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This paper describes a study of how academic development units use on‐line technologies for academic staff development. Changes in technology and in the academic workplace are making it increasingly possible to use on‐line learning opportunities for professional development, and on‐line learning environments might thus be expected to provide opportunities for university teachers to reflect on their teaching practice and share these insights and experience with colleagues within and across disciplines. The study reported here reviewed 31 web sites in Australia and the UK to determine what range of aims of academic staff development where being met in their implementation of on‐line learning. The paper concludes that in most contexts the World Wide Web was considered useful for the administrative rather than the educational needs of academic staff.  相似文献   

The digitalisation of educational contexts has changed the practice of teaching and learning. In this, teachers have a key role in enacting digital technologies for this purpose and have different opportunities to do so. This article explores how digitalisation can affect teachers by focusing on: (a) how teachers manage to capitalise on digitalisation; and (b) how digitalisation can affect and reconstruct their self-understanding. Two teacher colleagues of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the same teaching team are interviewed and observed. Drawing on the interplay between self-image, self-esteem, job motivation, and task perception, it is shown how the teachers’ self-understanding is played out and changes due to the call for digitalisation. Whereas one of the teachers has been able to capitalise on digitalisation in a way that has been beneficial both professionally and personally, the other has felt pressurised by it. A conclusion is that a limited or extended use of digital technologies should not be taken as an indicator of teaching quality.  相似文献   

本文介绍了义务教育阶段北欧四国的英语教育目标,初中学生校内外英语学习环境,四国中学英语教师课堂教学及师资培训情况,指出了北欧英语基础教育值得我们学习、借鉴的地方.  相似文献   

Over the last decade universities have been subjected to various forms of academic accountability designed to maintain or improve the quality of their teaching and learning. A shared perspective of many of these accountability processes is that universities should become skilled at creating knowledge for the improvement of teaching and learning, and at modifying their behavior to reflect this new knowledge. In short, that universities should become “learning organizations.” What are the organizational characteristics of an academic learning organization? The paper will address this question by reviewing the adaptations in organizational structure and governance reported by universities attempting to improve the quality of their teaching and learning processes.  相似文献   

There is more need today for school leaders to be up-to-date with technology and its various uses in education. Enhancing self-efficacy in the use of technologyis an expected role of educational leadership preparation programmes. This study investigated technological self-efficacy of a group of educators in leadership positions while participating in a leadership preparation programme at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. The findings show that these educators had high technological self-efficacy. There were also significant, positive relationships between technological self-efficacy variables, academic achievement and age. Age was negatively correlated with general learning self-efficacy and also with one indicator of academic achievement. In the qualitative analysis, the study used the framework of the Theory of Margin (TM) to identify the factors affecting technology self-efficacy. Results indicate that, while participants with a high power-load margin (PLM) reported a higher number of internal and external powers, those with a lower PLM reported a higher number of internal and external loads.  相似文献   

The European e-Learning Forum for Education (ELFE) is a project initiated by the ETUCE (European Trade Union Committee on Education). An important objective of the project has been to study good experiences with implementing the use of ICT in schools. This objective has been broken down in seven operational research questions. Three of these questions will be discussed in this article: (1) What difference does the use of ICT make in schools where ICT is intensively used for instructional/pedagogical purposes? (2) How are the students influenced by this different way of teaching as compared to the traditional classroom education, both individually and as a collective? 3) What factors influence the intensive pedagogical use of ICT? The ELFE study applied a case study approach. Three innovative schools in each of five European countries (Denmark, England, Germany, Norway and Portugal) were purposively selected. Data were collected via questionnaires, interviews, observations and school documents. The findings resulting from the ELFE schools case studies illustrate that the implementation of ICT for teaching and learning may influence the functioning of schools in a number of ways. One can also conclude that students like working with computers and that they have no ‘instrumental’ problems. A number of factors seem to influence the successful implementation of ICT at school level such as a good infrastructure, a clear vision, policy and strategy. A crucial factor is support from national, regional and local authorities, as well as from the school leadership and parents.  相似文献   

In 2014, we investigated how socio‐demographic factors such as gender, teaching disciplines, teaching experience and academic seniority were related to the perception and use of digital mobile technologies in learning and teaching of a group of university teachers from one research‐intensive university in New Zealand. Three hundred and eight teachers from this university completed an online questionnaire and 30 of them participated in a follow‐up interview. Survey results showed that while there was a strong positive correlation between using mobile technologies for personal learning and their use in teaching, only a small number of participants utilised mobile technologies in their learning and the vast majority also did not use these technologies in their teaching, More female teachers and humanities teachers used mobile devices and applications more frequently than male teachers and teachers from other academic disciplines. Also, female teachers had a more positive perception in learning and using mobile technologies. Junior teachers also tended to be more positive in technology use. While the overwhelming majority of the interview participants also perceived positive benefits of incorporating mobile devices and applications into their teaching, it was found that female teachers paid greater attention to pedagogy when considering mobile technology use and the lack of professional development limited their use in teaching.  相似文献   


