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站在2010年的起点,我们的内心感慨万千。回望2009年的冬天,北京教育杂志社,忙忙碌碌,来来往往,热火朝天。研讨会、策划会,编辑部与专家、与教师、与作者、与读者反复论证;组稿、采访、编辑、写作,文编与作者、与被采访者、与文字一次次交流;封面、内文、标题、版式,美编与文字、与图片、与字体一次次对话。终于,在2010年到来之际,我们捧出了这份沉甸甸的答卷。  相似文献   

论高校贯彻落实科学发展观中的十个关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等学校结构复杂、功能多样、任务繁重、责任重大,在发展过程中面临着诸多的关系和矛盾,容易顾此失彼。高校应以科学发展观为指导,审视教育理念与大学制度、学科建设与专业建设、教学科研与社会服务、科学教育与人文教育、规模结构与质量效益、科学决策与经验决策、学术权力与行政权力、重点突破与全面提高、跨越发展与常规发展、战略规划与战略管理等方面的关系,研究、解决发展中的主要矛盾和问题,实现自身又好又快的发展。  相似文献   

要促进学生行为习惯的养成,必须认真处理好是与非、远与近、主与宾、内与外、点与面、静与动、疏与堵、赏与罚、虚与实、家与校等方面的关系,坚持学生本位思想,顺应时代特征,注重健康人格的内化过程,关注发展性评价,选好突破口,培育兴奋点,循序渐进地促进学生自律成人,自立成才。  相似文献   

胡旭光 《高中生》2015,(3):18-19
函数与导数解答题具有一定的综合性,综合性不仅体现为知识的综合,即函数、导数与不等式的综合,函数、导数与数列的综合,函数、导数与解析几何的综合以及函数与导数的应用问题等,还体现为与数学思想方法的考查紧密结合,如对函数与方程思想、数形结合思想、分类与整合思想、化归与转化思想、有限与无限思想等都进行了深入的考查.下面展示函数与导数在高中数学综合问题当中的应  相似文献   

中国梦与党组织在创造力、凝聚力、战斗力等要素上具有内在的同一性,通过阐释中国梦与党组织的“三力”,进而揭示中国梦与党组织建设存在“目标指向与战斗堡垒”、“话语体系与建设内涵”、“梦想驱动与组织行为”等三大关系,由此立足高校实际,从“嵌入与建构”、“融入与共生”、“促进与反哺”、“感召与自觉”、“推动与创新”等方面阐释中国梦话语、中国梦教育、助力中国梦、树共同梦想、创组织特色,旨在寻找中国梦与高校党组织建设的契合点.  相似文献   

阅读教学本质上就是一种对话,它是教师与学生、与文本、与作者、与编者的对话,同时也是学生与学生、与文本、与编者的对话。通过对多向度对话的概念、本质特征以及这种教学模式的优势、参与者及具体表现形式等的探讨,力求在理论上厘清。  相似文献   

要切实发挥民主党派的参政党作用,一个非常重要的方面,就是参政议政应讲辩证法,通过哲学沉思以克服思想认识上的偏颇,从而正确把握参政议政过程中方向与纲领、执政与参政、参政与议政、调查与研究、宏观与微观、主体与主导、上情与下情、角度与力度、当前与长远等多种辩证关系,明确参政议政工作的灵魂、前提、基础、重点、保证、途径、原则和水平标志等重大问题。如此方能深化认识,提高水平,取得实效  相似文献   

从学校、家庭、社会和谐德育目标一致性出发,应当建立学校与家庭的双向交流与沟通体系,学校与社会的信息通报与反馈体系、舆论导向体系,家庭与社会的信息交流传播体系、行为示范引导体系。从学校、家庭、社会和谐德育内容一致性出发,应当建立学校与家庭的共同教育与管理的协商体系,学校与社会的公共道德测评体系、社会行为监督和纠错惩处体系,家庭与社会的家庭美德与社会公德融合体系。  相似文献   

教学是一门科学,更是一门艺术;是知识的传递,更是情感的交流。教师应把握教学规律,处理好教学中的"动与静、定性与定量、平面与立体、图与表、电教与人教、纵向与横向、时间与空间、数理与物理、综合与具体、理论与应用"等十大关系,关注"难点、重点、趣点、接点"四大关键,做到深入浅出、泛引精解、厚论薄述,讲授中声音有强弱、节奏有快慢、形式多变化,将教学变得生动、有趣、高效。  相似文献   

构建现代大学制度的过程就是对现行大学制度不断变革和完善的过程。大学制度变革要面临大学与政府、大学与社会、大学内部学术与行政之间的价值差异,具体表现为自治与控制、超越与适应、自由与秩序之间的价值差异。每一种价值都有其局限性和合理性,不能简单地肯定一个而否定另外一个。自治、超越、自由是基于大学本位的价值追求,因此要以自治、超越、自由为重心,通过大学制度创新调整大学与政府、大学与社会、学术与行政之间的关系,寻求自治与控制、超越与适应、自由与秩序之间的平衡。  相似文献   

反思性教学在大学英语教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反思性教学是近年来倍受推崇的教学理论.它是以追求实践合理性为目的的教学探究活动,是以提升专业知识为目的的教师学习活动,同时也是以解决问题为导向的教师思维方式.因其具有主动性、实践性、反馈调节性及有效性等特点,成为外语教师专业发展的有效途径.它能使教师的教学参与更为主动,专业发展更为积极,其实质是教师通过反思,在教育教学实践中逐渐形成适合自己的教学理论和发展自己的教学能力,不断提高自己的专业水平,从自然发展到自觉开发,增强其职业道德感,并通过改进自己的教学促进学生学习,最终发展自己和发展学生.  相似文献   

