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邱吟  杨阳  姚蓝洁 《教育导刊》2023,(10):63-73
为了给将来的教育干预提供支撑,特基于PISA 2018中国四省市11986名15岁中学生的测试数据,通过潜在剖面分析的方法探究中学生成就动机的不同组合类型。研究发现,中学生成就动机模式可以分为成功导向型、学业淡漠型、平衡动机型三种潜在类型。不同类别的学生在学业成就和幸福感上均存在显著差异,成功导向组的学生在学业成就上表现最优,幸福感体验最高;学业淡漠组的学生在学业成就上表现最差,幸福感体验最低;平衡动机组的学生在学业成就上表现中等,幸福感体验与学业淡漠组无显著性差异。性别和家庭社会经济文化地位会影响学生的成就动机模式,女生更有可能拥有更优的动机结构,低家庭经济文化地位的学生更有可能拥有欠佳的动机结构。  相似文献   

学生学业表现是衡量中小学教育质量的重要指标,也是乡村基础教育发展的指向标。对北京市房山区31所中小学9394名学生、1900名教师进行问卷调查,探讨学生学业表现的城乡差异,结果表明:学生学习压力大,城乡学校学生差异显著;学生学习自我效能较低,乡村学校学生更低;学生生活满意度幸福感欠佳,乡村学校学生更差;乡村学生家庭社会经济地位普遍较低,亲子关系较差;乡村学校学生家庭学习环境较城镇学生差。性别、城乡、父母受教育水平、课业负担、学生效能感、幸福感、教学公平、亲子关系、家庭学习环境等变量均对学生学业表现存在显著的影响效应。基于此,对乡村学校学生应减负增效,注重教师教学效能感培养,加强教师专业能力,构建家校协同机制,注重亲子关系培养,营造良好的家庭学习环境。  相似文献   

PISA2015科学素养测试结果于2016年底正式公布后,受到社会各界的广泛关注。研究者从OECD在线公布的数据库中选取中国四省市与新加坡的有关数据,对两个经济体15岁在校生的科学素养表现进行比较分析,并通过多水平分析探讨影响学生科学素养的关键因素。结果发现:中国四省市学生在科学素养测试总量表及各分量表上的成绩均非常显著地低于新加坡学生,分差在32.82~43.29之间,效应量达到中等强度;中国四省市学生在工具性动机上得分非常显著地高于新加坡学生,但在科学乐趣与科学自我效能得分上非常显著地低于新加坡学生;在影响因素方面,家庭经济、社会和文化地位、科学乐趣、科学课纪律氛围、教师中科学教师的比例等因素对两个经济体的学生成绩具有显著正向预测效应,但考试焦虑、工具性动机、教师探究式教学等因素表现出显著的负向预测效应。中国四省市要有意识地借鉴新加坡教育经验,改革与完善科学教育,具体建议有:(1)进一步推动课程与教学改革,重视探究式教学与学生批判性思维的培养;(2)加强学校人力资源管理,提高教师专业水平;(3)关注学生非认知表现,激发学生科学学习的内部动机。  相似文献   

基于PISA 2018中国四省市样本数据,对四省市中学的校风状况以及校风对学生阅读素养的影响进行研究。结果表明:在校风的3个领域,四省市学生破坏性行为指数低于OECD平均水平,但校园欺凌现象需引起重视;教与学方面,四省市教师的教学热忱较高、教师支持较强,4种教学方式在语文课堂上发生的频率显著高于OECD平均水平,但导向型教学和课堂反馈对学生阅读素养有显著负向影响;学校共同体方面,四省市学校的竞争和合作指数均高于OECD平均水平,其竞争与学生阅读素养存在倒U形关系,学校归属感显著正向影响阅读素养,但学生的学校归属感较差。建议学校关注校园欺凌现象,坚持事后治理和事前预防并重,营造良好氛围提升学生的学校归属感;进一步优化导向型教学方式,同时注重反馈的有效性,以提升学生的学校归属感,促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

