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大学校友会是由校友组成的一种非营利性社团,虽形式上可登记为独立法人实体,但无法脱离大学而独立运营,本质上属于大学内部的职能机构。为让大学获得校友资源的支持,校友会须通过积极的行动,将基于事实层面的学缘关系建构成蕴含社会资本的校友网络。校友会的功能定位与机构建设,可遵循“需求—功能—结构”范式,以满足校友需求为导向,确定校友会主要功能并设置对应的执行机构,通过有针对性的满足校友需求的持续性互动参与,在校友网络中建立起互惠和互信的承诺和期望,让校友网络中的校友资源成为大学可获得的社会资本。  相似文献   

大学校友会是由校友组成的一种非营利性社团,虽形式上可登记为独立法人实体,但无法脱离大学而独立运营,本质上属于大学内部的职能机构。为让大学获得校友资源的支持,校友会须通过积极的行动,将基于事实层面的学缘关系建构成蕴含社会资本的校友网络。校友会的功能定位与机构建设,可遵循“需求—功能—结构”范式,以满足校友需求为导向,确定校友会主要功能并设置对应的执行机构,通过有针对性的满足校友需求的持续性互动参与,在校友网络中建立起互惠和互信的承诺和期望,让校友网络中的校友资源成为大学可获得的社会资本。  相似文献   

文章指出提升校友融入校友组织活动质态是一项系统工程,其关键是完善校友工作运行机制,根本途径是发挥校友会作用功能,激发校友组织活动活力,使得母校与校友在感情上联系得更加密切,在事业上互动得更加有力。  相似文献   

构建和谐校园,离不开加强和改善学校公共关系以及进一步密切大学与政府及社会各界的联系。其中,发挥校友会在构建和谐校园中的作用具有枢纽性的意义。通过校友会,可以进一步加强与广大校友的联系,增进学校与校友之间的感情互动与能量交换。校友会工作对推动高等学校实现科学发展,增强办学实力和办学水平,构建和谐校园具有积极作用。  相似文献   

凡有大学 ,就会产生校友会 ,古今中外 ,概莫能外。随着高等教育事业的蓬勃发展 ,大学校友会或校友联谊会也随着茁壮成长 ,并日益发挥其积极的作用 ,特别是在知识经济的时代和信息社会的今天 ,尤为明显。大学校友联谊会应树立正确的理念 ,它的宗旨应为“母校终身为校友服务 ,校友为母校献计献策 ,母校与校友共同为社会增添光彩”。与此同时 ,大学校友联谊会建设也要与时俱进。  相似文献   

名校多传统.校友会在复旦大学发展历史上具有特殊地位。 复旦大学创办于1905年。10年后第一个校友会成立.到2008年1月校友会已达80个,遍布海内外。作为校友活动的重要载体.复旦世界校友联谊会(简称“世联会”)1990年至今18年间开了10届.形成了自己的运作模式.引起国内大学的广泛关注,成为全球复旦人的盛大节日和校友会的一个品牌活动。南昌校友会有幸承办了第十届世谊会.对校友文化有些感悟和体认。  相似文献   

侨校校友会作为社会团体既具有社会组织的一般共性,也有其自身特点。它的主要功能是沟通与联系校友、促进侨校和校友的共同发展和服务社会。为推进侨校校友会科学发展,可从健全政策法规、提高其社会化、专业化程度、开拓对校友的服务以及充分挖掘校友资源等方面进行探索。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济持续、健康发展,我国高校校友捐赠数额快速增长,已逐渐成为高校办学经费的重要资金来源.文章从改善高校财务状况、促进高校学术自由和增强校友凝聚力等三个方面,分析了校友捐赠对高校发展的积极作用;从校友、学校、社会环境与文化背景、政策与法律制度等四个角度,分析了影响高校校友捐赠的因素.作为校友捐赠的受益主体,高校应加强校友会组织与管理工作,健全和创新校友会的组织体系,加大校友捐赠的宣传力度,营造校友捐赠文化氛围,以吸引更多的校友捐赠.  相似文献   

校友会是大学和校友自愿组织的联合性的非营利性社团组织,在大学管理与发展中发挥着重要作用。校友在大学管理中拥有发言权,大学校长也非常重视校友的意见,尊重校友的权利。美国大学校友会最早发端于耶鲁大学,成型于威廉姆斯学院,改进于哈佛大学。美国很多大学在建校初期就非常重视校友会工作,并设立完善的校友会组织机构,拥有众多的校友工作人员,其校友会工作呈现多元化特点。  相似文献   

