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Because higher education serves both public and private interests, the way it is conceived and financed is contested politically, appearing in different forms in different societies. What is public and private in education is a political–social construct, subject to various political forces, primarily interpreted through the prism of the state. Mediated through the state, this construct can change over time as the economic and social context of higher education changes. In this paper, we analyze through the state’s financing of higher education how it changes as a public/private good and the forces that impinge on states to influence such changes. To illustrate our arguments, we discuss trends in higher education financing in the BRIC countries—Brazil, Russia, India, and China. We show that in addition to increased privatization of higher education financing, BRIC states are increasingly differentiating the financing of elite and non-elite institutions.  相似文献   

面向企业培养工科大学生研发能力,是提高人才培养与社会需求契合度和高等教育质量的重要一环。当前工科毕业生从事企业研发工作,存在职业意识和学习观念欠缺、科学素养低、组织实施研发工作能力不强等问题。工科培养方案中缺乏针对企业的研发能力培养环节,增加新的研发能力实践课程势在必行。我院尝试以机器人工程应用为内容开设研发能力实践课程,探索面向企业的研发能力培养模式。  相似文献   

随着我国与国际工程技术交流及合作的日益频繁,社会对工程英语翻译人才的需求量不断增加,但各高校目前培养出来的翻译人才根本不能满足社会的需要。因此,我们必须从学识、能力和品质三个方面提高学生的综合素质,加强素质教育,为社会培养合格的工程英语翻译人才。  相似文献   

This article is based on a comparative study of working-class students’ experiences in English and Irish higher education. It highlights the lack of comparative studies on this topic based on qualitative research and why filling this gap is important in understanding access and widening participation. Drawing on biographical interviews with 139 people in a range of elite and non-elite institutions, the article discusses similarities as well as some differences between the data from the two countries in terms of class, identity and how working-class students view and value higher education. It maps out how the research relates to recent debates over social class and outlines the theoretical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

American higher education is characterized by enormous program and quality diversity among the 3842 institutions (1998 data) with two- or four-year programs (of which 319 institutions have one or more engineering programs). Sharp distinctions emerge along several axes: funding (private vs public), size (hundreds to tens of thousands of students) and mission (research vs teaching). Recently the accreditation organizations for universities broadly and for engineering specifically have addressed this diversity by moving to outcomes-based assessments. Rather than judging student performance in terms of classes passed, institutions must (1) define their distinctive mission, (2) design a curriculum to help students achieve these goals, (3) assess student learning outcomes according to both institutional and professional criteria, and (4) create a culture of continuous improvement to belter align steps (1) and (2). Adoption of similar procedures may help European engineering institutions to measure programs across boundaries and to foster ‘trans-national recognition’.  相似文献   

Community colleges are complex organizations and assessing their performance, though important, is difficult. Compared to 4-year colleges and universities, community colleges serve a more diverse population and provide a wider variety of educational programs that include continuing education and technical training for adults, and diplomas, associates degrees, and transfer credits for recent high school graduates. Focusing solely on the latter programs of North Carolina’s community colleges, we measure the success of each college along two dimensions: attainment of an applied diploma or degree; or completion of the coursework required to transfer to a 4-year college or university. We address three questions. First, how much variation is there across the institutions in these measures of student success? Second, how do these measures of success differ across institutions after we adjust for the characteristics of the enrolled students? Third, how do our measures compare to the measures of success used by the North Carolina Community College System? Although we find variation along both dimensions of success, we also find that part of this variation is attributable to differences in the kinds of students who attend various colleges. Once we correct for such differences, we find that it is not possible to distinguish most of the system’s colleges from one another along either dimension. Top-performing institutions, however, can be distinguished from the most poorly performing ones. Finally, our adjusted rates of success show little correlation either to measurable aspects of the various colleges or to the metrics used by the state.  相似文献   

Research across several countries has shown that degree classification (i.e. the final grade awarded to students successfully completing university) is an important determinant of graduates’ first destination outcome. Graduates leaving university with higher degree classifications have better employment opportunities and a higher likelihood of continuing education relative to those with lower degree classifications. This article investigates whether one of the reasons for this result is that employers and higher education institutions use degree classification as a signalling device for the ability that recent graduates may possess. Given the large number of applicants and the amount of time and resources typically required to assess their skills, employers and higher education institutions may decide to rely on this measure when forming beliefs about recent graduates’ abilities. Using data on two cohorts of recent graduates from a UK university, results suggest that an Upper Second degree classification may have a signalling role.  相似文献   

中小学教育培训机构日益成为高职师范类学生的主要就业去向之一,每年容纳了相当一部分的毕业生。然而,学生的能力素质与当前社会对从业者的要求之间存在着一定差异。文章从学生在教育培训机构的实习入手,分析产生差异的原因,提出对现有课程作出调整,加大对学生综合能力的培养,最终实现提高学生就业率和就业满意度的目标。  相似文献   

高校工程人才培养的定位研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高校工程人才培养的定位问题是造成我国工程教育质量下降和工科毕业生竞争力不足的主要原因之一。本文以研究工程人才培养的定位为主线,在对工科院校进行分类分析和对工程人才培养层次和类型界定的基础上,研究工程人才培养定位的原则,并讨论如何有效地实现工程人才培养的定位。  相似文献   


