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运动性疲劳是国内外运动生理学、运动训练学界非常重视的研究课题,掌握和了解运动性疲劳的产生机制,能有效地防止疲劳和快速地恢复疲劳。  相似文献   

陈梅 《柳州师专学报》2002,17(2):103-106
运动性疲劳是运动生理学及运动训练学中一个十分重要的研究课题 ,本文主要就近年来有关运动性疲劳产生的生理机制及诊断运动性疲劳程度的主要方法和生理指标作简要综述 ,以期为广大体育工作者的研究提供一定的理论依据  相似文献   

通过论述运动性疲劳的概念、表现,分析散手运动中运动性疲劳产生的机理,从而提出散手运动疲劳消除的方法及手段.  相似文献   

运动性疲劳不仅严重的影响着运动员的训练效果和制约着运动成绩的提高,甚至威胁到运动员的身体健康及运动寿命.有关运动性疲劳的相关问题一直受到教练员及运动医学工作者的高度关注和重视.运用文献资料法,通过对疲劳研究发展进行初步了解,对运动性疲劳的诊断方法及恢复手段进行研究综述,以期对运动训练和竞赛发挥一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

运动性疲劳是运动生理学和运动医学的核心问题之一,运动性疲劳的研究对指导运动训练、运动员改善运动能力以及提高运动成绩,都有实际应用价值.同时,正确地认识和诊断疲劳对于科学地指导全民健身,提高锻炼效果和健身水平也具有重要的实践意义.  相似文献   

多巴胺(DA)与中枢疲劳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动性疲劳是运动生理学领域一项重要研究课题。随着新技术的应用和神经生物学研究的发展,运动性中枢(CNS)疲劳的研究也取得了突破性进展。通过对多巴胺与中枢疲劳的研究进行综述,认为长时间运动后中抠多巴胺水平的明显升高可延缓疲劳的发生,并就中枢多巴胺水平的变化与运动性疲劳产生的内在机制试作探讨。  相似文献   

陈必江 《考试周刊》2007,(24):98-99
运动性疲劳是运动训练过程中普遍存在的现象,运用科学的方法可以尽快消除疲劳,使机能尽快得到恢复,进而提高运动能力。本文阐述了运动性疲劳的产生机制及消除疲劳的有效方法,以期对教学和训练发挥一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

通过论述运动性疲劳的概念、表现,分析散手运动中运动性疲劳产生的机理,从而提出散手运动疲劳消除的方法及手段.  相似文献   

疲劳是一种正常生理现象,是运动到一定阶段必然出现的一种生理功能变化现象,如果运动性疲劳没有得到及时恢复而使疲劳累积导致疲劳过度,或者当发生运动性疲劳时没有及时进行调整,继续保持原有的运动,使疲劳程度加深,导致力竭,就会使运动性疲劳变成一种病理观象,从而对健康造成不良影响。  相似文献   

在体育实践教学中,营养补品与运动疲劳的关系一直是实践教学过程中重要的一环,研究结果发现运动性疲劳会影响机体的运动能力,合理应用运动营养补充品可消除过度训练所导致的运动性疲劳、提高运动能力.笔者对国内外文献中抗运动性疲劳的重要营养补充品的研究进展作一综述,以期为今后体育教学中营养补品的教学提供参考.  相似文献   


Little attention has been given to the leisure activities of retired professors, whose activity patterns in retirement may be different from those of other occupational groups because of their lifetime commitment to work. This interview study uses both quantitative and qualitative data to investigate: (a) the leisure and professional activities of retired professors; (b) the anticipated leisure activities of older employed professors; and (c) the relationship between sociodemographic factors and leisure activities of professors in retirement. Respondents were 54 retired (response rate 83%) and 17 employed (response rate 94%) professors aged 70–74 from a major research university. Content analysis of the tape-recorded open-ended questions indicated that volunteer activity, travel, exercise or sports, and work around the house or garden were the most commonly described leisure activities of retirees. A large majority of retirees (70%) also continued professional activities. Travel and exercise or sports were the most frequently planned activity for employed respondents. Correlational analysis revealed little relationship between sociodemographic factors and leisure activities in retirement. Implications for retirement education and leisure programming are discussed.  相似文献   

渐进式延迟退休政策符合我国发展趋势.公民退休权既包括退休后的物质生活保障权也包括公民退休选择权.基于我国国情,延迟退休政策并未侵犯公民退休权,相反具有一定的必要性和可行性.我国应在合理借鉴他国实践经验的基础上,结合实际问题,从制度构建和侵权救济两方面完善公民退体权保障体系.  相似文献   

This article draws upon a major qualitative empirical research investigation in Great Britain to explore the relationships between retirement and learning. Though retirement is frequently viewed as an event leading to a life stage, our data show that it can perhaps be best understood as a lengthy process. This process begins well before actual retirement in most cases, and it continues well after any symbolic retirement event. Through this process of change, it is common for persons to be retired by one definition but not by another. The article shows that if we adopt recent understandings of learning as a process of becoming—incorporating informal as well as formal learning—then retirement is a process and learning is an inevitable, integral part of that process. We conclude by suggesting some implications that follow from understanding retirement in this way.  相似文献   

