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本论文通过研究会话分析理论,尤其是话轮和话轮转换机制,并基于口语教学过程的具体实际,对话轮转换的原则和技巧做了重点阐述,为教师改进教学方法、提升学生语言交际应用能力提供帮助。  相似文献   

话轮转换理论揭示了会话互动的特征,话轮转换和相邻对的语用策略的运用则反映出会话参与者的交际水平。本文拟从话轮转换机制和相关的语用策略两方面探讨高职学生会话能力的培养。  相似文献   

探讨了商务口译中话轮转换,并从接受话轮,打断话轮和创造话轮三方面阐述了译员应积极采取合适的话轮转换策略,以保证商务会话顺利进行,从而达到口译效果。  相似文献   

对大学英语课堂话语进行录音,以课堂实录转写成的文字材料为语料,通过描述性分析师生的话轮更替策略发现:教师采用了丰富的话轮更替策略保持交际信道畅通,而学习者的策略类型较少,其策略能力有待提高。  相似文献   

话轮是会话的基本构造单位。本文通过讨论话轮转换机制中的几个概念:话轮、话轮转换、相邻语对、前置语列、反馈项目等,探讨了英语会话中会话双方获得、保持和放弃话轮的表达方法。本文还就目前英语教学中如何增强话轮转换意识并提高学生的英语会话能力提出了看法。  相似文献   

话轮转换研究是会话分析中的核心问题。熟练的话轮转换技巧对学生来说是重要的交际能力之一,也是学生最终形成语言能力的基础之一。本文主要从课堂这一语境出发从持续话轮技巧,放弃话轮技巧及获得话轮技巧等方面探讨了话轮及其转换的技巧。  相似文献   

本较系统地探讨了英语口语表征(即灵活性、简明性和适切性),并针对口语教学实践中存在的问题整合了口语教学策略(即话轮意识培养策略、思维训练策略、四维一体策略),旨在通过目的明确、形式多样的口语训练,帮助学习掌握交流技巧,提高跨化交流能力。  相似文献   

英语会话中话轮转换系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
话轮是人们日常会话的基本单位,话轮转换是会话分析的核心问题。文章分析探讨了英语会话中话轮转换的几个问题:话轮、反馈项目、话轮转换规则、话轮转换信号、保持话轮、放弃话轮以及索求话轮的表达方式。  相似文献   

话语的机构性权力:电视访谈中的话轮转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
话轮(turn)是人们日常会话的基本结构单位,包括说话轮次的长短,顺序,内容变化等.以H.Sacks等人提出的话轮转换规则为理论基础,通过对电视访谈的分析,对话轮转换规则进行探讨.结果表明,话轮转换规则不仅在日常会话中起作用,在电视访谈中也同样起作用.但电视访谈中的话轮转换与一般日常会话又有所不同,主要体现在谈话双方的发话权和对话轮控制权的不对等上.  相似文献   

大学英语教育中的话轮转换分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文根据会话分析中的话轮转换的基本理论框架,结合大学英语课堂中的资料,对教育中的话轮,话轮转换,话轮转的的特点及规律作了初步探讨,旨在寻找以话轮转换这一基本会话方式为基础,以小组讨论式教法为实现手段,探索英语教法改革的途径,从而配合并促进大学英语教学。  相似文献   

话轮转换技巧剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
话轮转换研究的目的在于揭示会话的规律和技巧。因为会话虽然是一种随意的语言交际活动,但是它实际上是受一定的会话原则支配的,并不是对语音、词汇、短语和句子的简单组合和重复。本文重点探讨会话参与者之间话轮转换的原则和技巧。  相似文献   

The role of the mother in structuring interactions with the infant during free play was examined at 6 and 9 months. Maternal scaffolding of turn-taking exchanges was then contrasted to the forms of turn-taking apparent in sibling-infant and peer-infant observations. Infants spent more time in turn-taking exchanges with their mothers than with their siblings or peers. These exchanges most often took the form of mothers creating sequences by responding to infants' social and nonsocial acts and by eliciting social and nonsocial responses from the infants. Infants' exchanges with older siblings were briefer and more typically involved the older children eliciting nonsocial responses from the infants but not responding contingently to the infants' interests and actions. Infant peers spent less time in turn-taking exchanges, and their interactions showed less evidence of scaffolding. At the same time, the proportion of strictly social interactions was greatest with peers. Relations were apparent between infants' turn-taking experiences with their mothers and the infants' subsequent interactions with their siblings and with their peers. Relations were also found between infants' interaction experiences with their older siblings and subsequent peer interaction. Those infants with more extensive turn-taking experience with more skilled social partners were subsequently observed to engage in more extensive turn-taking interactions with a peer. These results are discussed in terms of studies on mother-infant attachment and peer competence, maternal scaffolding, and Vygotsky's zone of proximal development.  相似文献   

