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Mr. Pang I-lu, principal of Wu-hsi Kai-yuan Elementary School came to help us establish the Third Central Elementary School and lived with us for six days. On the eve of his departure, I asked him how he felt about life at the experimental rural normal school. He said, "Your life here is simply rudimentary; it is not a farmer's life." I said: It cannot be called rudimentary, but it is certainly the life of primitive people in some ways. Our education here begins with a primitive life and aspires to achieve the happiest possible world." Although the discussion was just so many words, it can illustrate a truth about education at Hsiao-chuang. Farmers' lives under the feudal system were very unprogressive. They lived from day to day like completely unquestioning human beings. Although rural education is intended to make farmers prosperous, it is very doubtful that this can be achieved if we begin from the realities of farmers' lives. Therefore, we must summon our courage and force the pendulum of rural education to swing toward the life of primitive people. The lives of primitive people are very rich with questioning. The real questions of life confront us one by one, commanding us to think, demanding that we solve them. These questions are extremely urgent and pressing. They do not allow us to be careless or lazy. If we do not have the proper spirit, if we are hesitant and do not seize the opportunity, the difficulty will be unbearable, and we might not even survive. If wolves appear on the mountain, we must learn to hunt. If there are snakes on the ground, we must learn to cure their venomous bites. When mosquitoes swarm, making a noise like thunder, we must learn methods for eliminating them. We have attained a very intimate understanding of various problems relating to clothing, food, and shelter while trying to live like primitive people.  相似文献   

Conclusion It is the responsibility of instructional designers not only to create good products but, in the process, develop sound theories and do work that is rooted in the notion that we must work to make the world a better place. Design-based research is an approach that can help us to produce theory by putting our design work in naturalistic contexts while assessing learning. Critical design ethnography can help us to do good work by offering a process that includes prolonged engagement with participants, co-creating social commitments, design, and broad scale implementation. We must think deeply on our collective tripartheid ethical responsibility and continue to develop ways to serve these ambitions. We must work to develop better ways of exploring the nature of learning so that those who come after us can stand on our shoulders and ennoble our work by carrying it further still.  相似文献   

广东教育出版社2004年版的语文新教材以其全新的体系、全新的内容让人耳目一新。尤其令人关注的是,新教材多方位体现了对学生主体的关怀.凸现了语文课程的人文性特征;其范文系统贴近生活.注重学生的终生发展;其助读系统充满人性与人情;其练习系统亦充分注重了对学习主体的关怀。  相似文献   


The health of ageing populations is a real concern across the world so that the concept of active ageing has been advocated as a framework for appropriate educational policies and programmes to support people as they grow older. The other elements discussed here are health and healthy life expectancy (HLE) acknowledging that as people age, they may suffer from a range of chronic illnesses. How strong is the evidence that improving access to, and involvement in later life learning is an effective strategy for improving health and can it help with health problems? Reviewing some of the available evidence, we found that studies are frequently not comparable, that they frequently confuse concepts of health and well-being and do not always demonstrate causal effects. We also question whether later life learning can be successful in reducing lifelong socio-economic inequalities although some targeted interventions are beginning to appear in different countries. We conclude that it is important to rethink attitudes to active ageing if current gains in healthy LE are to continue.  相似文献   

In this article I appraise selected examples of the research on significant life experiences reported and discussed in a recent special issue of this journal by comparing the ways in which these studies use (and justify the use of) retrospective accounts of experience with autobiographical approaches to curriculum inquiry that have been informed by phenomenology and hermeneutics. I argue that the conservative and socially reproductive logic of significant life experiences research invites environmental educators to repeat rather than to improve upon their own histories and that, if we are to use autobiographical methods in environmental education research, we should try to do so in a way that generates new possibilities for educational experience, rather than merely replicates the experiences of a previous generation.  相似文献   

In principle, education depends upon the understanding of human beings. Ecological studies can give us opportunities to understand humans more clearly (or scientifically). This truth emphasizes the importance of ecological education. In ecology, a human being is a part of nature. This is because all living beings are members of ecological communities. Ecological research reveals that life creates the conditions for its own existence. If the aim of education is life lived to its fullest, education is to help us to live in optimal survival conditions which will lead to the consummate unfolding of our nature. At the very least, education in the ecological paradigm will allow us to understand the educational perspectives, possibilities and limits of today  相似文献   

