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校本课程开发从内容和来源上分两种:一是新编课程,另一种是改编课程。校本课程开发的主体是教师,缩短开发时间,推广开发质量是解决开发滞后性的关键。原型评价问题是解决这一问题的关键。  相似文献   

校本课程开发的文化思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
课程是一种观念形态的化,校本课程开发是社会化由一元到多元推动的结果,它适应青少年多元价值追求和个性发展的需要,是社会化变迁在学校课程领域的反映。从本质上讲校本课程开发是一种化开发,它对校园化、社区化乃至区域现代化都发挥着独特的作用。  相似文献   

职教在人力资源开发中的作用及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、职教在企业人力资源开发中的作用和地位 企业人力资源开发是通过职教、培训来提高组织成员的工作能力和工作效率,使其符合组织所需的人事管理活动.目前,人力资源开发主要采用两种方法。一种是“借鸡下蛋”法,即用高薪从社会上招聘企业所需的专门人才。一种是自我培植法,即从企业内部职工中挑选出基础好,素质高的人进行教育培养,使其成为企业的专门人才。  相似文献   

校本课程开发作为一种新的课程开发策略、一种新的课程变革模式、一种新的课程管理模式,作为对国家课程的补充,作为学校特色的体现,如同课程开发具有多种程序一样,校本课程的开发程序也具有多种观点,但无论采用什么程序开发校本课程,开发过程中的影响因素都是关键所在。影响校本课程开发的因素多种多样,但大体可分为开发参与者因素与环境因素两大类。开发参与者因素包括教师、课程专家、学校领导者与管理者、学生及家长等、环境因素包括物理性和政治制度、领导、文化等软环境。  相似文献   

一、建设有利于校本课程开发的良好氛围和环境 学校不同于企业、机关,它是知识.文化的传播场所,知识的交流、思想的碰撞、文化的沟通对教师和学乍来说都是一种文化的熏陶和影响。而校本课程开发的过程实际上就是营造一种独具特色的课程开发的文化氛围的过程。为此,我们一是在重视对文验教师进行培养的同时,也十分重视加强全体教师的培训.使每个一线教师都了解校本课程开发的背景、原则、目标、任务,认识  相似文献   

校本课程开发与教师素养林一钢在《课程·教材·教法》2002年第3期上撰文指出,校本课程开发已经成为当前我国课程改革的一项重大举措。在实践中,要保证校本课程的开发和实施质量,使其能够真正体现我国的教育方针和政策。实现以创新精神和实践能力为核心的素质教育,需要许多现实性的支持条件,其中教师的素养是一个十分重要的条件。要进行校本课程开发,教师需要具备以下几方面的素养:一、科学的课程意识。科学的课程意识是指课程不仅是一种结果,而且是一种过程,更是一种意识;课程不仅是技术的,也是艺术的;课程是开放、民主、…  相似文献   

校本课程开发意味着什么  近年来,我们可以经常在教育文献中见到“校本课程开发”一词,也经常听到一些专家在谈论“校本课程开发”,然而,到底什么是“校本课程开发”?崔允 氵郭 在《中国教育报》上撰文作了具体阐述。  目前存在一些对“校本课程开发”的误解,如“校本课程开发就是学校自编教材”,“校本课程就是原来的选修课”等,造成这些误解的原因是人们对课程的理解不一。由于课程知识与技能在我国教育学体系中的结构性缺失,人们通常把课程当作一种结果,即教科书或教材。事实上,课程不仅是一种结果,而且是一种过程,更是…  相似文献   

在校本课程开发中,学校不仅是课程的实施单位、文化的传递场所,还是课程开发机构,文化的生产场所。这既是一种权利,更是一种责任。从学校结构上看,传统上学校以教学为定位,其各个机构指向的是“课”而非“课程”,因此教导处、教研组、年级组等机构主要是进行如何备课、教课、辅导、批改、考试等课程实施活动。在校本课程开发中,这些机构则要进一步承担课程开发任务;机能的转换导致了这些机构的重组。  相似文献   

