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The low status of the foundation subjects (e.g. Music and Physical Education (PE)) in English primary schools is well documented. Using PE as an illustrative example, a thematic analysis of 51 PE trainee students’ assignments, based on their perceptions of a two-week experience in a primary school, highlighted a number of areas of concern (e.g. limited/inadequate preparation; insufficient teacher knowledge/confidence; variable/limited subject leadership and non-qualified teachers delivering the curriculum). The possibility of teachers, coaches and other external specialists learning collaboratively with and from each other within a community of practice/learning is proposed as one way of strengthening the foundation subjects within the primary school curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper prompts us to consider ‘representation’ with respect to a committee structure ‘managing’ the development of the Irish senior cycle physical education framework. The paper is timely due to the national interest in the senior cycle subject development in Ireland and complements work undertaken on the development of policy in senior physical education internationally. Bernstein's [(1990). Class, Code and Control: Volume 4. The Structuring of Pedagogic Discourse. London: Routledge] construction of ‘pedagogic discourse’ and Pitkin's [(1967). The Concept of Representation. University of California Press] notion of ‘representation’ provide a framework for exploring the process by which Senior Cycle Physical Education (SCPE) was ‘managed’ by the Physical Education Course Committee. Interviews were conducted with nine stakeholders who were members of the Committee and the constant comparative method was used to analyse the interview data. The results revolved around representation of individual views in favour of representative roles, interacting within the remit of the Committee structure and activity outside of the formal meetings. A number of conclusions arise in examining the extent to which ‘representation’ provides a framework for exploring the process by which curriculum development within Irish SCPE was ‘managed’ by the appointed Committee. Such a study provides significant points for discussion for those charged with drawing together groups to advise on curriculum development.  相似文献   

国家以及江苏省《中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010---2020年)》的颁布实施,对苏北地区义务教育的均衡发展提供了政策支持和指导性意见,有关教育主管部门可以在国家、省级政府的领导下,通过政策引导逐步在省内统一调控义务教育教师的财政收入.不断加强义务教育学校的标准化建设和师资队伍建设,争取实行地方师范院校对师范生的订单式免费培养,鼓励义务教育教师在市域范围内流动,逐步解决阻碍义务教育均衡发展的主要问题。  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):398-415

Physical education teacher education programs have a responsibility to prepare preservice teachers in the technical aspects of teaching while also preparing them for the sociopolitical realities of teaching a marginalized subject. There is also a need for inservice teachers to engage in continuing professional development related to socialization and school sociopolitics to build upon lessons learned during initial teacher education. In the United States, one such professional development opportunity is reflected in master’s degree programs. These programs are typically guided by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education advanced standards for physical education teacher education. However, these standards do not currently have any reference to socialization or sociopolitical learning. The purpose of this article is to propose that an additional standard focusing on sociopolitical skills and teacher socialization be added to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education advanced standards for U.S.-based post-licensure master’s degree programs.  相似文献   

体育教学过程中究竟存在哪些规律并没有真正被揭示出来,导致体育教学原则体系混乱,难以对体育教学形成真正意义上的指导作用;体育教学规律是体育教学原则的重要依据,但不是唯一的依据.体育教学原则受诸多因素的影响和制约而发展变化,同一条原则在不同时期有着不同的指向,同一时期在不同体育项目技能的教学中也应该灵活掌控和执行.  相似文献   

In March 2013, the UK government announced that it was to award the Primary Physical Education and Sport Premium funding to all English state-funded primary schools to improve provision of Physical Education and sport following the London 2012 Olympic Games. This study reports on seven schools in close geographical proximity to each other within the West Midlands region of England to find out about the provision and impact of the Physical Education and sport premium funding so far.  相似文献   

“走出去”已成为中国教育对外开放的重要方向。从战略构建的角度看,“中国教育走出去”亟须回应四个基本问题:其一,从传统中国的文化信仰,当代中国的现实利益以及可能产生的国际贡献中寻求“走出去”的重要意义;其二,界定作为抽象主体的国家与作为行动主体的政府、教育组织、企业、非政府组织所应扮演的角色;其三,在资源与知识的二元分类框架中理解“中国教育走出去”的内容载体,并推进其由硬投入向软影响转变;其四,充分利用有效的国际机制,拓展“中国教育走出去”的路径。  相似文献   


