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本研究设计了“中小学心理辅导现状调查问卷(校长问卷)”,通过对浙江省8个地区148所中小学的抽样调查,对当前中小学心理辅导的现状作了研究,并对影响心理辅导效果的因素进行了相关研究。研究表明:(1)大多数中小学校长对学校开展心理辅导只停留在思想认识上,而在具体实施时,表现得不够重视;(2)学校为心理辅导建立专门的管理体系、每年一定经费的投入、配备一定数量的心理辅导教师、对教师进行专业培训、采取多种辅导形式等五方面因素与心理辅导的实际效果均有显相关;(3)在经费投入与教师培训方面存在着城乡差异。  相似文献   

2003年6月至8月,北京市教育学院中小学校长队伍现状调查组对北京市的中小学正职校长进行了调查.调查主要采用问卷形式,辅之以个别访谈、作品分析.共发问卷900份,回收有效问卷772份,有效率85.8%.涉及包括小学、初中、高中、完中、九年一贯制、十二年一贯制学校的男女校长.该调查组还对校长所在区(县)教委主任及1000余名中小学教师进行了关于校长情况的问卷调查.教师问卷调查抽样兼顾小学和中学、城区和郊区以及学科结构和年龄结构等因素.发放教师问卷1100份,回收有效问卷939份,有效率为85.4%.就北京市来说,此项调查覆盖面广,它反映的中小学校长的生存现状,特别是"校长压力"问题尤其值得关注.  相似文献   

对重庆市239所中小学学校心理健康教育现状调查问卷的分析,发现存在心理健康教育师资队伍薄弱,心理健康教育活动不足,学校心理咨询室建设落后等问题,建议加强对中小学心理健康教育的领导与督导,加强学校心理健康教育制度建设和心理教师队伍建设,增加经费投入,推进心理咨询室建设等.  相似文献   

为了更好地建设学校心理辅导(咨询)机构,需要进一步明确学校心理辅导(咨询)机构的功能定位、组成与职能、环境与硬件建设、经费投入、人员配备、辅导(咨询)员的业务素质、服务模式以及规范管理等方面的问题。  相似文献   

采用教师工作价值观量表,对我国645名中小学教师进行了测量,运用LISERL8.3和SPSS13.0对数据进行统计分析。结果发现:(1)教师工作价值观是由物质报酬、声望地位、职业发展、人际关系、组织管理、利他奉献和安全稳定7个因子组成的多维结构,以此为基础编制的《教师工作价值观问卷》具有较好的信度和效度;(2)利他奉献是当代教师重要的工作价值取向;(3)教师工作价值观受性别、学校性质、学段、学校来源等因素的影响。研究表明:教师工作价值观是一个多维的心理结构,利他奉献是当代教师重要的工作价值取向,但教师工作价值观也受相关变量的影响。  相似文献   

对我国中小学学生进行心理辅导,历经10年的探索,取得了相当可观的进步。如果说,10年前有关心理辅导对于广大学校教育工作还有一个陌生的概念,那么10年后的今天,局面已经发生了根本的改观:心理辅导受到了广大校长、教师、学生乃至家长的欢迎,学校心理辅导已广泛运用于学习辅导、人格辅导、生活辅导以及职业辅导等方面。如果说,  相似文献   

研究采用《教师脑科学素养问卷》对933名农村中小学教师的脑科学素养水平进行调查,结果显示:(1)农村中小学教师总体脑科学知识水平较为薄弱,其中,脑的基本知识最为欠缺;(2)书籍、网络和电视是教师获取脑科学知识的重要渠道;(3)教师对脑科学知识的总体关心程度偏低;(4)教师脑科学素养水平一定程度受到年龄、性别和教授专业因素的影响。  相似文献   

