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各种艺术都是相通的,相互渗透的。除了"诗中有画,画中有诗",还可以说"诗中有乐,乐中有诗","诗中有舞,舞中有诗","诗中有建筑,建筑中有诗",以及"乐中有画,画中有乐","乐中有舞,舞中有乐","乐中有建筑,建筑中有乐"等。各种艺术的互动和配合,主要发生在想象艺术与听觉艺术、视觉艺术之间,以及听觉艺术与视觉艺术之间。书法地位独特,与其它各种艺术都可能相通互动。  相似文献   

杜甫诗歌所叙唐代陇蜀荆湘气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜甫诗歌具有广义的史学价值。杜甫晚年飘泊诗作的相关描述,较为真实而又全面地反映了唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候特征。唐代秦州秋阳杲杲,秋雨迷蒙,秋霜凛冽,秋月凄清,同谷岁暮则雨多雪盛,偶见冬虹;成都四季分明,冷热适中,然时有春旱、夏洪发生;夔州夏秋毒热,巫山雾瘴、云雨、霜雪、雷电变幻莫测;荆州及湖湘东南一带春季早暖,夏季酷热多雨、易发洪水,秋季前热后凉,冬季冷热不均。唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候与今天上述各地情况基本相符,杜甫夏秋叹热莫过于夔州与潭州,亦与今天的重庆和长沙同列全国“火炉”城市地位相当。另据杜诗所叙剑门蜀道腊月山花开放,通泉冬季蚊蚋活跃,成都四月黄梅成熟,戎州、泸州六月盛产荔枝,江陵正月嫩荷抽叶、飞燕营巢,潭州正月蜂鸣密林、燕舞江滨,湘潭二月南风蒸地、春热黄昏等情况,唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘一带的年平均气温似应高于今天。  相似文献   

通过建构包括3个一级指标和22个二级指标的高等教育科技创新能力的评价指标体系,采用因子分析法对国内省域高等教育科技创新能力的进行时空差异分析。研究发现:高校科技创新能力在省域上呈现东高西低、南高北低、中间高两边低的特点;省域高等教育科技创新能力差距呈现缩小的趋势;中南部省市高等教育科技创新能力相对上升,中北部和东北地区的高校科技创新能力相对下降;高等教育强省的科技创新能力较强且较为稳定;经济强省的高等教育科技创新能力较强且较为稳定。影响区域高等教育科技创新的因素包括经济、历史、政策、地理、制度五个方面的因素。  相似文献   

Gender disparities in science and engineering majors in Chinese universities have received increasing attention from researchers and educators in China in recent years. Using data from a national survey of college students who graduated in 2005, this study documents gender disparities in enrollment and academic performance in science and engineering majors, and explores gender disparities in initial employment experiences of science and engineering graduates. It finds that females lag far behind males in enrollment in science and engineering majors overall. However, females actually are more represented than males in some majors such as mathematics and chemistry though the reverse is true for other science and engineering majors. Also, in science and engineering majors, females perform better than males in both general course grades and in English competency tests. Male science and engineering graduates have a clear advantage over their female counterparts in initial employment after graduation: they have a high employment rate, a higher starting salary, and are more likely to be employed in such jobs as business management and technical specialist. The male advantage in employment rate and starting salary persists even after controlling for other factors.  相似文献   

钦州湾表层海水温度盐度及pH值时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年春夏秋冬4个季节调查资料,分析钦州湾表层海水温度、盐度及pH值的季节变化和分布特征。结果表明:钦州湾海水平均温度春季20.4℃,夏季30.1℃,秋季16.0℃,冬季14.6℃,变化特征与气温的季节变化相同,空间分布为夏秋季河口区的水温都略高于湾口区,而春冬季则相反。海水平均盐度春季20.067,夏季17.975,秋季23.864,冬季23.660,表现为秋季〉冬季〉春季〉夏季,各季节空间分布总体表现为河口区低,湾口区高的趋势。海水pH平均值春季7.82,夏季8.11,秋季8.01,冬季8.10,全年空间分布高值区均出现在大风江口外海域。钦州湾海水比较适宜大蚝、对虾、文蛤等广温广盐性品种的海水养殖。  相似文献   

