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基于青岛市市南区36份学校特色建设方案,总结了八种类型的学校特色主题,分析了影响学校进行特色主题选择的内外部因素。针对学校特色建设过程中存在的问题,建议学校深入梳理其历史文化,充分利用校内外资源;教育主管部门在发挥引导作用的过程中要避免对学校施加过大的压力。  相似文献   

山歌教育与土家族群经验的成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土家族山歌立足于厚重的族群文化传统之中,担负着促进个体与群体经验发育的责任。个性鲜明的土家文化使土家山歌具有了与现代学校教育迥异的特质与趣味:教育价值选择的生命化取向、教育实践环节的生活化取向、教育手段设计的人性化取向。这三种取向从不同的层面指向了教育的主体性,指向“经验”的生长与互动。它所产生的显著的教育效能,使我们妊然以“经验”为核心审视教育问题。  相似文献   

关于西北民族地区寄宿制学校办学若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寄宿制民族中小学校是国家专为少数民族举办的一种特殊办学形式。主要在少数民族牧区、边远山区和经济不发达地区设立,面向农村、牧区、边远山区招收少数民族学生。民族地区寄宿制学校已经发展成为民族教育的一种重要办学形式。当前民族地区寄宿制学校办学的主要问题表现在生源问题、民族文化传承问题、与家庭教育和社会教育的脱离问题等。解决这些问题,就要将寄宿制学校之根扎于民族文化之中,不仅要提高少数民族学生家长对民族地区寄宿制学校的认同水平,还要加快民族地区寄宿制学校标准化、规范化建设速度,提高农村寄宿制学校的管理水平与家校合作水平。  相似文献   

古学派是日本江户时代中期诞生的一支重要的儒学流派,标志着日本儒学特征的正式形成。其《诗经》人情观彻底改变了日本《诗》学的走向,由原来追随汉人的人云亦云,转变为立足本国文化传统以"人情"为内核的《诗》学观。在日本《诗经》学史上具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   

How evident is democracy within education in Japan, and is current practice different from elsewhere? This paper assesses the perception that Japanese political and educational practices are not fully 'democratic'. The first part examines the Japanese perspective on democracy, and then considers democracy and education in Japan. From a school-based study, the second part discusses examples of class practice concerning decision-making. The paper concludes that democracy is deeply rooted in Japanese history, but not in a form that is readily recognisable to Western observers. Consensus has been more significant than voting. The view that the US administration had a strong influence probably reflects policy rhetoric, not the reality in schools. But this rhetoric may have led to a belief that 'democracy' is not an appropriate term within contemporary Japanese education. However, what happens in Japanese classrooms equates with 'democratic' practice elsewhere.  相似文献   

胡格诺派是欧洲宗教改革运动中的一个重要宗教派别。胡格诺派信仰宣扬“预定”和“选民”的加尔教,现世的成功是获取选民的证据。由于加尔教的入世精神.胡格诺派促进了法国早期资本主义的发展,并对法国政治与化产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

学校武术是继承和发扬民族传统体育、传播民族传统文化的重要途径,在中国武术逐步向国际化发展的趋势中,武术自身也需要改革和调整,在保持民族性的同时加快与奥林匹克文化思想的交流和融合。思索、宏扬和发展学校武术与中国传统文化、奥林匹克文化的结合点,以便更有效地积极开展迎合奥林匹克精神和学校武术教育,是中国学校武术发展的方向和重要保证。  相似文献   

The 'Futures' of Queer Children and the Common School Ideal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on an especially urgent challenge to the legitimacy of the common school ideal—a challenge that has hardly been addressed within contemporary debates within liberal philosophy of education. The challenge arises from claims to accommodation by queer people and queer communities—claims that are based on notions of queerness and queer identity that are seriously underrepresented within contemporary liberal political and educational theory. The paper articulates a liberal view of personal autonomy that is constituted by a conception of practical reasoning rooted in thick communal experiences. It is argued that common schools concerned with equal concern for the autonomy of all children must attend to the specific communal requirements needed to developing the autonomous practical reasoning of queer children—requirements for what is termed a sense of 'futurity'. Five practical recommendations for common schools are briefly outlined. The paper concludes with some reflections on the divergent and convergent interests of queer theory and liberalism, and considers some possibilities for a partial reconciliation of the two theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

