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我的面前放着两本书:一本是 自然辩证法讲义 (集体编写,人民教育出版社,1980年版),一本则是被列为 2 1世纪哲学系列教材 "之一的 科学技术哲学导论 (刘大椿著,中国人民大学出版社,2 0 0 0年版)。两本书的出版时间正好相距 2 0年———中国高速发展、社会面貌发生巨大变化的改革开放的 2 0年。作为不同时代科技哲学的代表性教材,这两部著作之间的差异,可以说,正好是时代变迁在科技哲学界的一个缩影。中国科技哲学的历史,应当从 2 0世纪 4 0年代翻译与学习恩格斯 自然辩证法 始,在此之后,好几代优秀学者们,在 自然辩证…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国科学技术和社会主义现代化建设的发展.马克思主义科技观得到了很大的发展。从20世纪80年代对科学技术结构、规律和社会功能的一般性研究,到90年代提出“科学技术是第一生产力”对马克思主义科技观的理论创新。再到对科学技术社会功能与价值的全方位研究,反映了马克思主义科技观研究的发展和变化趋势,即从静态研究到动态研究、从对科学技术经济价值的研究到社会价值和政治价值的研究。  相似文献   

教育对科学技术发展有支持作用,科技为教育提供先进的现代化手段,因而对教育发展有促进作用,只有从科学技术哲学的角度明确教育与科学技术两者间的辩证关系,才能深人探讨科技革命条件下教育培育人才的新模式。  相似文献   

上世纪90年代以来,随着我国改革开放的顺利进行,高等职业教育得到了迅猛发展。如何使高职院校学生素质的全面发展,成为21世纪科技创新人才是摆在高职教育的一大问题。加强高职院校的思想政治教育是我们的神圣使命,科学技术哲学是高职思想教育中关键的一个重要内容,提高高职院校大学生对科学技术的哲学反思是必要的,也是至关重要的。  相似文献   

本文从科学技术和科学技术哲学两个角度出发,阐述了科学技术哲学的学科定位、科学技术哲学在我国的发展历程,并在对其研究内容进行分析的基础上,提出了科学技术哲学在科技发展进程的重要指导作用。  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代初纳米科学技术的迅速发展 ,使人类认知在原子尺度上进入微观领域 ,极大地改变了人们的思维 ,革新了人们的概念。针对纳米科技与其它各类科学在微观尺度上的结合 ,作者提出了建立微观认识论的必要性 ,必然要促进马克思主义认识论的发展。针对纳米科技发展的特点 ,怎样从哲学认识论上来概括现代科学技术革命的最新成就 ,为科学技术发展提供科学的认识方法 ,将对 2 1世纪自然科学的发展产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学50年来的几点经验教训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲学离不开政治。综观 50年代的头五、六年 ,哲学为政治服务是有积极效应的。 50年代后期 ,这个口号给哲学带来的就是一场灾难。党的十一届三中全会后 ,哲学向学术回归 ,有了 2 0年来的哲学成果。 80年代以前 ,哲学只强调物质本体论与阶级斗争论。从 80年代开始 ,人们并不否认物质世界和阶级的存在 ,但更强调实践、人和价值。在这 50年中 ,前 3 0年的哲学有一种现象是后 2 0年没有的。这就是群众学哲学。真理标准讨论的一个贡献就是把哲学的终极解释权还给实践。2 1世纪哲学主要应付两种挑战 :一是来自非马克思主义哲学 ;一是来自科技革命  相似文献   

改革开放以来 ,我国科学技术哲学研究取得了长足的进展 ,并且成为当前哲学界一个十分活跃、很有影响的领域。特别是 2 0世纪 90年代中期以来 ,国内的专家学者们围绕科学与技术的划界问题 ;技术的本质 ;科学、技术与社会 (STS) ;科技发展与人文关怀 ;建构科技伦理等诸多问题 ,进行了广泛、深入地研讨 ,取得了许多重要研究成果。本文系统地总结了国内专家学者们近年来关于上述课题的研究状况 ,对有关问题做了简要的评论和展望。  相似文献   

