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This article draws on a careful study of series fiction read in the 1950s to explore how stereotypes feature in the development of a young reader’s competence in learning to process stories in print. Five categories of stereotype are teased out: embodied stereotypes, understood through physical experience; working stereotypes, discerned through reading and then put to use over and over again in successive textual encounters; recurring stereotypes that appear in one book after another; transient stereotypes that are simply never remembered; and subliminal stereotypes that linger unvisited in the mind.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which differences in implicit and explicit math–language gender stereotypes, and essentialist beliefs among preservice teachers affect tracking recommendations for math/science- versus language-oriented secondary schools. Consistent with expectations, the results suggest that student's gender influences preservice teachers’ school career recommendations: Boys are more likely to be recommended for a math/science-oriented secondary school, whereas girls are more likely recommended for a language-oriented school. Both implicit math–language gender stereotypes and beliefs in genetic determinism (reflecting essentialist beliefs) predicted the stereotypicality of school career recommendations, whereas explicit measures did not. The results suggest that more closely investigating factors contributing to stereotypical behavior in teachers might help to minimize biased actions and decisions in the educational context.  相似文献   

The discourse concerning teaching and learning for international students in Australia has been dominated by a cultural‐deficit approach. Proponents of this perspective argue that many international students bring with them learning experiences which are inadequate in the Australian context. These experiences have favoured rote, reproductive, surface, teacher‐centred and dependent approaches to learning; which lack analytical and critical perspectives; and which have occurred in contexts dominated by examinations and substantially lacking in educational resources. More recently, other research has challenged these stereotypes of international students, particularly regarding students from Confucian‐heritage cultures. This paper examines these stereotypes in relation to international students from India, through the use of a review of the available literature on Indian higher education and the analysis of the undergraduate learning experiences of a group of postgraduate students studying at a large Australian metropolitan university. It concludes that while some aspects of the stereotype may apply to Indian undergraduate education, most aspects of the cultural‐deficit perspective are problematic in that context, and a more contextualised approach is of greater use in understanding and describing the diversity of undergraduate learning in India.  相似文献   

We report how 47 pre-service teachers during their preschool placement in Sweden identify events related to gender and emerging science. We analysed their reflections on the situations with Gee’s Discourse analysis. Two dominant discourse models were identified: the Discourse Construare, where pre-service teachers assumed that children have potential interests in a variety of subjects, and the Discourse Essentia, where children were regarded to have a stable core identity. In the latter discourse, the pre-service teachers’ task would be to encourage the children to be who they are. The analysis found a connection between pre-service teachers’ views of the child and whether gender stereotypes were reproduced or counteracted. The Discourse Essentia is in conflict with the goal in the Swedish national curriculum that all children should learn science. We discuss how the different discourses affect whether children are stimulated or inhibited in their emerging science activities and interests. Based on the results from an analysis of answers reflecting the Discourse Construare, we have designed a model illustrating a process for gender-aware teaching.  相似文献   

This study illuminates teachers’ conceptions of gender and science and possibilities to challenge these conceptions. Since 2005, a group of teachers (K-6) in Sweden have met approximately once a month in two-hour seminars to discuss and develop their instruction in science and technology based on a gender perspective. The present data consist mainly of audio-recordings of the teacher seminars and video-recordings of science activities with students. Analysis of the empirical data has been carried out in several stages and was inspired by thematic analysis, the theoretical framework of which is based on Hirdman’s and Beauvoir’s theories of gender. The results show that the teachers’ ideas about gender/equity and science exist on several levels, within which various conceptions are represented. On the one hand, “reasoning around similarity”, where teachers consider that both girls and boys should have the same prerequisites for working with science. In contrast, stereotypical conceptions of girls and boys occur when the teachers evaluate their activities with students, and condescending attitudes toward girls are also observed. The girls’ ways of working with science are not as highly valued as the boys’, and this outlook on children can ultimately have consequences for girls’ attitudes towards the subject. When teachers are allowed to read their own statements about the girls, they get “a glimpse of themselves”, and their condescending ideas about girls are made visible. In this way, the teachers can begin their active work towards change, which may lead to new outlooks on and attitudes towards students.  相似文献   