随着老龄人口的增多和老龄社会的提前到来,养老保障基金缺口越来越大,政府财政负担日益加重,在此背景下,延迟退休被提到议事日程。本文分析延迟退休面临的四种困境,指出延迟退休需要考虑社会福利水平、平均预期寿命、产业结构和实施延迟退休的实际效果等几个方面的因素。最后,论文提出有效筹措养老保障基金、实行弹性退休制度、建立统一的养老体制和建立多层次的养老保障体系是实行延迟退休的必要前提。  相似文献   


The transition from a busy work life to a retired state entails a lot of adjustment, planning, and wise decision-making. While there have been numerous studies that elucidate retirement issues across the globe, the need to know about retirement preferences of middle-aged and older teachers remains a blank spot in the literature, hence this discrete choice estimation investigation. The overall purpose of this study is to explicate the utility and importance of retirement preferences of a select group of 40–70 year-old teachers (n = 152) from the northern part of the Philippines. Using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21, a set of 12 choice bundles with 4 holdouts were extracted from a pool 96 orthogonal array. Respondents were asked to sort and rank each card based on its importance and utility value using the Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD). Results indicate that the most important attribute considered by Filipino teachers relative to their retirement preferences was investment. This was followed by pursuit of an old interest, travel, and part-time job as the least preferred. This utility study yielded empirical data that can be benchmarked by retirement planning policy makers in the academic setting to better address the uncertainty faced by aging teachers when it comes to their retirement decisions.  相似文献   

中国古代官员致仕制度的法学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
官员退休在古代称致仕,是指官员因老、病、孝养等原因交还官职,退休养老的行为。致仕制度源于礼制,在发展的过程中不断向法制化转变,但是在专制政府的权力运作中,政治权力作为一种主要的力量支配着法律的实施,以礼入法的致仕制度始终只是一个过程,最终也未能实现彻底的法制化。  相似文献   

This paper discusses retirement as a learning process, where learning, be it formal or informal, enables retirees to adjust to the transition from work to retirement. Such discussion is important given the fact that the world population is aging and that more people are retiring in the next few decades. Moreover, people are experiencing an increased length of retirement due to longer lifespan. Promoting the retirement experience as a productive learning process will bring huge social benefits to impact all involved, including the individual retirees themselves. Much early retirement research considered retirement as a monolithic event, which affects all retirees in similar ways, thereby justifying a cross-sectional approach to take a snapshot of the adjustment process. Such approach falls short of capturing the dynamic process that is characteristic of the retirement transition; and masks individual differences as retirees conceptualize, experience, and negotiate their own ways through the process of adaptation as it unfolds during the transition from work to retirement. This paper argues that in order to obtain in-depth understanding of the individual experiences in the retirement transition and to gain insight into the role of learning in the process, we need to use a qualitative, longitudinal approach to track and reflect the different patterns of change for retirees at different points in time. By examining the process of change and the retirement experiences of retirees using a longitudinal qualitative approach, we should be able to illustrate, how an individual learn to experience and adapt to retirement, so as to support the claim that the retirement process is unique and that learning is an integral part of that process.  相似文献   

现代体育新闻报道随着受众的审美需求的提升融入了许多文学性元素,使体育新闻在报道事实的基础上,更兼生动性、娱乐性。文章主要对体育新闻语篇中的隐喻"迹象"进行挖掘,并根据隐喻"来源域"的不同,对隐喻介入部分做归纳,分析各"来源域"词语引用的理据,得以归纳隐喻于体育新闻报道中的特征,同时通过对各种隐喻使用不合理现象的分析,总结出使用隐喻要注意"适度""适当"原则,发挥好导向作用。  相似文献   

刍议体育与构建高校和谐校园   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,通过对大量的相关理论分析,在阐述和谐校园概念的基础上,论述了构建大学和谐校园的意义,从体育的本质和大学体育自身的功能两个方面论证了体育在构建大学和谐校园中的积极作用。结果表明:体育是构建高校和谐校园的纽带,而高校体育也会借助建设和谐校园这个平台加快发展步伐,同时也为和谐社会的建设提供了有利的理论支持。  相似文献   

Retirement is viewed as a passage that can result in psychological, physiological, and economic problems among some retirees. Adequate preparation for retirement through preretirement education, as practiced in the Western-European societies, has been found to ease transition into retirement and adjustment in retirement. Preretirement education is a relatively new practice in some organizations in Nigeria; hence, little investigation has been conducted to examine the attitudes of Nigerians toward it. Therefore, this study attempted to investigate the attitudes of Nigerian bankers toward retirement in general and preretirement education in particular. Respondents included senior members (n = 48) and middle-level workers (n = 60). There were more males (79.6%) than females (20.4%). More than half were over 40 years of age. A summary of data based on questionnaire administration reveal that retirement on its own is not as traumatic as generally thought. Respondents looked favorably toward retirement, and identified potential advantages of preretirement education. Therefore, it is recommended that employers consider preretirement education as the rule rather than the exception as currently being practiced in Nigeria.  相似文献   

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