以终身教育理念迎接21世纪   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
终身教育是 2 0世纪 60年代在联合国教科文组织推动下 ,适应国际经济、科技社会迅速发展的必然要求 ,成为国际社会的一种理念与现代教育新思维 ,被越来越多的国家和地区视为教育改革与发展的指导原则。  一、科学技术与终身教育早在 1 0 0多年前 ,恩格斯曾对科学技术发展的问题作了深刻的研究。在《自然辩证法》中指出 :“科学的发展从此便大踏步地前进 ,这种发展可以说是与从其出发点的时间、距离的平方成正比的 ,仿佛要向全世界指出 :对于有机物最高精华的运动即对人类精神起作用的 ,是一种和无机物运动规律正好相反的规律。”科学技术…  相似文献   

科技规划具有自然属性和社会属性。马克思主义哲学对我国科学技术规划具有深远的双重影响:对科技规划自然属性的认识经历了右倾、"左倾"、规避不利因素曲折的发展过程,对其社会属性的认识经历了从技术先行到自主创新的深化过程。马克思主义哲学指引科技规划的发展,促进科技规划在新世纪达到新高度。  相似文献   

从知识论的角度看,西方比较教育知识的发展可以分为"向自然科学模仿时期"、"历史主义时期"、"社会科学时期"、"‘批判二元论’时期"和当前的"多元共存时期"。五个时期比较教育知识的发展体现了"实在论"与"建构论"从相互竞争到相互融合的过程,每一个时期都有其独特的研究对象和知识体系。比较教育的未来发展深受当前的哲学社会科学的影响,并在一定时间内型塑了比较教育知识的性质、知识的标准和知识获得的规范,但比较教育的发展最终必须要面对真实的教育现象、教育问题和教育改革。  相似文献   

The philosophy of science has witnessed continuous controversy since the mid-twentieth century regarding the justification of science’s privileged position, and which has also reverberated in the philosophy of science education. This contribution brings to the discussion the viewpoint of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. I suggest that by relating to the idea of the fallibility of knowledge, Gadamerian philosophy provides a compromise between the extreme positions in the aforementioned debate. Gadamerian hermeneutics also has implications for science education: from the Gadamerian perspective, science education should (1) induce experiences of negation that familiarize learners with their own pre-understanding and (2) introduce learners to the fallibility of knowledge. Finally, I argue that both instances (1) and (2) aim to cultivate non-dogmatism in learners.  相似文献   

Where does Finnish science education come from? Where will it go? The following outside view reflects on relations, which Finns consider ??normal?? (and thus unrecognizable in introspection) in science education. But what is ??normal?? in Finnish culture cannot be considered ??normal?? for science education in other cultures, for example in Germany. The following article will trace the central ideas, which had a larger influence in the development of this difference. The question is, if and why the Finnish uniqueness in the philosophy of science education is empirically important. This puts Finnish science education into the perspective of a more general epistemological debate around Ernst Mach??s Erkenntnistheorie (a German term similar to the meaning of history and philosophy of science, though more general; literally translated ??cognition/knowledge theory??). From this perspective, an outlook will be given on open questions within the epistemology of Finnish science education. Following such questions could lead to the adaptation of the ??successful?? ideas in Finnish science education (indicated by empirical studies, such as the OECD PISA study) as well as the further development of the central ideas of Finnish science education.  相似文献   

科学哲学的文化转向及其对科学教育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学哲学的文化转向使人们对科学的本质的认识由传统向现代转变。科学知识是暂时性、主观性、建构性的,它会不断地被修正和推翻。科学哲学的文化转向推动了科学教育改革。培养学生的科学素养是科学教育目标,科学教育应更加重视知识的产生和形成过程。科学学习过程要以探究为主要形式,同时注重对学生进行科学情感、态度与价值观的培养。科学哲学的文化转向将促进科学与人文的融合。  相似文献   