纵观很多学校或有些教师的课堂教学改革,未能触及课堂教学改革的核心,改革实效甚微,实际教学中仍旧教师主宰课堂、教师讲授为主、只关注知识点忽略学生学习方法的掌握、教学评价的功能错位,表露出传统教学模式的阴影。因此需要创建新型的课堂教学模式,从教师中心转移到学生中心、从讲授中心转移到学生学习中心、从知识中心转移到方法中心,新的课堂教学评价得到还位,才能创建学生幸福的学习生活。  相似文献   

通过基于问题的学习模式(PBL)在动物解剖生理中的具体应用体会到PBL教学模式不仅可以改变以往填鸭式教学的弊端,真正体现了学生的主体地位和教师的主导地位,而且通过小组合作学习培养了学生与人合作、与人沟通的社会能力,通过问题的解决除了培养学生必要的专业能力,还逐步使学生养成发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的方法能力,学生的综合素质显著提高。同时这种教学模式完善了教学评价体系,当然PBL教学模式无论对于教师、学生还是学校都需要投入很大的精力、时间和财力。  相似文献   

为了尊重学生的主体地位,调动他们的学习积极性,很多教师采用"自主·导学"的课堂教学模式,从课前小组建设和编写导学案到课堂上学生小组合作学习,将课堂主动权让位给学生。对这种教学模式的课堂教学效果引发对此教学模式的思考,作者从学习内容、评价机制、学科性质等角度提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

建构新型教学模式是教育技术的首要任务   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
学校的总教学模式有三种:“以教师为中心”的模式、“以学生为中心”的模式、“双主”模式。传统的课堂教学模式是典型的“以教师为中心”的模式,这种模式与现代社会对人才培养的要求非常不相适应,必须彻底改造。“以学生为中心”的模式符合现代教育思想、教学理论和认知学习理论,但由于它和当前学校教学的主流模式背道而驰,以此完全取代传统课堂教学模式是不现实的。因而最有生命力的是“双主”模式,即既强调教师的主导地位,又强调学生的认知主体地位。“双主”模式应该是建构新型教学模式的出发点。  相似文献   

在新时代背景下,微课成为学校和教师经常采用的一种教学模式,该模式与传统的课堂教学模式相比具有明显的不同。教师应充分认识到微课教学的优势,将其与高中地理教学融合到一起,进而激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们掌握更多的知识,提高课堂教学效率的同时提升学生的学习效率。  相似文献   

家庭社会资本和学校质量是影响家庭社会经济地位处境不利学生能否转化为抗逆学生的核心要素,二者如何发挥联合作用值得探究。文章使用方差分析、多层线性回归模型分析了我国东部某省不同阶层家庭小学生在家庭社会资本和学校质量方面的获取差异和回报差异。研究发现,学生的家庭社会资本和就读学校质量存在显著的阶层分割;家庭社会资本的增加、就读学校质量的提高不仅正向预测学生的学业成绩、有助于缩小不同阶层家庭学生的成绩差距,而且二者还表现出资源替代关系。因此,文章提出弱势阶层家庭的教育投资重点应该在家庭社会资本的积累上,同时政府和教育行政部门也需要努力缩小区域间和学校间在师资质量、课堂教学质量和教师专业发展机会等方面的差距,使得处境不利学生有机会获得优质教育资源以补偿其家庭资本的匮乏,增加其成为抗逆生的概率。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between teachers’ instructional practices and students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) in Hong Kong Chinese language classes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Participants were 1121 Grade 10 students from six secondary schools in Hong Kong. A Chinese reading comprehension (RC) test was used to assess the students’ reading performance and a self-reported questionnaire measured their perception of reading instruction, strategy use and reading motivation. Classroom observations and in-depth interviews were conducted in one class at each school to explore what and how instructional practices supported or impeded SRL in real contexts. The findings of this study generally support the positive relation between SRL-based instruction and Chinese students’ SRL. Among the four instructional variables, instrumental support from teachers showed the strongest relation with students’ strategy use, motivation and RC. The degree of autonomy was low in Chinese language classes and was associated with students’ negative reading behaviours.  相似文献   