This article recalls a time when local government infrastructure was strong and a Chief Education Officer's (CEO) vision could be realised across a region, in Clegg's case the West Riding of Yorkshire, one of the largest of the pre-1974 counties in England. It is timely to revisit Clegg's educational leadership and practice from 1945 to 1974, as a valuable source of learning, and challenge to the current ideologically-informed policy rhetoric which has undermined the framework of democratic educational decision-making. The authors identify four possible areas to learn from Clegg's work. Firstly, the need for CEOs or their modern-day equivalents or successors, to consider their potential as political and community leaders; secondly, Clegg's leadership style prefigures some of the recent discussion about the leadership of public services in uncertain times; thirdly a re-evaluation of administration and bureaucracy; and lastly the need for supportive partnerships to enable schools to thrive.  相似文献   

This literature review examines curricular space allocated to activity based/movement content courses in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) pre-service programs, specifically focusing on how dance content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are addressed within those programs. This review includes original empirical research conducted on PETE pre-service programs and graduates within the United States after 1990. The review defines “activity based/movement content knowledge course” as any course in which students learn the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to engage in or perform a particular sport, game, dance or other physical activity. Only one study within the review of nine total studies focuses solely on dance content within PETE pre-service programs. This review also analyzes the placement of dance content knowledge within the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) Grade Level Outcomes for K–12 Physical Education (PE). Suggestions are made for future research and methodological considerations for dance content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in PETE pre-service programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to analyse how teachers and government may differ in their views regarding the qualities required to be an effective middle manager with responsibility for Physical Education (PE). Lines of inquiry were based upon the practices associated with a performative work culture and how this has affected teacher language. There is a perception that Heads of Physical Education (HoPE) could possibly hold different views to those espoused by government. A content analysis was used to research differences between the language used by HoPE in the form of questionnaire responses and that used by government through OFSTED publications. An analysis of job adverts for middle management positions in PE was also undertaken to provide an extra dimension for comparison. Results showed that OFSTED documents reflecting government ideology used a language of performativity to describe leadership characteristics at a higher rate than that used by HoPE who revealed a preference for more personal, human attributes. However, both the HoPE responses and the school job adverts did use some performative language. A Foucauldian analysis of these findings suggested that middle managers, in particular, may be reluctantly using performative language to ‘play the game’ within differing power networks in order to claim limited resources.  相似文献   

通过采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等方法,对延安大学体育学院体育教育专业人才培养课程体系进行深入调查分析。结果表明:我院体育教育人才培养课程体系与新课程改革背景下的中小学体育教学需求有着一定的差异,课程体系设置难以满足中小学体育教学师资培养和社会体育人才的需求。  相似文献   

通过理论和实践研究,认为高职体育课程设计方案应在《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》指导下,结合高职教育的办学特点,明确高职体育在高职教育中的地位、作用和定位课程的理念,以为专业服务为切入点,设计课程目标,确定课程结构体系,选择教学内容,设计教学模式和方法,制定考核评价办法,从而形成高职体育课程整体设计方案。  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(2):105-115
This paper is based on a keynote lecture delivered at the International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education 2011 Conference, University of Limerick, on the sub theme: Technologies in Support of Physical Education, Sport, and Physical Activity. The paper outlines and illustrates a framework: narrative technology, which can be used for designing computing to support and enhance physical education, sport and physical activity. The framework is based on a ternary of foundational concepts: (1) physical engagement, (2) narrative, and (3) interactive technology. The paper outlines the theoretical basis of the approach, which is informed by contemporary debates and themes in education and educational technology, including: narratology, embodied design (or design for embodiment), and interactivity. Furthermore, from an empirical and practical perspective, two examples of the use of different types of computing are presented and discussed. The first intervention that is outlined focuses on the use of novel ubiquitous computing to enhance physical engagement, interpretation and interactivity. The second instantiation of computing illustrates how more widely available, “everyday'' technologies can be used to support and enhance large-scale creative and collaborative physical education. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate current and future potential of technology, and support creative and novel perspectives on how information and communications technologies can be used to enhance physical education, sport and physical activity.  相似文献   

Great anticipation surrounded the release of the first ever Surgeon General's report on physical activity and health in 1996. The report stated that physical activity can contribute significantly to overall levels of health and the quality of life for all Americans. However, since the report's release, little has improved in the health status of children and adults in the United States. Over 33% of the adult population and 16% of the nation's children are obese (CDC, 2009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2009. Obesity: Halting the epidemic by making health easier. At a Glance, 2009: 14.  [Google Scholar]). The purpose of this review is to examine the historical role of physical education, the impact of the Surgeon General's report, the role of Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs in preparing future physical education teachers, and current developments related to physical activity and health in the United States.  相似文献   

