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This paper contributes to the debate about participation and non-participation in formal education by supporting the importance of context as a key factor mediating the engagement of non-participants. Adult women and men who are not engaged in formal education may have no ambition and see no relevance for learning in their lives. They may pass their local college, adult education centre or university with little or no recognition/awareness that it is there and no awareness of the benefit that they could get from its activity. This paper draws on evidence from a study of one group of participants in trade union education that suggests the importance of voluntary engagement in trade union practice was the driver for their enrolment in formal education.  相似文献   

The paper considers the role of trade unions in lifelong learning, their strategic approach to lifelong learning, and the opportunities and limitations set by the current stage of globalized capitalist development. The paper has four sections, the first of which considers the relationship between ‘modernization’ as a trade union project and concepts such as reflexive modernity and risk society which have structured much debate in the social sciences in recent years. Secondly, there is a discussion of the exact nature of the role of trade unions in education and training. While it will be suggested that recent developments have greatly increased the scope of trade union involvement in education and training, the third section of the paper will argue that these developments do not represent a coherent strategy on the part of unions, but more a series of responses to the complexity of the contemporary workplace. Based on a theoretical interrogation of data from a number of empirical and policy document sources,1 the paper will argue that there is a need for conceptual clarity in this field. In the final section, the context of globalization will move to the foreground, in the context of a discussion on the relationship between national trade union policies and global capitalist development.  相似文献   


The aim of this qualitative study is to explore adults’ motivation to learn mathematics in the workplace and the role that the trade union education approach promoted in the United Kingdom plays in that motivation. The findings draw on data from 20 semi-structured in-depth interviews with adults learning mathematics, organised through their trade union representatives. Trade unions promote education which uses teaching and learning approaches based on collectivist and activist principles, which is different from mainstream education, so the research explores what might be learnt from this approach. The findings show that the trade union-led approach enables even long-held negative feelings towards mathematics to become positive. The research finds a strong link between supportive social networks, including Union Learning Representative, as well as positive social and emotional encounters in the classroom that develop adult learners’ confidence, increasing their motivation to both learn and use mathematics in their everyday lives. This change in feelings and motivation is termed an Affective Mathematical Journey. These findings, while taking place in a non-traditional context, nevertheless are relevant to practitioners working with adults in both traditional (school and college) and non-traditional (workplace and community) settings. There are also indications of the positive influence this learning has on the relationship between individual members and their trade union organisations.  相似文献   

Ontological perspectives in higher education and particularly in professional education and development have focused attention on the question of the learner’s being and becoming rather than on the epistemological concern of what and how they know. This study considers the formation of the professional self in the light of the requirements for professional practice. It raises the question of agency in relation to this formational process and considers the implications of the autonomy paradox which arises from the simultaneous influence of the sovereign self and the external authority of the profession on the formation of the professional self. This study considers a structural perspective on both of these matters and concludes with implications for professional education and development derived from constructive developmental theory and the notion of subject–object transformation.  相似文献   

新时代的背景下,各行各业都在通过不断地努力来提升自身的工作效率。伴随着高等教育的快速发展和教育体制改革的不断深化,高校的发展面临着新的机遇与挑战。因此,高校工会女工管理需要与时俱进,提高高等教育水平和培养高素质的人才是当务之急。本文结合个人在实践工作过程当中的经验总结,就高校工会女工管理中人员素质与其女工工作展开探讨,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

In this paper I address some questions pertinent to the development of school art education. I begin by considering how we relate to art and how we might understand the notion of this relation in terms of human subjectivity and the art object. To do this I describe particular art practices that have broadened social conceptions of art, which in turn, become part of art itself and shape performances of understanding, learning and practice. Implicit to this discussion is a change in how artists, art practice and engagement with art are conceived. I then consider some art events in school art education and analyse how human subjects, art practices and objects are understood in this context. This leads to further remarks about how learners and practice in school art education might be discerned in the light of the preceding discussion.  相似文献   

文章在我国全面建设小康社会,倡导终身学习的背景下,提出一种新的社会教育观,它不是传统意义上的区别于学校教育、家庭教育的狭义上的社会教育,而是以人的全面发展为基本目标,能够为社会成员提供终身学习环境的社会教育体系。同时在理论上对社会教育的实践做出了尝试性的探讨,希望能够对社会教育体系的构建提供一种理论支持。  相似文献   

在当前企业调整结构转型发展及开滦集团加快转型发展步伐的新形势下,做好直属机关工会工作,具有其特殊的重要意义。文章分析了直属机关工会具有的特殊地位和作用,对转型发展新形势下把握直属机关工会工作规律性及创新直属机关工会工作途径进行了阐述,提出了工作方向和措施。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,当代教育史面临的困境与挑战需要用新的视角进行解读,构建整体教育史观。在深度考究的“史料解读”的基础上,突出世界范围的“联结比较”。以整个世界作为教育史研究范围,通过纵向归纳与横向对比进行范式转换、整合教育经验,其发展过程分为“本相之境”“理性之境”“实践之境”和“圆融之境”四个阶段。根据教育史研究的现实问题与困境,进行交互与创生,实现教育史的圆融与超越,从“合而不同”走向“和而不同”。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the relationship between trade unions and learning in the workplace, particularly in relation to the enhancement of worker employability profiles. With the restructuring and modernising of the European steel industry as its context, this paper argues that the organisational and structural features of a sector have a profound influence on the way workplace learning is organised. Equally, trade union organisation and approaches also shape the learning agenda. In the steel industry, trade unions have failed to address the significance of workplace learning, partly because of the ways that they approach this topic. In the context of traditional sectors, with relatively vulnerable workforces, the weakened state of union bargaining positions means that they have limited capacity to address workforce employability or workplace participation. The outcome is that trade union involvement in skill formation and workplace learning is marginal.  相似文献   