History and philosophy of science have been widely promoted in science teacher education for several decades. However the application of themes from philosophy of science in science teacher education has been rather broad and not particular relative to the domain-specific features of the science in question. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the new field of philosophy of chemistry can contribute to science teacher education. Since the beginning of the 1990s, philosophy of chemistry has emerged as a relatively new branch of philosophy of science examining the distinctive nature of chemical knowledge. Some implications of this domain in chemical education have been investigated although the research territory in this area remains underdeveloped. The paper is intended to contribute to this area of research by focusing on a particular theme, the microscopic/macroscopic relationship (or the so-called ‘supervenience’ problem) in the context of models and modelling. Literature review of students’ and teachers’ understanding of models and modelling in chemistry highlights the importance of incorporating the epistemological aspects of related chemical concepts. The implications for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of a search for the intellectual tools used by Joseph Priestley (1733?C1804) in his chemistry, education, and theology documents. Priestley??s enquiring democratic view of knowledge was applicable in all three areas and constitutes a significant part of his lifework. Current epistemological issues in science education are examined from the point of view of the nature of theory and experiment as observed in Priestley??s writings and as espoused in modern philosophy of science. Science and religious faith issues in the context of science education are examined from the point of view of one??s understanding of sacred texts, and the suggestion is made that a Priestleyan model of ??the liberty to think for oneself?? and ??to hold knowledge with humility and virtue?? could prove helpful in dealing with the known divergent opinions in relation to science, education, and religion.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国推行了注重学科知识结构的课程改革运动;80年代以后,美国通过推行STS教育而努力对传统科学课程进行重建;2000年以来,美国为保持在全球范围内的领先地位,开始推行STEM教育。半个世纪以来,美国当代科学教育的发展实现了政策、理念和行动的有机整合,通过持续改革而提升了对科学的本质及科学教育内涵的认识,这一切对于我国的科学教育改革无疑具有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

开展科学的本质教育是培养学生科学素养的核心内容。正确的科学本质观建立在科学知识、科学方法以及科学情感态度与价值观的形成基础之上。通过实施新的科学教育理念,改革科学课程的教学内容,转变教师教学策略,使学习科学成为学生主动探究的过程,必将进一步引导学生加深对科学本质的认识和理解,促进学生科学本质观的形成与发展。  相似文献   


Traditional analytical philosophy of education assigns a peripheral place to physical education, partly because orthodox epistemology finds its cognitive claims implausible. An understandable but dubious response to this state of affairs is the attempt to relocate physical education within the academic curriculum, with its characteristic emphasis on theoretical knowledge and formal assessment. Dissatisfaction with this response suggests an analysis of physical activity in terms of practical knowledge or knowing how, but the results of this seem inconclusive. More recently, the development of neurocomputational and embodied-cognition approaches in cognitive science appears to offer alternative ways of understanding motor skill and physical activity, and thus of rescuing physical education from its marginal status. But these strategies are not unproblematic, particularly where questions of personal agency and motor control are concerned. Examination of these issues prompts a radical reconsideration of the traditional problem of physical education, and consequently of some familiar assumptions in the philosophy of education.  相似文献   

Little change has been noted over 10 years of research into teacher knowledge and confidence to teach science in the early and primary years of schooling. There is a significant body of research demonstrating that early childhood and primary teachers lack confidence and competence in teaching science. However, much of this research blames the victim, and offers little analysis for the systemic reasons for teachers’ confidence and competence in science education other than a lack of science knowledge. This paper reports on a study that examined teacher philosophy and pedagogical practices within the context of an analysis of children’s concept formation within playful early childhood settings. Through teacher interviews, video recordings of science play, and photographic documentation of children’s science activities in one rural preschool, it was noted that teacher philosophy about how young children learn is a significant contributing factor to learning in science. It is argued that teacher philosophy makes more of a difference to children’s scientific learning than does teacher confidence to teach science or knowledge of science. The study also shows that without a mediational scientific framework for using materials in play‐based contexts, children will generate their own imaginary, often non‐scientific, narratives for making sense of the materials provided.  相似文献   

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