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Managing Change—Engaging Faculty in Assessment Opportunities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional accrediting bodies require evidence that higher education institutions are meeting their stated goals. Institutions have answered this call for accountability by assessing student learning. Managing change in order to implement assessment practices is a challenge, however, particularly when autonomy, academic freedom, and shared governance are involved. Leadership theories offer practical strategies for administrators instituting assessment-related change. Using these theories as a guide, this article provides suggestions for leading assessment initiatives, garnering faculty support, and establishing a culture of assessment. The suggestions are organized around a four-frame model based on the premise that leaders must consider multiple perspectives to be successful.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - Previous studies have documented student–faculty interaction in STEM, but fewer studies have specifically studied negative forms of interaction such as...  相似文献   

Increasing expectations are being placed on higher education institutions to ensure the economic relevance of research and knowledge creation as well as developing the skill needs of workers in modern knowledge‐based societies. In the UK, workplace learning has long been a feature of higher education in certain subject areas, and in the late 1990s the idea of work experience for all students re‐emerged as a significant issue. Various studies have considered the relationship between work placement experiences during higher education and students' subsequent transition into employment after graduation, but there has been less recent research exploring how the placement experience translates into academic development. This article presents some of the findings of a study on the effects, as perceived by undergraduates themselves, of work experience placements on aspects of learning as well as employability. The majority of placement students indicate personal and intellectual development and report increased levels of confidence and enhanced motivation towards study. However, national data show a continuing decline in the numbers of UK students taking up placements, and the study suggests that more general moves towards flexibility within undergraduate programmes may be contributing to this decline.  相似文献   

Interchange - The study investigated students’ perception of faculty incivility in higher educations of Afghanistan. It studied faculty behaviors perceived the most uncivil by students and...  相似文献   

Guided by Hagedorn’s (2000) theory of faculty job satisfaction, mindful of social and organizational structures of higher education, and acknowledging recent changes in the academic labor market, this study examines satisfaction for approximately 30,000 tenured and tenure-track faculty members in 100 US colleges and universities. Findings revealed similarity between female and male faculty members in some aspects of work satisfaction, but difference in other areas in which women reported lower satisfaction. Findings also revealed that perceptions of department fit, recognition, work role balance, and mentoring are more important to women faculty’s satisfaction than male peers. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Training abroad is an important avenue for promoting the specialized development of faculty and improving international accomplishments. On the basis of the data from the 2014 Faculty Survey in China, this paper applies the technique of propensity score matching to control for the self-selection bias in the sample, so as to quantitatively evaluate the economic benefits of training abroad for faculty. The study finds that training abroad presents significant economic returns, while the potential benefits of training abroad for faculty members who have not yet pursued training abroad are higher than the benefits for faculty members who have pursued training abroad; a nonlinear relationship exists between the period of time for which a faculty member pursues training abroad and the economic benefits thereof, with the order of the economic benefits of training abroad from least to most for different time periods being: 1?year, less than one half year, more than one half year to less than 1?year, and more than 1?year. The conclusions of the study provide an empirical basis for the selection of pathways for the professional development of faculty in the future, as well as the design and refinement of training abroad programs, et cetera.  相似文献   

An Attempt at Self‐evaluation Research in a Faculty of Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Over the years, there has been an increased call for accountability by legislators, policy makers, and the public for educators at all levels (Arreola, 2007; Fincher, 1983). College and university professors have not traditionally been subjected to much oversight or evaluation, especially after they receive tenure. Nevertheless, there are many models for tenure and posttenure evaluation (Arreola; Buller, 2012; Licata, 1986; Licata & Morreale, 1999). Each model emphasizes a variety of purposes such as encouraging faculty’s development as educators, as scholars, and as members of college communities. Other reasons include making recommendations for retention and/or tenure, evaluating teaching effectiveness, and evaluating overall performance. Provided here is an analysis of administrators’ and faculty members’ differing perceptions of faculty evaluations as well as suggestions for improving faculty performance reviews and implications for further study of faculty evaluation.  相似文献   


Based on data from the “2014 Chinese University Faculty Survey,” this article analyzes the distribution characteristics and manifestations of internationalization from returnee faculty to Chinese colleges as well as their impacts on the internationalization of higher education in the three dimensions of scientific research output, teaching content and methods, and international exchanges. Compared to local teachers, returnee faculty members adjust their research output strategies to reach a higher level of internationalization. They favor publishing papers in international journals and publish fewer domestic papers and make fewer domestic patent applications. They focus on international perspectives and content in their course teaching content and methods. In terms of international exchanges, they participate in international academic conferences and travel abroad more often for advanced studies. Their experiences studying overseas accumulate their comparative advantage in the internationalization of the academic profession. Higher education institutions should make them play larger roles in promoting the internationalization of scientific research and teaching as well as international academic exchanges to improve the level of internationalization of Chinese higher education.  相似文献   

The rank of professor or “full” professor represents the highest status possible for faculty members, and it is generally gained by attaining professional expertise and a national or international reputation. Beyond this, however, little is known about these individuals or the promotion process at this level. In this qualitative study of 10 faculty members at one research university in the United States, we sought to understand the experiences of individuals who had sought promotion to full professor. Through a socialization lens, we found that issues of time, a lack of clarity, and gender disparity were concerns for these faculty members.  相似文献   

