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营造和谐的亲子关系是构建和谐美好家庭的重要支撑。本文结合福州市一项家庭建设调研数据,从亲子亲合的视角分析亲子关系的现状及特点,指出福州父母对孩子的情感支持及自身的情绪管理能力都有所欠缺,提出父母在亲子互动中的积极教养行为与主动建构;在亲子情感交流中的积极表达、理解接纳与温暖支持是实现亲子亲合的有效方法。建议大力提升家长特别是母亲的教养水平与情绪管理能力,才能有效促进亲子间的情感联结,从而构建和谐的亲子关系。  相似文献   

为探讨父母心理困扰、亲子关系、青少年基本心理需求与青少年网络游戏成瘾的关系,采用凯斯勒心理困扰量表、亲子亲合问卷、基本心理需求量表与网络游戏成瘾量表对816名中学生及其父母进行问卷调查.结果显示:父母心理困扰会正向预测青少年网络游戏成瘾;亲子关系与青少年基本心理需求在父母心理困扰对青少年网络游戏成瘾的影响之间有链式中介作用.基于以上结果,父母应注重对自身心理健康的维护,并在积极改善亲子关系的基础上进一步找出满足青少年心理需求的方法,以有效预防和干预青少年网络游戏成瘾.  相似文献   

在儿童青少年的各种社会关系中,亲子关系作为“第一关系”对其发展起着至关重要的作用.在个体儿童期到青春期的不同阶段,父母与子女的关系具有不同的特点,而且亲子关系的不同侧面对儿童青少年发展都有不同影响,包括亲子依恋、亲子冲突、亲子亲合等.父母和子女自身的特征均会影响亲子关系,进而影响亲子关系对儿童青少年发展的影响.此外,积极的亲子关系有助于促进儿童青少年的健康成长,是其发展的重要保护因素,能减少不良因素的消极影响,尤其是对贫困家庭、单亲家庭等特殊家庭的儿童青少年而言.  相似文献   

在河南农村选取了66名被试,通过半结构访谈,分析了我国农村的亲子关系的模式和特点.研究发现(1)农村亲子间的亲密度低,亲子依恋不强,亲子交往的频率低.(2)农村父母对子女有偏爱现象,更加偏爱男孩和排行靠前的孩子.(3)农村儿童对母亲更加信任和依恋,更亲近母亲.  相似文献   

在河南农村选取了66名被试,通过半结构访谈,分析了我国农村的亲子关系的模式和特点,研究发现:(1)农村亲子间的亲密度低,亲子依恋不强,亲子交往的频率低,(2)农村父母对子女有偏爱现象,更加偏爱男孩和排行靠前的孩子。(3)农村儿童对母亲更加信任和依恋,更亲近母亲。  相似文献   

通过对广西少数民族地区342名留守儿童的情绪调节能力和社会适应进行了问卷调查,结果显示:民族地区留守儿童的情绪调节能力在年级、对父母打工态度、父母回家频率及亲子联系频率方面存在显著差异;留守儿童的社会适应在年级、同住对象、对父母打工态度、父母回家频率及亲子联系频率方面也存在显著差异。留守儿童的情绪调节能力能够显著预测其社会适应。  相似文献   

本文研究选择农村儿童亲子交往现状作为研究内容,同时针对目前存在的农村儿童社会发展问题,对农村儿童亲子交往进行深入的研究,并提出了培养农村儿童良好亲子关系的策略。研究采用《亲子关系诊断测验手册》和《Achenbach儿童行为量表》,并结合访谈法,得出以下结论:⑴农村儿童亲子交往存在儿童年龄、性别的差异,不存在家庭收入、父母职业的差异;⑵父母的受教育程度与亲子交往呈正相关;⑶亲子沟通与亲子交往呈正相关,亲子沟通良好的,亲子交往也比较好,亲子沟通不良的,亲子交往也比较差。  相似文献   

本研究选择农村儿童亲子交往现状作为研究内容,同时针对目前存在的农村儿童社会发展问题,对农村儿童亲子交往进行深入的研究,并提出了培养农村儿童良好亲子关系的策略。研究采用《亲子关系诊断测验手册》和《Achenbach儿童行为量表》,并结合访谈法,得出以下结论:⑴农村儿童亲子交往存在儿童年龄、性别的差异,不存在家庭收入、父母职业的差异;⑵父母的受教育程度与亲子交往呈正相关;⑶亲子沟通与亲子交往呈正相关,亲子沟通良好的,亲子交往也比较好,亲子沟通不良的,亲子交往也比较差。  相似文献   

