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为了解决人口结构失衡问题,我国颁布了“三孩”生育政策。作为“三孩”政策的直接受众或者未来可能受众群体——城市新生代二孩以及一孩母亲却在抚育婴幼儿期间面临着很多照护困境,这种困境会降低其生育意愿,对我国持续走低的生育率产生一定的影响。本文基于人类发展生态系统理论,分析城市新生代母亲在微观系统、中间系统、外在系统、宏观系统、时间系统中所面临的一系列照护困境,并提出其支撑体系的构建策略,推动社会为城市新生代母亲创造良好的婴幼儿照护环境,从而促进“三孩”政策的落实。  相似文献   

育儿压力不仅会对承担主要育儿责任的母亲的身心健康及其育儿工作产生直接影响,而且会对家庭生活质量与家庭功能的正常发挥产生重要影响,进而影响到社会稳定。为了解当前0~3岁婴幼儿母亲在我国政府大力推行支持性生育政策下的育儿压力现状与影响因素,本研究选取南京市201名0~3岁婴幼儿母亲作为主要研究对象,通过问卷调查发现当前0~3岁婴幼儿母亲的育儿压力总体处于中等水平,其中“育儿环境不完备”“育儿束缚感强”“体力不济”是其感觉最有压力的方面;家庭结构、孩子年龄以及流产经历对母亲育儿压力有显著影响,主干家庭的母亲的育儿压力低于核心家庭的母亲,孩子年龄越大母亲育儿压力越低,没有流产经历的母亲的育儿压力低于有流产经历的母亲。政府应协调各方力量,建立“政府引导、家庭主体、多方参与”的社会育儿支持体系;母亲应及时补充现代育儿知识,形成积极的育儿态度;家人应给予母亲足够的家庭关怀和有力的育儿支持,由此齐心协力构建起家庭与社会“共同育儿”的良好生态系统。  相似文献   

祖辈托育是我国0~3岁婴幼儿照料的主要模式.祖辈托育的主导地位短时间内不会改变、祖辈托育的公共产品属性和正外部性、祖辈托育的负效应和经验性、祖辈托育在落实全面二孩政策中的重要作用决定了祖辈托育必须有来自公共服务的支持.把支持祖辈托育纳入公共政策,应坚持立法先行,厘定祖辈托育地位;做好顶层设计,构建政策支持系统;立足社区载体,精准推动服务递送;整合多方资源,加强祖辈育儿指导.  相似文献   

提高人口出生率和人口质量是当前我国的一项基本国策,要提升社会的生育意愿,就需要做好家庭婴幼儿照护的支持工作。当前我国农村地区0~3岁婴幼儿照护社会公共服务体系建设还不完善,社会各界对农村家长的照护需求缺乏必要的关注和了解。本研究通过半结构化访谈对河南、江苏、安徽三省33位农村0~3岁婴幼儿家长的照护需求进行调查发现,农村家庭0~3岁婴幼儿照护的支持需求主要体现在婴幼儿养育支持、教育支持和条件性支持三个方面。进一步研究发现,农村家庭在婴幼儿照护过程中对经济、家长教育、心理健康、再就业等方面的条件性支持的需求更为强烈,对家庭内部的协同照护、邻里支持等非正式支持更为偏爱,同时对心理健康的支持也有明显的需求。为提升农村家庭的婴幼儿照护质量,促进婴幼儿身心健康协调以及家庭的可持续发展,政府部门应进一步加强农村婴幼儿照护公共服务体系建设,引导妇联、学校等社团组织和专业机构积极参与农村婴幼儿照护服务,强化新型农村邻里互助组织和互助文化建设。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,为应对少子化压力,日本基于福利多元主义的视角,对其传统的以国家提供为主、体现"家庭主义"特点的育儿支持体系进行了重大改革,逐步转为在政府引导下,由社区、市场、民间组织等多部门共同协作为家庭提供育儿支持,这有效地缓解了家庭育儿压力。当前我国家庭在育儿方面缺乏政府与社会的各方支持。借鉴日本的改革经验,我国应加强顶层设计,健全相关法律体系和机构部门;发挥市场作用,发展多样化托育服务,满足不同家庭的需求;推动社区及社会组织参与育儿服务,创建有利于育儿家庭的社会支持环境;重视家庭的不可替代作用,实现社会多元支持下的"再家庭化"。  相似文献   