背诵法和附带习得法是二语习得中常用的两种不同方法。通过调查中国非英语专业学生在阅读语境中的词汇习得现象,发现在附带习得的基础上增加背诵学习对学习者不同知识层面(从认知到运用)的词汇习得能力的提高有很大帮助。背诵是对附带习得的有效补充。综合学习法更适合英语词汇量小的学习者。  相似文献   

The cell topic was taught to 9th-grade students in three modes of instruction: (a) students “hands-on,” who constructed three-dimensional cell organelles and macromolecules during the learning process; (b) teacher demonstration of the three-dimensional model of the cell structures; and (c) teaching the cell topic with the regular learning material in an expository mode (which use one- or two-dimensional cell structures as are presented in charts, textbooks and microscopic slides). The sample included 669, 9th-grade students from 25 classes who were taught by 22 Biology teachers. Students were randomly assigned to the three modes of instruction, and two tests in content knowledge in Biology were used. Data were treated with multiple analyses of variance. The results indicate that entry behavior in Biology was equal for all the study groups and types of schools. The “hands-on” learning group who build three-dimensional models through the learning process achieved significantly higher on academic achievements and on the high and low cognitive questions’ levels than the other two groups. The study indicates the advantages students may have being actively engaged in the learning process through the “hands-on” mode of instruction/learning.  相似文献   

Implementing mobile learning in curriculum-based educational settings faces challenges related to perceived ethical and learning issues. This study investigated the affordances of mobile technologies to support mathematics instruction by teachers. An exploratory study employing questionnaires and semi-structured interviews revealed that, while mathematics instruction can be augmented with mobile learning, the majority of schools in Indonesia have banned student use of mobile phones in classrooms. Teachers are concerned about the improper use of mobile phones that could impact their students' mental well-being and distract them from learning. Most teachers perceive mobile technologies to be disruptive and seem reluctant to use them for teaching delivery. However, teachers are eager to experiment with digital technologies within mathematics instruction. Our findings suggest infusing alternate technologies that fit better with the school's teaching and learning environment. This includes web-based applications that can run on different digital devices ranging from desktop computers, laptops, and tablets, to mobile phones. We propose setting up communities of practice for mathematics teachers to share their instructional repertoire on integrating digital technologies within the classroom.  相似文献   

This study documents the amount and quality of reading instruction provided to second‐ through fifth‐grade students with learning disabilities provided resource‐room services. Reading instruction provided by 10 special education resource‐room teachers was observed. Findings reveal that teachers and students were on task during instructional time that included phonological awareness, word study, comprehension, reading fluency, and vocabulary instruction of average to high average quality. Although class size was small overall, whole‐group instructional delivery was most common. Students made statistically significant gains in oral reading fluency but did not increase their standard scores on measures of comprehension or word reading. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was designed to learn if students perceived an interactive computer/videodisc learning system to represent a viable alternative to (or extension of) the conventional laboratory for learning biology skills and concepts normally taught under classroom laboratory conditions. Data were collected by questionnaire for introductory biology classes at a large midwestern university where students were randomly assigned to two interactive videodisc/computer lessons titled Respiration and Climate and Life or traditional laboratory investigation with the same titles and concepts. The interactive videodisc system consisted of a TRS-80 Model III microcomputer interfaced to a Pioneer laser-disc player and a color TV monitor. Students indicated an overall level satisfaction with this strategy very similar to that of conventional laboratory instruction. Students frequently remarked that videodisc instruction gave them more experimental and procedural options and more efficient use of instructional time than did the conventional laboratory mode. These two results are consistent with past CAI research. Students also had a strong perception that the images on the videodisc “were not real” and this factor was perceived as having both advantages and disadvantages. Students found the two approaches to be equivalent to conventional laboratory instruction in the areas of general interest, understanding of basic principles, help on examinations, and attitude toward science. The student-opinion data in this study do not suggest that interactive videodisc technology serve as a substitute to the “wet” laboratory experience, but that this medium may enrich the spectrum of educational experiences usually not possible in typical classroom settings.  相似文献   

