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巴西被称为"足球王国",在巴西的土地上,足球是生活的一部分,也是一种民族信仰.而足球文化的多样性和多面性在这个国家体现得淋漓尽致.通过互联网网站搜索、外文期刊和足球报刊的查阅等途径,了解巴西当地俱乐部历史发展、球星和球迷的地方特征、足球管理部门的腐败以及外资投入的欺骗行为等地域情感替代特征.对巴西多元化的足球文化现象和问题,进行多维度地探究.不但使巴西足球文化栩栩如生地展现于人前,而且希望在探究过程中能对中国足球文化发展积累总结宝贵的经验,构建和沉淀出属于中国自己的足球文化.  相似文献   

巴西被称为"足球王国",在巴西的土地上,足球是生活的一部分,也是一种民族信仰.而足球文化的多样性和多面性在这个国家体现得淋漓尽致.通过互联网网站搜索、外文期刊和足球报刊的查阅等途径,了解巴西当地俱乐部历史发展、球星和球迷的地方特征、足球管理部门的腐败以及外资投入的欺骗行为等地域情感替代特征.对巴西多元化的足球文化现象和问题,进行多维度地探究.不但使巴西足球文化栩栩如生地展现于人前,而且希望在探究过程中能对中国足球文化发展积累总结宝贵的经验,构建和沉淀出属于中国自己的足球文化.  相似文献   

文化作为一个国家、地区、民族的智慧的结晶体,有着鲜明的地域特点和时代背景.在全球一体化的发展大趋势下,地域界限的消逝,国家之间的共融合作,民族间的融合,彰显出文化是人类社会所共同拥有的社会财富.中国作为足球的发源地,漫长的时代变迁和民族特色描绘了中国足球文化源远流长的足迹.然而,作为世界第一大运动的足球,在中国的现代足球却远不如其历史一样光辉和灿烂,无论是在大众体育的开展,还是在世界的竞技体育的足坛都很难见到中国足球的影子.因此,本文从文化的角度审视中国足球的发展.  相似文献   

郎晓彤 《考试周刊》2011,(88):133-134
通过对不同足球运动表现形式的视角观察和思考,我们对足球运动文化的内涵有了更新的理解,通过对不同地域球迷的足球文化的了解,我们能更加客观地审视中国足球的现状。  相似文献   

规则简单的足球运动在20世纪到来之前的25年就已经传到了乌拉圭。一个英国的大学教授在蒙得维的亚无意中将一个麻布做的球扔到了烂泥里,尽管他试图为人们解释足球的规则,但他是徒劳的,这个圆球引起了巨大的轰动和争抢,激发了人们潮水般的热情和天生的好胜心。乌拉圭位于南美大陆的东南部、阿根廷和巴西两大国之间,三个国家曾经组成了一块最发达的足球地域。作为上个世纪前半期的世界足球顶级强国,乌拉圭队曾  相似文献   

浅析足球风格与民族文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
足球运动的发展蕴涵着民族文化信息。足球运动不仅可以表现为个人的精神、品格和能力,而且能够体现作为集体的不同民族、不同国家的足球风格与特征。中国足球要取得新的突破,必须立足文化之根本,培养适合自身发展的现代足球文化,塑造现代中国足球模式。  相似文献   

足球在英国被称为football或as-sociation football,在美国被称为soc-cer。足球是公元10世纪以后出现在法国、意大利、英国等国家的一种游戏。1863年10月26日,英国人在伦敦成立了世界上第一个足球运动组织——英国足球协会(British FootballAssocia-tion),并统一了足球规则。人  相似文献   

文化是足球之源,文化造就了足球的风格.各国孕育出不同的传统文化,造就出不尽相同足球风格,这种足球风格其实就是不同文化底蕴的具体体现.中国有着久远的悠久文化,是其他国家不能比拟的,这正是我们一笔宝贵的财富,也正是中国足球日后腾飞的基础.  相似文献   

足球在英国被称为football或association football,在美国被称为soccer。足球是公元10世纪以后出现在法国、意大利、英国等国家的一种游戏。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,足球这一国际性运动在各国、各地区发展中的相互借鉴、渗透日益增强,所有国家、地区的足球文化都成为世界足球文化不可分割的组成部分。本文首先阐述了足球全球化和足球文化的含义,深入探讨了足球文化的定义及构成。其次系统分析了各国、各地区的足球文化特色。最后对中国足球文化的发展进行了分析和探讨,指出我国足球文化在变革继承传统、保持自己本土化和特色化的基础上,必然会在足球文化全球化的过程中与其他足球文化产生冲突和融合。  相似文献   

成语比一般词语具有更强的民族地域文化特征。中英两国历史形成的文化意识差异 ,表现在成语的含义上因风俗习惯不同、地理物貌不同、历史背景不同 ,而表达的意义存在着明显区别。只有在了解两国各不相同的文化源流的基础上 ,才能正确使用和准确理解英汉两种成语  相似文献   