Despite a growing consensus regarding the value of inquiry-based learning (IBL) for students’ learning and engagement in the science classroom, the implementation of such practices continues to be a challenge. If science teachers are to use IBL to develop students’ inquiry practices and encourage them to think and act as scientists, a better understanding of factors that influence their attitudes towards scientific research and scientists’ practices is very much needed. Within this context there is a need to re-examine the science teachers’ views of scientists and the cultural factors that might have an impact on teachers’ views and pedagogical practices. A diverse group of Egyptian science teachers took part in a quantitative–qualitative study using a questionnaire and in-depth interviews to explore their views of scientists and scientific research, and to understand how they negotiated their views of scientists and scientific research in the classroom, and how these views informed their practices of using inquiry in the classroom. The findings highlighted how the teachers’ cultural beliefs and views of scientists and scientific research had constructed idiosyncratic pedagogical views and practices. The study suggested implications for further research and argued for teacher professional development based on partnerships with scientists.  相似文献   

The results of two experiments demonstrate that preservice teachers made biased school-placement recommendations depending on student's ethnicity, which on average penalized students from an ethnic minority. Moreover, additional information that was supposed to disconfirm ethnic stereotypes (religious affiliation in Experiment 1, number of missed school days in Experiment 2) led to more high-track recommendations for low-achieving minority students and to fewer high-track recommendations for high-achieving minority students. Conversely, stereotype-disconfirming information exerted little or no influence on the recommendations for high-achieving native students but worsened recommendations for low-achieving students. The results were interpreted as being based either on subtyping (predominantly for minority Turkish students) or subgrouping (predominantly for majority German students) of ethnic stereotypes.  相似文献   

无锡是江苏省语文教学水平普遍比较高的一个市,其原因有很多,如重视语文学习的社会风气和教育传统,如长期积累并继承下来的好的教法和学法,等等。早在上世纪八十年代,我曾去过无锡的天一中学和梅村中学参观,有一件事至今仍然记得非常清楚,那就是恰逢两校学生的作业展览。他们每学期到一定时段,按年级顺序展出作业,为期半周(那时,周六也上课),已经成为长效制度。  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, there has been much attention placed on the content within introductory textbooks in fields, such as education, sociology, economics, psychology, and criminal justice. Within the field of criminal justice, a surplus of information has been gathered through analysis of the text found within introductory textbooks. There has been much less emphasis, however, on the potential for stereotypical images found within the pictures of criminal justice textbooks. This study builds on the diminutive literature on the images in criminal justice textbooks. We examined the pictures in 22 introductory criminal justice textbooks over a 17-year period to determine the percentages of men, women, minorities, and other groups that comprise these pictures. We find that white males dominate the images of criminal justice personnel in these textbooks, and that minorities are more likely to be portrayed as criminals than as criminal justice employees.  相似文献   

一年一度的中考又将来临,广大考生如何调整好自己的心态,以最佳的状态迎接考试,从而发挥出自己最大的潜能和最好的水平,一直是广大教育工作者、家长和考生最为关心的问题。  相似文献   

学校组织青少年学生参加植树造林,意义在于把「树木」和「树人」结合起来。在活动中,让学生接触自然,开阔视野,寓教于动,有利于陶冶学生情操,然而,生活中也有不尽然的情况发生。据笔者所知,今年植树节,为了迎报检查团,上级把清理某干线路边花池杂物的任务交给附近的某所中学。师生热情很高,立即行动起来。  相似文献   

他有一双大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛忽闪忽闪的,挺拔的鼻子,还有一张能说会道的嘴巴,一说起话来就滔滔不绝。最引人注目的就是他的头发,就像顶着一只刺猬,真是标准的爆炸头。他就是我的同桌——丁煊。丁煊在我们班上可是大有名气。说他可恨,因为他是我们班的恶作剧“大王”。从和他坐到一起那一刻,我就暗暗地告诫自己:防着点儿。头三天还不错,互不干扰,相安无事。我暗自松了口气。可是到了第四天中午,  相似文献   