增强家庭育儿支持是实现“幼有所育”的重要内容。挪威高度重视父母育儿支持政策,出台了《安全的父母-安全的孩子:支持父母育儿国家战略规划(2018-2021)》,致力于帮助父母成为最好的照护者,强调父母共担育儿责任,重视回应特殊需要家庭的育儿需求等战略理念,以及通过休假制度、经费投入、信息和智力支持等多种举措,产生了积极效果。我国应着眼于婴幼儿照护服务体系建设的实际,因地制宜,鼓励探索形式多样的育儿假政策,完善支持政策体系;补短兜底,发挥政府的政策引导作用,完善育儿津贴制度;通过共建共享,多形式、广渠道推进跨界融合,支持父母育儿,帮助父母成为最好的照护者。  相似文献   

正1隔代养育家庭知多少根据中国老龄中心的调查,参与养育孙子女的祖辈比例从1994的66.4%上升到2002年的72%。上海市科学育儿基地的一项调查显示:上海市参与0~3岁孙子女养育的祖辈比例在2002年时是84.6%,而到了2014年,这个比例已达到99.9%!2016年,一项针对全国10多个省市10000名以上的0~15岁孩子家长进行的调查显示,目前有祖辈帮助养育孩子的家庭比例是61.6%。在一孩家庭中,希望生育二孩后继续由祖辈帮助的家庭比例已经  相似文献   

社区儿童之家在实践中的蓬勃发展为婴幼儿照护服务提供了可能的空间。与其他年龄段的教育服务比较,社区儿童之家婴幼儿照护服务目前尚处于较空白状态,面临供需矛盾突出、定位模糊、硬件与软件建设失衡等诸多挑战。作为政府主导的社区公共服务平台,社区儿童之家在提供婴幼儿照护服务时,应遵循利国利家利童的价值追求:以提高我国儿童的国民素养为本,以提升家庭育儿生活品质为要,以关注婴幼儿精神生活为主。应兼顾作为直接的专业普惠性婴幼儿照护者,作为家庭、社区、机构育儿共享资源平台的组建者,作为新时代亲职教育的重要参与者之多种角色;以打造支持婴幼儿成长的公共友好活动空间,搭建“家庭—社区—机构(学校)”三位一体的公共照护平台,面向婴幼儿照护者普及科学养育理念、提升育儿技能作为建设任务;以开展覆盖日常开放与主题活动并举的亲子共育活动、普遍性与个性化相结合的家庭教育讲座与咨询活动,面向特殊需要婴幼儿及家庭提供社区帮扶与专业支持作为服务内容。  相似文献   

家庭育儿面临很多的社会问题,需要社会多方面的物质和精神支持。从社会支持理论的角度来看,构建育儿社会支持体系需要明确以国家层面为引导、以家庭和早期教养机构为核心、以社区和其他社会机构为辅助的支持主体结构,从制定相关政策法规、增加优质幼儿教育资源、提升婴幼儿保健服务、强化家庭教育指导、优化社区育儿环境、普及社会育儿意识等多种途径来初步构建我国的育儿支持体系,培养社会育儿的普遍意识。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,托育政策经历了从“福利化”到“市场化”再到“家庭为主,托育补充”三个主要阶段的调整变化。伴随着2021年“三孩”政策的全面落地,托育供需矛盾日益加剧,深入了解当下家庭的照护需求并精准提供服务成为重中之重。对深圳市已育有0-3岁婴幼儿和有生育意愿的770户家庭的调查显示:父母科学教养观念强,期望得到专业指导;托育机构价高质劣,家长对社会托育服务满意度低;在育儿指导方式上,期待多种方式提升育儿水平,争做新时代教育型家长;在照护服务形式上,呼唤“父母带薪育儿假”,时间、经济支持双重保障;对于入托年龄与类型而言, 1岁前入托需求相对较低, 2-3岁的入托需求超七成;社区式、全日制备受青睐,期盼普惠性托育服务。这代表了我国诸多城市婴幼儿照护发展的现实状况。为此,可尝试在顶层设计上完善家庭生育友好型育儿支持政策;在梯度推进上优先解决2-3岁幼儿照护需求;在强化指导上分类开展家庭教育指导与服务;在优化监督上健全托育机构监管与评估机制。  相似文献   

