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中亚来华留学生的文化冲突与适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解中亚来华留学生文化适应状况、文化冲突的原因及中亚文化与汉文化的冲击聚焦点,文本以新疆师范大学国际文化交流学院学历留学生(哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦学生)为研究对象,从中亚来华留学生的语言适应、学业适应、日常生活入手,探索影响文化适应的方式差异及影响因素、寻找文化冲突的因素,为留学生尽快适应在中国的学习提供相关思考。  相似文献   

随着外国来华留学生人数、生源国和学习层次的不断增加和多元化,加强对他们文化适应的研究和关注,不仅是接收高校对来华留学生教育管理上的需要,对留学生顺利完成学业也同样重要。笔者将就不同洲别、性别、年龄段等来华留学生人口变量在日常生活、学习等跨文化适应问题上,研究其是否存在差异,同时对其影响因素加以分析,并提出相关解决方案。分析结果可以为接收留学生的高校的管理工作提供支持和借鉴,并对来华留学生在华期间的生活适应和完成学业提供帮助。  相似文献   

随着我国国际地位的不断提高,来华留学生的数量呈现不断上升趋势,这对留学生的管理提出了更高、更新的要求。本文以温州医学院来华医学留学生的管理为例,分析温州医学院来华留学生在跨文化适应中存在的问题,并从问题入手,提出有利于留学生管理的具体措施,以尽快帮助留学生适应中国文化。  相似文献   

做好留学生跨文化学习适应工作有助于推动高校国际化建设进程。近年来,来华留学生规模大幅提高,但国内高校和学者对留学生来到中国以后的跨文化学习适应状况、来华留学生教育对高校国际化进程的影响、采取何种措施促进来华留学生跨文化学习适应从而推动高校国际化建设进程等相关问题缺乏深入研究。文章以沈阳高校俄罗斯留学生跨文化学习适应为例,采用调查问卷与追踪访谈相结合的方法,对以上问题进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

缅甸留学生来华学习,为中国高职院校的国际化发展带来了新的机遇。但是,受到留学生主观方面以及中国高校乃至社会客观环境影响,当前仍存在一些较突出的文化适应问题。以武汉和南京两地高职院校缅甸留学生为例,通过调查其在日常生活、语言文化、人际交往、学业经济四个方面的文化适应情况,采取问卷调查与半结构化访谈的方式,探究他们在华学习生活中文化适应方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题,尝试提出了一些促进高职院校留学生跨文化适应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

通过对成都体育学院留学生群体的观察和访谈,探究了造成留学生来华后出现跨文化不适的原因。基于跨文化适应模型,作者针对留学生群体的跨文化适应,从高校管理者和留学生两个层面提出了切实可行的措施,以帮助留学生更好适应来华的留学生活。  相似文献   

来华留学生普遍存在跨文化适应问题,本文重点讨论了留学生在生活、学业、社会文化及个人心理方面的适应问题,分析了导致跨文化适应问题的外部因素与内部因素,并提出相应的解决对策,以帮助留学生平稳解决跨文化适应过程中出现的问题,实现来华留学的目标。  相似文献   

彭学  彭欢 《考试周刊》2014,(96):150-151
随着中国综合实力不断增强,我国来华留学生教育事业得以蓬勃发展,并面临更多挑战。其中,怎样让来华留学生快速适应中国文化与生活,是教育与管理者需要思考的问题。文章分析了高校来华留学生跨文化适应存在的主要问题,思考了应对策略,以增强留学生应对能力,更快适应新环境,顺利度过留学生活,有效完成学业。  相似文献   

谢晓伟 《海外英语》2023,(8):185-187
随着经济全球化和教育国际化的不断深入,来华留学生的数量持续上涨,对来华留学生跨文化适应的研究越来越重要。不同国家和地区的文化差异,来华留学生难免出现各种跨文化适应问题。基于对来华留学生的跨文化社会适应问题的分析,将来华留学生的跨文化社会适应分为人际适应、环境适应和学业适应三个方面,探讨其成因并提出相应的策略,强调跨文化体验、趋同化管理、外部支持以及建设来华留学生管理队伍的重要性。  相似文献   

对来华留学生们来说,适应中国社会与文化是一个非常重要的过程,其适应性的高低决定了其在中国生活和学习质量的高低。本文通过对一定数量的留学生进行调查访谈后,总结他们来到我国后在日常生活、校园生活、社会生活、文化等方面的适应情况,以更深地认识学习者动机和需要,以及教育过程中的社会关系和环境对其学习生活的重要意义,为进一步提高留学生教育的教学与管理水平提供理论支持。  相似文献   

生活是人不可须臾分离的活动领域,也是人类生存与发展的基础。学校是学生生活的主要场所和最重要外部影响因素。学校生活是多种形态交织的特殊生活,既包括有计划的教育生活,也包括具有自然性特征的日常生活。学校教育生活通过课程复制和传递着课题化的世界,具有被动性和封闭性特征。而学校日常生活则可以引发学习主动而自然地发生,更好地促进社会性学习,是一种独特的文化育人路径。为此,教育者应重视日常生活文化育人的价值,为学生营造更多自主的日常生活空间。但这种路径也存在复合性、不确定性等风险,因此需要建立反思性的学研文化,开展对日常生活文化的批判与改进,从而为学校生活育人创造条件。  相似文献   