话轮转换系统是近年来新兴的戏剧文体学的研究方法。本文借鉴这一方法,以《推销员之死》中的对话片段为例,研究话轮转换与戏剧人物的关系、人物性格的刻画以及与剧情发展的关系。分析表明,话轮转换量化分析框架应用于研究文学批评具有可行性,而且具有一定的解释力。  相似文献   

文章以Sacks等的相关理论为指导,分析口头交际中话轮转换模式及其特点,研究结果认为学习者不仅要掌握交际的语言形式还应掌握语言的交际功能,特别是话轮转换的功能,以及怎样才能进行顺利自然的话轮转换。此结论对大学外语口语教学有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

In response to the growing interest in evaluating young learners’ foreign language (FL) performance, this study aims to deepen our understanding of young learners’ developmental differences in interaction during task-based paired-language assessments. To examine age effects separately from the effect of general language proficiency, we analysed learners’ interaction in both their first language (L1) and FL. We observed the students as they engaged in an assessment consisting of a set of decision-making tasks with their peers. After each task, the students self-assessed their performance. We found differences in interactions across grade levels in both L1 and FL with respect to holistic interactional patterns, topic development, and turn-taking patterns. The students’ understanding of communicative interactive tasks also appeared to differ between grade levels, perhaps reflecting their experiential differences with communicative tasks in class. The paper concludes with implications for implementing task-based paired-language assessments for young learners.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated the turn-taking skills of preschoolers with disabilities who participated in a social communication intervention that targeted initiations, responses, and turn-taking skills, and taught children to repair and revise and to avoid interruptions and overlaps. Ten children who enrolled in an inclusive at-risk classroom met the inclusion criteria. A multiple baseline design across two dyads replicated across three additional dyads was used to determine the effects of the intervention. The social communication intervention was highly effective for five children, moderately effective for three children, and mildly effective for two children in increasing the rate of initiations with an immediate peer response from baseline to intervention. The social communication intervention was highly effective for one child, moderately effective for three children, mildly effective for two children, and ineffective for four children in improving turn-taking skills. Generalization results showed that nine out of ten participants demonstrated increased peer play following the intervention, increased levels of child-initiated interactions with a positive peer response, and decreased levels of solitary play. Several implications for practice were derived from the findings. By teaching children turn-taking strategies, the quality of social interactions that children have with their peers is likely to improve. The intervention offers a more systematic technique for teaching social communication and play skills than do informal strategies commonly used by teachers. Social validity assessments indicated that teachers found the intervention acceptable and produced important changes in behavior.  相似文献   

In light of recent developments in the Modern Orthodox community's approach to homosexuality, this article presents a classroom discussion on homosexuality that took place at a Modern Orthodox high school. An examination of the discussion's heteroglossia, or multiplicity of languages existing in tension, along with attention to the discussion's turn-taking structures, reveals the teacher's high degree of control over what students could express. This controlling pedagogy consistently suppresses expressions of empathy in favor of legalistic assertions. This article questions whether the specific issue of homosexuality demands a different approach.  相似文献   

本文选取了230段陌生人之间的会话开头语作为语料,运用会话分析理论从结构类型、功能类型、话轮交接3个方面对其进行了分析,不仅指出目前对外汉语教材在编写会话语料时,具有结构类型完备、功能类型多样、正常与非正常话轮交接并重等优点,还认为语料编写中也存在嵌入式结构类型量少、缺少应答功能类型、缺少转换关联位置线索等缺陷,并针对缺陷提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Using family communication patterns theory, this study tested the degree to which perceptions of joint family storytelling mediate the relationship between family communication patterns (i.e., conversation and conformity orientations) and family strengths. Participants included 267 young adults from first-marriage families. Results indicated that conversation orientation is positively associated with the interactional sense-making (ISM) behaviors that characterize jointly told family stories (i.e., engagement, polite turn-taking, perspective-taking and coherence) and family strengths, while conformity orientation is negatively associated with ISM behaviors and family strengths. Indirect effects emerged for conversation and conformity orientations on family strengths through perceptions of ISM behaviors. Specifically, perceptions of storytelling engagement and polite turn-taking mediated the positive association between conversation orientation and family strength, while engagement, perspective-taking, and polite turn-taking mediated the inverse association between conformity orientation and family strength.  相似文献   

杨双 《天中学刊》2011,26(4):90-92
称呼语作为一种社会指示语,体现了交际双方身份、地位及相对应的社会关系。称呼语在实际交际过程中往往具有语力,能实现诸如问候、警告、威胁、指责、规劝等多种言外行为。通过称呼语的礼貌使用,能减小交际中对面子的威胁,既能维护对方的积极面子,又能保住对方的消极面子。称呼语在会话轮换中不仅能构成"召唤—回答"系列的相邻对,还可以用来选定下一个说话人,或被参与者用来争取和保持话轮。  相似文献   

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