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论学生学习观的结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
学生的学习观是学生个体对学习现象和经验的直观认识,对学习动机和行为具有重要作用。对于学生学习观的具体内涵和结构,研究者们分别侧重于学习观因素和层次两个角度加以阐述,但这些理论都是从对学生的调查结果中归纳出来的,而学生的学习观是一种内隐的直觉,学生未必能够明确而全面地描述得出来。为了更好地揭示个体学习观的内涵,最好基于调查归纳研究的结果,参照学习理论家们对学习现象和经验的分析,同时从因素的层次两个方面来刻画学生个体的学习观。  相似文献   

大学生的学习观   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
大学生的学习观是学生个体对知识、学习现象和经验的直观认识。其发展经历了从客观主义到建构主义倾向的顺序 ,但学习观的各个维度的变化并不是同步的 ,这是由于受大学生自身学习经验、所学专业、课堂教学以及学校和社会文化等因素的影响而造成的。学生的学习观反过来对学习成绩、认知过程及策略、自我调节以及学习动机具有重要的影响 ,因此学生学习观的转变也应当成为大学教学改革的一个重要目标。  相似文献   

课堂教学中学生个体能否主动学习是其成长发展的重要因素之一,但当前盲目追求分数忽略学生主体发展的现象仍然盛行。为此,本文从知识观、学生观、学习活动观出发,结合创新的内涵及机制,探讨如何培养学生的创新能力,从而促进学生的良好发展。  相似文献   

论建构主义学习理论与学生创新能力的培养   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
课堂教学中学生个体能否主动学习是其成长发展的重要因素之一,但当前盲目追求分数忽略学生主体发展的现象仍然盛行。为此,本从知识观,学生观,学习活动观出发,结合创新的内涵及机制,探讨如何培养学生的创新能力,从而促进学生的良好发展。  相似文献   

高职高专学生的学习观是学生个体对知识、学习现象和经验的直观认识。学生的学习观反过来对学习成绩、认知过程及策略、自我调节以及学习动机具有重要的影响,因此学生学习观的转变也应当成为高职高专教学改革的一个重要目标。  相似文献   

现象描述分析学与学习观、教学观的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
现象描述分析学立足于所谓第二层次的视角来研究与人类活动有关的现象,通过研究人们对某一现象的描述概括出一些具有本质判别的观念,以此认识现象以及经历这一现象的人,研究表明,学习观基本上可归结表层式和深层工两类。我国教师的教学观可归纳为两类取向(注入取向、发展取向)、五种观念(传授观、应试观、能力观、态度观、育人观)。研究表明,注入式教学观对学生的学习有负面的影响,发展式的教学观对学生的学习有正面的影响  相似文献   

现象描述分析学立足于所谓第二层次的视角来研究与人类活动有关的现象。通过研究人们对某一现象的描述概括出一些具有本质差别的观念。以此认识现象以及经历这一现象的人.研究表明。学习观基本上可归结为表层式和深层式两类.我国教师的教学观可归纳为两类取向(注入取向、发展取向)、五种观念(传授观、应试观、能力观、态度观、育人观).研究表明。注入式教学对学生的学习有负面的影响。发展式的教学观对学生的学习有正面的影响.  相似文献   

随着现代社会的进步和发展,国与国之间的交流日趋频繁,英语作为世界通用语言之一受到了世界各国的广泛应用,我国的教育事业也顺势把英语列为学生们重点学习的科目之一。学生们从小学开始便简单地开始接触英语,虽然只是入门阶段,但是对学生们今后的英语发展仍然是存在着较大的影响。尤其是小学阶段过渡到初中阶段这一时期,由于学生们在小学的时候对英语学习的态度和学习方式大有不同,以至于到了初中之后他们在英语基础水平以及英语学习能力各方面的差异都逐渐显露出来,所以导致初中学生在英语学习的过程中出现了"两极分化"现象,这种现象是阻碍提高初中英语课堂教学效率的罪魁祸首,所以在教学的过程中改善学生们的学习差异成为了初中英语课堂迫在眉睫的一大教学任务。分层次教学是针对学生们学习差异而展开的一种教学模式,即针对学生们的个体学习差异采取分层次教学手段,从而在保护学生们自尊心的情况下大大地提升学生们的英语学习自信心,以此推动英语课堂教学的发展。  相似文献   