冯会  雷江华 《绥化学院学报》2014,34(10):126-131
特殊教育学校文化包括物质文化、制度文化与精神文化三方面的内容,它们是影响特殊教育学校良好发展的重要因素。然而,当前特殊教育学校文化建设过程中面临着三种困境:学校文化是坚持本土内生还是异地移植;是选择一元观念还是多元观念;是继承传统还是开拓创新。为了解决特殊教育学校文化建设中存在的困境,特殊教育学校应该注重校长办学理念的科学性,彰显学校文化的全纳理念;创建特殊教育学校的生态文化,构建特殊学校师生的学习共同体;加强特殊教育教师的合作文化,促进校本课程的开发与实施。  相似文献   

日本英文广告在世界上有广泛影响,并极大地推动日本商务和经济发展,其重要原因归功于日本英文广告既扎根于日本文化又广泛吸收西方文化。日本英文广告文化观一方面体现为民族精华、集体主义、强交际环境,另一方面又体现为个性观、事实观、环保观、创新观等。研究日本英文广告的文化观,对于我国广告走向世界,更好地实现跨文化交际,推动我国经济发展,都具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

与其它类型的日语课程相比,中职商务日语课程内容的性质明显不同。这主要是因为它所培养人才的具体规格不同。中职商务日语培养的是商务日语的初级人才,这直接规定了它的课程内容的本质特征:日本文化特色、实用性和初级性。学生在完成所有课程的学习之后,应该达到生活日语高级、商务日语高级、学术日语初级与日本文化初级的熟练掌握程度。课程具体安排如下:一年级,第一学期,初级生活日语。第二学期,中级生活日语、商务知识初级和基础商务日语;二年级,第一学期,高级生活日语、商务知识中级和中级商务日语。第二学期,商务知识高级、商务日语高级和日本文化初级。三年级,第一学期,综合学习。第二学期,实习。  相似文献   

Data from twenty‐two case studies of schools in four North American school districts are examined to assess the process and outcomes of reform through school‐based management (SBM). The analysis is guided by a theoretical model that describes the process through which SBM can lead to school improvement. This model suggests that the formal change in governance reflected in a shift to SBM must first generate improvements in the decision making processes utilized at the school. Better decision making will enable schools to implement needed strategic and operational changes, and these together will help build an effective school culture. An improved culture, along with the strategic and operational reforms implemented at the school, will lead to changes in the behavior of staff members, which is necessary for there to be improvement in various outcomes that serve as indicators of school quality. The analysis of the case studies indicates that schools in our sample most frequently exhibited positive changes in two areas, namely, decision making processes and school culture. Strategic and operational changes were less likely to undergo positive change, as were individual behavior and school quality. However, the overall pattern of findings provides reasonable support for the general validity of the model. Furthermore, the data from this sample of schools suggest that SBM has considerable potential to elicit positive changes in schools. To help insure that such potential is realized, the findings indicate that school leaders must insure that all constituents have an opportunity to participate in school level decisions, that a vision regarding desired outcomes should be utilized to guide the implementation of strategic and operational changes, and that the process of change should be monitored in order to better identify problem areas and allow corrective action to be taken.