从生态批评的视角,论述了"家园意识"是人们对家园的一种有意识的、热切的关注和表现,它是人类对于自己生命的源头、立足的根基、情感的凭依、心灵的栖息地眷恋的内心表达。在此视角下解读《西游记》中的猪八戒,使其形象具有了日常生活中人物的真实性。指出猪八戒的"家园意识"是在曾经安定而美好的生活和颠沛流离的取经旅途两种截然不同的境遇中形成的。同时指出家园意识的出现在生态危机日益严重的今天,猪八戒的家园意识具有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

Attending to the ways in which bodies and subjectivities are constituted in social environments is not simply a concern of social geographers but an emerging interest in critical psychology, childhood and disability studies. Boundaries and borders are nothing if not the different relational and durational articulations of bodies and spaces. These entangled boundaries include borders between parent and child; culture and body; school, family and child. Through analysing the ways in which these borderlines are continually re-composed and re-constituted, we are able to reveal their relational and embodied articulations. In previous works, we have explored the ways in which disabled children disrupt normative orders associated with school, family and community. In this paper, we take up the concepts of boundaries and borders to explore their relational and embodied articulations with specific reference to stories collected as part of an ESRC project entitled ‘Does every child matter, Post-Blair: the interconnections of disabled childhoods’. We ask, how do disabled children negotiate space in their lives? In what ways do they challenge space through their borders and boundaries with others? How can we re-imagine, re-think and differently practice – that is revolutionise – key borders and boundaries of education in ways that affirm the lives of disabled children? We address these questions through reference to the narrative from the Derbyshire family, with particular focus on Hannah and her mother Linda, which we argue allow us to consider the ways in which disabled childhoods can be understood and reimagined. We explore two analytical considerations; ‘Being disabled: being mugged’ and ‘Becoming enabled: teacups, saucers and communities’.  相似文献   

The study explored how the meaning of prosocial behavior changes over toddlerhood. Sixty-five 18- and 30-month-olds could help an adult in 3 contexts: instrumental (action based), empathic (emotion based), and altruistic (costly). Children at both ages helped readily in instrumental tasks. For 18-month-olds, empathic helping was significantly more difficult than instrumental helping and required greater communication from the adult about her needs. Altruistic helping, which involved giving up an object of the child's own, was the most difficult for children at both ages. Findings suggest that over the 2nd year of life, prosocial behavior develops from relying on action understanding and explicit communications to understanding others' emotions from subtle cues. Developmental trajectories of social-cognitive and motivational components of early helping are discussed.  相似文献   

That wonder is educationally important will strike many people as obvious. And in a way it is obvious, because being capable of experiencing wonder implies an openness to (novel) experience and seems naturally allied to intrinsic educational motivation, an eagerness to inquire, a desire to understand, and also to a willingness to suspend judgement and bracket existing—potentially limiting—ways of thinking, seeing, and categorising. Yet wonder is not a single thing, and it is important to distinguish at least two kinds of wonder: active wonder(ing), which entails a drive to explore, to find out, to explain; and deep or contemplative wonder, which is not inherently inquisitive like active wonder and, as a response to mystery, may leave us lost for words. Claims for wonder's importance to education and science often do not distinguish between the two, but whereas for active wonder that importance seems obvious, this is much less so for deep wonder, which by its very nature rather seems to be anti‐educational. Yet in this paper I explore exactly the educational importance of deep wonder. This importance is found to lie, not just in its motivational effects—real though they are—but in making us attend to the world for its own sake, and making us aware of the limits of our understanding.  相似文献   

A mixed methods approach was used to understand moral reasoning and empathy in 12- to 18-year-old adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HF-ASD) compared to same age typically developing (TD) youth. Adolescents completed measures assessing empathy (perspective-taking, personal distress, and empathic concern), and moral reasoning, as well as a qualitative interview asking them to discuss a challenging sociomoral situation and recount their moral competencies and strengths in difficult situations. For quantitative results, both groups demonstrated similar empathic concern, but adolescents with HF-ASD had significantly higher personal distress and lower moral reasoning than TD youth. Qualitative results suggest that adolescents with HF-ASD perceived themselves as having empathic concern but struggled to use these feelings to support their actions in spontaneous challenging sociomoral situations. Results suggest that teachers should be educated in providing specific guidance to adolescents with HF-ASD about how to express empathic concern in ways that promote mutually rewarding relationships.  相似文献   