Employability has become a key concept that has attracted the attention of scholars and industries in many countries. At the same time, this concept is highly fluid and vague because its nature is not evidenced by real employment and differences in the nature of labour markets from country to country. Thus, it would be more worthwhile to discuss strategies that graduates utilise while job hunting in order to show how employable they are, and then compare these strategies across countries. Therefore, in this study, the aim is to compare the strategic tendencies of graduates entering the labour markets in three countries: Australia, Japan, and Vietnam. To this end, a comparative institutional analysis is performed. Through the investigation, three types of strategy are identified. In Australia, as the market tends to consist of various competitors with different experiences, graduates must differentiate themselves from others. In Japan, the market consists of competitors from the same academic year cohort and employment tends to be more long term, so employment is seen more as a type of membership, where one must match the corporate culture. In Vietnam, as trust in universities is low in terms of their training programmes and little support is provided, university students utilise their human networks for entry into the labour market and demonstrate their capacity for growth during a probation period.  相似文献   

Like most developing countries in the world, there is a huge gap in opportunities to access quality science education between students from the high- and low-socioeconomic strata of Philippine society. In establishing its own science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) high school, despite limited public funding in 1964, the government embarked on a hopeful project for continuously building up its scientific and technological work force to support modern economic development. The initial focus on elite talent development, however, eventually had to give way to legislative reforms that address issues of social equity. Greater accessibility for scholarships by underprivileged students in the provinces was accomplished, first, through the regionalization of its admission system and then, later, through its transformation into a network of science high schools across the nation. In my home country, sustaining equitable access to STEM education also means enhancing school participation through partnerships with community constituents and the private sector.  相似文献   

Several counselor education programs across the country have become increasingly involved in the training of helping professionals at the undergraduate level. This article reports the results of a follow-up study of the first 144 graduates of the baccalaureate programs offered in the department of Counseling and Personnel Services at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The author also describes what the graduates did initially on completion of their programs and suggests several implications that baccalaureate programs have for colleges of education, counselor education programs, and the helping and human services professions in general.  相似文献   

为适应我国工业化发展进程,培养和造就一大批创新能力强、适应我国经济社会发展需要的工程技术人才,国家实行了"卓越工程师教育培养计划"。针对这个计划探讨了当前大学毕业生在卓越工程师教育培养中应具备哪些知识能力,针对这些能力要求,以土木工程专业为依托,从专业知识模块、理论教学课程体系、实践教学体系、人文与职业素质培养体系等方面提出了高校土木工程专业学生核心能力培养教育的方案。  相似文献   

The experiences of Black counseling students at Predominantly White Institutions are well documented. Using a transcendental phenomenological environmental research design, we explored how 12 Black counselor education graduates experienced their respective institutions across three types of academic institutions—Predominantly White Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Hispanic Serving Institutions. Three salient themes emerged—(1) exposure, (2) real-life exposure, and (3) cultural oasis. The researchers also discussed implications for counselor education programs and future research.  相似文献   

王涛 《高教发展与评估》2012,(1):85-93,109,120
由于高等教育国际化发展水平、大学数量及教育质量等方面所存在的问题,印度已成为智力外流的主要国家之一。在高教改革的推动下,印度的私立院校较之公立大学在开发创新服务项目和满足西方大学学术研究及学生的需求等方面,显示出更强的竞争力和灵活性。印度只有建立有效的学生支持服务体系及质量评估策略,与国外大学机构实现功能对接,才能在高等教育国际化发展中成为对外国留学生和教师流动有吸引力的国家。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯教育是我国快速实现高等教育大众化过程中应运而生的教育新理念,也是借鉴西方发达国家经验积极化解大学生就业困难以及提高人才培养质量所主动进行的实践探索。在我国高等教育大众化的发展进程中,大学生职业生涯教育的影响因素主要有:社会经济发展方面的动力因素、政府推动方面的主导因素、高校自身发展方面的关键因素和学生成才就业方面的主体因素。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on a study of 1510 undergraduates from five national universities in Taiwan, and we show that compared to “non-prestigious” universities, a larger proportion of students at prestigious universities come from middle and high socioeconomic classes and a smaller proportion experience financial insecurity These results are timely in the wake of Taiwan's expansion in the number of universities and of university students. At non-prestigious universities, a higher percentage of students experience economic constraints, spend several hours per week engaged in paid employment during their university studies, and have parents who did not go to college. These different characteristics of the student bodies at elite and non-elite institutions of higher education may create quite different university contexts, which may in turn affect students’ college experiences, professional choices, and opportunities in the future.  相似文献   

与我国普通高等院校相比,"以就业为导向,培养应用型高技能人才"已经成为高职教育的主要任务和特点。高职院校通过调整专业设置、教育教学改革等手段,不断加增学生的实践技能培养,在很大程度上适应了企业的用人需求,学生的一次就业率和对口就业率也成为评价高职院校人才培养质量的重要指标。但是麦可思机构调查数据显示:无论是用人单位还是高职学生,都认为学生的职业素养培养对学生的职业技能培养更为重要。  相似文献   

在高职学生的专业技能实训学习中,将职业道德能力培养与职心理素质提高相融合,变"说教为主"为"养成实训",引领学生在学期间自觉地把优秀的职业道德规范内化成自身的一种能力,成为有一定的专业知识技能,又努力践行职业道德规范的高素质毕业生。为实现职业教育立德树人的本质功能,充分发挥了高职教育在培养高素质应用型艺术人才方面的优势,增强职业教育对学生的吸引力,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

广东石油化工学院油气储运工程专业积极开展双体系人才培养模式改革建设,旨在提升学生的培养质量、提高毕业生的综合素质.在课程教育体系建设方面,充分贯彻双体系人才培养方案的理念,对课程教育体系进行深度改革,提高学生的人文素养、丰富学生的理论知识、增强学生的应用能力及工程实践能力.在素拓教育体系建设方面,共制定了16个素拓项目,其中包含12个必修素拓项目、4个选修素拓项目,每个素拓项目均制定了详细的执行方案.通过双体系培养方案的建设,为本专业培养高素质应用型工程技术人才打下坚实基础.  相似文献   

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