徐俊英 《辅导员》2010,(6):44-44
新课标、新教材都十分重视课程资源的开发和利用,这是课程观念的更新和教育发展的必然。课程是由教师、学生、教材、环境四要素构成的一种生态系统。教学从本质上说就是一种课程开发,教师是课程资源的开发者,教师对教学资源的积极开发和利用,可以实现广博的课程资源与教学的整合,形成共生效应。  相似文献   

柴改改 《现代教学》2014,(7):146-148
校本课程开发是一种与国家课程开发相对应的开发策略,20世纪70年代在英、美等发达国家中开始受到广泛重视。对于校本课程开发的内涵,到目前为止,仍然众说纷纭,没有形成一致的认识。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱仪测定了小荚蛏不同生理阶段(配子发生期、成熟期和排放期)软体部脂肪酸的组成.结果表明,小荚蛏软体部含有23种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)5种,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)5种,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)13种.各生理阶段的SFA、MUFA和PUFA含量差异极显著,23种脂肪酸除C20:3含量无显著差异外,其余22种脂肪酸含量差异均显著;SFA含量以排放期为最高,配子发生期为最低;MUFA含量在配子发生期高于成熟期和排放期,PUFA含量在配子发生期和成熟期高于排放期.  相似文献   

为了解真鲷鱼肉中脂肪酸的组成及其营养价值,采用Bligh-Dyer提取法对样品中脂肪油进行提取,甲酯化后利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行分析测定,并对其营养价值进行评价.结果发现从真鲷肉中鉴定出16种脂肪酸,饱和脂肪酸6种,相对百分含量占总检出量的37.68%.不饱和脂肪酸10种,相对百分含量占总检出量的63.32%.真鲷鱼肉的∑PUFAω-3/∑PUFAω-6的比值为6.35,具有较高的营养价值.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on growth, fatty acid composition and enzyme activity of fatty acid oxidation in the liver of large yellow croaker. We divided 1600 fish (average initial weight 150 g) into 4 groups and reared them in 8 cages. Four dietary treatments were formulated to contain 0%, 1%, 2% and 4% (w/w) CLA, respectively. The fish were fed for 10 weeks ad libitum twice daily. We found that the dietary CLA had no effect on growth, biometric parameters and whole body proximate (P>0.05), but showed some significant effects on the fatty acid composition in both muscle and the liver.The activities oflipogenic enzymes were slightly depressed in fish fed with increasing levels of CLA when compared with control (P>0.05). Dietary CLA supplementation had no effects on liver lipid content, but significantly increased the contents of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (P<0.05) and decreased monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content in both muscle and the liver. Dietary CLA inclusion resulted in significant increases of the biologically active cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers in both tissues (P<0.05). The total accumulation of CLA was higher in the liver (3.83%, w/w) than in muscle (3.77%, w/w) when fed with 4% (w/w) CLA. This study demonstrates that large yellow croakers are capable of absorbing and depositing CLA and long-chain n-3 PUFA in the liver and muscle, showing that this species fed with CLA could be an important human food source for these healthful fatty acids.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) possess anti-cancer action both in vitro and in vivo. In the present study, we detected cell viability with methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay and cell membrane permeability with propidium iodide (PI) fluorescence dyeing, and calculated cell membrane fluidity change as fluorescence anisotropy. Fatty acid content in cells was measured by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS), and the relationship between fatty acid composition and cell viability was studied. We observed that n-6 PUFA linoleic acid (LA) inhibited tumor cell growth at high concentrations (≥300 μmol/L), while low concentrations (100–200 μmol/L) seemed to promote cell proliferation. Analyses of cell membrane permeability, cell membrane fluidity, and cell fatty acid composition suggested that the anti-cancer action of LA could be related to changes in the ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFAs. We observed that pre-incubation of cancer cells with 100 μmol/L LA for 24 h enhanced cell sensitivity to the cytotoxic action of LA, whereas undifferentiated cell line LoVo seemed to have a distinct path in LA-induced death. These results showed that one of the mechanisms by which supplementation of LA induces cancer cell death could be altering the ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFAs, and this may be related to cell differentiation status.  相似文献   

