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汉语零形回指研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从五个方面对近三十年来汉语零形回指研究作了回顾:零形回指的确定及其研究范围、小句的划分、先行词的确定、零形回指的功能及其制约因素等,最后对汉语零形回指研究做了简要评述。文章旨在梳理、回顾汉语零形回指的研究成果,以期对零形回指研究的内容、方法有一了解,从而有助于汉语零形回指的进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

零形回指是汉语中一种重要的回指形式,而《政府工作报告》是特殊的公文文体,其零形回指形式与其他文学作品或法律文献相比具有一定的独特性。从句内和句间零形回指、邻近和长距离零形回指等方面对先行语为"我们"的零形回指进行研究,并分析使用零形回指的原因。  相似文献   

功能语法认为,不同语言形式一定具有不同的言语功能。汉语新话题的篇章引入通常使用存现句句式,其无定宾语在后续第二小句的回指通常具有三种不同的指称形式,他们应该分别表示不同的话题延续性。基于10万字的汉语民间故事语料,发现这三种回指形式在其他条件相同的情况下,零形回指用于预示所谈论的话题将会延续;名词短语回指预示引入话题的弱延续性,新话题即将入场;代词回指则介于两者之间,且用于较长距离的回指。这种斜坡的存在取决于存现句空间描述和民间故事的事件结构的语篇特征。  相似文献   

零形回指在汉语使用中十分普遍,而话语结构特征对于零形回指的使用起重要的制约作用。话语结构特征对零形回指的制约作用体现在微观连续性和宏观连续性两个方面。先行词的启后性和回指对象的承前性越强,所指对象的微观连续性越强。宏观连续性取决于先行词和回指对象各自所在的句子在话语组织中的关系。直接管辖这两个句子的语式在话语结构中所处层次越低,两句之间插入成分越少,所指对象宏观连续性越强。这里以《边城》为例,分析汉语中的零形回指。  相似文献   

对回指的研究不仅仅是对指称词语的研究,而且是对话题的建立、保持和转换与指称词语的关系的关系的研究。汉语零形回指与话题有着密切关系,话题连续和话题转移的情况下,零形回指出现的模式有所不同。  相似文献   

与零形回指相比,汉语中零形下指现象在自然语篇中能产性低得多,但它也是一种非常复杂的语言现象。本文基于现代汉语经典小说《骆驼祥子》语料,发现零形下指是汉语所有下指现象中的基本构式,并详细探讨了汉语句内零形下指现象呈现的句法语义特征。  相似文献   

与零形回指相比,汉语中零形下指现象在自然语篇中能产性低得多,但它也是一种非常复杂的语言现象.本文基于现代汉语经典小说《骆驼祥子》语料,发现零形下指是汉语所有下指现象中的基本构式,并详细探讨了汉语句内零形下指现象呈现的句法语义特征.  相似文献   

汉语比较句是汉语语法的一个重要组成部分,也是外国学生学习汉语过程中的一个难点。本文以发放问卷的形式调查柬埔寨留学生在使用比较句时容易出现的偏误,根据问卷结果对其出现的偏误进行了分类,并分析柬埔寨留学生对汉语比较句的习得顺序进而提出在教学上的几点建议。  相似文献   

以英语为母语的留学生汉语语篇中连接成分使用偏误分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母语为英语的留学生在汉语作文中,对连接成分使用的偏误分布很不均衡,主要表现为:一、按照科德对偏误的分类,学生的偏误中以省略偏误占绝对多数,并没有受其母语“形合”的负迁移影响;从逻辑语义关系来看,主要集中在因果、条件、转折和举例等关系上。二、在错选这种情况中,因对具体词语掌握不到位而造成的偏误远远多于因逻辑关系判断错误而导致的偏误。三、从连接词在小句中的位置来看,不是处在小句句首位置的连接词出现偏误的情况相对于其使用总数来说,所占比例较高。四、在一个小句中同时运用两个或两种连接手段时,偏误率较高。文章对此分别进行了原因分析并提出了教学建议。  相似文献   

"给"是现代汉语中广泛使用的一个介词,也是学习汉语的二语习得者使用时偏误率较高的介词之一。本文选取HSK动态作文语料库中使用"给"出现的所有偏误句作为研究对象,归纳留学生使用介词"给"的偏误类型,分析偏误产生的原因。  相似文献   

The research described in this paper addresses how a language tutoring system tackles a practical problem in learning a language — negative transfer (mother tongue influence). The empirical studies we have undertaken indicate that negative transfer is the most obvious explanation for most of the errors committed by first-year students in their study of Chinese grammar at the University of Durham. The results of our empirical studies accord with the views of experts on both negative transfer and the Chinese language. A language tutoring prototype (the Chinese Tutor) has been designed on the basis of the results of the empirical studies. The Chinese Tutor contains five models: the expert model, the student model, the diagnoser, the tutor model and the interface module. The five models work effectively together in order to ensure a successful tutorial session. A number of potential users from the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Durham have used the Chinese Tutor with positive results. In this paper, we will first address issues in relation to empirical studies: the significance of empirical studies and the results of the empirical studies. We will then move on to some of the important design issues, i.e., how the problem of negative transfer is tackled by the Chinese Tutor, which includes discussions on how the rules in the mixed grammar are used for detecting arbitrary transfer errors; how the types of error made by the student are inferred; and how an appropriate tutorial strategy is selected. Finally, a tutorial session run by one of the students who has used the Chinese Tutor is presented and what the Chinese Tutor can offer to the students will also be addressed.  相似文献   