新媒体技术给人们的生活带来前所未有的变化,伴随其信息量的丰富性和广泛性,个性化和多元化,各种信息充斥在日常生活和学习中。利用新媒体技术服务手段使大学生广泛参与高校及日常教务管理工作,促进教务管理的发展和多样化,更好地为学生和教师服务,为教务信息传递提供新的途径和多样化的手段。运用新媒体技术手段能够使教务管理各部门之间信息共享、公开,查询方便,大学生参与其中能够更快的发现问题,及时修正,及时反馈,做到教学管理及时准确完全的传达与反馈。  相似文献   

This study is to investigate the reflective learning in a group of secondary school students who participated in an educational tour to Liannan, which is located in a rural area in Guangdong Province, Mainland China. The specific aim is to develop a framework to describe the learning in an educational tour. For this purpose, data were collected through students?? reflective writing in daily journals and end-of-trip sharing passages, triangulated with participant observation and interviews. The data analysis involved the use of grounded theory??s constant-comparative technique??an inductive method for generating hypotheses that are grounded in data. During the analysis of the data, the types of student learning which emerged were categorized in a Reflective Learning Taxonomy for an educational tour, comprising seven levels which are developmental in nature. The interpretative framework based on such a taxonomy of reflective learning reveals the rich context of learning in an educational tour and so makes a contribution to research on learning outside the classroom.  相似文献   

This article presents results from a longitudinal study following a cohort of medical students. Semistructured interviews are conducted every year, in which the students tell about their experiences learning medicine, their daily life, and their social activities in relation to university. The aim of the study is to analyze how medical students develop their professional competencies, values, and attitudes. This article focuses on the medical student's professional development in relation to the process of studying and learning anatomy. We analyze interviews conducted while the students are in their third and fifth semester. Anatomy plays a significant role in the medical student's educational process, on both a cognitive and emotional level. It seems that students in learning the subject matter adapt to fundamental values in the medical profession and are thus transformed into real medical students, sharing a unique experience. The implications for curricular development and professionalism are discussed, and this article argues that the issue of professionalism must be addressed in the educational process in the preclinical years and in relation to the basic sciences. Anat Sci Ed 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

"贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近学生"是大学生思想政治教育精细化落实从理论到实践的最好诠释。要贴近实际,在学生的学习生活实际中精确把握教育契机;要贴近生活,在学生的日常生活的价值构建中精心选择教育路径;要贴近学生,在引领学生自我整合中精细教育过程。  相似文献   

Very few research papers and case studies have shown successful integration of both Facebook and Moodle in the educational experience of students. This study sought to evaluate the educational benefits of the increasingly popular Facebook—which plays an important role in students’ social life as well as their academic life—and to compare it with the widely used course management system Moodle. In this study, the authors surveyed students of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Organizational Science in Serbia on their attitude toward Facebook and Moodle as productive online tools for teaching and learning. An analysis of the results was carried out using the SPSS software package. The results of this research answer the question of whether or not using Facebook as an educational tool is more effective than using Moodle and how it affects students’ everyday learning activities.  相似文献   

辅导员如何针对新生特点及存在问题开展思政工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大一是大学生活的关键和基础阶段,他们在思想、学习、生活完全不同于高中阶段,产生了诸多不适,辅导员如何针对新生的特点及存在的问题,及时做好思想政治工作,并采取灵活多样的教育管理方法,让学生尽快适应大学学习和生活,转变一些习惯及观念,关系到学生在获取知识的同时,能否顺利完成大学学习及一生的成长,关系到我们能否为国家输送又红又专的高级人才.  相似文献   

Twenty students from different educational backgrounds within the UK were interviewed to investigate how well they considered their secondary school education had prepared them for the educational and social demands of an ‘elite’ university and life within its most traditional colleges. The study asked them how they perceived students from different educational backgrounds and how they thought they were perceived. Entering a traditional Cambridge college was found to be easiest for students from prestigious ‘public schools’ within the private educational sector. State school students were more likely to experience anxiety, and those who adapted successfully were likely to have strong independent learning skills and a robust sense of self-efficacy. The study suggests that students coming from state schools to Cambridge are making a more difficult academic and social transition than students from private schools, for which they are given no special support.  相似文献   

探讨了学习型课堂是指在终身学习的理念下,以“学习型组织”理论为基础,以人本主义、知识共享、自我超越的价值观为核心,以团队学习、互动对话、共同探究为特征,旨在提高师生整体的学习力进而提升师生课堂生命质量的开放式、生成性的学习组织。认为建设学习型课堂符合教学改革的实际,有利于全面实现教育教学目标,有利于实现人们所期许的以陶冶人的生命为职分的、指向美好幸福生活的教育价值。  相似文献   


This study explores the multilayered meanings of classroom seating order – a crucial spatial element of school life – and its influences on children’s experiences. Drawing on fieldwork in a secondary school in northwest China, I ethnographically examine how school educators impose a hierarchy of seats in moral terms. My study shows that classroom seating arrangements in China’s underprivileged public schools are perceived as a hierarchy. Teachers motivate students to take learning seriously by strategically assigning the students to hierarchical seating locations and manipulating the proximity of their seats. I contend that classroom seating order has been transformed into a symbolic hierarchy to cultivate students’ attitude, a moral attribute considered crucial for achieving educational success. This study contributes to the emerging literature on the space in relation to educational processes. By situating the classroom seating into broader social-cultural-economic processes, it also demonstrates the methodological value of ethnographical examination of classroom.  相似文献   

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