在历史教学中,教师必须仔细研读教材,熟练掌握教材及优化板书设计,另外,还应加强语言的修养来激发学生学习的兴趣。  相似文献   

青年教师作为高校师资队伍的生力军,其教学能力的培养与高等教育质量息息相关。研究关注高校青年教师的教学能力提升,在探讨影响高校教师教学能力提升的影响因素基础上,提出青年教师教学能力的提升策略,以期为高校青年教师教学能力和高校师资队伍整体教学水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the activities of Estonian preschool teachers in the context of different teaching approaches and to compare the assessments of teachers of their own teaching with the assessments of observers of their teaching. For the data collection, the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM) and a structured questionnaire were used. A total of 25 teachers participated in the study. The research concluded that teachers mostly applied the principles of a child-centred approach, but that teacher-directed and child-dominated approaches were also present in their teaching practices. Senior teachers scored better than novice teachers on the child-centred education scale, while novice teachers scored higher on the child-dominated scale. By comparing the consensual results of two independent observers and the assessments of the teachers, it became evident that the teachers gave themselves a higher rating in all categories regarding the implementation of child-centred teaching practices, compared to the rating given by the independent observers. Thus, changing the daily practices of teachers involves more than changing the curriculum and other national documents and providing theoretical training on the new approach to learning. It also requires specific guidelines on how to change practice and how to provide feedback for teachers on their work.  相似文献   

在农村幼儿教师专业化发展过程中,课例研修对教师教育观念的转变、教学设计与组织能力的提升起着至关重要的作用。本文以农村幼儿教师在国培"影子园"进行"一课三研"课例研修为例,分析教师如何在教学目标确定、教学方案设计、教学活动组织诸方面进行群体反思、研讨修正,以此促进他们专业化发展。  相似文献   

本研究主要对广西农村小学教师进行问卷调查,探讨其教学自主性的现状。研究发现,农村小学教师教学自主性处于中等水平,大部分教师拥有自主教学的能力;农村小学教师教学自主性在学历、教龄、婚育状况等因素上存在显著差异。对此,国家、学校应该提高农村小学教师的收入水平,完善教师责任标准;教师应提升自身专业素养;学校应开展多样的创新教学教研活动,消除教师的职业倦怠。  相似文献   

近年来,为了提升大学教师的教学能力,教师的教学设计力受到了普遍关注。然而,如何才能有效地进行大学教学设计,是目前广大大学教师所困惑的实践问题。该研究的目标是从大学教学过程出发,为大学教师提供具有可操作的教学设计方法,希望能够帮助大学教师编制教学指导书、设计教学方案和了解大学教学设计的基本特征,从而提高大学教师的教学水平。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between pre-service and in-service teachers in terms of their levels of teaching efficacy and teaching professionalism. In addition, the patterns in predictors of teachers’ teaching efficacy were compared between the two subgroups of this study. Five hundred and seventy-three teachers completed self-administered questionnaires. The in-service teachers were found to have higher efficacy than their counterparts in only one of the six subscales of teaching efficacy, the subscale “Teaching Strategies”. Additionally, the college major specialisation and some domains of professionalism were found to be predictive to both groups. Along with the main results of this study, implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this small study was to elicit responses from early childhood teachers in India on mathematics learning strategies and to measure the extent of finger counting technique adopted by the teachers in teaching young children. Specifically, the research focused on the effective ways of teaching mathematics to children in India, and examined teachers’ approach to number counting. In India, children were taught by their parents or by their teachers to use fingers to count. The qualitative study conducted by the researcher further enriched the topic with first‐hand comments by the teachers. Although the finger counting method was not the only process that teachers would adopt, it was embedded in the culture and taken into consideration while infusing mathematics skills. The teachers confirmed adopting the Indian method of finger counting in their teaching strategy; some specified that the method helped children to undertake addition and subtraction of carrying and borrowing, as counting by objects could not be available all the time. Although the study is limited by its small sample to the unique mathematics learning experience in India, it provides readers with a glimpse of culturally responsive teaching methods and an alternative mathematics teaching strategy.  相似文献   

Many researchers have highlighted the important role of teachers in creating and managing argumentative, as well as the need for teachers, during their training, to have opportunities to develop knowledge about arguments, enabling them to work from the perspective of argumentation. This study investigates to what extent a context of explicit teaching of argumentation contributed to developing this knowledge. The data sources include video records of explicit teaching of argumentation, collection of materials produced and used by pre-service teachers, and field notes. Analysis of the data indicates that the explicit teaching of argumentation influenced the conceptual learning of pre-service teachers concerning the elements interwoven into argumentative practice, especially evidence and justifications, and the development of pedagogical aspects in the context of argument. Although the pre-service teachers had expressed some teaching knowledge of argumentation in classroom discussion situations, the use of this approach in teaching situations still appears to be challenging for these teachers. The findings of this study highlight contributions to the area of teacher education in argumentation in terms of knowledge that is essential to plan and conduct argumentation-based teaching, and also to the structure of the initial teacher training programmes directed at teaching in argumentation.  相似文献   

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