A key question for educational researchers is whether information and communication technology (ICT) use enhances teaching and learning. In this paper, the authors report findings from a three-year study (2001–2004) investigating teaching and learning effects of ICT use in 26 secondary schools in New Zealand as perceived by teachers. The most obvious effects did not include changes in teaching philosophy or pedagogy but rather increased efficiency of management and administration of teaching, including lesson preparation and presentation. In terms of student learning teachers considered that improved presentation was the biggest impact of ICT use. In addition to the positive consequences of ICT use in education, negative aspects were also reported by teachers, with plagiarism being a frequent concern. Overall, social and motivational effects were more frequently observed in comparison to learning and cognitive effects so that, although the study identified some positive effects of ICT use on teaching and learning, these were mostly surface or indirect and did not change pedagogical beliefs or practice to a great extent.  相似文献   

Many teachers see major difficulties in maintaining academic standards in today's larger and more diversified classes. The problem becomes more tractable if learning outcomes are seen as more a function of students’ activities than of their fixed characteristics. The teacher's job is then to organise the teaching/learning context so that all students are more likely to use the higher order learning processes which “academic” students use spontaneously. This may be achieved when all components are aligned, so that objectives express the kinds of understanding that we want from students, the teaching context encourages students to undertake the learning activities likely to achieve those understandings, and the assessment tasks tell students what activities are required of them, and tell us how well the objectives have been met. Two examples of aligned teaching systems are described: problem‐based learning and the learning portfolio.  相似文献   

Many teachers see major difficulties in maintaining academic standards in today's larger and more diversified classes. The problem becomes more tractable if learning outcomes are seen as more a function of students' activities than of their fixed characteristics. The teacher's job is then to organise the teaching/learning context so that all students are more likely to use the higher order learning processes which “academic” students use spontaneously. This may be achieved when all components are aligned, so that objectives express the kinds of understanding that we want from students, the teaching context encourages students to undertake the learning activities likely to achieve those understandings, and the assessment tasks tell students what activities are required of them, and tell us how well the objectives have been met. Two examples of aligned teaching systems are described: problem-based learning and the learning portfolio.  相似文献   

Quality of instructional delivery is an important determinant of the extent to which the teaching process has an impact on learning achievement. The literature identifies many contributors of learning achievement including teacher, curricula, teaching, student, home and school environments. On an ‘education production function’ approach, achievement may be modelled as an outcome determined by school and classroom based inputs. The processes of achievement determination are typically assumed, in the absence of detailed information about actual classroom practices. In Kenya, primary schools continue to report differentials in performance on standardized tests even when policy implementers distribute teachers normally to these schools. Such differences in academic performance have been reported even among schools within the same neighbourhood. Schools from the same neighbourhood draw students with similar backgrounds and expose them to teachers who have gone through the same training. This paper hypothesizes that teaching style plays a key role in explaining the differences in academic performance among students between primary schools. Using data from 72 math lessons that were filmed in 72 primary schools in Kenya, the authors demonstrate the extent to which teaching practice explains differences in performance among students and schools. While controlling for individual and school based factors, the paper uses mixed methods to analyse the linkages between teaching practices and learning achievement. The main research finding and policy implication is that students learning achievement can be improved through quality teaching, even when other conditions such as class size are not conducive.  相似文献   

The aim of the present longitudinal study was to investigate factors contributing to mothers' and fathers' teaching of reading and mathematics to their children during kindergarten and Grade 1. It was assumed that mothers' and fathers' teaching during kindergarten would be influenced by their socioeconomic status and their own learning difficulties, whereas during Grade 1 by their children's academic performance. A total of 189 mothers and 165 fathers filled in questionnaires regarding their teaching of reading and mathematics twice, once in kindergarten and once in Grade 1. Children's reading and mathematics performance was also examined twice, once in kindergarten and once in Grade 1. The results showed that the lower the socioeconomic status of mothers and fathers, the more teaching of reading and mathematics they reported. Moreover, the lower the children's academic performance in reading and mathematics in the beginning of Grade 1, the more teaching by mothers and fathers reported later on. Overall, the results suggest that mothers and fathers adjust their teaching to the actual skill level of their children when their children enter primary school.  相似文献   

中国高校学分制现状与改革趋势研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
学分制由来已久,它在西方发达国家产生并被普遍采用。100多年的历史证明,学分制确实促进了科学技术的发展和社会的进步繁荣,同时,我们也要看到学分制并不是最完善、最理想的教育管理制度。近年来,我国高校纷纷采用学分制管理体制。然而,学分制是和丰富的教育资源、高水平的师资队伍、高素质的教学管理队伍和高水平的教务管理系统相匹配的。因而,我们在推行学分制改革的同时,应该根据我国国情和各高校校情选择适合各自学校的学分制管理体制。而不能生搬硬套、全盘模仿。  相似文献   