本文从管理学的视野对影响中小学教师专业发展的四个主要因素学习机遇、学习时间、学习经费和学习机构进行了分析。提出了以下建议:(一)出台《中小学教师继续教育的实施细则》,对各级教育行政管理部门、学校和教师在继续教育方面的权利、义务和责任加以细化,并落实到个人身上。(二)确立学校校长为教师专业发展的责任实施人,对教师继续教育的时间做出安排,并以此作为校长业绩考核的重要指标之一。(三)实行国家、地方、学校和教师共同承担教师继续教育经费,其不同的比例应根据学校所在地的经济发展水平和教师的直接受益程度而定。(四)整合当前教师培训的资源,成立以地方教师进修学校为联络、信息和咨询中心的中国特色的教师专业发展学校(PDS)。  相似文献   

为了解安徽省乡村中小学教师心理资本的现状及其影响因素,采用中小学教师心理资本问卷,对1 228名安徽省乡村中小学教师进行测试。结果表明:安徽省乡村中小学教师心理资本处于中上水平;性别、年龄、教龄、学历是影响乡村中小学教师心理资本的个体因素;职务、学校属性是影响乡村中小学教师心理资本的工作因素。因此,有必要重点培养和提升女教师、青年教师、高中教师和高学历教师的心理资本水平,促进乡村教育事业的快速发展。  相似文献   

用自编的教师心理所有权形成途径问卷对1578名中小学教师进行了调查。采用探索性和验证性因素分析方法进行交叉验证。结果显示:(1)教师心理所有权形成的途径有三个:自我投入、知晓权和控制权。(2)自我投入、知晓权和控制权能有效的预测教师心理所有权,其中贡献最大的是知情权和控制权,最小为自我投入。  相似文献   

This study investigated college and university counseling center directors’ perceptions of the adequacy of the preparation of master's‐level counselors for work in college and university counseling centers. Results indicated that counselors were rated on average as prepared; however, many directors had concerns about counselors’ ability to work with students presenting more severe mental health issues. Findings are discussed, and implications for the training and preparation of college counseling practitioners are presented.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法调查云南贫困地区小学校长和师范大学生的心理健康观与心理健康教育观,并与内陆山区重庆等地中小学教师的调查结构进行比较,结果发现:(1)贫困地区小学校长和师范院校大学生已具备现代心理健康教育观,与内陆山区的中小学教师的观念差别不大,并无明显滞后。(2)在对躯体疾病与心理问题的关系,心理健康的标准,学生的心理行为问题,心理健康的影响因素以及一些具体的维护心理健康的方法的认识上与内陆山区的小学教师的认识还存在一定的差别。  相似文献   

Neophyte counselors trained in the use of their own imagery to practice counseling interviews were compared with a similar group not receiving the training. The mental practice was hypothesized to have experiential value for neophyte counselors resulting in positive effects upon selected behaviors commonly found with counseling experience. Results indicated that the ability to discriminate differing levels of empathic responses, the ability to evaluate accurately one's own performance, and the amount of preinterview confidence were significantly higher for the mental practice group. However, the communication of empathy and the subjective evaluations of the counselors during the interview did not prove significantly higher. This article discusses the potential value of mental practice as a supplementary experiential training technique and some considerations for its use and further study.  相似文献   

Coached client methodology can be an important resource in the education of student counselors by simulating a counseling experience with a standard client stimulus before actual counseling is begun. The authors carried out the following procedures for establishing and maintaining standard client consistency: (a) development of a general concept of the content of the client's role; (b) incorporation of specific information about the coached client in a cumulative folder to be used by the counselor; (c) development of specific client statements as essential aspects of the client's role; (d) training the coached client to incorporate all essential statements into his role; (e) assessment of client consistency across interviews with different counselors. Research applications of coached client methodology were discussed as well as its use by schools in the hiring of counselors. Editor Abstract  相似文献   

According to the extant school consultation literature, counselors can effectively use brief family interventions and family assessment procedures in schools as part of a collaborative consultation approach. School counselors, however, often lack training in family systems theory, because counselor training programs tend to use individual counseling models. When used in a school counselor practicum course, the Collaborative Drawing Technique (CDT; G. M. Smith, 1985) introduces counselors‐in‐training to family systems concepts and lays the foundation for postgraduate training in family systems. The authors use a case illustration to explore paradigmatic shifts in trainees' case conceptualizations as a function of their use of the CDT with a family.  相似文献   