用普通话写作的港台作家作品中所用的熟语受到港台话的影响而发生变异。本讨论共同语的熟语在港台话中的语形变异和语义变异,提出并讨论其变异的方式,以求其沟通普通话和港台话对同义或同形熟语的相互理解。  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of soils, derived from sewage irrigation, mining and inappropriate utilization of various agrochemicals and pesticides, and so on, has been of wide concern in the last several decades. The Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area (SZIA) in China is a representative area of heavy metal contamination of soils resulting from sewage irrigation for about 30 years. This study investigated the spatial distribution and temporal variation of soil cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) contamination in the SZIA. The soil samples were collected from the SZIA in 1990 and 2004; Cd and Cu in soils was analyzed and then the spatial distribution and temporal variation of Cd and Cu in soils were modeled using Kriging methods. The results show that long-term sewage irrigation had caused serious Cd and Cu contamination in soils. The mean and the maximum of soil Cd are markedly higher than the levels in second grade standard soil (LSGSS) in China, and the maximum of soil Cu is close to the LSGSS in China in 2004 and is more than the LSGSS in China in 1990. The contamination magnitude of soil Cd and the soil extent of Cd con- tamination had evidently increased since sewage irrigation ceased in 1992. The contamination magnitude of soil Cu and the soil extent of Cu contamination had evidently increased in topsoil, but obviously decresed in subsoil. The soil contamination of Cd and Cu was mainly related to Cd and Cu reactivation of contaminated sediments in Shenyang Xi River and the import of Cd and Cu during irrigation. The eluviation of Cd and Cu in contaminated topsoil with rainfall and irrigation water was another factor of temporal-spatial variability of Cd and Cu contamination in soils.  相似文献   

明代中后期,随着生产力的恢复和商业经济的勃兴,艺文兼擅的文人开始大量涌现,并以家族、结社等形式构成集群发展的态势。艺文家族作为一种特殊类型的文化世家,在有明一代达到了其发展的高峰,不仅数量庞大,而且取得了很高的成就,出现了诸如相城沈氏、长洲文氏、嘉兴项氏等巨族。从全国范围来看,江南地区在艺文家族的产生数量和发展质量上独占鳌头,而西南、东北等地区的艺文家族,在明代也取得了显著的发展,从而与其他地区一起,共同呈现出明代艺文家族在全国范围内全面发展的态势。  相似文献   

当前教育中存在的问题显示了加强和改进新时期大学生思想政治工作的重要性,对高校思想政治课的调整应当避免的问题以及应吸取的经验进行了探索性的表述,它为今后高校和全社会如何改进和强化思想政治教育提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

婆媳关系是孝文化建设的难点,既有历史文化观念方面的因素,也有新的时代因素。文章主要从新旧时代、农村与城市、中老年与中青年这三组婆媳关系来分析研究。婆媳之间最为理想的状态,应该是在彼此理解宽容的基础之上,建立起“上慈下孝”的关系,其中有个先后及付出与回报的过程。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse differences in motivation and social self-concept in students participating in three different programmes of heritage education in informal contexts. A total of 667 secondary school students from the mining and industrial area of Bizkaia participated in the study. The results show differences in motivation between experimental and control groups before and after their participation in the inter-generational programme. Differences were also found in social self-concept after participation in the inter-generational programme and a follow-up class, after participation in the Dolores Ibarruri programme and after visiting the Mining Museum. With regard to gender, no differences are found in motivation either before or after participation, although differences are found in favour of females in social self-concept.  相似文献   

We studied the responses of the activities of adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) sulfurylase (ATPS) and serine acetyl-transferase (SAT) to cadmium (Cd) levels and treatment time in hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) Sedum alfredii Hance, as compared with its non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE). The results show that plant growth was inhibited in NHE but promoted in HE when exposed to high Cd level. Cd concentrations in leaves and shoots rapidly increased in HE rather than in NHE, and they became much higher in HE than in NHE along with increasing treatment time and Cd supply levels. ATPS activity was higher in HE than in NHE in all Cd treatments, and increased with increasing Cd supply levels in both HE and NHE when exposed to Cd treatment within 8 h. However, a marked difference of ATPS activity between HE and NHE was found with Cd treatment for 168 h, where ATPS activity increased in HE but decreased in NHE. Similarly, SAT activity was higher in HE than in NHE at all Cd treatments, but was more sensitive in NHE than in HE. Both ATPS and SAT activities in NHE leaves tended to decrease with increasing treatment time after 8 h at all Cd levels. The results reveal the different responses in sulfur assimilation enzymes and Cd accumulation between HE and NHE. With increasing Cd stress, the activities of sulfur assimilation enzymes (ATPS and SAT) were induced in HE, which may contribute to Cd accumulation in the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance.  相似文献   

探讨了中学组织实施数学课外活动的途径和方法.首先,分析了数学课外活动的基本特点.其次,确立了开展中学数学课外活动应遵循的基本原则,并提出了中学数学课外活动的实施模式中学数学课外活动的组织与实施应以年级为单位,按学生的程度、志趣和愿望设置不同的活动小组,采取分类指导的方式进行.最后,研究了中学数学课外活动的评价,包括对数学课外活动的组织工作的评价和学生参与数学课外活动的表现及其效果的评价.  相似文献   

