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目的:观察针刺手厥阴心包经穴对大鼠自由基代谢的影响,探讨针灸对力竭运动心脏的保护作用.方法:24只SD大鼠随机分为安静对照组、力竭运动组、针刺力竭运动组.针刺力竭运动组每日针刺双侧内关穴和郄门穴一次,连续20天后,力竭运动组、针刺力竭运动组做力竭游泳实验.运动后即刻处死各组大鼠,取心脏备用.分别测定其心肌线粒体SOD活性、GSH和MDA含量.结果:力竭运动组与安静对照组相比,GSH、SOD下降明显(P<0.01),而MDA显著升高(P<0.01).针刺力竭运动组MDA明显低于力竭运动组(P<0.01),SOD显著高于力竭运动组(P<0.01),GSH略高于力竭运动组,无统计学意义.结论:针刺内关、郄门穴能增强心肌细胞清除自由基能力,抑制力竭运动时心肌脂质过氧化反应而起到保护心肌的作用.  相似文献   

找出划线部分发音不同的词:穴雪1.AfineBbikeCfiveDMiss穴雪2.AnameBwhatCgradeDKate穴雪3.AbookBtooCgoodDlook穴雪4.AbusBcupCnumberDyour穴雪5.AmeetBthreeCjeepDpear单项选择:穴雪1.Isthisyourpear芽___熏it____.ANo,isn'tBYes,isthereCYes,isn'tDNo,is穴雪2.Isthat______芽AaEnglishcarBEnglishcarCcaranEnglishDanEnglishcar穴雪3.What'sthat芽____abike.AItsBIt'sCthat'sDThats穴雪4.Is____here芽AeveryBoneConeeveryDeveryone穴雪5.Look选That'sajee…  相似文献   

运用按摩的作用机理、采用不同的手法和经穴部位,适时地在运动前、运动中和运动后,进行针对性按摩,从而改善运动员动作反应和自控调节能力,形成积极的心理状态,对提高人体的机能能力、防止运动损伤,都有明显的效果.  相似文献   

古今中外的伟人名家,大多喜欢拿书作喻,启人智慧,让人爱书。源泉———“爱书吧,它是你知识的源泉。”穴高尔基雪钥匙———“理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。”穴托尔斯泰雪船只———“一本书像一艘船,带领我们从狭隘穴ài雪的地方,驶向无限广阔的生活海洋。”穴凯勒雪阶梯———“书是人类进步的阶梯。”穴高尔基雪阳光———“生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光。”穴莎士比亚雪生命———“书是我们时代的生命。”穴别林斯基雪烈火———“各种蠢穴chǔn雪事,在每天阅读好书的影响下,仿佛烤穴kǎo雪在火上一样,渐渐熔化。”穴雨果雪珍…  相似文献   

一、语文知识积累及运用。穴20分雪1.读下面的句子,根据拼音填汉字或给加点的字注音。穴4分雪①有了中国共产党,中国的面貌就huàn______然一新。②灰姑娘连丢下一只水晶鞋都无xiá______顾及。③不食嗟穴雪来之食,表现了中国人民的骨气。④把体现人民群众的意志和利益作为我们一切工作的出发点和归宿穴雪。2.下列加点词在句中的解释不恰当的一项是穴雪穴2分雪A.在世界无产阶级革命的澎湃运动中,中国共产党成立了。穴“澎湃”比喻声势浩大,气势雄伟雪B.饿人拒绝了“嗟来”的施舍,不吃这碗饭,后来就饿死了。穴“施舍”指把财物送给穷人或出…  相似文献   

浅析现代撑竿跳高插穴起跳技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对撑竿跳高的插穴起跳技术 ,结合当代世界优秀运动员的一些技术特点 ,从运动解剖学和生物力学的角度 ,作了简明扼要的分析 .  相似文献   

采用不同的按摩手法和经穴部位进行针对性按摩,可以改善中长跑运动产生的不良效果.本文通过调查和分析认为,运动按摩对调整和保护运动员良好的竞技状态,增进和发展运动员潜在体能,有明显的效果.  相似文献   