朋辈心理咨询是心理咨询的一种特殊方式,通过在高职院校大学生中开展朋辈心理咨询员心理训练的研究表明,训练过的学生在自我认知、人际交往能力等方面都有提高,朋辈心理训练对校园自助助人气氛的形成,对高职院校大学生心理健康水平的提高是一种有效的辅助方式。  相似文献   

Counselors encounter the needs of youth (3–17 years) in a variety of settings; however, outside of school counseling, the profession faces a lack of preparation, professional development, and research focused on mental health practice with youth. Using the Delphi method, 12 counselor educators and 15 practicing counselors were polled regarding research priorities for mental health counseling with youth. Research that considers how varying developmental stages and systems (e.g., families, schools, communities) affect the mental health of youth was identified as a priority. Implications for counselor preparation, professional development, and research are offered on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

This study attempted to measure the generalization of the counseling skills learned via the microcounseling paradigm to the actual counseling setting. Twenty practicum counselors were assigned to two groups: (a) experimental group, training focused on the microcounseling skills of attending behavior, reflection of feeling, and summarization of feeling and (b) control group, no training. Measurements of the microcounseling skills were obtained at four intervals: (1) pretraining, (2) posttraining, (3) counseling session I, and (4) counseling session II. Results indicated that experimental subjects evidenced greater learning and retention of skills in reflection of feeling and summarization of feeling. There were no significant differences between subjects on attending behavior skills. Results are discussed with implications for training counselors via the microcounseling paradigm.  相似文献   

According to several US Supreme Court decisions, minors have the right to abortions, yet various conflicts cause some uncertainty for counselors and other professionals working with minors. In defining the role of the school counselor with regard to abortions, Duncan and Moffett (1974) explained that counselors should establish a setting for clients to examine feelings and evaluate alternatives. They advised counselors against imposing their views and attitudes on clients. Walleat (1975) summarized the counselor's responsibilities as follows: view abortion in relation to the student's total involvement rather than a crisis situation; work in conjunction with other community and school programs; help students "process" information; and help students use information about abortion, even when schools fail to supply that information. Additionally, Walleat emphasized that there were possible legal and ethical issues regarding schools providing abortion information. The extent to which schools can or should provide abortion information to minors is unclear. Burgum and Anderson (1975) made some recommendations to help counselors avoid lawsuits regarding abortions. They suggested that counselors give advice only in those areas in which they are competent according to their education and work experience. In view of the proposed legislation and legal shift toward parental notification, counselors of minors should strongly encourage their clients to discuss their situation with parents. The major questions are: how far must counselors go in providing information to parents of minors; and is the legal responsibility strong enough to require counselors to break confidentiality under certain conditions. Until a major court case or legislation addresses these questions, the school counselor's role is undefined. Because parental notification about abortion for minors is unclear, professional guidelines are urgently needed to aid counselors. Professional counseling groups need to address the unresolved issues in a position paper or other materials. Until such time, the following recommendations should prove of value to counselors: counselors should urge minors to discuss abortion plans with parents and involve families in the counseling process, if possible; counselors should consider the social mores of the community; counselors should work through their national, state, and local professional organizations for directions and guidelines on abortion counseling and dissemination of abortion information for minors; and counselors should be knowledgeable about appropriate referral agencies dealing with abortions.  相似文献   

A survey of counselors and counselor educators was conducted to assess information and attitudes with regard to death education, training in death and dying, and the appropriateness of dealing with death in the schools. Results showed that an overwhelming majority of both the responding counselors and the counselor educators felt that school counselors should work in this area (both counseling and death education). Although both these groups recognize the need for training in death and dying, little is presently being done to help counselors acquire the necessary skills and awareness to work in the area of death and grief. Recommendations for changes are included.  相似文献   

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