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一天,我拿着萝卜到后院去喂小兔。我一进后院,就大声喊:“小兔,出来吃萝卜啦!”只见小兔探出头,看看我,又把头缩回去。我拿着萝卜逗它。小兔好像在说:“嘘!我正在捉蝴蝶呢,有什么事,等我‘忙’完再说。”我想让它快点把萝卜吃掉,就去追小兔,小兔害怕极了,好像我要把它吃了似的,赶紧连跑带跳。我追不上,它又得意起来,跑到我身边,低下头好像在说:“对不起。”我哈哈大笑。小兔用鼻子闻了闻我,然后用眼睛盯着我,好像在说:“主人,您带了萝卜来,对吗?”我说:“你听话,我就给你吃。”小兔趴在我身边,真可爱。我把萝卜…  相似文献   

1.妈妈让小兔去买萝卜。 2.红红的大萝卜,真馋人呀,小兔忍不住吃了一个刚买来的萝卜。 3.萝卜真好吃,吃了一个又一个,小兔暗暗下决心,保证只吃  相似文献   

目的:复习数10的组成。准备:与幼儿人数相等的画有萝卜的图片,图片后写一个数字(1~10以内);场地上画十个圈作兔子的家,每个圈中也写上10以内一个数字。方法:教师当兔妈妈,幼儿当小兔。兔妈妈带小兔在场地上跳着玩一会后,兔妈妈说:“小兔们,今天我们去拔萝卜,还要把萝卜搬到家里。大家可别找错了家,萝卜上的数字和哪个圈中的数字合起来是10,那么这个圈就是你的家,看谁找得又对又快。现在开始吧!”于是,每个幼儿从地上拔起一个萝卜,看清萝卜后面的数字后,站到相应的  相似文献   

一天下午,兔妈妈叫来小白兔、小灰兔和小黑兔:“你们昨天拔了多少个萝卜?”三只小兔数了数,一共拔了18个萝卜。 兔妈妈说:“乖乖们,今天羊伯伯送来6个萝卜,兔大叔送来8个萝卜,你们算算咱家的萝卜比原来增加了几个?”  相似文献   

[题目]小兔把篮子里的萝卜分了分,发现如果每天吃7个萝卜,可以吃8天还余2个萝卜。如果每天吃8个萝卜,也吃8天,那么这些萝卜够小兔吃吗?如果不够还缺多少?  相似文献   

有一天,兔妈妈要出去给小兔子们买萝卜(luó bo)吃。临走时, 兔妈妈让小兔们练习跑步。吩咐(fēn fù)完后, 她就提着篮子出去了。小兔尼和所有动物里跑得最慢的笨小猪比赛,赢(yíng)了;小兔迪和动物王国里举世闻名的跑步健将狗大哥比赛,输了。  相似文献   

1.小兔爱做梦,在梦中常常见到好多好多大萝卜。 2.小兔每次刚想去拿,梦就醒了“哪有什么萝卜呀,原来是在做梦。” 3.小熊知道了这事,就偷偷地在地里撒上了萝卜籽。 4.小熊指指地里对小兔说:“你只要经常来浇水,这里就能长出萝卜来。”  相似文献   

①寒假到了,小动物们想好好放松一下,相约星期日到小鹿家去玩。请你看看右面的钟面,现在的时间是____。小猫已经出发了,半路上,他看到小兔们带了____个萝卜正赶往小鹿家呢。小朋友,你知道这些萝卜分别是谁拔的吗?请连线表示。  相似文献   

⒈小猫和小兔在一起做游戏。⒉小猫送给小兔一个萝卜。⒊小兔送给小猫一条鱼。⒋小猫和小兔是好朋友。好朋友@李慧青 @馨茗  相似文献   

入冬了,兔王让小兔聪聪把仓库里的2900个萝卜分给360只小兔(包括聪聪在内)。机灵的聪聪很快算出平均每只兔子应该分到8个萝卜,于是,他迅速地把萝卜分给了大家。分完萝卜后,聪聪向兔王汇报说:"萝卜已经平均分给大家了,最后还剩2个萝卜。"聪聪说完,把写好的算式拿给兔王看(如下图)。  相似文献   