体操是高等院校体育教育专业的主干课程之一,也是基础教育阶段体育与健康课程的重要教学内容。结合河北省基础教育阶段体操教学内容开展情况,从课程论和教学论角度考察普通高校体操课程建设,可发现其中存在先进教学理念在教学实践中落实不足、教学内容局限性突出、新型教学方法应用受限和考核评价方式单一性显著等问题。要改变这一现状,就要在科学定位课程目标的基础上,转变体操教育教学理念,增强教学内容开放性,灵活运用教学方法,增加形成性评价,提高学生主体意识。  相似文献   

K-12阶段的学校体育是美国国民体育的基石,它主要在美国健康、体育、休闲与舞蹈协会和国家竞技与体育协会这两个专业机构的引领下获得发展。20世纪50年代以来,美国K-12阶段学校体育的发展时有起伏,并呈现出"钟摆式"的运动轨迹。其发展过程对于推动中国学校体育事业的发展有一定启示。  相似文献   

Within the sphere of Physical Education (PE), many observers ( Shields and Bredemeier, 1995; Capel, 2003; Green, 2003 ) have identified PE staff as having a special empathy for children's pastoral care needs and the development of Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE). Such factors as the varied situations and venues in which the subject is delivered, including off-campus and extra curricular activities, perhaps lead interested staff into work that locks into the welfare and personal development needs of children. Accordingly, one of the more interesting challenges posed by National Curriculum Physical Education (NCPE) in England and Wales is that it requires the teacher to address the spiritual development of the pupil; this obligation is made clear through the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) elements of the subject. This paper focuses attention on the merging of this separate spiritual dimension with the other three concepts. While the moral, social and cultural elements of SMSC are recognized components of PE participation, the grouping raises the question of whether PE teachers can develop children's spiritual growth. This paper argues that such a pathway may be possible but that at present there is considerable confusion related to the challenge.  相似文献   

To enhance the cost effectiveness of primary schools, the government of Hong Kong imposed a regulation for operating primary one classes up to a minimum enrolment rate in 2003. This policy has forced a number of village schools to cease operation. During 2005–2006, 36 of them were involved in this enforcement, accounting for two-thirds of the total number of such schools, causing a possible extinction of them. This paper is part of a research project with the purpose of tracing the history and development of village schools in Hong Kong since the 1930s and 1940s. Adapting Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, capital and field, this paper examined the village school context of Hong Kong from a socio-historical perspective and examined how the context was related to leadership characteristics of village school principals. Related issues were also discussed. It is hoped that the study has suggested a direction for understanding principal leadership within different school contexts.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to outline current discussions in Ireland around teachers being responsible for assessing their own students’ work, and the subsequent impact such a perspective is having (or not) on the delivery and assessment of physical education in Ireland. Our intention is to contribute to assessment considerations, while acknowledging the nuances of the Irish education context, and the positioning of physical education within such nuances. This discussion is particularly timely given the very recent endorsement for the introduction of the new Leaving Certificate Physical Education as a full optional subject. We begin by discussing more specifically assessment in Irish primary and post-primary schools, drawing attention to the limited Irish assessment-related research being conducted in both contexts. We then explore assessment developments related to Irish primary physical education and post-primary physical education and compare the extent to which such developments are limited in comparison to international assessment interests and practices in physical education. We conclude with suggestions related to studying (pre-service) teachers’ and students’ exposure to assessment in order to understand how we could alter the balance of assessment purposes and uses in Irish schools.  相似文献   

The study featured in this paper investigates pre- and in-service Physical Education (PE) teachers' diverse views of OE (Outdoor Education) against the backdrop of numerous curricular changes underpinning Singaporean education. We highlight the potential challenges Singaporean schools and teachers may face in implementing the newly formalized OE curriculum. Findings revealed the teachers' prioritization of high elements and adventure activities within residential camps. Then, the teachers linked these ‘risky’ and ‘unfamiliar’ activities with transferrable learning outcomes, mostly in line with students' personal and social development. The more experienced teachers in the cohort tended to advocate that OE could be situated within local school and community environs. Yet, this envisioning of OE within a place-based learning model reflected limited understanding of this concept. We conclude by suggesting that curriculum designers and teacher educators should draw upon pre- and in-service PE teachers' perceptions of OE. It is imperative that these teachers' key concerns and beliefs, which currently structure their work in this recently formalized subject area, are used to contextualize the extensive curricular change and professional learning endeavors that are being implemented by the education ministry.  相似文献   

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