Using latent variable structural equation modeling, a family economic stress model that links economic well-being to child well-being in an ethnically diverse, low-income sample of 419 elementary school-age children was evaluated. The sample was 57% African American and 28% Hispanic, and most families were headed by single mothers. The results provided support for the position that family process is a critical mediator of the effects of economic hardship on children's social adjustment. Lower levels of economic well-being, and the corollary elevated perceptions of economic pressure indirectly affected parenting behavior through an adverse impact on parental psychological well-being. Distressed parents reported feeling less effective and capable in disciplinary interactions with their child and were observed to be less affectionate in parent-child interactions. In turn, less than optimal parenting predicted lower teacher ratings of children's positive social behavior and higher ratings of behavior problems. Multiple-group analyses revealed that the pathways by which economic hardship influences children's behavior appear to operate similarly for boys and girls, and for African American and Hispanic families.  相似文献   

In family childcare, the program of services is situated within in the providers' own homes. The purpose of this inquiry is to review the literature from special education in light of current practices in family childcare. In addition, key characteristics unique to the provider's care giving program will be examined in relation to the needs of children with disabilities and their families. Finally, recommendations for establishing coordinated efforts among professional support systems and providers on behalf of such children will be defended.  相似文献   

研究采用教育民族志的方法,研究了X家族三个中产家庭的养育实践和童年经验。研究发现:精英中产家庭的养育方式是民主宣称下的牺牲式陪伴;普通中产家庭采取的是随性宠溺下的情感依附养育;边缘中产家庭努力为孩子创造最好的物质条件和学习环境,但没有时间进行教育陪伴,是一种愧疚驱动下的补偿式教育。殊途同归的是,三个中产家庭在物质支撑和教育投入方面都做出了最大努力,为孩子构筑了一个外部安全环境,期待孩子未来有个“安稳人生”但不一定要“出类拔萃”;父母在管控的同时基于良好亲子关系和孩子心理健康的考虑,给予孩子一定的自由娱乐空间。然而,新生代儿童对成人构筑的安全空间并不满意,他们通过玩具领地、英雄游戏、暗黑文学、火星文字等建构了一个秘密王国,表现出了儿童的能动性、创造性和叛逆性。总的来说,中产家庭采用的是“半规制化”的养育方式,其养育实践和童年经验较为依赖市场提供的科学、文化、娱乐商品,呈现出囫囵吞枣般的文化杂食特征。要走出教育焦虑,中产父母需要认识到科学知识和常规性教育的有限性,更多地参与到社会生活中去寻求支持。但更为关键的是,在常规性教育之外,成人要了解、接纳和参与孩子的冒险生活,提供具有挑战性危机性使命性特征的、可以召唤儿童主体性浮现的“非规制化教育”或者说“世俗外教育”。  相似文献   

