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在回答这个问题时,大多数的学生、家长和教师都选择了“应该穿”,比例分别占到78%,84%和95%,认为“校服会压抑学生的个性发展,不应该穿”的学生、家长和教师分别占到17%,11%和5%。选择“说不清”的家长和学生各占了5%。  相似文献   

点击www.jcjykc.com网站,首页会跳出两个醒目的窗口:“学生心声”和“家长诉说”。这是《基础教育课程》杂志社为更多地了解教师、家长和学生的需求,促进家长与教师、学生的有效沟通而特意开辟的窗口。窗口刚一开设,就吸引了不少客人,一周下来,更是有了几位热心的“妈妈”,成了固定的常客。  相似文献   

一到广汉市双泉乡石门村小的“课堂开放日”,不管忙闲,家长们都会早早来到学校,同自己的孩子一起听课。很多家长说,‘“课堂开放日让家长全面了解孩子一日在校学习和生活的情况,了解国家的教育方针,教育法律法规和学校的力、学方向。同时,也便于家长与家长,家#与教师之间互相交流。石门村小建立“课堂开放日”制度已有多年,自实施该制度以来,家长的教育意识、法制意识普遍提高,学校人学率、巩固率连年均保持在100%。对于村小收费这一令很多村小教师头痛的难题在石村小也是一件易事,家长节衣缩食也愿把孩子的书杂费攒着,拖…  相似文献   

家长们常常焦虑于孩子有挑食、偏食、厌食的毛病,尤其是不喜欢吃蔬菜、喝牛奶。一些家长感叹:“不知孩子到底要吃什么!”这时有的老年人就介绍经验:“让他饿去,看他吃不吃饭。”其实这话不无道理。因为“好吃”本是孩子的天性,是食欲的关键,但现在的孩子根本就不饿,怎么去“好吃”?分析起来,出现挑食和厌食的主要原因有:  相似文献   

<正>做班主任,我们始终需要自持“预感”,保持“钝感”,坚持“通感”,加持“新鲜感”,把持“分寸感”,才能让家校沟通达到应有之效。案例中的那本作业本,让我倍感亲切。我的学校也统一定制了一本类似功能的作业本,叫“不倒娃成长手册”,专门用来记录家庭作业、阅读、运动、劳动的情况以及孩子的心情,每天记录一页,其中最后一栏是给家长和老师沟通用的“家校留言”,这个区域成为了我和家长沟通的一个辅助项,让那些不那么重要的分享和交流登上了台面,也给那些腼腆的家长开了一扇家校沟通的窗户。  相似文献   

<正>寒冬时节,好多家长总担心孩子会冷,外出或上幼儿园时总习惯给孩子裹上一层又一层。但孩子真的冷吗?幼儿穿衣讲究“三暖”“二凉”。“三暖”指的是背暖、肚暖、足暖。保持背部“适当温度”可大大降低感冒概率,“适当温暖”即不可过分保暖,否则反而会因为背部出汗过多又晾汗受冷而患病。因此,家长可在正确穿衣的基础上给孩子准备一条汗巾。肚子是脾胃之所,保持肚暖即保护脾胃,如果冷空气直接刺激腹部,  相似文献   

家教“误区”与“亮点”──特级、高级教师谈家教本刊记者贺利娟关于如何教养子女,每个家长的头脑中都存在不同的教育观念。特别是在改革开放大潮之中,家长们大量接受国内外的各种信息,教育观念更具现代性和开放性,它们调节着家长的教养态度和行为,并直接影响着子女...  相似文献   

幼儿说谎是让很多老师和家长都非常头疼的一件事情,都说“童言无忌,童言无欺”,可是在日常教育教学中很多孩子说着“言不由衷”的话,有时候老师根本分不清哪句是真哪旬是假。和家长沟通的过程中也有不少家长反映孩子在说话的时候有时“可信度”很低。据调查,我国约有50%的孩子从三岁开始说谎,9岁的孩子70%以上说过谎。所以,撒谎在幼...  相似文献   

王晓慧在《教育科学研究》2011年第3期撰文指出,“家校通”的出现和发展契合了商家的经济利益追求、家长的心理需求满足以及教师的职业诉求这三股力量。但在传递过程中也出现不少问题:教师和家长,各自扮演着“信息传递者”和“被动接收者”的角色,  相似文献   

