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This paper reports a survey of 16 to 17 year old students who took part in a school based project activity designed to motivate them to consider a career in engineering. The scheme can be considered a success in that an uppermost estimated figure of 19% more students were recruited to engineering undergraduate courses than might otherwise have been the case in the absence of the scheme. The price that was paid for this was that for every additional engineer recruited to an undergraduate course there were ten participants on the scheme. The way that youngsters make decisions about career choices is discussed in an attempt to throw some light on the mechanisms for uptake (and abandonment) of careers in engineering.  相似文献   

The idea of writing a short essay, comparing the English and French schools of engineering, largely owes its genesis to a conversation with Professor Sir Alan J. Harris of Imperial College, London. It was during this discussion that it became evident that the benefits to be gained from a greater intercourse between schools engaged in international exchange programmes are not always apparent to the layman. One form of such an interchange was first carried out between the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Imperial College of Science and Technology in the form of an exchange of their respective third year and graduate students. The author was one of the original participants in this scheme and believes he has greatly benefited from the experience. He is, however, occasionally confronted with the question (in France as well as in England): “Why did you come/go to France to learn engineering? What more does the experience have to offer?” This question, at first, almost invariably provoked a reaction of surprise and bafflement on the part of the author, who wishes in no way to be conceited in the matter. It is only recently that the author has come to accept the esoteric nature of the whole affair and furthermore to accept with hindsight that he is beginning to appreciate and exploit fully his one year at E.N.P.C., the major part of his original doubts having been dissipated. It is after having lived through and thoroughly digested the experience that these reflections are now possible.  相似文献   

Graduates in the areas of Science and Technology are believed to have traditionally been employed in a number of specific industries, but the recent restructuring of some industries may have affected this phenomenon. In order to examine the trends concerning employment issues in more detail, a case study was conducted by surveying employment statistics for every five years between 1985 and 2010, of graduates from various departments of Science and Technology at a Japanese National University. In this period, the Japanese economy experienced a variety of changes which resulted in some leading Japanese universities with engineering programmes changing their emphasis from undergraduate studies to postgraduate studies. These influences were observed using employment statistics. According to the statistics representing degree levels and the ratios of job openings to applicants, the percentages of graduates employed by industry were compared using data measured at five year intervals. A shift in the employment of graduates can be observed. Employment of graduates of Master's degree courses increased twofold during the 1990s, and employment of Ph.D. course graduates increased significantly in the near term, while employment of Bachelor's degree holders decreased. The relationship between graduates of 13 departments and 21 types of industry was analysed using multiple correspondence analysis. Common two-dimensional scales such as basic-advanced science and technology, and broad-specific demand science and technology were extracted. Both factors of year and degree levels were also configured using the same figures. These configurations were compared between the years examined, and the changes in the structural relationships between degree levels, departments and industries were analysed. These results suggest that some industrial sectors have recently begun to require Master's or Doctoral level graduates from specific departments, though they had not strongly done so before. This also illustrates the relationship between university departments and industry with regard to human resource supply and demand.  相似文献   

This study researches how first-year engineering students perceived the influence of curricular activities on their own learning autonomy, measured with an adaptation of the Personal Responsibility Orientation to Self-direction in Learning Scale (PRO-SDLS). Participants were questioned to assess the influence of the teacher's role. The results indicate that learners’ characteristics (motivation and self-efficacy) contribute more to learner autonomy (LA) than the teaching–learning transaction (control and initiative), as in the original PRO-SDLS validation. The most autonomous learners presented higher values in all LA components and dimensions, but the differences were greater in motivation and initiative. The participants with higher LA were not as dependent on the teacher, regarding assessment, the completion of classroom tasks and deadlines. Regardless of the degree of autonomy in learning, all participants viewed teachers as the main source of information. Therefore, LA plays an important role in teaching activities planning. Suggestions for adjustments and more flexible learning scenarios are formulated.  相似文献   

Several European universities provide entry to general engineering studies prior to degree specialisation. The potential advantages of such entry include the provision of a broader foundation in engineering fundamentals, the option for students to defer specialisation until a greater awareness of the different engineering disciplines and the preparation of students for a more versatile career. In this paper, the attractiveness of general engineering (specifically in the first year of study) is explored through a national (UK) survey on pre-university students. Attention is given to gauging student enthusiasm for flexibility in engineering specialisation, combined degree options and exposure to other non-technical courses. The findings indicate that a general engineering programme is highly attractive to students who are currently considering an engineering degree. The programme is also attractive to some students who had previously not considered engineering. For both sets of students, the desire for education on broader topics is indicated, specifically in areas of leadership, teamwork and business skills, and more generally self-awareness and personal development.  相似文献   