Engaging social work students in research is challenging, in part, because of the way research is taught in the classroom and the need for learners to effectively develop connections between the “abstract world” of research concepts with the “real world” of professional experiences. This article describes the experiences of graduate social work students involved in a process and outcome evaluation of a community-based program. Analysis of student learning outcomes and the team-based model used to engage students in the evaluation are provided to put forth a paradigm of teaching social work research through direct, supervised, and collaborative engagement.  相似文献   

Four undergraduates and a history professor planned for and carried out research in the Belgian State Archives in an attempt to answer the call from the Boyer Commission’s seminal report that identified the need for meaningful undergraduate research opportunities in the American higher education system. Our faculty–student mentoring experience provided an opportunity to develop practical skills for historical research. Success of the mentoring project was determined through ongoing dialog and through analysis of student reflective essays. While an international project of this scope may not be feasible for many institutions, mentoring projects in domestic or even local archives could be similarly beneficial.  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand the factors that contribute to a type of student–faculty interaction known to have particular benefits for students, faculty mentorship. Using three-time-point data from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, this study employed structural equation modeling to investigate the relationship between contact and communication with faculty in the first year of college and faculty mentorship in the senior year. Results suggest that early interaction with faculty serves as a socialization process in college that leads students to have more meaningful interactions with faculty later in college, in the form of mentorship. The study extends the field’s understanding of faculty mentorship and offers important implications for institutional practices.  相似文献   

Decades of research demonstrate that college students benefit from positive interaction with faculty members, although that same evidence suggests that those interactions are far from common, particularly outside the classroom. Moreover, relatively little is known about which, when, how, and why faculty members choose to engage with students outside of the classroom. Guided by the theory that faculty members use in-class behaviors to signal their “psychosocial approachability” for out-of-class interaction with students (Wilson et al. in Sociology of Education 47(1):74–92, 1974; College professors and their impact on students, 1975), this study uses data from 2,845 faculty members on 45 campuses to identify the personal, institutional, and pedagogical factors that influence the frequency and type of interaction faculty members have with students outside of the classroom.  相似文献   

Schools of social work are increasingly offering study abroad courses as a strategy for enhancing future practitioners’ knowledge and skills in serving individuals and families of diverse sociocultural backgrounds. Literature relative to such educational initiatives has focused on the characteristics, motivations, and outcomes for students and faculty; challenges and strategies to address them; different formats of course delivery; and, to a limited degree, faculty who develop and implement the courses. Using a study abroad course about understanding trauma in cultural context, the current article discusses and illustrates pedagogic and logistic benefits of the citizen of two worlds model in faculty leadership of study abroad courses.  相似文献   

Higher Education - Most of the literature on innovation has focused on high-income nations with strong neoliberal economies, in which faculty become actors immersed in global markets and ecosystems...  相似文献   

In the distance teaching institutions where e‐learning initiatives are underway and where the planners and administrators grapple with effective adoption and deployment of technology‐enabled education, faculty attitude and motivation assume considerable significance. Attitudinal pre‐dispositions and institutional and allied barriers (including appropriate policy initiatives) are assumed to play a crucial role in making an effective shift from traditional distance education delivery to web‐enabled education and training. Such issues are especially critical to single mode mega universities like the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This article reports the findings of a study conducted to examine the attitudes of faculty members from IGNOU towards e‐learning, and to identify barriers and motivators of e‐learning adoption and use. IGNOU, with about 1.5 million students scattered over 32 countries, has been offering e‐learning programs for almost a decade. The findings suggest that extensive use of computers and email has a high relationship with positive attitudes towards e‐learning. The most significant barriers perceived by the faculty included poor internet access by students and lack of training on e‐learning, followed by institutional policy on and instructional design for e‐learning. The important motivators included personal interest to use technology, intellectual challenge, and sufficient provision for technology infrastructure.

L'E‐Learning dans une Mega Université Ouverte: les attitudes du corps enseignant, les barrières et les facteurs de motivation

Dans les institutions d'enseignement à distance où des initiaitves de mise en place de l'e‐learning sont en cours et où les planificateurs et les administrateurs luttent pour faire adopter et lancer des formations assistées par la technologie, l'attitude et la motivation des professeurs revêtent une signification considérable. On a tendance à penser que les attitudes acquises et les barrières institutionnelles ou autres (y compris les choix de politiques appropriées) jouent un rôle crucial pour effectuer le passage d'une distribution traditionnelle de l'enseignement à distance vers un enseignement et une formation assurés grace à Internet. Ces questions ont une importance critique particulière dans les mega universités «univoques» comme l'Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Le présent article communique les résultats d'une enquête menée auprès des enseignants dans plusieurs facultés de l'IGNOU et portant sur leur attitude vis à vis de l'e‐learning et sur les facteurs de blocage ou de motivation par rapport à l'adoption et à l'usage de l'e‐learning. Cette université qui compte environ 1,5 millions d'étudiants répandus dans 32 pays, offre des programmes d'e‐learning depuis près d'une décennie. A ce stade, cette enquête est primordiale et les résultats permettent de penser que l'usage très répandu des ordinateurs et du courrier électronique a influé fortement sur les attitudes positives vis à vis de l'e‐learning; quant aux obstacles les plus marquants que notent les professeurs, on relève un mauvais accès à Internet pour les étudiants et le manque de formation pour l'e‐learning suivis par les politiques institutionnelles et la conception des cours en fonction de l'e‐learning. Au nombre des facteurs de motivation importants on relève l'intérêt personnel pour l'emploi de la technologie, le défi intellectuel et la mise en place de moyens suffisants pour une infrastructure d'enseignement assisté par l'informatique.

