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吉鲁认为,人们应该在广泛的社会实践和公共斗争中分析教师角色.他明确提出,作为“转化性知识分子”的教师是公共知识分子、文化工作者、抵抗性知识分子等多种角色的集合体.这一定位要求教师在批判分析教育问题的基础上,积极参与政治生活,实现教育与政治之间的良性互动.为此,教师应解放记忆,反抗文本,构建对话性的师生关系,接受具有文化政治性的教师教育,将理论转化为具有批判性的政治和文化行动,进而承担起理性审视社会问题、培养有责任的公民、推动民主社会发展的使命与责任.  相似文献   

师者,传道授业解惑也。由于其特殊的工作性质,教师是为社会培养人才的,因此具有特殊的社会地位。其中大学教师的角色更不同于一般教师,本身作为知识分子具有教育、研究的作用,因而大学教师比其他类型教师更具有重要的社会责任与使命。如何成为一名合格的大学教师,并拥有幸福的职业生涯规划是本文阐述重点。  相似文献   

大学教师社会角色论   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
大学教师作为社会的一个特殊群体 ,具有特定的社会角色。本文从大学教师的社会活动和社会关系出发 ,在分析大学教师的社会地位和作用之后 ,认为大学教师的社会角色是研究者、教育者、知识分子三者的统一体。作为研究者 ,其根本特性是为学术而学术 ;作为教育者 ,其根本特性是热爱学生 ;作为知识分子 ,其根本特性是深刻的社会关怀  相似文献   

学术责任已经成为现代大学的主要任务,《学术责任》这本著作是唐纳德.肯尼迪教育思想的集中反映,该书旨在敦促大学教师认准他们在学校使命中的核心角色与所承担的使命,以及探讨现代大学如何担负起学术责任、传承社会使命,这对现代大学的发展与进步有深刻的启示作用。  相似文献   

当前正处于社会转型时期,高等教育的社会环境随之发生根本性变化。作为大学核心的大学教师,承担着教育者、研究者和知识分子三重角色。大学教师通过不同类型的角色扮演,展示自我个性,实现自身价值,履行社会职责。然而,由于不同角色之间存在较大的差异,彼此难以有效调和,其角色正面临着教学与研究、学术与行政、批判与规训等一系列矛盾与问题。活动方式的差异,倒错的大学逻辑结构以及项目制的科研管理是诱发大学教师角色冲突的重要因素。正视并客观、科学地分析大学教师角色冲突的诱因,对促进大学教师发展、提升大学教师素质以及实现高等教育顺利转型具有深远意义。  相似文献   

论大学教师的文化底蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学教师与其他职业相比,有着自身的特点。其文化内涵表现为社会角色的多样性,即大学教师承担着教育者、研究者与公共知识分子的角色;学术职业的献身性,即大学教师以学术为业,追求真理;行为方式的独立性,即大学教师以自我为中心,自主决定教学、科研活动;伦理道德的示范性,即其伦理道德不仅是学生的楷模,也是社会的表率。  相似文献   

现代社会,作为"学术精英"和"社会良心"的大学教师,虽然心理上有着知识分子的角色归属,但实践中却难以担负起社会批判的历史责任,其根源在于现代大学教师"学术自主性"和"人格独立性"的缺失.真正践履社会批判的使命,大学教师必须具备这一前提条件,并采取适切的路径选择,即批判要理性清明、"通向根基",且以自持和内敛的品性保持对社会介入的恰当距离和张力.  相似文献   

现今,我国部分大学教师忘却了自身的角色,忽视本职工作,或一心求权或一味谋利,严重贬损了知识分子的形象。作为知识分子的大学教师,重新提出并认识自己的职责规定与角色意识,对教育事业和社会文化建设有着积极的意义。大学教师作为一个特殊的职业群体,他们一般拥有较深厚的专业知识和较强的社会话语权力。因此,他们只有秉持自身"知识分子"的定位,通过加强专业探求、培育师德情操和怀抱普世情怀,清晰地认识到自身角色要求,才能重新回归其本身所应有的"知识分子"角色,切实发挥出知识分子所具有的特殊作用。  相似文献   

陈嘉 《教育文化论坛》2011,3(4):136-136
大学教师作为一个特殊的知识分子群体,对于社会和大学的健康发展影响巨大。随着社会多元化和市场经济发展对大学的影响和冲击,教师作为知识传道者的角色得到强化和巩固,而作为知识分子的角色意识却正在淡化,其后果就是教师对社会的批判和引导日渐式微,导致大学教育教学活  相似文献   

近十年来,我国正在悄然兴起一个大学文化问题研究思潮,其核心是从时代的高度和文化的视角对大学和教育的本质及其规律进行再认识,实现新的文化觉醒,并以理论创新为基础,以教育和文化创新为核心和重点,以理念创新为先导,积极探索新形势下大学创新之路。一、我国大学需要实现新的文化觉醒1.大学创新是时代的呼唤第一,21世纪的大学将要承担新的重大使命。在当代,教育责任已经不是大学应当承担的唯一社会责任,大学正在全面承担着教育责任、学术责任、服务社会与引领社会前进责任和国际责任,正在成为培养高素质的创造性人才的摇篮,经济和社会全面…  相似文献   