Minor Parenting Stresses with Young Children   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The importance of major life stress and minor daily hassles associated with parenting was studied in 74 mothers and their 5-year-old children. Of interest were the relative and absolute contributions of the stress factors to indices of parental, child, and family functioning. Mothers completed questionnaires regarding stressors, aspects of parenting and individual psychological status, social support, family functioning, and child behavioral status. Mother-child pairs were also observed in interactions in a laboratory setting. Analyses indicated that life stress and parenting daily hassles significantly predicted aspects of child, parent, and family status. Hassles, however, proved to be a more powerful stress construct. Further analyses indicated that mothers' social support moderated the influence of hassles on indices of maternal behavior. The results are discussed in relation to the potential for minor parenting stresses to influence microsocial processes within parent-child relationships and contribute to dysfunction in children and families.  相似文献   

In this investigation we examine the relation between intensity, duration, and comprehensiveness of early intervention (EI) services and changes in three aspects of maternal well-being: parenting stress, social support, and family cohesion. Data on the hours, length, and types of services received by a sample of 133 children and families from EI programs in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were gathered from the point of entry into EI to the point of discharge around the child's third birthday. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to determine which measure of EI service intervention contributed significantly to the explained variance in changes in maternal well-being, over and above aspects of the child's functioning and prior levels of maternal well-being. Results indicated that, although greater service intensity was associated with improved family cohesion overall, mothers of children without motor impairment reported greater increases than mothers of children with motor impairment. Service intensity and comprehensiveness predicted significant increases in social support levels. EI services did not have a significant impact on parenting stress. Three practice and policy implications are discussed: building flexibility into EI service provision to be responsive to individual family needs; attending to the accommodations required of families raising a child with a motor impairment; and incorporating other aspects of family functioning into future studies of EI effectiveness.  相似文献   

A randomized experiment was conducted to test the effects of the Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP), a two-generation program that employed case management and home visiting to ensure multi-risk, low-income children and their parents a range of education, health, and social services to meet the complex needs of disadvantaged families. The evaluation of 21 CCDP projects, which followed 4,410 families for five years, found no statistically significant impact on CCDP families when they were compared with control families in either child outcomes (cognitive and socio-emotional development, and health) on parent outcomes (parenting, family economic self-sufficiency, or maternal life course). Since the intervention failed to change parenting behavior or family economic status, the two hypothesized pathways to affecting the well-being of the children, not unexpectedly there were no significant impacts of CCDP on children. The study suggests that the combination of case management and parenting education, delivered through home visits, is not an effective means of improving developmental outcomes for low-income children.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated the impact of child deafness on mothers' stress, size of social networks, and satisfaction with social support. Twenty-three hearing mothers of deaf children and 23 hearing mothers of hearing children completed a series of self-report questionnaires when their children were 22 months, 3, and 4 years old. When children were 22 months, more mothers of deaf children reported pessimism about their children's achieving self-sufficiency and concerns about their children's communication abilities than did mothers of hearing children. When their children were 3 and 4 years old, mothers of deaf and hearing children did not differ in their reports of general parenting stress, as measured by the Parenting Stress Index (PSI). Likewise, mothers' ratings of satisfaction with social support were not affected by child deafness, nor did they change developmentally. Mothers of deaf and hearing children did differ in the types of support networks utilized. Mothers of deaf 22-month-olds reported significantly larger professional support networks, while mothers of hearing children reported significantly larger general support networks across all child ages. Mothers' feelings of stress and satisfaction with social support were very stable across the 2 years examined. The results suggest that most mothers of deaf children do not feel a high level of general parenting stress or dissatisfaction with their lives and support networks. However, mothers of deaf children are likely to feel stress in areas specific to deafness. In addition, because parenting stress was highly stable, special efforts should be made to intervene when mothers of deaf children are expressing high levels of stress.  相似文献   

随着国家全面放开二孩政策,二孩家庭教育问题也随之显现,家长的教育方式、孩子间的相处方式等诸多问题让二孩家庭感到措手不及。文章分析二孩家庭教育存在的问题,对二孩家庭的家庭教育策略进行研究,以解决二孩家庭的家庭教育难题,帮助家长更好地实施家庭教育,提高二孩家庭的家庭教育质量。  相似文献   

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