一、分层教学的内涵分层教学是上世纪90年代开展的教改实验之一。所谓分层教学,是根据学生客观存在的知识基础、智力因素及非智力因素的差异程度,将学生分为学优生、学习中等生、学困生三个层次,并从不同层次学生的实际出发确定分层教学目标,进而实施教材统一、进度统一而要求有别的教学。分层教学是为适应学生的个别差异而采取的教学策略。在同一班级学习的学生,由于遗传基因、家庭因素、后天教育、社会影响的不同,个体与个体存在着差异。分层教学将差异大致相同的学生视为同一层次,并对不同层次的学生实施有针对性的教学,为的是使学优生吃…  相似文献   

郭晓盱 《早期教育》2010,(10):10-12
前科学概念是指个体在没有接受正式的科学概念教育之前.对日常生活中所感知的现象,通过长期的经验积累与辨别式学习而形成的对事物的非本质的认识。建构主义认知心理学又形象地称之为日常概念。建构主义的学习观认为个体的科学学习不是从零开始的.而是基于原有知识经验背景的建构。该理论认为,在学习科学课程之前,通过日常生活的各种渠道和自身的实践,学生对客观世界中各种自然现象已经形成了自己的看法。  相似文献   

There are two indisputable findings in science education research. First, students go to school with some intuitive beliefs about the natural world and physical phenomena that pose an obstacle to the learning of formal science. Second, these beliefs result from the confluence of two factors, namely, their everyday experience as they interact with the world around them and a set of operational constraints or principles that channel both perceptually and conceptually the way these experiences are perceived and interpreted. History of science suggests that the theories of early scientists through which they sought to explain physical phenomena relied mostly on ideas that closely fitted their experiences of the relevant phenomena. This characteristic of the early scientific ideas is the root of the epistemological difficulties that early scientists faced in their attempts to explain the phenomena. In this paper, we focus on the early theories in optics (from ancient Greek to the late Islamic scientific traditions) and argue that students face some of the same epistemological problems as early scientists in explaining vision and optical phenomena for the reason that students’ intuitive beliefs are also closely tied to particular phenomena and as a result the underlying notions are fragmentary and lack the necessary generality that would allow them to cover many disparate phenomena. Knowledge of these epistemological problems can help the instructor to identify the key elements for a better understanding of the formal theory of optics and, in turn, lead to a more effective instruction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of epistemological beliefs about learning (or learning beliefs) by analyzing the type of factors involved in the epistemological development of South Korean high school students (N=455). Learning beliefs are implicit assumptions held by learners about the source and certainty of knowledge and the ways to obtain knowledge. Previous studies on the epistemological development of American high school students showed that American students learning beliefs are positively related with their age, amount of formal education, and academic achievement. Multiple regression analysis of this study, however, showed that no such relationships were identified from the present South Korean sample except between students beliefs and their academic achievement. In addition, the present study showed that South Korean students learning beliefs were related with their independent-self construal (individualistic self-view) but not with their interdependent self-construal (collectivistic self-view). These results reconfirmed the culture-specific nature of epistemological beliefs which was identified from previous comparative studies with South Korean and American college students (Youn, Kim, & Yang, 1999; Youn, 2000). The differences between the present results and previous findings with South Korean college students will be further discussed in terms of the sub-cultural variations between South Korean young generations. A paper presented at the 26th International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology, Pultusk, Poland, 2000/7/16-21  相似文献   

Epistemological beliefs and self-regulated learning with hypertext   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study investigated the relationship between epistemological beliefs, prior domain knowledge and self-regulated learning. Biology students (n?=?25) and humanities students (n?=?26) who varied in their epistemological beliefs learned with a hierarchical hypertext about the topic of genetic fingerprinting. During their learning processes, logfiles and questionnaire data were collected. Results indicate that students do metacognitively calibrate their learning process to the complexity of the presented learning material, e.g. by processing more complex deeper-level nodes longer. Furthermore, these calibration processes were significantly related to epistemological beliefs. For example, more ‘sophisticated’ epistemological beliefs were associated with processing more nodes, whereas more ‘naïve’ beliefs were related to spending more time on single nodes. Both effects were especially pronounced on deeper hierarchical hypertext levels. Prior domain knowledge also had an impact, especially on comprehensibility ratings: biology students considered all nodes more comprehensible than humanities students. Additionally, epistemological beliefs as well as prior domain knowledge were also significantly associated with the learning outcome: for example, more prior domain knowledge led to significantly higher learning outcome.  相似文献   