While teacher educator identities have received increasing attention over the past decade, there is a lack of research on teacher educators’ professional identities in the complex and shifting higher education contexts. Informed by the sociocultural linguistic perspective, this study investigates two language teacher educators’ professional identities in Hong Kong universities. The findings show that the participants discursively constructed their identities, such as “accidental teacher educator,” “teacher educator-researcher,” “struggling researcher,” “teacher of teachers,” and “inactive researcher” in their professional work. By drawing on the three interrelated processes of identity formation (i.e. adequation/distinction, authentication/denaturalisation, and authorisation/illegitimation), the study adds to our knowledge of the complex and contested nature of teacher educator identity in relation to the ongoing restructuring and reform in higher education. The study concludes with some implications for teacher education and higher education.  相似文献   

Participatory Action Research: Practical Theology for Social Justice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article looks at participatory action research (PAR) as a means for a religious educator to unite scholarship and teaching with the purpose of building up community and moving toward social justice. A definition of this term is offered as well as short examples of how different religious educators have engaged in doing PAR in their respective communities. The place of the researcher is analyzed and the different methods of research that are a part of PAR are briefly described. As a practical theology for social justice, theological reflection is integrated with the theory and practice of PAR.  相似文献   

王全林 《教师教育研究》2007,19(5):31-34,50
兹纳涅茨基将知识人的社会角色划分为技术顾问、圣哲、学者、新知识探索者四大类型15种亚型。从知识人的社会角色来审视教师,则大学教学科研间冲突的根源在于教师轻视与放弃教育者角色;而中小学教师专业化的关键是把他们从单一化的教育者角色中解放出来。生存性→发展性→享受性→超越性角色的层进式推进,或许是一种理想的教师角色抉择模式。  相似文献   

In this inquiry, the author inquires into her shifting ‘self’ as a researcher/teacher educator in teacher professional development. The ‘self’ in question is acknowledged as being historically, culturally and locally specific. It is also acknowledged as unfixed or unstable; constructed from and in response to various, and often competing, discourses. As an autoethnographic inquiry, this article presents vignettes of the self/researcher/teacher educator embedded in the messiness and complexity of lived experiences and it represents her attempts to make sense (albeit partial and provisional) of these experiences. Central to the inquiry is an examination of the roles played by serendipity and by writing itself in the processes of sense- and self-making.  相似文献   

The present study marks the first empirical exploration designed to investigate factors related specifically to child care educators’ levels of affection and anger. Based on the presumption that their affectionate and angry behaviors would have major implications for the development of the children for whom they care, the aim of the present investigation is to provide the groundwork for identifying what factors are associated with educator warmth and anger in child care settings.Several categories of variables were used to predict affectionate and angry caregiver behavior. These included educator characteristics, such as training and experience, personal resources such as well-being, self-esteem and social support, the work environment as measured by regulatable characteristics, wages and global quality, and the caregiver’s perceptions and opinions about her work. A multi-method, multi-respondent approach was employed, including researcher observations, educator self-report questionnaires, and objective data collected from directors and from Québec’s official licensing agency.The findings from this study suggest that different sets of variables are related to affection and anger. The work environment had a greater relation with caregivers’ affectionate behavior, whereas more internal, negative perceptions were linked to the expression of anger in the classroom. Though educator training did not predict anger or affection, training did in fact become very important to the quality of the interactions the educators had with the children when other risk factors were present.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— This article describes the efforts of a small group of educators and researchers to build a model for making connections across mind, brain, and education. With a common goal of sharing, strengthening, and building useable knowledge about child and adolescent learning and development, we focused on questions of mutual interest to educators and researchers. We describe our efforts to develop a common vocabulary and language and to create opportunities for dialogue and discussion, including classes and talks for in-service and preservice teachers, research laboratories open to in-service and preservice teachers, local conferences that provided a context for educator and researcher interactions, and researcher outreach in the local education community at the administrative, classroom, and student levels. These activities represent concrete mechanisms by which links might be forged between educators and researchers within the context of Mind, Brain, and Education.  相似文献   

This paper provides a retrospective account of three decades of my work as a literacy educator and researcher. Taking key insights from feminist sociologist, Dorothy Smith, including women's standpoint, the everyday world as problematic, institutional capture, a sociology for the people, I revisit my research on literacy, poverty and schooling. I argue that understanding better the effects of what we do in educational institutions, through collaborative research with teachers, can lead us to generate positive alternative equity‐driven practices.  相似文献   

This research paper seeks to re-frame student services policy-making by providing traditionally-aged university students with a speaking position in the formulation of the contractual arrangements that affect them and bind them into adulthood. My involvement as a student services educator, policy-maker, and researcher is the unifying thread throughout this inquiry. The ambiguous context of adulthood for first year students within the historical and interlocking categories of social contract and medieval carnival provides the theoretical framework. These categories provide the basis of my critical narrative inquiry into transgression: my autobiographical remembrances of the contract-carnival interplay of student drinking in a Canadian university; and my reconstruction of a dialogically-generated drinking story from my research site in a UK university. This critical narrative inquiry supports my conclusion and action plan for inclusive, dialogical policy-making that engenders the telling of transgression through stories of carnival. I further conclude that the student services educator must take leadership responsibility for initiating this policy-making intervention that bridges carnival and contract, and that provides occasions for first year students to narrativize adulthood.  相似文献   

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