“让教师和学生一起成长”作为新时期学校工会工作理念和实践的价值追求,其意蕴是:工会既要关注教师生活,又要关注教师和学生的成长;其价值是:“让教师和学生一起成长”是生命发展的本质追求,是学校教育的客观要求,是工会工作的开展需求;其策略是:引导师生在架构目标、建构课程、开展活动、完善制度的过程中实现“让教师和学生一起成长”。  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育 ,是我国教育事业的一场深刻变革 ,充分发挥教职工主人翁的作用 ,加强和改善工会教育职能的侧重点 ,改革和完善教育职能的方式方法 ,是全面推进素质教育对工会教育职能提出的新要求  相似文献   

Writing plays a central role in social work practice and in the qualifying programmes studied by student social workers. The research on which this paper is based explores the value of writing undertaken in higher education to writing for professional practice in social work. Drawing on data sources from a ‘text oriented ethnography’, this paper explores the reflections of five recently qualified social workers making the transition from academic to professional practice. The significance of this study is heightened as social work practice and education are undergoing significant review at the time of writing. This review has identified the role of writing as important in both academic and practice domains. The paper suggests that there is currently no clear progressive link between academic writing in social work and the writing in practice required of graduate social workers. This paper offers some reflections on the implicit and explicit value of writing in an academic context to writing in professional practice.  相似文献   

This study investigates experienced teachers’ resistance in an era of neoliberalism in Macau. The narratives of three experienced teachers are examined under a post-structuralist framework. The findings indicate that the traditional Chinese Confucian ideology of education guides the experienced teachers’ professional practice and offers them an alternative subject position to inhabit that makes it possible for them to establish a critical distance from the prevailing norms imposed by the hegemony of neoliberalism. Such a distance allows the experienced teachers to observe, to think otherwise and consequently to live out a different teaching life and to reassemble their identity around an empowered notion of self. The study concludes that the Confucian ideology of education has contributed to the transformation of the contemporary discursive context of Macau by promising a future for education, a future with a revisioned future rather than a neoliberal incorporation of the past.  相似文献   


The 2015–2016 South African higher education students’ movement proved historical for our country in bringing to our dinner tables: issues of higher education transformation and decolonisation; institutional culture(s); curriculum reform; the need to foreground and make inclusive assessment in education; the coloniality in our knowledge production, and more. Influenced by the emergence of the student movements and the critique they have brought to South African higher education, we bring to the fore the often silent critical reflections on the purposes of higher education in general, and in South Africa especially, as they relate to teaching and learning. We propose that the purposes of higher education in relation to teaching and learning ought to respond to (1) context, (2) democratic difference, and (3) cosmopolitan perspectives. We argue that discourses, phases and logics about South African higher education have tended to disregard and, at times, blur the context and differences as well as cosmopolitan perspectives. Using the notion of Ubuntu-Currere, we re-imagine how teaching and learning could respond to context, difference and cosmopolitanism with examples from the South African higher education experience.  相似文献   

劳动教育观念是人们关于劳动、劳动教育的价值、意义、目标、功能及实践形态的理解和认识。受制于特定的历史条件及对现实问题的回应,人们对于劳动教育有着不同的理解和认识,形成不同的劳动教育实践形态。我国劳动教育经历了从新中国成立之初忽视劳动教育,到强调劳动教育的政治秩序建构与思想政治教育的价值,再到强调通过劳动教育促进人才培养及推进素质教育,最终到新时代突出劳动教育促进人的全面发展的观念变化过程。新中国的劳动教育观念随国家发展意识而变化,但总体上呈现向劳动教育本质复归的趋势。  相似文献   

The disciplinary intersection between community work and design is under‐explored. Despite similarities in both the context and values of the work, there has not been a significant critical comparison of their respective approaches in either theory or practice. This article suggests that informal education offers an alternative lens to consider both disciplines and inform future practice. More specifically, it considers the relevance of informal education principles in design education and design practice that has an explicit social focus. This discussion is drawn from doctoral practitioner action research in Scotland during 2016–18. The fieldwork focused on the different outlooks and approaches to work in community settings from both design and community work perspectives.  相似文献   

教学设计是学习理论与教育实践之间的桥梁,学习理论对于教学设计有着至关重要的指导作用。本文从学习理论入手。结合“知识观”和“认识理论”对教学设计的嬗变进行多角度透析。  相似文献   

This paper discusses teacher resistance to recognizing some perspectives of difficult histories. The paper focuses on the following question: How does affect contribute not only to the formation of teacher resistance, but also to its disruption in ways that enable the productive reclaiming of teachers’ engagement with traumatic histories? To address this question, the paper first revisits the notion of difficult knowledge, highlighting its affective dimensions and its relevance to teacher resistance. Then, it argues that the role of affect in resistance demands a different way of conceptualizing ‘teacher resistance’ to acknowledge how affect is entangled with both the micro- and macro-political dimensions of resistance. In the light of this reconceptualized notion of teacher resistance, the paper theorizes the notion of ‘affective disruption’ by using Judith Butler's social theory. Finally, the notion of ‘pedagogy of discomfort’ is revisited to demonstrate the new openings created by a reconceptualized notion of teacher resistance in the context of teacher professional learning.  相似文献   

本文从经济金融化、社会保障私有化、政党工会关系、垄断资本全球化四个方面考察了新自由主义对美国劳资关系的影响。当前这场金融危机还不能推动美国劳资关系的转变。这是因为金融危机还不是新自由主义危机的全面体现,金融化依然会持续。新自由主义的支配地位没有受到挑战,劳资关系的改善缺乏工人运动和政治推动力量。垄断资本全球化加剧了美国工人阶级的弱势地位。  相似文献   

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