采用SCL-90量表对新乡市750名大学生心理健康状况进行调查,结果表明该被试组总体水平低于全国青年常模组;师范生与非师范生之间不存在差异;女生在抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等方面问题较男生严重;二年级在强迫症状、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑等方面得分明显高于三年级,在恐怖和精神病性方面也要较三年级严重;在外语、文史、理工三类不同学科中,各因子得分之间不存在差异。  相似文献   

Humans prefer (conditioned) rewards that follow greater effort (Aronson & Mills, 1959). This phenomenon can be interpreted as evidence for cognitive dissonance (or as justification of effort) but may also result from (1) the contrast between the relatively greater effort and the signal for reinforcement or (2) the delay reduction signaled by the conditioned reinforcer. In the present study, we examined the effect of prior force and prior time to produce stimuli associated with equal reinforcement. As expected, pressing with greater force or for a longer time was less preferred than pressing with less force or for a shorter time. However, participants preferred the conditioned reinforcer that followed greater force and more time. Furthermore, participants preferred a long duration with no force requirement over a shorter duration with a high force requirement and, consistent with the contrast account but not with the delay reduction account, they preferred the conditioned stimulus that followed the less preferred, shorter duration, high-force event. Within-trial contrast provides a more parsimonious account than justification of effort, and a more complete account than delay reduction.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the changing role of engineers in industry and society with specific reference to the increasing environmental pressures on industry. Sustainable development, as discussed widely since the Brundtland Report in 1987, provides a broad framework for environmental activities in industry. The intended move—worldwide—towards sustainable development involves engineering in the key role of designing and managing ‘Clean Technology’, i.e. of technological systems which are less harmful, more efficient and socially as well as environmentally acceptable. The paper examines the extent to which professional engineers can work and achieve sustainable development within their professional roles and considers their roles and responsibilities involved in such a move. Special emphasis is given to the role of creativity, ethics and the demand for professionalism in the changing roles of engineers. The examination of the ethical and professional issues identified is used together with the observed changes in industrial systems and engineering roles to determine new educational needs of those engineers driving future developments in industry.  相似文献   

How do engineering students develop a professional identity during the course of the curriculum? What are the development mechanisms and important conditions? In an exploratory study among teachers the authors tried to find out whether the development of engineering identity can be understood by using the theoretical models of Ibarra and Sullivan. The results showed that the development of engineering identity is boosted during the internship in industry in the third year. Furthermore, the theoretical models could be recognised in the findings and four interaction types in internships, with significant differences in effect on identity development, could be identified if two dimensions were used: (1) industry supervisors’ perception of students; (2) the professional responsibility awarded. Some recommendations for curriculum improvement could be made; for example, introducing projects into the curriculum to stimulate identity development from the start. Further research is required on students’ preparation for internships.  相似文献   

In response to the need of industry, several of the leading engineering colleges are granting a Professional Degree after two years of graduate work instead of the one year normally required for a Master's degree. The technical difficulty and complexity of industry's development programs tax unduly the training given for a Master's degree. More depth and breadth in such subjects as mathematics, advanced mechanics, thermodynamics, and electronics are required. Many capable men would be willing to devote two years to graduate work who are unwilling to spend the time necessary for a Ph. D. degree and hence content themselves with a Master's degree, thus handicapping themselves and industry.  相似文献   


There is a growing recognition within higher education institutions of the importance of teaching as a core activity for trainee academics. This paper outlines and reports on a scheme which has been established to address the needs of postgraduate researchers who wish to build a career as university teachers. The scheme, now under review at the close of its first year of operation, is one which provides a potential model for other institutions. The paper includes extracts from a frank discussion involving participants in the scheme and highlights some of the practical difficulties which have occurred, in addition to the many benefits which are both expected in the future as well as some which are currently accruing  相似文献   