  固然,学生的健康成长,有赖于学校、社会、家庭的共同努力、全面教育。班主任常和家长联系,可以保持学校教育和家庭教育的一致性、协调性,增进教师、学生和家长之间的感情。但在学校教育过程中,班主任如果无论事情大小,犯错轻重,动辄“叫家长”,过多过滥了,效果往往会适得其反,甚至会引起学生的逆反心理,同时还会引起家长的恐慌与反感。  相似文献   

A key assumption of school choice and competition policies is that parents’ most important (if not only) priority when choosing a school is its quality. However, evidence about which of a school's attributes really drives parental choice is still scarce. We use census data from a parent questionnaire in Chile, a country with a national school choice and competition system, to describe the attributes most commonly considered by parents when choosing a school, and to assess how the probability of prioritizing those attributes varies with the parents’ socioeconomic characteristics, while controlling for other characteristics of the family. We find that parents choosing a school prioritize its proximity, its quality, and whether it provides religious education. Furthermore, the probability of parents prioritizing proximity is higher for parents of low socioeconomic status, while the probability of them prioritizing quality and religious education is higher for parents of high socioeconomic status. These findings show that only advantaged families choose schools based on their quality, and therefore school choice and competition policies may offer a limited benefit for disadvantaged pupils, possibly maintaining or reinforcing socioeconomic segregation in the education system.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to find out what kindergarten teachers, parents and kindergarten student teachers think about education and about themselves as educators. The basic question was: what kind of similarities and differences are there between these groups of educators? The sample consisted of 21 parents, 28 kindergarten teachers and 37 kindergarten student teachers voluntarily taking part in the study. The data were collected using thematic interviews and an open-ended questionnaire. The approach used to analyse the material was phenomenography. The results show that the groups of educators between themselves had quite similar conceptions of education and of being educators of small children. However, some differences were also found. The division of the conceptions of education was: education as a societal function or socialization, education as a way of supporting a child's development, education as care, and education as work and action. All groups, but especially parents, regarded education primarily as a societal function. All three groups paid rather little attention to education as a function of becoming a human being. Education as a function of care occurred in the conceptions of some educators. The conceptions of being an educator were linked to characteristic features of educators, to working with children, to commitment and self-confidence at work and to demands on and responsibility of an educator. In particular, parents paid attention to the demands and responsibility of being an educator. Kindergarten teachers and kindergarten student teachers emphasized working with children and commitment to education.  相似文献   

Maintaining productive partnerships between families and schools is more complex when youth enter middle school. A systematic and inclusive understanding of the strategies parents use, youth want and need, and teachers' desire is needed to broaden our conceptualization and deepen our understanding of parental involvement in education. The authors captured the voices of 3 primary stakeholders in education (i.e., parents, teachers, and students) to identify the goals for parental involvement in education, identify consistencies across stakeholders in the conceptualizations of parental involvement in education, and deepen our understanding of the types of involvement that matter for adolescents. The study used grounded-theory analysis of 20 focus groups, with ethnically diverse parents, youth, and teachers (N = 150), along with quantitative indicators of involvement and interactions with schools. From these analyses scaffolding independence, linking education to future success, and communication emerged as the most consistent strategies for promoting achievement. Conceptualizations of home-based involvement were broadened. Ethnic variations in the general experiences of families at school were highlighted.  相似文献   

高明松 《实验技术与管理》2006,23(11):138-139,162
伴随着我国高校实验室的开放,一些相关问题随之而来。抓好开放实验室的管理,我们要学习日本高校先进的开放实验室管理经验。我国高校进行开放实验室建设,要从目标定位、制度建设,仪器设备管理和技术队伍管理等方面来进行优化配置。  相似文献   

Universities in a capitalistic society have been expected to produce graduates for the labour market which in turn contributes to the economic development of the nation. In today's environment where the social spending on education grows faster than the economy, it becomes increasingly difficult for the education system to maintain an existing level of provision. Hence, institutions are required to legitimate themselves through the value they provide. The capitalistic process in Hong Kong has generated the demand for lifelong learning in the higher education system. The resulting evolution of the system has compelled the policy makers of higher education to redefine the purpose of higher education and re-evaluate the university management. This paper discusses Liu's (1997) holistic approach of evaluating and planning for the university academic programmes as well as building an ‘enterprise culture’ at the institutional level with a Hong Kong case analysis. When strategically planning for the future in a volatile and transient environment, university management plays an important role in integrating continuing professional education (CPE) and mainstream academic programmes and in cultivating a market-oriented ‘institutional enterprise-culture’ which responds to environmental changes more proactively.  相似文献   