在美国院校研究中,校友分为学位校友、非学位校友、朋友(或准校友)三个群体.美国校友研究最初将校友视作学校服务的“消费者”,而后随着社会的发展,开始将其视为学校的“供给者”.校友研究产生于20世纪30年代,新公共管理运动后进入快速发展阶段,由主要关注学校内部公众,转为更多关注外部公众.近年来校友研究的主要内容是校友产出、参与及能力发展、校友捐赠.校友研究主要应用于经费筹集,招生就业,提高学校声誉,为政策制定提供信息,改善与政府、市场和社会的关系等方面.  相似文献   

"同年会"和大学校友会是不同时代知识分子群体进行社会交往、互动的重要组织,但二者在组织性质、目标和社会影响等方面明显不同。知识分子在社会中得到承认和认同,必须经常与自己的听众进行交流,和自己的同行维持交往,同年会和大学校友会在某种意义上实现了不同时代知识分子相互交往和自我身份认同的功能。本文通过比较科举时代的"同年会"与现代大学校友会,试图从中发现历史记忆中可能较容易被忽略的一些东西。  相似文献   

Good alumni relations are key to universities and colleges winning support from their graduates. With reference to social capital theory, an important problem in establishing strong alumni relations is how to turn alumni resources, an important university social network, into productive, public, and abundant capital. Based on the established alumni relation framework, the authors have investigated three major universities in China by means of interview so as to source factors that affect their social capital transformations. The three dimensions of cognition, relationship, and structure are the focus of this paper. The authors probe into solutions as follows: Firstly, establishing clear and appropriate values between institutions, alumni, and other stakeholders, and striving to reach the greatest degree of consensus possible; secondly, forming a partnership to meet needs in general based on close personal relations; thirdly, making sure that there are enough functional organizations, venues and channels to establish and maintain relationships with alumni in a holistic and well structured way.  相似文献   

环境系统对高校组织的殖民表现在政治、经济、社会生活各个方面.高校组织与行政系统相互响应,与经济系统结构性依存,与社会系统多元嵌入,屈服于强大的系统环境,从而阻碍其边界内功能的有效发挥.只有改造环境系统,强化自身功能发挥,形成组织和系统的积极正向互动,才能保持独立性,并且在系统中发挥独特作用.  相似文献   


University administrators have begun to more aggressively adopt many of the techniques associated with relationship marketing. This would seem like a perfect strategy for a university as loyal alumni can do such things as offer personal recommendations to help build enrollments, participate in alumni functions, purchase university-branded products, and enroll in professional education courses. However, there are many unexamined questions regarding the nature and impact of alumni relationships with the university. This paper explores the impacts of the alumni-university relationship and alumni assessments of their college experiences on important expressions of loyalty. A sample of alumni who had graduated three to eight years prior to the study completed a telephone survey. The results provide support for the impact of these variables on current behavior and behavioral intentions. Implications of these findings for university marketers are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined factors associated with membership of university graduates in the dues-based alumni association of their alma mater. Logistic regression was used to analyze variables that came from survey responses and from an existing database. All participants had attended a public doctoral-granting research university in the South. Graduates were more likely to be alumni association members if they: (a) were donors, (b) had a telephone number on record, (c) were relatively older, (d) had positive experiences as alumni, (e) had positive perceptions of the alumni association, (f) were more frequently involved with the alma mater, and (g) were aware of other members of the alumni association. Alumni were less likely to be alumni association members if they were: (a) employed at the alma mater, (b) had a higher level of degree attainment, (c) had positive feelings about student experiences, and (d) had positive university perceptions. Empirical testing confirmed the utility of several variables of the prediction model in identifying the best prospects for alumni association membership.  相似文献   

With the decline in state and federal support for higher education continuing to plague colleges and universities across the U.S., many institutions are looking to increase the levels of support annually received from alumni and other constituencies. Research on alumni relations in American colleges and universities has historically focused on different factors related to charitable giving. Although this study has resulted in some valuable information for institutions to use for alumni involvement purposes, most of the research has not been able to produce a meaningful look into how alumni identify with their college or university after graduation. The purpose of this study is to assess how college and university alumni view their role with these institutions after graduation and how that perception relates to behaviors of support. An online survey was constructed to assess three dimensions of alumni role identity based upon previous research on the identification process of blood donation. This study took place through the alumni association at a large, public research university in the Midwest and found that those who displayed increased alumni role identity were more likely to support the university through joining the alumni association, attending university sponsored events and charitable giving. This study breaks ground for a new method of measuring the role of alumni within colleges and universities in efforts to increase support and ease the financial pressures of today’s institutions.  相似文献   

高等学校组织结构分析及改革研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
通过对组织结构理论及其对高校组织结构形成的影响进行探讨和对高校组织结构的历史流变及原因进行分析,提出了我国高校组织结构改革的趋势:扁平化、弹性化、多元化、网络化及重视非正式组织建设。  相似文献   

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