The study of personal epistemology has typically addressed the theories and beliefs that individuals hold about knowledge and knowing, and the way in which such epistemological perspectives are related to academic learning. This qualitative, exploratory case study focuses on the epistemology of instructional practices as interpreted by students in two versions of introductory-level college chemistry, each with different underlying epistemological assumptions. Classroom observations and interviews of 25 first-year students provide a contextualized perspective on the dimensionality of beliefs as identified in the literature: certainty of knowledge, simplicity of knowledge, source of knowledge, and justification for knowing. This research suggests that students’ perceptions of instructional practices are interpreted through the lens of their epistemological assumptions, but that such perspectives are evolving and instructors may influence them in multiple ways.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to 231 Hong Kong preservice teacher education students to examine their epistemological beliefs and conceptions of learning. Pearson correlation analysis showed significant pairs of epistemological beliefs and conceptions of learning. Regression and path analysis showed epistemological beliefs had significant predictor relationships with conceptions of learning. Four structural equation models were proposed to examine the predictive relationships between epistemological beliefs and selected pairs of quantitative and qualitative conceptions of learning, and the models were validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The results support the hypothesis that epistemological beliefs have significant predictive relationships with quantitative and qualitative conceptions of learning, implying epistemological beliefs play an important role in students’ learning. The paper concludes with implications drawn for the future direction of educational practices and research.  相似文献   

Beliefs are central constructs in every discipline which deals with human behaviour and learning. In addition to learner beliefs about language learning, language teachers themselves may hold certain beliefs about language learning that will have an impact on their instructional practices and that are likely to influence their students’ beliefs about language learning. This article reports on a study of beliefs held by 217 full-time undergraduate students (142 females and 75 males) enrolled in English Language Teaching (ELT) programmes at seven state universities in Turkey. Horwitz’ BALLI was used to collect data. The data reveal that where some of the results carried by pre-service teachers might surprise language teaching educators and teacher trainers, some others probably confirm their experiences and intuitions.  相似文献   

This study adopted a cross-sectional and correlational research design in an attempt to add our understanding of student- and teacher-level factors that help explain variability in students’ science achievement to the existing literature. More specifically, the present article examined students’ science achievement in relation to their constructivist learning environment perceptions, epistemological beliefs, and self-regulation as well as their science teachers’ characteristics. Data were gathered from both 137 science teachers and their 3281 seventh grade students via administering self-report questionnaires. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis was conducted to analyze the two-level data (student level and teacher level). Students’ learning environment perceptions, epistemological beliefs, achievement goals, and self-regulation constituted student-level data while teachers’ self-efficacy, achievement goals, and epistemological beliefs constituted teacher-level data. The findings indicated that students’ constructivist learning environment perceptions were significant predictors of their science achievement. Additionally, students with sophisticated epistemological beliefs appeared to be more successful in science. Also, performance avoidance goals were negatively related to science achievement. Among teacher-level variables, teachers’ self-efficacy and sophisticated epistemological beliefs were found to be positively linked to students’ science achievement.  相似文献   

结合学习文化概念和个人认识论理论,就有意义的学习经历以及对大学英语课堂的期待,对刚入学大一新生进行开放式问卷调查。数据的质性内容分析结果显示,处于学业过渡期的大学生认识论信念表现出以下四个特征:情境化的改变、既幼稚又成熟的双重表现、明显的改变意愿、强烈的情感需求。这些认识论信念特征一方面反映了大学新生根深蒂固的中国文化价值观,另一方面凸显了他们在学业过渡阶段出现的信念动摇。这些研究发现将有助于教师深入了解学生认识论信念,及时提供学业和情感支持,合理调整教学,促进他们认识论的正向发展。  相似文献   


Relationships between students’ perceptions and their non-cognitive outcomes (epistemological beliefs, self-efficacy and attitudes to science) were investigated through secondary analysis of data from 14,167 United Arab Emirates students who participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Structural equation modeling (SEM) suggested that students’ perceptions of the learning environment were related to the non-cognitive outcomes of epistemological beliefs, self-efficacy and attitudes. Also, epistemological beliefs were found to have a statistically-significant and positive relationship with self-efficacy and attitudes, and self-efficacy was significantly related to attitudes.


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