How do young people experience camp, and how might that experience help us expand our understanding of what is possible in non-formal learning environments? In-depth interviews consisting of forced-choice and open-ended questions were conducted with 59 Concordia Language Villages residential camp participants who partake in a linguistically and culturally enriched grand simulation. This study focused on (1) quantitative assessments of their sense of safety and belonging, and (2) open-ended questions about the nature of the camp environment in general and as a learning place. From the qualitative data, we distilled participants’ sense of camp as a learning place by analysing their responses in terms of theoretically-driven categories of thinking space qualities and data-driven categories of experience space qualities. As a thinking space, participants described the camp environment as a safe space characterized by support for thinking and development, room for identity-supportive interactions, room to experiment, and a place with mentoring adults and a second-home feeling. As an experience space, they emphasized the centrality of the program’s daily activities (particularly simulations), the qualities of the people around them (diverse and community-focused), the physical setting of the program (particularly its aesthetics) and the instructional methods used (particularly language and cultural immersion). The relationship of these findings to our understanding of the nature of the thinking and experience spaces as program-specific and program-general phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

休闲是人的一种生命存在状态,如何休闲关涉人的生命意义和生命价值的实现,应成为伦理学关注和研究的问题。休闲对于生命的意义在于有助于自然生命的存养、精神生命的提升和价值生命的实现。然而,现实生活中的休闲异化:有休无闲、无主休闲、庸俗休闲、过度休闲造成了生命的消解。培养有道德的休闲主体,提升其休闲道德自觉、加强其休闲行为自律、养成其休闲美德品质,是使人珍惜休闲、善处休闲,实现休闲向生命复归的重要途径。  相似文献   

生活中我们总会遭遇喜忧参半的状况,在心理学上我们把其称为趋避式动机冲突。它的普遍存在性,使我们对其的研究显得迫切且有价值。认知因素在心理活动中的备受关注。对于趋避式动机冲突的认知研究也相继出现,但就认知因素在冲突中哪个环节,起了怎样的作用,它们是如何运作等的机制问题,研究相对较少。文章就动机冲突的性质,分类以及其认知的心理机制作了浅显的分析,并提出一些设想。旨在初步探索动机冲突产生的认知心理机制。  相似文献   

随着数字化时代的到来。网络化生存成为人们在现实生存之外最为重要的一种生存方式。无论生产方式、生活方式、社会结构还是思维方式、价值理念等,网络化生存都具有自己鲜明的个性,并且呈现出虚拟与现实的交错、主体性与主体间性的兼容、科技与人文的对话等多种二重性表现。探讨这些问题,将有助于我们在网络化生存中重新思考人生的意义与价值。  相似文献   

Sleepless in academia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The conditions under which women academics work provide the impetus for this article. Current trends in feminist and other writing are moving us away from dwelling on the disadvantages women experience in the academy. Yet the findings from the two Canadian studies reported here suggest that issues around children and career, anxieties about evaluation, and fatigue and stress shape the daily lives of women academics. The women do find ways and means of coping and resisting, ­sometimes collectively, although one of the major responses—working harder and sleeping less—might be considered somewhat short of empowering. We also look at what the prospects are for changes in university policies and practices.  相似文献   

解读<教育与职业>杂志刊发的相关文本发现,1920年代知识界人士聚焦于女子职业教育的必要性、实施方法及特殊困难等问题,但至1930年代前后,其职业教育现发生了大的逆转,由宽泛的女子职业教育窄化为家事教育.考察知识界人士女子职业教育观转向的轨迹,能窥探隐藏其后的多重动因:"母性主义"教育方针的提出、妇女运动的"变异"、知识精英性别观念的保守与偏狭等.  相似文献   

孤独已不是生命运动中需要逃避的一种情绪感觉 ,恰是艺术家从生命底蕴处获取创作的一种力量。作为生命存在的体验 ,孤独意识在每个存在主体内心中不同形态地存在着 ,它不仅是现实性的意识、理性的意识 ,还是主体的意识、潜意识。伟大的艺术家在注重体验生活孤独的同时 ,会深刻而又真切地体验生命的孤独 ,并将孤独感改道注入艺术创作 ,以艺术的方式表现生命本体与生命存在相结合的人的各种状态。由我及彼上升为整体性的、有意义的精神情愫 ,将纯粹个人的孤独激荡升华为对全人类普遍孤独的关注。我们在本体论上承认孤独 ,还应在价值论上尊重孤独。孤独能凝聚艺术家内在生命的力量 ,走向艺术表现的孤傲与独创 ,实现人的生命自由 ,促使生命向力发出耀眼灼目的投射  相似文献   

Our daily lives are a series of ordinary moments and unnoticed thresholds-times that define us in ways we often do not give much attention. While we consider childbirth to be one of life's extra-ordinary events, the hours of labor and birth need not be dramatic (or traumatic) ones. I describe a quiet, well-supported birth in the Netherlands that is cause for celebration of the beauty of an ordinary instant that can define and enrich the human experience.  相似文献   

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