作为英语教学中的一个热门话题,语言迁移始终存在于目的语的学习过程中,在此过程中学生会在各个方面受到母语的深刻影响,这就是语言的迁移,包括有“正迁移”以及“负迁移”.由英汉二种不同语系所带来的差异性会给英语学习者带来很多“负迁移”的影响,给他们的英语学习造成一定的障碍  相似文献   

赵继雪 《时代教育》2014,(11):285-286
The phenomenon of language transfer has always been a central issue in the field of second language acquisition. Meanwhile,the role and status of mother tongue in the process of foreign language learning has been a controversial topic for both linguists and scholars as well. Normally divided into positive transfer and negative transfer, language transfer can be widely observed in the language teaching process during which the negative sides hinder the learning of new language while the positive sides facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge. In the specific context of China, language transfer mainly focuses on the transfer of learners' mother tongue-Chinese in English learning process. In this paper, the author mainly discusses the positive transfer of Chinese to those art students whose English competence is relatively poor taking its aim at figuring out a proper strategy for English teaching.  相似文献   

Interlingual transfer refers to transfer rules from the first language.There are many differences between English and Chinese,which will unavoidably interfere with the English learning.When the interference of mother tongue fosters target language learning,it is called mother tongue’s positive transfer.Conversely,the mother tongue’s negative transfer will emerge.With mother tongue mode of thinking automatically,Chinese students always make errors when they compose a sentence or write a passage.Interlingual transfer includes three aspects:lexical transfer,grammatical transfer and cultural transfer.  相似文献   

汉英零形回指探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
零形回指是一种涉及到句法、语义、语用、认知等语言描写层面上的多维限制。不同的语言会有不同的衔接方式。零形回指用于跨语言交际时,应根据不同语言间存在的结构差异,作适当调整,以符合目标语的语言习惯。汉译英时,遇到汉语零照应的句子,需增补合适的主语;英译汉时,英语用代词的地方,汉语除了零照应外,往往使用原词复现的形式。  相似文献   

翻译作为一种双语信息的转换过程,难免会受到母语负迁移的影响。可从词汇和句法两个方面探讨母语负迁移对中国学生翻译学习的影响,并就如何帮助中国学生克服翻译学习中的母语负迁移提出了切实可行的对策,以便更好地促进翻译学习,提高学生的翻译能力。  相似文献   

彭偲 《海外英语》2012,(15):109-113,133
Based on the researches of language transfer,contrastive analysis and error analysis,this paper tries to investigate the negative transfer of Chinese on Chinese students’English writings from the perspective of syntax.During one and a half months’teaching practice in Shannxi Hanzhong No.1 Middle School,the author lived through the real teaching process and found that there were lots of problems in students’English writings.The author makes a contrastive study of the different characteristics existing in Chinese and English languag es at the level of syntax,and analyses the typical syntactic errors appearing in the 60 students’English compositions collected from one or dinary class.These syntactic errors are caused by the negative transfer of Chinese.The purpose of the investigation is to study in what pat tern students have been influenced by Chinese in their English writings.Based on the findings and analysis of the mother tongue transfer on English writings,some implications are also provided in order to help minimize or eliminate the interference of negative transfer of the Chinese in students’English writings and improve the teaching and learning of English.  相似文献   

采用一套看图写作试卷和对研究参与者的访谈,文章考察了中国学生是否有意识回避产出关系从句这一问题.结果发现,一部分参与者有意识地回避使用关系从句,一部分由于尚未达到使用关系从句的水平而无意识地"低产出"关系从句,而另一部分则能够较灵活地使用关系从句.因此,在讨论中国学习者较少使用关系从句这一现象时,不能用 "回避"二字简单概括,有必要区分"有意识回避"和"无意识低产出".教师最好能帮助学生克服使用关系从句的胆怯心理,多鼓励学生使用关系从句等复杂的结构.  相似文献   

研究表明,母语迁移是影响二语习得的重要因素之一.它分为正迁移和负迁移.正迁移促进外语学习,负迁移则妨碍外语学习.本文通过英汉语对比,探讨了中国学生学习英语过程中母语在语音、语法、词汇、文化习俗等方面的负迁移对英语学习的影响,同时对母语的正迁移现象也做了一定的分析.在此基础上,还得出了母语迁移给外语教学所带来的一些启示.学习者们在今后的二语习得过程中应促进正迁移,避免负迁移,保证语言学习的有效性.  相似文献   

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