“采”和“采”是音、形、义都不同的两个字。“采”音cǎi,小篆写作“采”,上面从爪,下面从木,表示用手(爪)摘取树上的果实。“采”字八笔。写“采”的时候,不要把“爪字头”中间的点和木字中间的竖连接起来。用“采”作声旁的字有:睬、踩、彩、菜。  相似文献   

’98   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

所谓德育 ,就是按照特定时代、特定社会的道德规范来培养塑造个体的道德意识、信念和行为习惯。它具有三层意义 :第一 ,首先必须使受教育者知晓和理解社会的行为规范 ,并发展其道德认识能力 ,道德判断能力和道德选择能力 ,这便是德育中的“知”。第二 ,要使受教育者相信“知”的内容 ,把其道德认识内化 ,升华为道德信念和道德理想 ,这就是德育中的“信”。第三 ,德育的最终目标就是使教育者将道德认识与道德信念转化为道德行为 ,并培养良好的习惯 ,这是德育的“行”。因此 ,由未知到知、由知到信、由信到行是德育工作有机的三个环节 ,构成了…  相似文献   

Some commonly held erroneous notions about the terms laws, hypotheses and theories are pointed out with specific examples from different branches of science.  相似文献   

讲《廉颇蔺相如列传》,我说:“臣所以去亲戚而事君者,徒慕君之高义也”一句中的“亲戚”,其义如同“父母”。有人跟我指出:“你讲错了,‘亲戚’并非  相似文献   

去年本刊发表了天门县大面积提高语文教学质量的经验,转载了秦牧同志赞扬该县成为一九八三年“全国高考状元”的文章,各地闻讯到天门取经者络绎不绝。此后,我们听到反映说:“天门能上去,主要经验是教师拼命地灌,学生死命地背,把课本记得滚瓜烂熟,所以能对付高考。如果考能力,肯定赶不上城市学生。”一九八四去年高考试题测重于考能力,天门县高考的录取人数,北一九八三年还要多,又居全省各县之首,高达一千馀人。由此可见,他们在培养能力上也是成绩显著的。本期我们编发了一组文章,介他绍们如何更新教学思想、改革教学方法、开辟第二教学渠道、不断开拓学生知识面和培养能力(包括培养创造能力)的经验,请大家看看,择其善者而从之。此外,我们还编发了一组沔阳县的文章。沔阳与天门是邻县,与天门不相上下,他们的语文教学成绩也很显著。现在这两县正在总结经验,以期进一步改进各科教学,为大面积提高教学质量作出贡献。  相似文献   

The present study set out to examine students’ preferences for lecturers’ personality as a function of their classroom behaviour, core self-evaluations and self-rated character strengths. Various hypotheses were tested: first, students’ Big Five traits would significantly predict corresponding personality preferences for lecturers (the matching hypothesis); second, students’ core self-evaluation scores would significantly predict preferences for extraverted, agreeable and conscientious lecturers; and third, self-rated character strengths would also significantly predict extraverted, agreeable and conscientious lecturers. We also investigated difference in preferences among two ethnic groups (South East Asian/Chinese versus Caucasian/British). In all, 264 British students completed four questionnaires. Conscientiousness was the most desired trait in lecturers, followed by agreeableness, extraversion and openness; neuroticism was the least desired trait. Preference for agreeable lecturers was best predicted by all individual difference variables. Caucasian students had a stronger dislike for neurotic lecturers, while Asians had higher preferences for extraverted, open and agreeable lecturers. There was some evidence of the student–lecturer personality match. Limitations and further research options were discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding: ‘Knowledge’, ‘Belief’ and ‘Understanding’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The following paper is intended as an exercise in friendly criticism of one of Harvey Siegel's and Mike Smith's (Knowing, Believing and Understanding, this volume). I'm in substantial sympathy with the general thrust of their paper and my remarks merely provide some criticism of their discussion's conceptual coherence and clarity and a correspondingly slightly adjusted version of what they have to say. My focus is limited to the conceptions of knowledge, belief and understanding and their inter-relationships in terms of which they offer suggestions to science educators.  相似文献   

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