为了明确家庭关系对留守青少年社会创造性的影响,研究选取663名初中生作为被试,匿名填写人口学问卷、亲子亲合问卷、关系质量问卷、自尊量表和社会创造性倾向问卷,考察在不同留守状况下,家庭关系对青少年社会创造性的直接与间接效应以及自尊在其中的中介效应。结果表明:(1)不同留守状况的青少年的祖孙关系存在差异,但是在亲子关系、自尊和社会创造性上差异均不显著;(2)亲子关系、祖孙关系既直接影响社会创造性,也通过自尊对社会创造性产生间接效应。  相似文献   

以4900名7年级学生及其家长为被试,采用亲子亲合问卷中文版(FACESⅡ-CV)、心理韧性量表中文版(CD-RISC)、领悟社会支持量表、自尊量表以班级为单位进行团体施测,以探讨领悟社会支持与自尊在亲子亲合与青少年心理韧性间的链式多重中介作用。结果:相关分析显示,青少年亲子亲合、心理韧性、领悟社会支持与自尊及其各维度两两呈显著正相关;中介效应检验表明,亲子亲合不仅直接作用于青少年心理韧性,还间接通过领悟社会支持与自尊的链式多重中介对其心理韧性产生作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of parent-adolescent relationships on school performance to provide a clearer understanding of why authoritative parenting does not have as beneficial effects for Asian Americans as it does for European Americans. Over 500 adolescents of Chinese- (148 first and 176 second generation) and European-descent (208 primarily third generation or more) families from seven different high schools completed measures of (1) parenting style, (2) parent-adolescent closeness (cohesion subscale from the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Environment Scales II and relationship satisfaction), and (3) school performance. Positive effects of both authoritative parenting and relationship closeness on school performance were found for European Americans and, to some extent, second-generation Chinese, but not first-generation Chinese. These effects were also stronger for European Americans than first-generation Chinese. Through examination of the mediating role of parent-adolescent relationships, this study also found that among European American families, the beneficial effects of authoritative parenting are explained through relationship closeness.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between emotional autonomy, as measured by Steinberg and Silverberg's Emotional Autonomy Scale (EA), and adolescent adjustment as moderated by several individual, familial, and cultural contexts. Subjects were 96 adolescents (10–18 years old) and their mothers and teachers. Results indicate that when the affective nature of the parent-adolescent relationship is positive (e.g., maternal warmth is high or intensity of parent-adolescent conflict is low), positive adolescent adjustment is more likely when adolescents report less emotional autonomy. On the other hand, when the family environment is more stressful, emotional autonomy is positively associated with adolescent adjustment. Findings suggest that higher scores on the EA scale index emotional detachment from parents and that such detachment is detrimental in supportive familial environments but adaptive in less supportive familial environments. That emotional detachment from parents appears to serve a protective function in certain stressful situations is viewed as analogous to the adoption of an avoidant attachment strategy during infancy.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the role of perception in shaping family realities. Using the multiple case study approach, six Central American refugee parent-adolescent dyads who underestimated intergenerational differences in acceptance of cultural change were interviewed about the nature of the parent-adolescent relationship after migration. Qualitative analysis of their interview responses revealed that their family experiences were characterized by positive affect, high cohesion, and collaborative problem-solving processes involving open communication and mutual respect in response to the cultural transition process. These family experiences stand in direct contrast to those reported when culture clashes are realized, suggesting that the participants' appraisals of their situation represent positive illusions. The counselling option of non-intervention is discussed.  相似文献   

Argys, L.M., Rees, D.I., Averett S.L., & Witoonchart, B. (2006). Birth order and risky adolescent behavior. Economic Inquiry, 44(2), 215–233 demonstrated that a strong link exists between birth order and adolescent risky behavior. Using data on 10th graders from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, we extend the work of Argys et al. by examining the relationship between birth order and participation in school sports and other extracurricular activities. Our results suggest that having an older sibling is associated with an increased probability that males played baseball and football, were members of the school swim team, and participated in cheerleading. Female 10th graders with older siblings were less likely to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities including school band, community service, and yearbook. These results provide additional evidence that birth order is related to adolescent behavior.  相似文献   

采用大学生性态度问卷和中国人人格七因素量表(QZPS-SF)对455名在校大学生进行测查,了解大学生性态度的基本状况及其与大七人格因素的关系。结果显示,不同性别大学生性态度的开放倾向、情感倾向、需求倾向和回避倾向4个维度上得分差异均具有统计学意义;大一和大二年级大学生开放倾向得分差异具有统计学意义。专业、城乡类别、父亲文化程度、父亲职业和母亲职业对大学生的性态度无明显影响。大学生"大七"人格结构的人际关系、处世态度、行事风格、才干和情绪性与性态度具有相关关系;大学生"大七"人格的人际关系、处世态度和情绪性因素对性态度具有正向预测效应。  相似文献   