A teacher's capacity to provide sexuality education may be hampered or enhanced by a number of factors. A social–ecological framework can be used to understand these influences, and the present study assesses interpersonal, organisational/institutional and community/policy level influences on teaching sexuality education. Seven focus groups were conducted in 2009 with 41 sexuality education teachers in Minnesota; discussion focused on challenges and the supports teachers experienced. At the interpersonal level, teachers reported both positive and negative interactions with parents, regarding parents as highly influential on school administrators and policy. Teachers reported many organisational level challenges, including their administrators, district policy, and structural factors such as time, financial resources, and diversity in the student body. At the community level, participants overwhelmingly felt that policy changes could be very beneficial to sexuality education in Minnesota, and believed that this support could come from all levels. Findings suggest numerous intervention points to reduce challenges and strengthen supports for teachers, and indicate that a multi-level approach is needed to increase teachers' ability to deliver sexuality education that meets their students' needs and is less onerous for the educator.  相似文献   

We study the impact of higher education financing on the academic aspirations of teenagers and their parents. We exploit a reform which introduced a large increase in the tuition fees universities can charge, more generous support for the poorest students and a more redistributive student loan system, and varied across the UK’s constituent countries. Using rare survey data on post compulsory secondary and university education aspirations, we find that teenagers’ aspirations are not responsive to large changes in higher education financing. In contrast, parents adjust their aspirations, resulting in a reduction of the socio-economic aspiration gap for their children.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the theoretical and empirical starting‐points for a research project addressing the role of parents’ organisations in the education system. It argues that a study of relationships conducted between homes, schools and parents’ groups and organisations has the potential to illuminate key concepts in education, considering as examples ‘citizenship’ and ‘community’. The paper is divided into three main sections. The first briefly describes the study's background, its scope and methodology. The second section considers the use of some of Antonio Gramsci's work in providing a theoretical starting‐point with which to explore the construction and maintenance of hegemonic discourses surrounding parenting. The concluding section of the paper widens the discussion to consider two key concepts, community and citizenship. It is argued that the discursive positioning of these concepts, in other words, how they are understood and defined, influences the ways in which relationships between parents and the education system are perceived and construed. This is illustrated with reference to readings of'citizenship’ and ‘community’ which emphasise, not consensus and homogeneity as in traditional definitions, but conflict, difference and multiplicity. The paper concludes that there is a continued need for empirical data focusing on everyday citizen and citizen‐state interactions which reveal how individuals live within, and understand and experience these relationships.  相似文献   

This article reports on research that was carried out with parents in order to understand the education system in England from their viewpoint through in‐depth, semi‐structured interviews with seven parents, who were largely sourced through a local dyslexia specialist tutor. The data were analysed by using cross‐sectional analysis in order to consider the participants' choice of words and their comparative responses to questions. The interviews probed parents for information on their experience from the initial point of concern about the child's difficulties with words, through to assessment and concerns for the future. The findings suggest that, while we live in an age of purported inclusion and equality, there are still children who experience exclusion and prejudice in education. Their experience does not match the ideal and, as a result, their parents are suffering too. The findings help to support recent research and could encourage continued improvements in the education system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify and re‐present the experiences and views of a sample of children who have been ‘missing’ from education, and those of their parents/carers. Access to this hard to reach population has been possible as a result of an innovative interventionist tracking system, responding to pupil mobility, developed by the Education Authority in the fieldwork area. Semistructured interviews were conducted with parents/carers, children and young people with the aim of obtaining a demographic profile of families and eliciting a chronology of factors that participants saw as contributing to a child going missing from school systems. Three distinct life‐course groups emerged from participants' accounts illustrating different degrees of disengagement from external systems. The authors conclude with a discussion of the different challenges each life‐course group presents, for education policy and practice.  相似文献   

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