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The recognition of studies and diplomas is considered a prerequisite for the promotion of the international mobility of students, researchers and other university staff. For this reason Unesco, as well as some other international organizations, attach a great deal of importance in their programmes of activities to this issue. The following article, prepared for “Higher Education in Europe” by the Unesco Secretariat, outlines the main developments with regard to the problem of. the recognition of studies and diplomas in higher education with a special reference to the recently signed Convention on the Recognition of Studies and Diplomas in Higher Education in the Member States of the Europe Region.  相似文献   

Inspired by the coining together of the various countries of Europe, by the rebirth, at all levels, of interest in the common European identity, and by the growing European consensus as to the importance of the university as a major pan‐European cultural institution, the author, First Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Public Education, presents a project for the founding of a University of the Peoples of Europe. What he envisions is primarily a research institution devoted to the study of pan‐European problems of all sorts and the generalization of the solutions. The author suggests outlines of both the possible activities of such a university and of its organization. He believes that the institution should function under the auspices and with the support of Unesco.  相似文献   

In an increasingly interdependent and inter‐linked world, the phenomenon of migration takes on added importance. It has existed in Europe for many years even if in recent times the immigrants have come from outside Europe rather than from southern European to northern European countries. Economic problems have stimulated increased xenophobia on the part of host societies while at the same time, the children of the first generation of immigrants have faced challenges and have promoted the cultural enrichment that comes from bi‐culturalism. Multi‐culturalism is well worth studying and promoting for it represents a cultural enrichment for Europeans leading to a new cultural synthesis for the continent. Both schools and higher education institutions must take up the challenge of multi‐cultural education which should be more than a superficial dose of folklore, dancing, and exotic food. The children of the second generation of immigrants have frequently studied their home cultures and languages in their university courses, this in order to better understand themselves and their relationship to their two cultures. In their active lives, these graduates will further enrich European culture by helping to elaborate a new cultural synthesis.  相似文献   

高等院校应通过多种途径来营造校园和谐文化氛围,而美术馆则是构建高校校园和谐文化的重要组成部分。充分发挥高校美术馆在高校文化建设中的作用,并将高校美术馆打造成提高当代大学生文化艺术素质的平台,这应是新时代高校发展的重要条件之一,也是我国高校走向世界,与国际对话交流的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的时代,中国翻译界逐步从外译中研究转向中译外研究。中国译者通过汉英翻译承担着在世界文化舞台上重构中国文化形象的使命。要在中国文化形象传递的真实性和译文的可接受性之间达到一种平衡,中国译者既需要根植于本土文化身份又需要具备全球文化身份,本着世界主义和平等交流的胸怀进行汉英翻译,才能客观阐释中国的文化形象  相似文献   


This paper describes a university action research project which is developing culturally relevant courses for families of Asian heritage in East Lancashire. The authors describe the process of do, review and re‐application of new insights as courses are developed bilingually in the community and in the mother tongue, followed by more recent efforts to foster appropriate guidance and accreditation strategies which respect different culture values. The authors emphasise the importance of the first community based, non accreditation phase of the project in making links and building up mutual understanding of the issues involved. The focus throughout the courses is on ensuring a cultural perspective which is promoted by role model tutors and development staff who respond to a wide range of learner motives and starting points in order to facilitate progression and curriculum change in the mainstream.

The second phase adopts strategies which will enable closer links with mainstream provision. This is done by adopting a holistic approach to educational guidance, selecting sympathetic university staff to become involved in assessment procedures for new Foundation and Certificate level modules and also a whole family project which links schools, families and the university. The latter is in the form of a shared course between schools, university and participants to explore myths and expectations about university education. Whilst this activity is not in itself an accredited course, it is devised as a form of educational guidance activity but with the continued ethos of focusing on community concerns and relating to families on their terms through role models and culturally relevant activities. The paper concludes by emphasising the need for continuity of communication with communities if progress is to be made. The development of a ‘black’ perspective in mainstream accredited provision requires credibility, both in the community and in the university, and can only be achieved slowly over time.  相似文献   

