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信息冗余现象及对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王贤君 《教育与职业》2005,(36):130-131
本文从信息冗余现象的新角度,对教学中怎样提高教学效果、减轻学习负担、消除厌学情绪及教师提高自身专业素质等方面进行了探讨。认为教学过程中信息冗余现象随时都在发生,并严重阻碍着主流教学信息的交流,教师要不断提高自己的专业素养,以减少信息冗余现象的危害,让教学更有效,学习更轻松。  相似文献   

<正>2011年版的课程标准指出:"数学教学应从学生实际出发,创设有助于学生自主学习的问题情境。"但是,有部分教师在创设数学教学情境中出现了一些异化现象。下面,笔者就结合当前在数学情境创设过程中出现的种种异化现象,选取其中最普遍的三种来谈一谈好的情境创设应注意些什么。一、好的教学情境应从课堂教学目标开始【异化现象1】数学教学情境创设脱离教学内容一位教师在教学苏教版小学数学三年级下册"认识分  相似文献   

同声传译中文化信息冗余的功能性处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息冗余是信息论的重要观点,也是中外翻译界学者研究的重要视角。作为信息冗余的一种,文化信息冗余是同声传译中经常出现的现象,对同传译员现场的出色发挥造成很大的困难。通过对同声传译案例的分析,从功能翻译理论的角度剖析文化信息冗余的产生原因并探讨常见的应对策略。  相似文献   

在进行高中政治课堂教学的过程中,往往存在学生对政治学习缺乏兴趣,课堂参与度较低等现象.造成这些现象的主要原因在于许多政治教师在教学过程中没有创设相应的教学情境,只是单纯地讲授知识,难以调动学生学习政治的积极性.如今,越来越多的教师意识到政治教学中情境教学的重要性,加强高中政治课堂教学情境的创设已经成为广大教师的共识.本文以笔者多年来政治教学的实践经验为依据,就如何创设多种教学情境提升政治教学的有效性进行简要探讨.  相似文献   

教学情境能对教学过程起引导、定向、调节和控制作用。前苏联教育家赞可夫认为:“智力活动是在情绪高涨的气氛中进行的。”所以教学情境设计是教学过程设计的重要内容之一,在课堂教学中创设积极良好的教学情境非常重要。在化学教学中,一般通过实验,呈现理论揭示的现象和事实,由旧知识的拓展引出新问题,通过日常观念和科学概念的矛盾,提出猜想并加以检验等方法创设问题情境。实验创疑具有引发思维的特点,成为课堂教学中构建问题情境的最常用方法。  相似文献   

语文是个人文性学科,在教学过程中应用情境可以提升教学效率——这已经得到广大语文教师广泛认同。但是,在教学实践中存在着情境创设手段不多、方法不当的问题,也存在着情境应用目标不清、作用不明的现象。本文结合初中语文教学情境的创设与应用,就当前情境教学法实践中的一些不足进行分析,并从创设和应用两个方面给出建议。  相似文献   

在化学教学中,合理地、科学地创设情境能对教学过程起引导、定向、调节和控制的作用,创设教学情境是设计教学过程的重要内容之一。创设教学情境,就是教师出于教学目的的需要,根据一定的教学内容,创造出某种认知情境和情感的氛围,从而激发学生的学习动机,进行生动活泼的学习。现代心理学的研究表明,良好的教学情境能使学生产生愉快的学习情绪,注意力集中,提高大脑的活动效率,因此,在教学中创设情境的方式可归纳为以下几种:一、从激发学习兴趣入手,创设教学情境在化学教学中,趣味性强的实验能以鲜明、生动直观的现象与意想不到…  相似文献   

屠旭滨 《物理教学》2021,(1):26-29,25
传统教学以知识点的掌握为核心,忽视学习过程中真实情境的创设和知识应用于真实情境的问题解决能力的培养,普遍存在教学内容脱离实际、教学过程忽视实践的现象,不能有效地培养学生的核心素养。核心素养是学生在与各种真实情境的互动中形成的,各种不同结构和复杂程度的真实情境是学生发生真学习、促进学生真发展的重要载体。本文从教学内容上加强理论联系实际和教学过程上丰富实践活动经历两个维度,立足真实情境培育物理学科核心素养。  相似文献   

一、地理探究教学的过程1.创设问题情境真实问题的产生并不是教师在课堂上简单的设疑置问,而是在一定学习情境中,学生内心自然流露出的问题,源于对日常生活现象或实验现象的观察与思考。  相似文献   

好奇心是探究式教学的重要资源。充分利用好奇心和生物学科的特点,有针对性地创设能激发学生学习兴趣的探究情境,使学生快速融入探究过程中,感悟探究的真谛,是实施探究式教学的重要环节。一、创设探究情境的方法1.运用生活现象创设探究情境生活现象中蕴含丰富的生物探究资源。如在潮湿的夏季,在许多背阴的地方都会有绿茸茸的苔藓植物,  相似文献   

单片机应用系统的软件抗干扰技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在单片机应用系统中,必须考虑抗干扰的问题。指令冗余、软件陷阱及软件“看门狗”等技术是有效的软件抗干扰措施。干扰后系统复位时,应将重要系统信息从备份中恢复,并将已激活的中断标志清除。  相似文献   