采用GC-MS-DS联用技术分析福建产大叶石龙尾叶精油的化学成分,同时运用1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼DPPH.自由基体系、羟基自由基体系及抗脂质体过氧化体系体外评价该精油的抗氧化活性.结果:从49个峰中检识出该精油的45种化学成分,含量占精油总量的99.65%,主要为萜类化合物(72.20%)与芳香族化合物(22.99%),具有胡椒酚甲醚(17.75%)、[1S-(1α,7α,8aβ)]-1,2,3,5,6,7,8,8a-八氢-1,4-二甲基-7-(1-甲基乙烯基)-甘菊环(13.24%)、石竹烯(11.29%)、Z,Z,Z-1,5,9,9-四甲基-1,4,7-环十一碳三烯(10.92%)、桉油素(6.78%)等主要成分;抗氧化活性检测出该精油具有较强的清除DPPH.自由基、羟基自由基能力,此两种自由基50%清除率所需的样液质量浓度IC50分别为29.980、.69 mg/mL,在50 mg/mL浓度时对卵磷脂脂质体过氧化的抑制率也达50%以上.  相似文献   

采用生物化学方法的方法,对大鳍鱯繁殖期的性腺、肝脏、肌肉的氨基酸和脂肪酸进行测定.结果表明:大鳍鱯雄性亲鱼精巢、肝脏和肌肉中,肌肉中氨基酸总量最高,为40.90g/100g;其次是精巢,为26.38g/100g;肝脏中含量最低,为18.38g/100g。从必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的比例来看,精巢最高,占53.41%;其次是肌肉,占52.93%;肝脏中最低,占51.96%。雌性亲鱼肌肉中氨基酸总量最高,为40.61g/100g;其次是卵巢,为22.42g/100g;肝脏中含量最低,为17.04g/100g。从必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的比例来看,卵巢最高,占52.85%;其次是肝脏,占51.76%;肌肉中最低,占49.OO%。从脂肪酸组成来看,雌雄亲鱼均为MUFA所占比例最高,其次是SFA,PUFA比例最小。雄鱼与雌鱼的三种组织器官中,所占比例较高的脂肪酸相似,它们是C18:1n.9(油酸)、C16:0(软脂酸)、C18:2n-6(亚油酸)和C16:1n-7(棕榈酸)。研究揭示了大鳍鱯繁殖期雌、雄亲鱼主要组织器官在物质构成上的特性。  相似文献   

定义相对论性Pfaff作用量,得到相对论性Pfaff-Birkhoff原理和相对论性Birkhoff方程。证明了一类特殊相对论性Chaplygin方程可以直接纳入相对论性Birkhoff方程。  相似文献   

Robert Regnier 《Interchange》2005,36(1-2):95-120
Besides learning transmitted content, university students develop learning patterns through pedagogical processes designed into the structure of their courses. Courses shaped within the assumptions of epistemologies and ontologies that only afford narrow learning patterns can eschew learning as valuing processes. However, university courses can be conceptualized and constructed within assumptions that allow students to respond to the lure for learning through the valuation of importance that makes freedom possible. This paper proposes the two Whiteheadian notions of learning as event and learning as achieving strength of beauty through which courses can be conceptualized to facilitate the lure for learning in the pursuit of truth. Then, the paper illustrates how university courses can be designed as learning events through which students create prophetic visions as a means of achieving strength of beauty.  相似文献   

除了名词与代词都可以作主语外,英汉两种语言在对主语语类选择上似乎有着明显的不同,然而,本文试图证明这种不同只是表面的,实际上英汉两种语言中,主语都只能选择[+N]性成分,而不能选择[+V]性成分。  相似文献   

Five key factors contribute to success in cognitive sport: technique, physical condition, psychological state, nutrition, and equipment. At the highest level, competitive pressures are as much psychological as physical, although attempts to describe the ideal personality for a competitive athlete have failed miserably. Recognition of women as sporting celebrities has generated interest in the socalled fear of success phenomenon, while some evidence suggests that fear of success may be increasing among men. Players and coaches need to be aware that mood changes can be reflected in performance outcome and that precompetition mood can be used as one of several selection criteria. Mood measurement can help to monitor staleness and overtraining, producing a similar pattern to that illustrated among premenstrual syndrome sufferers. The sport psychologist can contribute positively to the attainment of goals that performers and coaches set, and psychological techniques can facilitate the preparation of high ability sport performers.  相似文献   

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