Parent-adolescent communication about sexual health is one strategy to encourage healthy adolescent sexual behaviour. However, this literature has largely overlooked immigrant families. Hmong youth, identified as facing extreme challenges to parent-adolescent communication, are considered. Content analysis was used to examine parent-adolescent communication about sexual health for forty-four pregnant or parenting Hmong adolescent girls. The minority of adolescents recalled an actual conversation about sexual health in their families with mothers most often identified as the source. Their stories reflect discussions about abstinence, puberty, pregnancy, and STIs - with much information being inaccurate. With culture being a recurrent theme, communication was reported to be hindered by cultural traditions, comfort level, applicability, and perceived consequences. The results identify opportunities for culturally-relevant sex education materials in the Hmong community.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of adolescent perceptions of parental behavior and disrupted parenting in the continuity of antisocial behavior across generations. Participants included 430 adolescents and their biological parents assessed during the period from the 9th to 12th grades (9th grade age in years: M=15.09, SD=0.43). Structural equation modeling provided support for the mediating role of adolescent perceptions and disrupted parenting in the familial transmission of antisocial behavior. Furthermore, the results were consistent across parent and adolescent gender. The findings extend previous research by suggesting a significant role for adolescent perceptions of parents' activities in the development and growth of antisocial behavior. Results also support significant stability in antisocial tendencies over the course of adolescence.  相似文献   

For parents who have experienced childhood interpersonal trauma, the challenges of parenting an adolescent may trigger memories of abuse, intensifying conflict, resulting in negative cycles of relating and poorer responsiveness to emotions when parenting. This study examined whether Tuning Relationships with Music, a dyadic therapy for parents and adolescents, increased responsive parent-adolescent interactions and parent emotion coaching whilst reducing conflict and adolescent mental health difficulties. Twenty-six parent-adolescent dyads were recruited if parents had a trauma history and the dyad were currently having high levels of conflict. Dyads were randomly allocated into intervention or wait-list control and completed questionnaires and observation assessments at baseline and 4-month post-baseline follow-up. Those allocated to the intervention condition participated in 8 sessions of Tuning Relationships with Music. Trial registration: ANZCTR: 12615000814572. Parents and adolescents reported significant reductions in conflict. Parents in the intervention condition were observed to significantly improve their nonverbal communication, emotional responsiveness and non-reactivity toward their adolescent. Although parents reported they were less dismissive and punitive, and more encouraging of their adolescent’s emotions, and both parents and adolescents reported improvements in the adolescent’s mental health, these were not statistically significant. Findings suggest Tuning Relationships with Music may assist parents with a history of childhood interpersonal trauma and their adolescent to reduce conflict and increase responsive ways of relating that may positively impact the young person’s mental health. Future trials with a larger sample are warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the relation between home variables and young adolescents' school behavior/performance. 46 mother-father-adolescent triads (ages 11.5 years to 14.9 years) served as participants. Home factors included the adolescents' relation with each parent as well as a measure of each parent's personal adjustment and perception of conflict in the marriage. School measures consisted of grades and a teacher-completed assessment of internalizing and externalizing problems demonstrated by the adolescent. The results indicated that externalizing problems were related to the mother's depression level, the adolescent's relationship with the mother, and the adolescent's relationship with the father. The first 2 variables (maternal depression and mother-adolescent relation) entered into a multiple regression equation with sex of adolescent and accounted for 35% of the variance in externalizing problems. The relationship with the father was related to school grades and, in a multiple regression, combined with birth order of the adolescent to account for 15% of the variance. The results were discussed in terms of the importance of considering not only the mother-child relationship when examining cross-setting influences in the school but also the mother's personal adjustment and the father's relationship with the child.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the current study was to examine the contributions of sexual abuse, physical abuse, family cohesion, and conflict in predicting the psychological functioning of adolescents. Additional analyses were conducted to determine whether adolescent victims of child sexual abuse and physical abuse perceive their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than nonabused adolescents. METHOD: Participants were 131 male and female adolescents, ages 16 years to 18 years, receiving services at a residential vocational training program. Participants completed well established psychological assessment tools to assess abuse history, family environment characteristics, and current adjustment. RESULTS: Physically abused adolescent females perceived their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than females without physical abuse, and sexually abused females perceived their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than females without sexual abuse. Physically abused adolescent males reported more conflict than males without physical abuse, but did not differ with regard to cohesion. Adolescent males with and without a sexual abuse history did not differ on the family dimensions. Multiple regression analyses revealed that both conflict and cohesion, in addition to a history of sexual and physical abuse, predicted depression and distress. Separate analyses by gender revealed these variables differentially impact adjustment in male and female adolescents. Results of a power analysis indicated sufficient power to detect these differences. CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate that in addition to child sexual abuse and physical abuse, family conflict and cohesion are risk factors for the development of psychological distress and depression in adolescence. Implications for treatment and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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