下面是我国古代文学名人的雅称,请在每题括号内填上文学家的姓名。穴1雪青莲居士———唐代穴雪穴2雪香山居士———唐代穴雪穴3雪六一居士———宋代穴雪穴4雪东坡居士———宋代穴雪穴5雪淮海居士———宋代穴雪穴6雪易安居士———宋代穴雪穴7雪稼轩居士———宋代穴雪穴8雪于湖居士———宋代穴雪穴9雪温陵居士———明代穴雪穴10雪柳泉居士———清代穴雪名人雅称!江苏@丁洪  相似文献   

地膜覆盖花生技术已经实旌了几十年了,这其中有一道工序,把土地耕好、耕平、打垄、插穴、往穴里放两粒花生米后,再用铁耙把穴荡平。最初这样使用地膜覆盖技术时,农民们都小心翼翼地站在垄底,不敢踩着穴孔,怕踩着那穴孔就踩坏了花生种子,担心出土的花生幼苗就会很娇小。  相似文献   

高中语文第六册《祭妹文》中有“岁寒虫僵,同临其穴”一句。教参的翻译是:天冷时蟋蟀冻僵了,我们一同到它的穴边。课本注【同临其穴】:同到它的穴边。句中的“僵”被理解为“冻僵”,“穴”大概也被理解为“巢穴”了。问题是,“同到它的穴边”干什么?把蟋蟀放回到原来的巢穴中去吗?然而先前在野外捉到的蟋蟀,现在要找到它原来的巢穴,谈何容易。如果认为句中的“虫”泛指野外的蟋蟀,则不仅更不可能———知其穴临其穴,甚至连蟋蟀是否冻僵在洞穴里也不可能知道。总之,课本、教参对该句的理解、翻译令人不可理解。看来,宜考虑“僵…  相似文献   

英语名词词组是指以名词为中心加上其他修饰语所构成的词组。对此类词组的翻译,依据等值论.应当把它看成一个整体来找其语言语符表层、语义深层、语用修辞层的等值转换,并恰当地运用熔铸、转换等翻译技巧去进行处理,才能得到与原词组等值的汉语词组。  相似文献   

The English language has become a global language, a development which has influenced English language teaching and learning throughout the world. This influence has occurred more impressively in China than in other parts of the world as a result of the breathtaking pace at which China has integrated with global economies. Increasing industrial, economic and multicultural development has spurred language educators in China to question the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) curriculum in relation to the role of English, particularly in secondary schools. In this paper we present a brief review of the role of English as a global language in the Chinese context, a context which is now to be seen as a global one. The new curriculum has been progressively rolled out in Chinese schools since 2001. We highlight the redefinition of the role of English in the new EFL curriculum in Chinese secondary schools in particular and the significance of this as it presents new features of the new EFL curriculum as part of a developing research field, based on a comparison with the 1993 EFL curriculum. In this study, we focus on policy statements and curriculum documents as well as published previous research in order to understand the redefining of the role of English as a foreign language in the new EFL curriculum.  相似文献   

Understanding learning disabilities (LDs) as constructed through multiple cultural practices including discourse, this paper focuses on a Latino middle school student with a LD named Elijah. This study documents both the discourses and practices used to position Elijah as a mathematics learner, as well as his use of similar discourses as he constructs a complex set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Elijah is positioned by discourses that prioritise speed as an indicator of mathematical ability, as well as discourses that construct students with LD as having both intelligence and differences such as processing speed. An analysis of interview and observational data suggests that Elijah constructed a unique set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Like his sixth-grade special education teacher, Elijah seems to differentiate between knowledge and the performance of knowledge in school. He created a unique identity as both ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ in mathematics, rejecting the binary found in many mathematics classrooms. These findings suggest that multiple discourses circulate in schools about ability and disability in mathematics.  相似文献   

