大教师在学生思想工作中的作用,切实履行教书育人、管理育人、服务育人的职责,也就成了班级管理中的一种新的尝试.所谓导师制就是科任教师更直接参与班级管理工作的一种制度.科任教师直接负责几名学生的思想教育工作和学习事宜,帮助学生懂得如何做人;明确学习目的,增强学习能力,提高学习成绩,从而达到全班学生人人努力,共同进步的效果.……  相似文献   

素质教育不断深入开展,对学校管理和班级管理的要求也越来越高.实行导师制,强化全员育人意识,充分发挥广大教师在学生思想工作中的作用,切实履行教书育人、管理育人、服务育人的职责,也就成了班级管理中的一种新的尝试.所谓导师制就是科任教师更直接参与班级管理工作的一种制度.科任教师直接负责几名学生的思想教育工作和学习事宜,帮助学生懂得如何做人;明确学习目的,增强学习能力,提高学习成绩,从而达到全班学生人人努力,共同进步的效果.  相似文献   

我从教多年,从科任教师到班主任,不知做了多少次学生的教育转化工作,也不知有多少名学生通过我的思想教育而发生了转变.然而大多数人在我的记忆深处并没留下太深的印象,只有一名女学生的转变让我感慨万千,记忆犹新.  相似文献   

情感是合作的基础,德育工作离不开情感。教育是双边问题,即老师要讲学生要听。而客观现实告诉我们,科任教师不可能向班导和辅导员那样花大量时间和学生沟通,有的放矢地对学生实施德育工作。所以科任教师的德育工作只能体现在自己的教学过程中,只有当科任教师的言行感染了学生,起到了真正地“为人师表”作用下,科任教师的课堂德育工作才可能得以实现,才变得不那么空洞。  相似文献   

正一、情况多交流班主任就班级的管理理念、管理方式、管理制度以及学生的情况要多与科任教师交流。一是主动与科任教师交流,互通情况,研究问题,确定方向,讨论措施,制定计划,共同管理好班级。比如在制定班工作计划时,主动征求科任老师的意见。二是经常向科任教师征求意见,倾听科任教师对班风、学风建设的合理意见、班级管理的方式方法及个别学生的教育对策。课间可以聊些学生的情况,假如有的科任老师抱怨班上孩子上课不听话,违反纪律等,你可以提出自己准备  相似文献   

随着现代社会发展的多元化,中学生的个性特点异彩纷呈,学生思辨能力也有所加强.班主任在科任教师和学生之间的协调沟通工作也面临更大的挑战和考验.班主任要密切联系科任教师和学生,融洽师生情感,协助科任教师共同教育管理,形成教育合力,让班级管理工作有效开展.  相似文献   

和谐教学的课堂教学模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和谐教学倡导整体建构,不仅把教学过程看作是一个系统,也把教学内容看作是一个系统,要求学生在自学的过程中,本着先整体后部分、先宏观后微观的原则,整体感知、理解教材,直奔主题,不要在细节上下工夫。教师要引导学生站在系统的高度去学习知识,让每一知识都以系统中的知识的面貌出现,引导学生寻找教材的规律和解决某一类问题的方法。在学期初,教师要引导学生学习整个学段或整册书的知识结构;每学完一节教材都要及时回归到知识的上位系统。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the identity of the teacher as a dialectical being that is in permanent construction, to identify some obstacles teachers might find in this process while operating in an institutional framework, and the effects these could have upon the teacher and the goals she pursues with her students. By ruling out the idea of identity as an autonomous self that can be constructed with no ties with its context, we propose that identity is dialogical and is built through the relationships we establish with others. This fact situates the relationship between the student and the teacher at the center of pedagogical practices and allows us to establish the ideas of teacher presence and integrity as central elements for the moral development of students. In this context, we identify the excessive institutionalization of the role of the teacher as a cause for the reduction of identity and a defensive retreat to the possible outcomes of being judged by strictly formal criteria, which in turn can hinder the relation between student and teacher and risks possible negative consequences in the moral growth of both.  相似文献   

We utilize information from a rich administrative panel dataset following the universe of test-taking public school students in Florida over a period of five years to estimate the relationship between same-gender teacher assignment and student achievement. We estimate how a student's achievement changes as he/she is assigned to teachers of different genders throughout his/her academic career, holding constant both observed and unobserved factors related to academic outcomes. We also provide estimates from models that evaluate how the relative performance of male and female student assigned to the same teacher or in the same classroom relates to the gender of the teacher. We find no statistically distinguishable relationship between same-gender teacher assignments and student math or reading achievement in elementary school. We find a statistically significant relationship between being assigned to a female teacher and student achievement in middle and high school, however the magnitude of the effect is small.  相似文献   

试论教与学关系问题研究的三种范式及其走向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教与学的关系问题,主要有三种研究范式,即“教”或“学”的研究范式、“教与学”的研究范式以及“教学”研究范式。现代教学作为一种以增强学生的主体意识、发展学生的主体能力和培养学生的主体人格为目标的社会实践活动,在本质上是教师价值引导和学生自主建构的有机结合,是教师对学生学习活动的正确引导、科学组织和有效规范。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the examination of students' work may lead to changes in teaching practice that are more effective in terms of students' mathematical learning. However, the link between the examination of students' work and the teachers' actions in the classroom is largely unexamined, particularly at the secondary level. In this paper, I present the results of a study in which teachers had extensive opportunities to examine the development of students' conceptual models of exponential growth in the context of their own classrooms. I describe two related aspects of the practice of one teacher: (a) how she listened to students' alternative solution strategies and (b) how she responded to these strategies in her practice. The results of the analysis suggest that as the teacher listened to her students, she developed a sophisticated schema for understanding the diversity of student thinking. The actions of the teacher supported extensive student engagement with the task and led the students to revise and refine their own mathematical thinking. This latter action reflects a significant shift in classroom practice from the role of the teacher as evaluator of student ideas to the role of students as self-evaluators of their emerging ideas.  相似文献   