中西方文化背景的不同,造就了中西方饮食文化的差异。从烹饪方法、美食评判标准、民族心态等四个方面探讨了中西方饮食的不同及文化多样性形成的原因。  相似文献   

高校校庆活动的文化价值及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校办学的日益开放与社会化,高校校庆活动越来越具有教育性、社会性和文化性的特征,尤其呈现出特有的文化功能,蕴涵着独特的文化价值。高校校庆活动的文化基础在于建构与运作文化符号系统,校庆文化的价值核心是凝练大学精神,打造特色文化,提升核心竞争力。而建立师生相互责任的心理契约,培育师生的学校归属感,是实现高校校庆文化价值的根本诉求,也是积淀大学文化的重要支撑和保证。  相似文献   

Higher education is a rapidly changing mutant. In post‐industrial society, the entire world of higher education is being questioned because new and different producers, transmitters, and brokers of knowledge and competence have emerged and are now flourishing. As the result of a wide‐ranging research exercise on reforms in higher education within the European Union Member States, this article discusses the most crucial problems and contradictions of the present life of the university and non‐University sectors of higher education and suggests the justifications for and the conditions of their new role within the globalization of economics and information. The relationships between research and teaching, academic and professional preparation, the independence of “culture” and its responsiveness to social demands, as well as the relevant changes in the types of publics entering higher education are critically assessed, and a new mission for the whole system of higher education is suggested.  相似文献   

Whether aimed at satisfying the cultural needs of the nation or at organizing and promoting intellectual exchanges with foreign countries in order to spread national culture, cultural policy has become one of the dominant concerns of government today. One hardly need stress the central role universities are called upon to play in this policy. In the past, at a time when governments — absorbed in internal or external struggles — devoted all their efforts to asserting their authority in creating the structures needed for the survival of the state, the initiative for intellectual activities was left in the hands of universities. This was in the Middle Ages; the university, which was independent of the state both in Europe and in the Islamic world, constituted the center of the cultural life of the nation, serving as its guiding light. But today the right to culture has become a fundamental right of man proclaimed in a universal declaration; hence, it is incumbent on the state to ensure that this right is implemented.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1998,11(4):347-356
It is commonplace to note that we are moving toward a global economy. The world is increasingly interdependent in terms of trade, culture and communication. There is one institution that has always been global and that continues to be a powerful force in the world after a half-millennium. This institution is the university. With its roots in medieval Europe, the modern university is at the center of an international knowledge system that encompasses technology, communications and culture. The university remains the primary center of learning and the main repository of accumulated wisdom. While it may be the case that the university has reached the end of a period of unprecedented growth and expansion, it remains a powerful institution. In the knowledge-based society of the twenty-first century, the university will remain at the very center of economic and cultural development.The contemporary university suffers from a lack of self-confidence and has lost some of the support from society it enjoyed in the past half-century or so. However, it is not, as many critics, within and outside of the academy would have us believe, suffering from a deep malaise that will cause either collapse or necessitate major structural and intellectual renovation. The present and very likely the near-term future, will not be a period of great expansion or of great prosperity for higher education. The coming period will also not see the demise of the university.The university is not flourishing as it did in the golden age of the middle decades of the twentieth century in North America and Europe. Yet, the university is far from collapse. It continues to play a necessary role in modern society—as an institution that educates, performs research, provides opportunities for social mobility and certifies expertise and professional competence. Universities have been transformed in less than a century from small, elitist institutions fulfilling a limited educational mission to one of the main engines of the knowledge-based society.  相似文献   

现代意义上的大学发端于中世纪的欧洲。大学何以产生于中世纪的欧洲而不是世界其他文明中心呢?这主要取决于大学的内在特征和中世纪欧洲的政治、经济、文化方面的特殊背景得到了完美的结合,中世纪欧洲各种综合的社会历史背景为大学的产生提供了适宜的土壤。  相似文献   