This investigation explores the effectiveness of a teacher preparation program aligned with situated learning theory on preservice science teachers' use of technology during their student teaching experiences. Participants included 26 preservice science teachers enrolled in a 2‐year Master of Teaching program. A specific program goal was to prepare teachers to use technology to support reform‐based science instruction. To this end, the program integrated technology instruction across five courses and situated this instruction within the context of learning and teaching science. A variety of data sources were used to characterize the participants' intentions and instructional practices, including classroom observations, lesson plans, interviews, and written reflections. Data analysis followed a constant comparative process with the goal of describing if, how, and why the participants integrated technology into their instruction and the extent to which they applied, adapted, and innovated upon what they learned in the science teacher preparation program. Results indicate that all participants used technology throughout their student teaching for reform‐based science instruction. Additionally, they used digital images, videos, animations, and simulations to teach process skills, support inquiry instruction, and to enhance student engagement in ways that represented application, adaptation, and innovation upon what they learned in the science teaching methods program. Participants cited several features of the science teacher preparation program that helped them to effectively integrate technology into their instruction. These included participating in science lessons in which technology was modeled in the context of specific instructional approaches, collaborating with peers, and opportunities for feedback and reflection after teaching lessons. The findings of this study suggest that situated learning theory may provide an effective structure for preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology in ways that support reform‐based instruction. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 50:348–379, 2013  相似文献   

多媒体技术的发展体现了现代教育技术发展的需要,现代化教学手段对优化体育课堂教学,激发学生体育学习的兴趣、培养学生的创新精神以及加深学生对动作概念和提高体育教学质量都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this overview of research and practice associated with teaching thinking, three conceptions of thinking are identified. Thinking as information‐processing, which has its roots in the dominant paradigm in cognitive psychology; thinking as making judgements, which is associated with critical thinking; and thinking as sense‐making, which is embedded in constructivist epistemology. Core assumptions and characteristics of each viewpoint, as they are realised in cognitive instruction, are examined. The main features of an emergent model of instruction, cognitive apprenticeship, are identified. Finally, using the information‐processing framework as a baseline, socially shared cognition and situated cognition are detected as new signs for cognitive theory.  相似文献   

由于乘务专业和教学对象的特殊性,其英语口语教学在教学内容、教学方法、教学评估手段上应独具特色。基于建构主义情境教学模式,改进乘务专业英语口语教学的策略,可有效提高乘务专业学生的英语口语能力及参与课堂的主动性。  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on text recall in eight‐ and nine‐year old children. The main focus was on whether two different sets of instructions had a differential influence: one set instructed students to focus on an orally presented text verbatim, and the other instructed students to focus on its content. A differential influence on verbatim and content recall might indicate separate storage of verbatim and gist information, and could provide evidence for two subprocesses of text processing – that is, for construction and integration. The instructions were administered either before or after hearing the text, and recall was tested again one week later. The results showed differential instruction effects on verbatim and content recall. These effects depended on the time of instruction. Verbatim instruction had an enhancing effect on verbatim recall, both when instructions were given before and when given after text presentation. Content instruction given after text presentation had a suppressing effect on verbatim recall, but involved no advantage for content recall. Content recall was not suppressed by verbatim instruction at any time of instruction. Thus, the processing of content seems to be less situated than the processing of verbatim information.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, student-centred instruction—that is, “play orientation in physics education” (Spielorientierter Unterricht)—was at the centre of curriculum development at the Institute of Physics Education in Bremen. During the past decade, we investigated this kind of instruction with a particular focus on students' learning processes using a situated cognition perspective. Our research group at the Institute conducted several empirical studies of physics learning for different age groups. The aim of these case studies was to construct detailed understandings of how individual learning processes unfold. On the basis of these studies, we attempt to design physics lessons more effectively than they have been in the past. This paper exemplifies our approach providing information about the theoretical and methodological frameworks, the main outcomes of our studies; and reflections about the possibilities for “more effective” student-centred instruction.  相似文献   

语文多媒体教学之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确地使用多媒体教学,能够改变传统的单一性教学模式,使抽象的语言文字变成形象的画面,使平面的教材变成立体的图像,使静止的描述变成活动的流程,使有限的课堂时空变成无限的艺术时空,使单声道的信息传输变成立体声的信息交响,但多媒体教学手段在低水平上的滥用,不仅不能提高教学效率,反而会造成偏离教学目标的恶果。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,信息技术越来越成为英语教学中一种重要的辅助手段,本文探讨了如何更有效地利用信息技术,在词汇教学、听说读写四项基本技能的掌握以及课外辅助等方面为英语教学服务,提高电大英语教学质量。  相似文献   

只有加强对教学理论和学习理论的学习,用科学的理论来指导教学,英语口语教学效。率才能得到提高。建构主义理论强调学习的主动性、社会性和情境性。建构主义的灵活性理论及其随机通达教学和情境性教学、支架式教学理论可供英语口语教学借鉴。  相似文献   

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