The author reports on a study investigating the use of information and communications technology (ICT) by academic and nonacademic staff at an independent English secondary school. Three key areas were investigated: access to ICT both in and outside the school, the perceived and desired ICT ability of staff, and the issues preventing increased use of ICT in teaching, learning and administration. Results showed that a major challenge facing the school was not access to ICT resources, but the provision of relevant and supportive training for staff  相似文献   

电子书包是一种信息技术和教育应用高度融合的产物,是利用现代信息技术和教育技术而构建的面向学生个性发展的基础教育综合服务系统。它的应用会促使教学理念、教学目标、操作程序、实现条件、教学评价等发生本质改变,进而引起教学模式的转变。当前对电子书包系统的构建大多采用"学习终端+教育内容+服务平台"的模式,不符合我国强调信息技术与课堂教学过程整合的"课内整合模式"教育理念。在电子书包示范应用与推进过程中,不能只是简单的数字教科书上线,而应并行推进数字化教材及相关资源标准体系的研制、内容和服务平台的研发,以及电子书包课堂教学互动软件的开发,解决应用数字教科书进行教和学过程的信息双向传输问题。这就需要对基于电子书包的课堂教学过程进行分析,建立符合电子书包应用的课堂教学过程和行为模式。在上海市闵行中学电子书包项目试行中初步证实:电子书包不仅能有效提高学生学习兴趣,同时也能提高学生成绩;自主研发的电子书包课堂教学互动软件虽然较好地支持了课堂教学过程中的播放情境、提问情境和点评情境,但对分析情境与协作情境的支持存在不足。  相似文献   

The Growth of English for Academic Communication in the Nordic Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article discusses the danger of subtractive English in higher education in Norway. If the use of a mother tongue as the medium of communication at the highest academic levels ceases, is drastically reduced and replaced through the use of a foreign tongue, we may speak of subtractive learning. If the mother tongue is being replaced by a foreign tongue in academic writing, in research and university level teaching, the mother tongue will stagnate. The vocabulary needed has not been allowed to develop at the highest academic level. The author maintains that the Norwegian language is threatened as an academic language and here discusses the following five phenomena, all contributing to this threat:1. The increasing use of English words in Norwegian academic, bureaucratic or technological language.2. The sale of more academic literature in English and stagnation of academic literature in Norwegian.3. The recruitment of teaching staff who do not speak Norwegian.4. The growth in Master degree courses taught in English.5. The financial rewards being given to academic staff publishing in an international language (read: English) instead of in the mother tongue.  相似文献   

自主学习受到内在因素的影响,主要包括自我效能感、学习动机、学习态度、学习策略、学习风格、归因和学习者自尊七个方面。主要针对学习策略进行研究,采用问卷调查法,了解到技术应用型本科院校英语专业本科生自主学习中学习策略的使用现状,并根据调查结果提出了相应的教学措施,以促进学生有效地进行自主学习。  相似文献   


Although the case study method of teaching has received a considerable level of support in the academic literature as an effective vehicle for educational development, this support has mainly come from the service providers, namely lecturers, rather than the ‘customers’, i.e. students. This paper reports on the findings from a small survey into the attitudes of both full‐ and part‐time marketing students looking at selected attitudes concerning case studies compared to other learning vehicles. The paper reports on students’ attitudes towards the interest, theoretical and practical use, and difficulty of each of the teaching methods, together with the level of preparation they were prepared to put into each learning vehicle. Statistical differences between the attitudes of full‐ and part‐time students are also reported. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications arising from the study for the purposes of generating further debate in relation to strategies and processes associated with particular approaches to teaching and learning.  相似文献   

The use of technology for teaching and learning is now widespread, but its educational effectiveness is still open to question. This mixed-method study explores educational practices with technology in higher education. It examines what forms of evidence (if any) have influenced teachers' practices. It comprises a literature review, a questionnaire and interviews. A framework was used to analyse a wide range of literature. The questionnaires were analysed using content analysis and the interviews were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Findings suggest that evidence has partial influence upon practice with practitioners preferring to consult colleagues and academic developers. The study underscored the difficulty in defining and evaluating evidence, highlighting ontological and epistemological issues. The academic developer's role appears to be key in mediating evidence for practitioners.  相似文献   

This study reports on an investigation into the campus‐based experience of university students studying mammalian physiology that was significantly supported with learning technologies. The design of the course enabled the students to interrogate the key ideas that they came across in their lectures and laboratories through online activities which prepared the students for practical classes. Close‐ended questionnaires were used to uncover qualitative variation in the population sample, particularly the differences in the concepts of learning technologies and approaches to learning technologies. Qualitative variation in concepts of, and approaches to, learning technologies was found to be significantly associated with variation in academic achievement. The outcomes have important implications for the approaches to teaching of campus‐based experiences of learning supported by learning technologies when we seek to support all students to realise their learning outcomes in technology‐mediated processes  相似文献   

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