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有很多犯罪嫌疑人即使被抓到了也不招供。警察叔叔还不得不去取证。我想发明一种仪器,和现有的测谎仪差不多,但功能更强大。这种仪器就是"不打自招器"。这种仪器的外形和椅子一样,只是椅子腿儿、椅子面儿、椅子背儿内都设有各种集成块、电路板等高科技元件。犯罪嫌疑人只要一坐上去,就会招  相似文献   

每天拿椅子、放椅子多不方便呀。因此,我想发明一种多功能椅子。只要你说"过来",它就会快速地停在你面前。如果你觉得椅子太硬,它就变得像沙发一样软。如果坐椅子超过20分钟,它就会把你给  相似文献   

综艺晚会上经常可以看到这样一种游戏:五个嘉宾绕着四把椅子走动,电铃遽响,五人争先恐后地坐上一把椅子,没座位的人被淘汰出局,如此反复,最后只剩下两个人和最后一把椅子。  相似文献   

教学内容:四年级上册第37-38页. 教学过程: 一、创设情境 出示三种靠背角度不同的椅子.你喜欢坐哪种椅子,为什么? 学生回答后作如下小结:根据刚才同学们的交流,发现椅子靠背的角度不同,其中一种就是专门给登月的宇航员设计的,要造这样的椅子就要知道靠背的角度(课件将椅子靠背隐去,变成一个具体的角).你有办法知道这个角的大小吗?(板书课题:角的度量)  相似文献   

在一次学校的活动中,邱嘉韵担任了主持人。她发现,举办活动的场地——多功能厅和操场都没有椅子,同学们得席地而坐,或者由后勤部门的工作人员把椅子来来回回地搬动。这样的现象在很多学校都存在,于是她萌发了发明一种平时埋在地下、需要时就升起使用的椅子的想法。最终她设计出了一个“嵌入式多用途的升降椅”。  相似文献   

据我观察发现:由于课桌抽屉空间太小,几乎所有的同学都把书包放在椅子上,书包整天在背后垫着,又大又硬,很不舒服。我就想,能不能设计一种能放书包的椅子呢?于是,我在椅子的下部设计了一个装书包的筐子。我把椅子坐板上的螺丝钉拆下来,改用合叶把椅子和坐板连接起来。我又在筐子  相似文献   

葛远柯 《科学启蒙》2008,(Z1):37-37
坐椅子时间长了很容易疲劳,坐姿也会变得不正确,容易影响形体和骨骼。我想发明一种多功能椅子。它用轻便耐用的纳米材料制成,  相似文献   

本文研究了一种新型双曲抛物面椅子的数学原理.对于新型椅的构成做了简单阐述,根据新型椅的特点,抽取数学模型,确定了椅子所在的线面方程,对其进行了数学描述.对于椅子的稳定性,利用力矩平衡法对椅子的重心进行探讨,并对该方法进行了分析.最终运用Matlab软件绘制了椅子的内部形状,利用Maple软件模拟了椅子的动态形成过程.  相似文献   

在幼儿园一日生活活动中,幼儿进餐、集体活动、游戏活动时都有搬椅子的环节,我曾经观察过幼儿搬椅子的情形,可谓形形色色。有的一只手拉着椅背拖着走,有的抓住椅子像推小推车,有的抱着椅子让四只椅脚朝外横冲直撞,有的将椅子顶在头  相似文献   

正"抢椅子"是幼儿园常玩的游戏,它可以锻炼幼儿的观察能力、速度和灵活度。游戏玩法是:将椅子围成一个圈,幼儿在椅子外面也站成一个圈。游戏开始时教师播放音乐或拿一根木棒敲击,幼儿听到音乐或敲击声就围着椅子向同一方向转,并且按音乐的速度或敲击的快慢有节奏地转圈。当音乐或敲击声停止时,幼儿就要抢坐在椅子上。因为椅子的数量比参与游戏的人数少1,所以会有一个幼儿因没有抢到椅子而被淘汰。此时撤下一张椅子,游  相似文献   