As teacher educators, preparing student–teachers who are able to address diverse student needs is our main concern. It has been suggested in the literature that teachers who are adaptive to students’ needs are those who possess adequate pedagogical content knowledge or pedagogical understanding. However, it is not uncommon for teacher educators to find student–teachers with diverse pedagogical understandings even at the point of graduation from the teacher education programme. This paper aims to explain and analyse the development of pedagogical understanding among student–teachers in an initial teacher education programme. The findings are drawn from a study conducted at the Hong Kong Institute of Education where in-depth interviews were carried out during the four-year programme. The findings from the three selected cases provide an explanation for why some individual student–teachers show continuous development, whereas others remain confused in their pedagogical understanding throughout the teacher education programme. While acknowledging individual differences in pedagogical understanding, we attempt to explain such differences by investigating the relationship between different dimensions of the student–teachers’ learning such as the integration of pedagogical understanding with the teaching contexts, integration of feedback from lecturers and supporting teachers, and their focus of concern. The findings reveal that the three cases demonstrate different levels of pedagogical understanding and possess varying ‘senses of agency’. Of the three cases, the first one, Peggy has the strongest sense of agency. Despite influences related to classroom management, diverse learning ability among pupils, and the teaching methods which pupils were accustomed to previously, she actively introduced rhythmic movements into her lessons, developed pupils’ ability to learn gradually and achieved an impact on pupils’ learning which was also recognized by her supporting teacher. The analysis suggests that the second case, Lilian has a weaker sense of agency as she was severely limited by influences in the teaching context in her first teaching practice and resorted to teacher-centered teaching strategies. She improved later on in the programme and started to plan her own learning, drawing on the feedback she received as well as learning from other taught modules, from feedback from various sources, and from her pupils’ responses to her teaching and her own evaluation of her teaching. The third case, Stephanie remained confused throughout the programme and struggled with the implementation of student-centered teaching strategies. The ability to practice one’s own convictions and demonstrate an active sense of agency distinguishes the student–teacher who achieves better pedagogical understanding. Drawing on the findings, the paper concludes that it is crucial for teacher educators to identify ways to nurture a sense of agency among student–teachers. Implications for teacher education programmes are discussed, including providing opportunities for student–teachers to be able to articulate and integrate their pedagogical understandings, as well as negotiate how to accomplish their learning and teaching targets despite complex classroom situations.  相似文献   

Though discipline-specific approaches to literacy instruction can support adolescents' academic literacy and identity development, scant attention has been paid to ways of targeting such instruction to address individual student needs. Dialogic writing assessment is an approach to conducting writing conferences that foregrounds students' composing process so that teachers can assess and support that process with instructional feedback. Because such feedback is immediate, teachers can observe how students take it up. While dialogic assessment has shown promise as an approach to revealing and supporting students' writing processes in English Language Arts classrooms, it remains to be explored how this approach can support developing writers in other subject areas. This paper offers an analytic narrative account of how a high school social studies teacher used this method to support the writing process of one student, exploring what the method revealed about the challenges the student faced in writing about history, the gaps and misconceptions in their understanding of history and the intersection between the two. We discuss how certain ‘mediational moves’ the teacher employed enabled the student to compose collaboratively with the teacher, and in this collaborative composing, to capture ideas that she later used in her independent writing.  相似文献   

While many teachers agree that the questions students ask are valuable, researchers have found that student questions are notably absent from most classrooms. We know almost nothing about the exceptions to this—classrooms where teachers manage to elicit and use student questions effectively in instruction. One fourth grade teacher, known for her use of student questions, was selected for this study. Classroom observations and interviews were used to gather data; qualitative methods were utilized to analyze the teacher interviews and the interactions surrounding 260 questions students asked during observations. This paper highlights the teacher’s stance toward her students and their questions. 1) The teacher viewed her students as learners who asked questions to increase their understanding. 2) The teacher viewed the assumptions revealed by student questions, as ‘steps’ to the curriculum. 3) The teacher viewed her students’ questions through the lens of potential; that is, she responded to questions based on how they might promote the understanding of her students.  相似文献   

王欢 《海外英语》2012,(5):98-99
首因效应,是指个体在社会认知过程中,通过"第一印象"最先输入的信息对客体以后的认知产生的显著的影响作用,它是由第一印象(首次印象)所引起的一种心理倾向,许多人习惯称之为"第一感"。作为新教师,在课堂上给学生留下的第一印象显得尤其重要。高中外语新教师在课堂上利用好首因策略,在外语课堂上能显著提升教学效果,提高学生的学习兴趣,增加新教师的从业自信心,从而促进新教师自身专业发展。  相似文献   

Teachers are expected today to assess student understanding as an integral part of instruction, using a combination of various assessment methods and tools, among which are observing students solve problems in class and listening to their mathematical discussions. The aim of our study is to explore what it might mean for a teacher to hear students and to interpret their talk and actions. Analysis of an interview with Ruth – an experienced elementary school teacher – after she observed two of her students solve a mathematics problem, suggests four types of her interpretation: describing, explaining, assessing and justifying. This analysis illustrates the complexity of the way Ruth hears her students, as is indicated even in the relatively simple case of describing. Using various sources of data we also analyze different characteristics of Ruth’s hearing for the describing and explaining types of interpretation and examine possible resources for her over-hearing, compatible-hearing, under-hearing, non-hearing and biased-hearing.  相似文献   

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