The study examined current practices in Classical Chinese (CC) reading instruction in Hong Kong and the relationship between different instructional practices and students' strategy use and motivation in CC reading. A total of 519 secondary students voluntarily responded to a questionnaire that measured their perception of CC reading instruction, strategy use, and motivation. The findings indicate while teachers frequently teach both the language and content aspects of CC reading, the teacher-centered approach they are now adopting is ineffective in facilitating students' CC reading development. Relations between different instructional approaches and students’ strategy use and motivation in CC reading are discussed.  相似文献   

To enhance the basal vocabulary instruction for kindergarten students at risk for reading difficulties, lessons provided in typical curricular materials can be supplemented with instructional elements derived from research. This article addresses how teachers can add 15 minutes of higher order instructional activities to daily reading lessons to deepen students’ understanding of target vocabulary and offer multiple exposures to the words in different contexts. This enhanced basal vocabulary instruction model was field tested in two configurations of the kindergarten reading block to refine the procedures. These experiences provide insights into how the model can feasibly be implemented in small‐ or whole‐group formats to improve students’ learning and engagement.  相似文献   

There is reliable evidence that new vocabulary is primarily acquired through wide independent reading. However, struggling readers tend to avoid reading, resulting in limited word encounters and inadequate vocabulary growth, and they often have difficulties inferring the meanings of new words from context. While there are no clear solutions to the problem of vocabulary acquisition for older students with reading difficulties, there are instructional approaches that have some evidence of effectiveness for this population. We describe the research base and promising practices related to three aspects of vocabulary instruction: (1) creating a verbal learning environment that fosters word consciousness, (2) selecting and teaching specific words, and (3) teaching an independent word learning strategy through a combination of contextual and morphemic analysis. These instructional approaches are grounded in overarching principles recognized by researchers as being characteristic of effective instruction for students with learning difficulties, including explicit instruction, promoting cognitive and collaborative engagement, and providing many opportunities for practice, including distributed practice, with teacher feedback. Finally, we discuss the possibilities inherent in a cross‐content schoolwide approach to vocabulary instruction at the secondary level. We conclude with a call for additional research examining the effectiveness of instructional approaches to vocabulary development for secondary school students with reading difficulties, including a schoolwide collaborative model.  相似文献   

Previous studies comparing teacher‐centred (TC) and learner‐centred (LC) instruction have presented a mixed picture of the effectiveness of these two instructional approaches. By examining the effectiveness of different types of instruction on students' Classical Chinese (CC) reading comprehension and motivation, this study aims to contribute to instructional research by elucidating the positive and negative aspects of TC and LC instruction when they are applied in the context of teaching CC reading. A total of 454 Secondary 4 students between the ages of 15 and 17 years agreed to participate in this study on a voluntary basis. They completed a CC reading comprehension test and a questionnaire that measured their CC reading motivation and perceived CC reading instruction. Relationships between students' perceived CC reading instruction, reading motivation and reading comprehension were examined by correlation and path analyses. The findings of the correlation analyses indicated that traditional TC instruction positively and significantly correlated with students' CC reading performance and extrinsic motivation. Motivating tasks, one type of LC instruction, positively and significantly correlated with all types of motivation but did not significantly correlate with CC reading performance. In the path analysis, TC instruction exhibited a significant positive effect on reading comprehension, whereas motivating tasks continued to exhibit a significant positive effect on intrinsic motivation after the effect of the examined schools' achievement level was controlled for. The findings highlight the essential role of teachers in instructing students who are weak in particular subjects. Instead of viewing TC and LC instruction as two contradictory approaches, the findings indicate that a combined approach of TC and LC instruction can more effectively facilitate students' learning in a difficult school subject.  相似文献   

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