Trevor H. Levere 《Interchange》2006,37(1-2):115-128
Scientists often use more than the results of experiment to arrive at a result; they use anticipation and analogy to arrive at the results that fit their theories, and sometimes they correct results in the light of analogy. They also need to be clear about the difference between accuracy and precision. They do all this using not only theories, but also apparatus, and the interplay between apparatus and the development of concepts and theories is often crucial. Historians of chemistry (notably including the recent work of Usselman, Rocke, and Holmes) furnish us with plenty of examples of such interplay, and of the selection of data in the light of theory. Lavoisier, Dalton, and Liebig can each teach us a good deal about the way that good scientists arrive at reproducible results.  相似文献   

对我们而言,未来总是个未知数。但有一点,某种极可能发生的事情是可以预见的。我们可以争取最好的结局。  相似文献   

电视传播的最显著特点就是再现生活,再现现场。电视记者只有在事件发生后于第一时间到达现场。发出真实可信的现场报道,才能最大程度地满足受众的心理需求。  相似文献   

孟郊诗歌带给读者的是读之不欢、弃之不舍的非常独特的审美感受,这是中唐奔竞士风的反映,也与孟郊真率坦诚的个性气质有关。但最重要的是,它是孟郊二元对立思维方式的产物。孟郊诗歌里的许多意象都是激烈冲突、不和谐的。在人与自然、我与"群"的对立中,中国传统美学的和谐、优美等都被打破,取而代之的是狰狞、血腥和悲观。孟郊的诗歌创作,昭示着一种新的诗歌风格的到来。  相似文献   

太极思维是我古代文化的灿烂瑰宝,至今仍是人们分析解决自然、社会、心理问题的方法论武器。从太极思维的角度来分析教学活动,教学异质,教阴学阳;互根互赖,对立转化;反向对称,整体互动制衡。  相似文献   

Children across the world face various challenges as they develop. This is especially true for asylum seekers and immigrant youth who arrive in a host country traumatized by their past and current experiences. Since educators are ideally poised to foster protective factors among children, we call on teachers to aid in the construction of childhood fortitude by becoming aware of the individual characteristics of resilience and then making efforts to build it as they instruct and interact with students. To this end, this article provides teachers with a list of indicators of childhood resilience and provides several recommendations for how educators can boost positive development at school. The model outlined is easily incorporated into general and integration education instruction.  相似文献   

宋元话本中的女性形象,不管是爱还是恨,都能做到生死相随,魂魄随之,用情至深至厚。文章通过对宋元话本女性形象特色的具体分析,从而得出宋元话本处于一代文学承前启后的独特地位,并又从经济和思想两个方面分析了造成这种独特性的原因。  相似文献   

Students arrive in higher education (HE) with a range of generic and subject‐specific skills which they are expected to use and build upon during their degree courses. In order to ensure that undergraduates are able to make a successful transition to HE, it is important that teachers and course designers understand the level and range of skills with which they arrive, and where support and remediation may be required.

For the last nine years, 2065 first‐year undergraduates entering Leeds medical school have completed a questionnaire asking them to self‐assess the number of opportunities to practise a range of 31 generic skills experienced in the previous year, and how confident they feel about their ability to perform these skills. Over this period, a number of trends have become evident. Increased reported practice in a range of information technology (IT) skills might have been expected as a result of improved availability of technology. However, a significant decrease in both practice and confidence in laboratory, data handling and numeracy skills would suggest that changes to post‐16 education are adversely affecting the skills with which undergraduates arrive at university. Other skills, particularly those which relate to students' experience in managing their own learning, have shown no consistent change in reported levels of practice during the period of study, despite increased emphasis on these skills within post‐16 qualifications since the introduction of Curriculum 2000. These observations have implications for course design across a range of courses, particularly in science programmes with significant practical and numerical components.  相似文献   

在出土的众多汉画中,玉兔是不可缺少的内容,其形态为奔跑和捣药。无论玉兔的哪种形态,都在讲述着人类的故事。它虽为神话,但不是人类的凭空杜撰,而是人类生活需求和心理愿望的折射,兔事实为人事。  相似文献   

小说的散文化在中国现代文学史上是一场革命。从鲁迅、郁达夫、庐隐到沈从文、废名、萧红,他们对中国小说发展的一个重要贡献在于,他们通过自己的创作,丰富了小说的样式。在他们的小说中,小说的本质已不仅仅是讲故事,它还可以抒发一种情怀和感受,与中国传统小说相比,故事情节明显弱化。本文试通过鲁迅等有代表性的作家来分析现代小说的散文化倾向以及这种小说散文化倾向形成的原因。  相似文献   

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