试论个人主义教学文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为现存教学文化的重要形式,个人主义教学文化根深蒂固地存在于教师群体之中,渗透于教师学校生活的各个层面,并日渐成为教师专业发展的主要障碍。因此,对个人主义教学文化的含义、特征和成因进行分析和探讨,不仅有助于公正地评价个人主义教学文化,还有助于对教师的行为及其原因进行合理的诠释。  相似文献   

在学校文化建设中形成学校特色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在学校外部环境和内部动因发生变化的状况下,学校文化建设已成为一种学校生存与发展战略,学校主体文化建设的自觉性不断增强。课程文化作为学校文化建设的重要组成部分,拓展了学校文化建设的内涵和品质,成为学校文化建设的重点与核心。学校文化建设与学校特色形成是同一枚硬币的两面,在学校文化建设中形成学校特色,着眼于课程与教学特色的形成,其实就是在建构学校文化的软实力。  相似文献   

As communities of immigrant families gather in the low-income neighbourhoods of Tokyo and neighbouring cities, Japanese teachers face new challenges as well as the stigma of classrooms for immigrant children. Within the intricate politics of assignment in Japanese school districts, teachers and administrators can find themselves with students who are barely acknowledged and poorly served by mainstream Japanese schools and other community services. The interviews with teachers, principals, immigrant translators and other cultural intermediaries as well as numerous school visits focused on the ways in which teachers had been required to interrogate their pedagogies, practices and prejudices in order to be effective teachers of low income and immigrant youth. The results reveal strains in the lives and careers of teachers who work with marginalised youth in Japan and are addressed within a critical view of how Japanese schooling is responding to the needs of an increasingly heterogeneous urban population.  相似文献   

This paper originates from the perspective that school textbooks are crucial organs in the process of constructing legitimated ideologies and beliefs and are a reflection of the values considered important by powerful groups in society. This claim is explored through investigating the manner in which a selection of history textbooks in use in US and Japanese schools invites students to understand the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Linking narrative with historical analysis, the paper presents evidence which suggests that US and Japanese children are provided with a narrow view of the past which in promoting asense of unity and patriotism limits the development of a critical historical consciousness.  相似文献   

小学语文教学的根基——传统语文教学。传统语文教学有新旧之分:“五四”运动之前,可称为旧传统语文教学;“五四”运动之后,可称为新传统语文教学。新中国成立后20年对于传统语文教学的继承提得少了。新时期后,继承并发展了传统语文教学。小学语文教学的发展必须扎根传统,面向现代:要以科学的发展观学习传统、发展语文教学;小学语文教学的发展需要一个稳定的环境,改革应该是渐进的;要提高语文教师传统文化、传统语文教学的水平和修养。语文教学的根基扎得牢,根深才能叶茂。  相似文献   

基于对北京市5255名教师的问卷调查,本研究考察中小学学校组织文化的现状及其特点。研究表明:中小学学校组织文化的三个因素:教师文化、学校文化认同、校长文化,能较好地解释学校组织文化的结构;不同职业生涯发展阶段教师对学校组织文化的认知有所差异,其中6-10年教龄教师对学校组织文化的认同最低;中学和小学教师在学校组织文化的认知上有所差异,小学教师对于学校组织文化的认同度要普遍高于中学教师;不同性质的学校教师在学校组织文化的认知也有所差异,重点学校和薄弱学校教师对学校组织文化的认同度要明显高于普通学校的教师。  相似文献   

当今经济社会的发展与转型、教育竞争和课程改革等因素促使现代学校发展面临着新的形势。越来越多的学校意识到学校文化与促进学校内涵发展的重要性和进行自主发展的紧迫性与必要性。因此,以学校为主体进行文化建设的自觉性不断增强,学校文化建设已成为一种现代学校生存和发展战略。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effects of childhood experiences of wearing school uniforms at public elementary schools in Japan on individual preferences in relation to others (hereafter, other-regarding preferences) in adulthood. The school uniform experience can be endogenous if the preferences and characteristics of the school and parents are included in the decision of schools to implement school uniforms. To examine the causal effect of school uniforms, we exploit the exogenous variation in the expansion of the apparel industry across regions, which the Japanese government used as a catalyst in stimulating the economy, as well as the regional variations in prefectural governors’ initiatives for enhancing regional profitability. We find that that the experience of school uniforms increases reciprocal inclinations and inequity aversion (prosocial) tendencies. We discuss the reasons behind the consequences of school uniform policies on students’ other-regarding preferences later in life, with a focus on an individual’s perception of similarity with others shaped during childhood.  相似文献   

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