E Lernen an einer ‘Mega Open University’: Einstellung des Lehrkörpers, Barrieren und Ermutigungen

In den Fernlehreinrichtungen, in denen e‐learning Initiativen üblich sind, und wo die Planer und Verwalter mit wirksamer Adoption und dem Einsatz von technisch möglicher Unterrichtstechnik ringen, gewinnen die Einstellungen der Fakultät und Motivationen beträchtliche Bedeutung. Man kann annehmen, dass Voreinstellungen und institutionelle und artverwandte Hemmnisse (einschließlich entsprechender Politikinitiativen) eine entscheidende Rolle beim Umstieg von traditioneller Fernlehr‐Kommunikation zu web‐aktiver Bildung und Ausbildung spielen. Solche Streitfragen sind besonders kritisch bei ‘single mode mega’‐Universitäten wie der Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Dieser Artikel berichtet über die Ergebnisse einer Studie über die Einstellungen verschiedener Fakultäten von IGNOU in Bezug auf ihre Einstellung zu e‐Learning, verschiedenen Barrieren und auch Motivationen zur Einführung und Verwendung von e‐Learning. Die Universität mit etwa 1,5 Millionen Studenten, die über 32 Ländern verteilt sind, hat seit fast einem Jahrzehnt e‐Learning Programme angeboten. Eine Studie dieser Art ist entscheidend auf dieser Entwicklungsstufe: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass weitreichende Verwendung von Computern und E‐Mail‐Einrichtungen hohe Beziehung zu positiver Einstellung zu e‐Lernen hatte. Die am deutlichsten wahrgenommenen Hemmnisse ergaben sich durch geringe Internetnutzung von Studenten und Mangel an Ausbildung in e‐Learning, gefolgt von institutioneller Politik und Fehlen von beispielhaften e‐Learning‐Programmen. Die wichtigen Motivatoren schlossen persönliches Interesse zur Nutzung von Technik, intellektuelle Herausforderung und ausreichende Möglichkeit zur Nutzung von CMC Infrastruktur ein.

El e‐Learning dentro de una mega Universidad Abierta: las actitudes del cuerpo docente, las barreras y los incentivos

Dentro de las instituciones de educación a distancia donde iniciativas de e‐learning están en curso, mientras que los administradores y técnicos de planifiación están afrontando la problemática de una adopción efectiva y del despliegue de una educación asistida por la tecnología, las actitudes y la motivación del cuerpo docente están asumiendo una fuerte relevancia. Se supone que las actitudes preexistentes y las barreras institucionales y otras semejantes (incluso la elección de políticas adecuadas) desempeñan un papel decisivo en una transición efectiva del modo tradicional de distribución de la educación a distancia hacia cursos y formaciones asistidos por la web. Esa problemática es particularmente crítica dentro de las mega universidades de modo único como la Universidad Nacional Abierta Indira Gandhi (IGNOU). Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta sobre el cuerpo docente que se hizó en varias Facultades y departamentos de la IGNOU sobre las actitudes acerca del e‐learning y las diferentes barreras y incentivos para su adopción y uso. Esta universidad con casi 1,5 milliones de estudiantes diseminados en más de 32 países ha sido ofreciendo programas de e‐learning desde hace casi una década. En esta fase este tipo de investigación es fundamental; y los resultados nos permiten pensar que el uso extensivo de los ordenadores y del correo electrónico está fuertemente vinculado a actitudes positivas acerca del e‐learning; entre las barreras más destacadas, los profesores mencionaban el malo acceso de los estudiantes a Internet y la falta de formación para el e‐learning seguidos por las políticas institucionales y el diseño curricular para ese mismo e‐learning; entre los incentivos fuertes destacaban el intérès personal en el uso de la tecnología,el desafío intelectual y los recursos suficientes para una infraestructura destinada a la enseñanza asistida por ordenador.  相似文献   

Faculty retention is of increasing importance in the current economic climate. We examined the role of an institution’s environmental conditions (e.g., climate, collegiality, and administration) in faculty well-being (i.e., job satisfaction, intent to leave, emotional and physical health). Women reported significantly lower well-being and a more negative perception of all environmental conditions than men. Intriguingly, for both men and women, the more institutional support perceived by faculty members for work-life integration, the more positive their well-being. Policies that support work-life integration, often viewed as merely a “women’s issue,” may encourage the retention of both men and women faculty members.  相似文献   

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