走城市化道路是一个国家迈向现代化的必由之路。我国西部地区的整体发展水平远远落后于东部和中部发达地区,如何启动西部的城市化是当前需要特别关注的问题。绵阳是共和国历史上移植现代工业和高科技而形成的一座新兴城市,绵阳的城市发展历程在共和国历史上较为典型,在西部地区也较为成功。本文选取绵阳城市作为研究个案,着重探讨西部内陆地区走城市化道路的问题。  相似文献   

民族区域自治是我国处理民族问题的一项基本政策,也是我国的一项基本政治制度.但从正式提出以民族区域自治作为解决我国民族问题的一项政策到基本政策,民族区域自治制度从最初确定为国家的一项政治制度,到定位于国家的重要政治制度,再到定位于国家的基本政治制度,却经历了一个长期探索的过程.文章分阶段详细地分析了民族区域自治在我国国家政治生活中地位变化的过程及背景.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in educational innovation in universities at a global level, as a tool designed to create strategic changes in order to improve quality. This study evaluates the global improvement in universities as a result of educational innovation governance, as a pillar of the so-called world-class research universities and as a tool for continuous improvement in higher education. The methodology has been designed by different educational innovation groups from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Cádiz, and the International Project Management Association Spanish Board, and includes an analysis of 67 universities from 20 countries. The study is based on 32 universities in Spain, as well as 35 other international universities that carry out educational innovation activity. The results show that universities that have a more mature educational innovation governance in place, both in Spain as well as in other countries, are higher in the ranking of universities (Webometrics). These universities demonstrate a tendency to work on educational innovation projects, which are contributing to strategic changes that will permanently revitalise teaching, whilst also improving research and its links to society.  相似文献   

王独清与艾青都曾在诗歌中描绘过罗马这一异域形象。前者一方面以罗马形象作为民族镜像,力求借此使中华文明取得西方价值评价体系的认同,从而加强民族的自我认同,并为中华民族的复兴寻求合法性;另一方面又以其作为自我镜像,折射出诗人作为没落贵族子弟的内在心理。后者以本民族当下时期的精神动力为衡量标准来对作为复杂的他者形象的罗马进行阐释,以此强化民族的自我认同,并增强中华民族建设社会主义现代化国家的信心。  相似文献   

当代大学生政治观、道德观、价值观调查研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
大学生的思想问题一直是高校德育工作关注的热点,如何培养有理想、有道德、有化、有纪律的社会主义建设和接班人,是当前我国高等学校所担当的一项重要任务。有效的德育工作应以“三课”为起点,保证大学生“三观”协调发展;以心理咨询与心理辅导为突破口,促进大学生主体性和谐发展;以实践为桥梁,保障学生知、情、意、行四方面协调发展;以榜样为中介,引导学生进行正确的价值取向;以人素质教育为契机,夯实学生的精神世界。  相似文献   

Linguistics is a necessary course for English-majors because it plays an important role in second language learning, teaching and research. It is significant, yet difficult to make this course comprehensible and interesting and get the students involved in and attracted by it. This paper intends to analyze and explore teachers’ roles in the course of linguistics from the following aspects: as an explainer, as an activator, as a co-learner, as a question-finder and as an enabler. Some examples are taken to show how to make use of comparison, contrast, instance, discussion, and practice for classroom management. What’s important for a teacher of linguistics is not only to understand linguistic theories and carry on linguistic research by him- or herself, but also to make his or her students get to know the nature of language and learn to do scientific studies of language by themselves.  相似文献   

高校英语专业教学大纲规定本科英语专修者应研习翻译,这既是研习者检验和提高语言运用能力的重要环节,又是获得新思想,传播新观念的重要途径。而翻译教学是语言高级阶段教学内容之一,有别于传统认识,如何有效地为学生阐明问题,指明方向以及如何培养其翻译思维乃是本文的写作重点。本文以本科翻译教学为出发点,反思启发式教学为中心,培养翻译思维为落脚点,融对象、手段和目标为一体,尝试提出并阐释翻译思维的几个特征,立足于反思启发式教学模式的翻译思维培养理念。  相似文献   

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