A great deal of research has addressed the tension between economic globalization and local cultural identity, and the tension between convergence in global policy objectives and divergence in local practices, but research has not explored the impact of the complex interactions between these tensions on an individual university, especially in relation to university autonomy. This paper attempts to bridge this gap. Based on a case study of Tsinghua University in China, this paper explores the university's role in three interrelated processes: the incorporation of international experience into higher education, in order to respond to economic globalization; the reinforcement of political education, as a means of preserving the state‐prescribed cultural identity; and the quest for autonomy, to facilitate the university's move towards world‐class status. Tensions raised by the interaction of these processes will also be discussed. This paper concludes by applying the concept of ‘glocalization’—i.e., ‘thinking and acting both globally and locally’—as a means of understanding the complex interrelations of global, national, and local factors that inform the translation of global imperatives into local realities in the context of Tsinghua.  相似文献   

文化自觉已成为人们适应当今世界发展潮流的一种时代要求,对于传承、创造先进文化的大学来说,文化自觉是一种必须品质。中国开放大学要有这样的文化自觉,就是必须对自己的开放文化要有自知之明,知道它是从哪里来的,怎样形成的,自己在这样的文化中生活有什么意义,开放文化中的哪些元素必须随着时代发展而不断扬弃。  相似文献   

课堂是大学教学的中心,课堂文化之于开放大学无疑具有符号表征作用。从校本文化课堂、媒介文化课堂、社会文化课堂三个方面阐述了开放大学课堂文化形态,得到了开放大学课堂文化是推动开放大学转化为远程学习者融入社会主流文化的预备学校等相关结论。  相似文献   

校园文化的创新建设是我国文化建设的重要部分,而高校校园文化创新建设更是校园文化建设的核心部分,对于国家培养高水平高素质的人才,在人文素质、道德修养层面起着重要作用。在新时期,终生教育理念逐渐深入人们思想观念中,促使成人高校快速发展,此时对其文化创新与建设的研究具有重要的理论研究价值和实践示范意义。着重研究成人高校校园文化创新与建设的现状,分析当前成人高校校园文化建设中存在的问题,提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

This article examines the operation and the results of TRUC, the Transfrontier Regional University Co‐operation Programme which was launched by the CC‐PU of the Council of Europe more than two years ago. It is a response to the growing recognition that regions which straddle international frontiers play an important political and economic role in Europe and that regional university‐industry links can contribute to the economic viability of such regions. Projects which were initiated in eight out of nine designated regions are examined. The conclusion is that in some cases the existence of pre‐existing regional political and financial agreements can stimulate the implementation of inter‐university agreements.  相似文献   

Universities came into existence in Europe in the Middle Ages in response to the need, variously felt by the rapidly evolving societies of the era, for institutions which could organize advanced training in certain key areas of knowledge. When nniversities have vigorously promoted, responded to, and influenced the development of culture, they have occupied major positions in the intellectual lives of societies. When they have locked themselves into prevailing orthodoxies, they have stagnated, and their privileged positions have been challenged by parallel institutions of humanism and of science. Because universities are so much a part of the unifying elements of European culture as well as being principal initiators of them, they are called upon to contribute to what has been, in recent years, a notable rebirth of interest among Europeans in a reaffirmation of the cultural unity of their continent. Universities are therefore invited to participate in a number of projects sponsored by Unesco, by official and international organizations of the European countries, and by nongovernmental organizations, aimed at furthering European cultural development and unity within diversity by direct and by indirect means.  相似文献   

作为一种精神的存续,世界一流大学具有独特的文化品性。然而,我国建设世界一流大学却陷入了大学精神式微、具象层面的制度崇拜,热衷于"运动思维"等文化困境,危及一流大学的文化根基与文化机理。要走出困境,我国大学需要文化突围:必须以关怀人类发展和增进知识为使命,重塑一流大学的文化根基;培育日益进取的竞争文化,激发一流大学的文化活力;培养冒险创新精神,激活一流大学的文化生命力。  相似文献   

Based on data taken from the Unesco Statistical Yearbook (1987), supplemented, for several countries, with data obtained from the Liaison Officers of CEPES or from other available sources, the article examines the statistics of student mobility in the Europe Region over the 1980‐1985 period. Special attention is given to the intra‐European flows of foreign students, and several trends in European student mobility are thus identified.  相似文献   

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