This study builds on existing research into how young people’s emergent sexual development is connected to parent–child sex-related communication through avoidance vs. disclosure. Over the course of one year, a total of 21 young people (age range 12–17.5) reported in longitudinal qualitative diaries their (1) everyday sexual experiences and (2) sex-related conversations with their parents. Using a mixed-methods approach, findings show that less sexually experienced participants reported greater avoidance of parent–child sex-related conversations than more experienced participants. The sex-related conversations of more experienced participants mainly concerned overt experiences in the form of everyday issues with their romantic partner, while the conversations of less experienced participants were characterised by more covert experiences such as opinions about romantic relationships in general. These results suggest that the degree to which young people feel comfortable talking about sexuality with their parents partly depends on when the conversation takes place during a young person’s romantic and sexual development.  相似文献   

Hands-on practical work in physics and engineering has a long and well-established tradition in Australian universities. Recently, however, the question of whether hands-on physics and engineering practicals are useful for engineering students and whether they could be deleted or whether these could be replaced with computer simulations has been raised, mainly due to cost-cutting exercises. In order to ascertain the usefulness of hands-on engineering practicals and first year practical physics classes to their engineering degree, a retrospective survey was carried out with third year engineering students. The general picture that emerges from the survey indicates that the majority of the students found hands-on physics and engineering practicals preferable to simulations on a computer and that practical work is useful not only for linking theory to practicals but also for gaining technical skills.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the views of the nature of engineering held by 114 first-year engineering majors; the study built on prior work on views of the nature of science held by students, their instructors, and the general public. Open-coding analysis of responses to a 12-item questionnaire suggested that the participants held tacit beliefs that engineering (1) involves problem solving; (2) is a form of applied science; (3) involves the design of artefacts or systems; (4) is subject to various constraints; and (5) requires teamwork. These beliefs, however, were often unsophisticated, and significant aspects of the field of engineering as described in the literature on engineering practices were missing from the student responses. The results of this study are important because students' beliefs have a strong influence on what they value in a classroom situation, what they attend to in class, and how they choose to study for a course.  相似文献   

在分析工程硕士专业学位概况及其特点的基础上,结合当前工程硕士专业学位教学发展情况,对高校工程硕士专业学位培养模式进行探讨,从培养方案和计划、教学课程设置、教学实施方法和学习阶段的管理等方面提出了促进我国工程硕士专业学位教育发展的几点思考。  相似文献   

Formal engineering education has about 150 years of tradition in Finland, but engineering as a profession has more than 200 years of tradition. The first Finnish engineers were men of practice, trained by the apprenticeship system, and used the title The Factory Master. In the year 1849, formal education began, but Finnish industry did not begin to employ formally trained engineers until the beginning of this century. The first formally educated engineers were, themselves, not interested in working in industry. The success of formally trained engineers in Finnish industry was reflected later on in the increasing value attached to research and new technologies. This view of science as an important force for production was strengthened further when the Helsinki University of Technology established and expanded its own laboratories.  相似文献   

针对现有车辆工程专业教学存在的问题,基于OBE理念,对车辆工程专业人才培养目标进行了重新定位,构建了专业人才培养的课程体系,坚持"以学生为中心"的教育理念,深化科教融合,开发先进教学设备,打造一流专业课程教学团队,为培养支撑和引领国家和行业重大战略发展的高素质拔尖汽车产业创新人才提供保障。  相似文献   


South Africa's new occupational and vocational qualifications require assessment centres with a national footprint to conduct national summative assessments which are convenient and cost effective for learners. This new assessment process requires specialised facilities, but few current facilities can provide these. The research project proposed a model which is able to serve the needs of the quality assurance body and industry and be appropriate to the retail sector occupational qualifications. A qualitative method was used, involving a literature review and secondary data analysis; small focus groups; semi-structured interviews; and follow-up workshops to peer review the findings. The participants included industry experts, education providers and quality assurance experts. Two models were identified and considered, namely: Model A, which involves private businesses that can be accredited to become assessment centres; and Model B, which uses Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges for all national assessments. The overall finding was that Model B is more suitable.  相似文献   

Engineering education must be based on technical and scientific development. It is therefore important that engineering education involves close contact between universities and industry. It is equally important that the links between engineering education and research carried out in the universities and in industry are also close. In Sweden this is accomplished by a framework of representation from industry, society and professional organisations in the various levels of planning and management of engineering education as well as by a direct cooperation in actual course work  相似文献   

随着监理行业的不断发展和新的需求,社会对工程监理专业技能型人才的综合素质的要求也越来越高。就高职工程监理专业教学与教育管理方法进行探索,并在教学中进行部分实践。为了培养出高素质的工程监理人员,专业教师除了具备理论教学能力之外,还应注重自身的实践教学能力。  相似文献   

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