如果我们要描绘一幅反传统的画面,那么办公室椅子和刻板的衬衫可不是懒散的音乐家们的生活。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to determine the decision-making styles of department chairs employed by three public institutions in Jordan. A total of 95 department chairs participated in the study by completing the General Decision-Making Styles survey. The results indicated that department chairs under study have the rational decision-making style as their primary style (following a systematic approach to evaluate options and arrive at one optimal solution) and the dependent style as their backup style (consult with others in the organization when making important decisions). Moreover, there were no significant differences between decision-making styles and the proposed demographic variables (faculty and experience). Finally, several recommendations were suggested for the field of study.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions and concerns of current academic department chairs as they consider the transition to full responsibilities as a faculty member after the completion of a term in this leadership role. Currently, little research has focused on the dynamics of this transition process. Findings indicated that most department chairs planned to return to faculty positions and that a primary concern was reconstructing research agendas with minimal support. The discussion proposes ways in which institutions can support the return of former chairs to a faculty position that demands and rewards achievement in teaching, research, and service. These findings have implications for influencing policies and procedures relative to securing and continuing quality leadership and faculty productivity at the departmental level.  相似文献   

Virtually every managerial book written lists and expounds upon the tasks, duties, roles and responsibilities of administrators. This paper reports a portion of the findings of the third phase of a study of Australian and U.S. academic department chairs in colleges and universities. In it, we seek to clarify how chairs in the two countries define the tasks that exemplify their role as chair. The driving question behind this inquiry is: Do academic department chairs, independent of country, define their tasks in the same way? And, if so, how might universities in both countries benefit from this knowledge?  相似文献   

基于人因工程学理论,设计科学、舒适的课桌椅,对减轻学生的疲劳强度,提高学习和教学效率是极其重要的。本次研究通过对大学生人体数据的测量和问卷调查,结合当前学校普通教学课室桌椅的配置情况,通过运用统计分析法,提出设计教室桌椅尺寸的优化参数。  相似文献   

系主任的多重角色与多种任务往往使教师对该职位望而却步。加强对系主任工作的激励有助于增加该职位的吸引力和促进系主任的职业发展。对美国大学协会(AAU)成员大学的系主任调查表明,其外部激励主要为减轻教学任务和享有管理津贴,而内部激励则包括服务教师、学校与学科发展所带来的成就感和受到教师尊重等。不同学校层次和学科类别其系主任所享有的激励有显著差异,系主任的激励与其角色、任务和权力等职位特征呈显著相关。  相似文献   

Department chairs in 101 Carnegie Council Research I and II and Doctorate-Granting I and II institutions were surveyed to describe their career movements prior to becoming chair, and the length of tenure as chair and the movement from the chair position that their two predecessors in the position of chair had made. Additional variables addressed were discipline, department size, chair's age and gender, the nature of departmental hiring practices, and whether chairs had previous administrative experience. The Biglan model of discipline classification was used to differentiate among disciplines. Sixty-five percent of chairs return to faculty status after their tenure as chair. However, gender, departmental hiring practices, and discipline all have significant effects on the likelihood that a chair will return to faculty status or go on to further administrative service.  相似文献   

The study included an assessment of doctoral students, graduate faculty, and curriculum considerations to determine the degree of infusion of research integrity and responsible conduct of research (RCR) principles within a Doctor of Education program. Study results showed substantial increases in doctoral candidates’ knowledge levels of RCR, and faculty members serving as dissertation committee chairs reported greater understanding of RCR tenets than did non-dissertation chairs. The study also revealed a strong presence of research within the Ed. D. core curriculum.  相似文献   

We examined doctoral students’ experiences of nondisclosure with their dissertation chairs. Using a hermeneutic phenomenology design, we analyzed two individual interviews of 10 doctoral students. We identified the following three themes: (a) the professional dynamics in the relationship, (b) the interpersonal and cultural dynamics in the relationship, and (c) prioritization of completing the dissertation. Implications for doctoral students and dissertation chairs are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the need for chairs to recognize the changing and interconnected nature of postmodern times by engaging with policy makers, politics, and coalitions in this age of supercomplexity. Chairing a kinesiology department is a rewarding and complex position fraught with uncertainty; nevertheless, tolerating and planning for ambiguity and conflict can lead to creative solutions and a more cohesive workgroup. This discussion is designed to make department chairs aware of the problems related to ambiguity in government and business and their impact on university policies, as well as the importance of politics and coalitions to strengthen programs so that valuable resources for the department can be obtained. Solutions are discussed to dealing with conflict and uncertainty with colleagues and constituents to strengthen the bonds of loyalty and trust by attending to human problems caused by stress and frustration.  相似文献   

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