《Open Learning》2012,27(1):53-64
Reduced higher education funding and other austerity measures imposed by governments and institutions have resulted in cascading cuts in resources for programme design, delivery and revision. The instructional design function is often the first casualty of these cuts in many universities. This paper considers the roles and functions of instructional design, illuminates the differences in instructional design functions in on-site learning and in distance learning, and examines the broadening of skills and responsibilities encompassed in instructional design, especially in dual-mode institutions. Two case studies, illustrating different levels of instructional design in course development for distance learning in a dual-mode institution, lead to reflections on the value of instructional design in the current and future higher education landscape.  相似文献   

观课议课的文化观念是指观课议课设计、组织和实施者在观课议课活动中理解和认同的价值追求。观课议课的文化观念主要包括生活改善的实践观、成长创造的幸福观、促进思想的发展观、相互滋养的生态观。  相似文献   

2006年至今,我国大约有31所大学获批翻译专业本科(BTI)和翻译专业硕士(MTI)的办学资格;但是,据不完全统计,我国仍然有将近1 000所大学英语专业在高年级开设翻译课程。有鉴于此,本文对西北地区甘肃和青海两省、宁夏回族自治区和新疆维吾尔自治区的9所大学英语专业翻译教材、学习者需求和翻译公司的人才需求展开实证研究,旨在挖掘教育部对英语专业翻译课程的要求、教学理念以及教学材料选择和应用等三者之间的矛盾关系,并以坎宁斯沃思的指导方针(guideline)为理据,为翻译教材的评估和编撰提供了特定标准,以期在教学目标、教学理念和教学材料三者之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

Fei Wang 《Interchange》2013,44(1-2):45-62
This study provides insight into equity issues in post-secondary education by exploring and assessing the history, the reality and the potential developments in higher education for minority students in China, in comparison to post-secondary education for aboriginal students in Canada. It highlights access to post-secondary education by these minorities in both countries in terms of educational policy enactment, orientation, and its enforcement. The study examines both commonalties and differences in the educational policies of both countries to shed light on how each country is able to grapple with the issue of equity in their respective post-secondary educational systems in response to the principles of liberty, equity and dignity as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This study employs a historical approach to identify the common trends by examining issues concerning access to post-secondary education for ethnic minorities in China and the aboriginals in Canada. Specifically, the study employs a comparative method analyzing how access and equity are defined, how policies have evolved, and the impact that the policy has on the minority students in China and aboriginal students in Canada. The assessment of the access issues in these two countries not only reveals some common trends in the evolution of access norms in the post-secondary education of both countries, but also identifies certain differences in response to their historical traditions, national cultures, and diverse educational structures. The findings are presented in three sections: growth and gap, equality versus equity, and equity and the difference among the difference.  相似文献   

本研究以2007级—2010级安徽省体育教育专业女生入学时的体育加试成绩为原始数据,利用地理信息系统(GIS)对安徽省体育教育专业女生的体育加试成绩的地理分布状况进行研究。结果显示:在100米项目中,皖南地区成绩要好于皖中和皖北地区;在原地推铅球项目中,皖北地区的成绩要好于皖中和皖南地区;在立定三级跳远项目中,皖南和皖中地区的成绩要好于皖北地区;在800米项目中,皖北和皖中地区的成绩要好于皖南地区。  相似文献   

先秦汉语动词作主语、宾语跟名词作主语、宾语是不同的,先秦汉语动词作主语、宾语有四种不同情形:动词作主语、宾语;动词作主语、宾语后活用为名词;动词作主语、宾语时兼有名词性质;动词跟作主语、宾语的词是不同的单位。因此,先秦汉语动词的活用和兼类就少一些。  相似文献   

Building from the theories of Dewey and Kolb and Fry, we sought to examine the impact of experiential education in teacher education on teacher beliefs and practices. The teacher education model described in this article sets out to challenge the seduction of the apprenticeship of observation and create an opportunity for in-service teachers to re-imagine their teaching in concrete and transformative ways. Immersed in a weeklong experiential residency in either the mountains or at a local environmental education farm, the teachers in the study were challenged physically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally in and through the experience. The experiential work ultimately led to changes in teacher participants’ beliefs and practices related to teacher and student roles and potentialities. Although challenges exist for this type of practice in K-12 classrooms and in teacher education, experiential education has a significant potential to change the way teachers think about and act in their practice.  相似文献   

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