经济全球化促使足球由纯粹的体育运动演变为一种新颖的复合型产业,它根植于现代优越的发展环境中,有其特有的特点和无限的魅力。大力发展足球产业不仅可以娱乐大众,还可以促进经济社会发展,加强不同国家、民族间的相互沟通联系。桂林是国际旅游名城,有着悠久的文化历史,引人入胜的旖旎风光,不拘一格的发展理念,为足球产业的发展提供了较为广阔的平台。桂林足球产业园的建立,更是把足球产业推上了一个新台阶。要充分把握契机,大力挖掘足球产业与经济社会的关系,以此促进桂林经济社会快速发展。  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences and similarities in the impact of school leadership on student mathematics achievement in different global regions using TIMSS international data. Three-level unconditional and conditional hierarchical models were fitted to the data in each country. The findings showed that the variables of teacher professional development and interactions with other teachers at the student level had inconsistent influence on student achievement outcomes across countries. In all but one of the countries in the sample, the proportion of economically disadvantaged students was related to student achievement. In England there were significant differences on several key variables.  相似文献   

试论中西民族传统文化对足球运动的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
审视一个国家的足球风格 ,不可避免地涉及到该国的文化 .儒家思想是中国传统文化的重要组成部分 ,对我国足球运动的发展产生了诸多不利影响 .西方足球运动比较发达 ,也与其民族传统文化密切相关 .探讨不同民族的传统文化对其足球运动的影响 ,取人之长补己之短 ,对我国足球运动的发展必有帮助  相似文献   

The increasing use of league tables to summarise the relative performance of universities suggests an explicit analogy with association football. The extent to which this analogy is useful is explored through a comparison between the operation of the Premier and Nationwide Football Leagues and Universities and Colleges in England and Wales. This comparison considers issues such as what the league tables actually measure, how performance is linked to rewards or penalties, what mechanisms are available for improving performance, and what similarities there are between the locations of more or less successful football clubs and universities.  相似文献   

Old Enemies?     
本专栏由英国大使馆文化处供稿,旨在让读者从中学习地道英文,体悟英文百味。本期介绍了英国的四个组成部分——英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰之间的“恩怨”与“宿仇”。由于英格兰地域广,政治、经济实力强,不了解英国的人通常误把英格兰当英国。但是,在体育上,其他几个“兄弟”可是要扳回一城的……  相似文献   

The paper compares approaches to curriculum specialisation in secondary education in New Zealand and England. In both countries there have been movements towards increased specialisation, though these have been quite different in form and scope. In both countries specialisation cannot be divorced from broader education policies designed to increase devolution and choice and the paper discusses these contexts before analysing the different approaches to specialisation and attempting an explanation. The authors draw on findings from research undertaken in New Zealand schools. The paper identifies three dimensions that have played a part in influencing curriculum specialisation in both countries. These are opportunity, source of impetus and support. It is argued that while local initiative is possible in New Zealand, central planning and guidance is inadequate. In England while central planning is strong and support is available, it is far from clear that real specialisation is encouraged by existing curriculum and assessment frameworks. In these circumstances in both countries it seems likely that vertical, rather than horizontal, diversity will continue to hold sway.  相似文献   

Is it possible to compare the results in assessments of mathematics across countries with different curricula, traditions and age of starting school? As part of the iPIPS project, a Russian version of the iPIPS baseline assessment was developed and trial data were available from about 300 Russian children at the start and end of their first year at school. These were matched with parallel data from representative samples of equal numbers of children from England and Scotland. The equating of the scales was explored using Rasch measurement. A unified scale was easiest to create for England and Scotland at the start and end of their first year at school when children only differ by a half a year in age, and live in adjacent countries with a common language. Although fewer items showed invariance across the three countries, it was possible to link iPIPS scores in mathematics from the start and end of the first year at school across Scotland, England and Russia. The findings of this study suggest that, despite the apparent difficulties, meaningful comparisons of mathematics attainment and development can be made. These will allow for substantive interpretations with policy implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to elucidate the different meaning of university autonomy historically and comparatively. The paper examines the shift in the definition of the university autonomy in England and Japan. It argues that the definition of university autonomy in England and Japan differed traditionally. In England, university autonomy functioned as the universities' ideology to protect the universities from outside of pressure. In Japan, university autonomy was understood in relation to the Ministerial coordination. The market‐oriented policies in those countries have changed the meaning of university autonomy, bringing about “contractual autonomy” in England and institutional autonomy in Japan.  相似文献   

This article concentrates on the policy reforms of schools in England, Germany, France and Italy, from 1988 to 2009, with a focus on the introduction of market accountability. Pressing demands for organisational change in schools, shaped by the objectives of ‘efficiency’ and competition, which were introduced in England in the 1980s, have been adopted in other European countries, albeit at a slower pace and within the continuing need for domestic institutional conformity. How does the increasing predominance of market accountability in state schools change traditional bureaucratic and professional accountability relationships between politicians, managers, professionals and users? The article argues that despite some evidence of convergence between different education systems, England remains the outlier and continental European countries have been much more reluctant to adopt choice and competition policies.  相似文献   

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