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Hulu模式即美国新生的视频网站Hulu.com(以下称Hulu)和传统电视媒体合作,在网络上对用户播出免费正版电视节目、以广告为收入来源的传播模式.Hulu成功运作后,国内视频网站和传统电视媒体纷纷效仿,视频网站借其途径拓展新方向,传统电视媒体用其模式打入新媒体市场.作为二者良好融合的典范,Hulu模式正推动着国内两类媒体的融合发展.  相似文献   

Hulu是由美国一家视频网站,以"免费+正版长视频+广告"的模式创造了视频网站的神话,成为美国本土上"唯一"一家盈利的视频网站。Hulu网站的成功引起了中国的Hulu效仿热,百度旗下的视频网站奇艺网(2011年更名为爱奇艺),于2010年4月正式上线,效仿Hulu模式,定位于免费提供正版高清视频内容,被称为"最像美国Hulu的视频网站",并于2013年5月收购PPS,寻求网站新发展。本文旨在通过对爱奇艺的Hulu模式借鉴和创新以及通过对爱奇艺进行SWOT分析,阐述其发展前景并提出Hulu模式的本土化策略。  相似文献   

优质内容一直是视频网站吸引广告主和用户的必要保障。近两年,水涨船高的影视剧版权价格和普遍的内容同质化,让走综合路线、Hulu模式而依赖购买影视剧版权吸引用户的视频网站开始寻找解决之道,一时间视频网站自制内容遍地开花。但自制节目并不意味着短期内能解决视频网站成本高居不下、内容同质化的现状。视频网站做自制节目成功的关键在于:找准节目内容和节目受众的定位,同时要做好长期投入的心理准备。三驾马车,驱战56出品对于专注YouTube模式、以UGC为核心竞争力的56网而言,在视频网站纷纷大举探索  相似文献   

正当国内视频网站为了版权相互诉讼对簿公堂之时,美国视频老大们已经在考虑是否要打破视频免费模式。种种迹象表明,收费+免费有望成为视频网站新的赢利模式。美国第二大视频网站Hulu日前宣布,正考虑推出收费服务,想要收看过季电视连续剧的用户需每月支付4.99美元;无独有偶,全球最大的视频网站YouTube随后表示,开始测试一  相似文献   

沈嘉熠  范金慧 《现代传播》2013,35(1):166-167
一、上海网络视频产业发展现状目前,全球网络视频运营商业模式大致分为:UGC(用户生成内容)模式、P2P模式和Hulu(正版视频)模式以及Net-flix(流媒体播放服务商)模式四种。①上海网络视听产业在复制国际成功商业模式以适应国内具体情况发展和自主创新方面做得比较出色。比如合并后的土豆优酷、乐视网以及PPLive等都有各自的竞争优势,在适应中国国情的基础上,发展快速、市场拓展能力强,在中  相似文献   

冷若冰 《青年记者》2017,(15):91-92
视频网站的基本盈利模式 截至2016年12月,中国网络视频用户规模达5.45亿,网络视频用户使用率为74.5%.其中,手机视频用户规模接近5亿,手机网络视频使用率为71.9%.随着4G网络的进一步完善以及手机资费的下调,网民通过手机观看短视频的行为更加普遍. 1.用户付费模式.现有的主流视频网站的付费模式主要包括包月模式和单片付费模式.其中包月方式也可以扩大为包年、包季等.这种方式中,用户通过支付一定费用,获得在一段时间内的视频收看权限,在这段时间内,用户可以免费浏览视频网站上的视频.单片付费是指专门购买单个视频的内容.  相似文献   

赵云 《青年记者》2017,(15):50-51
视频分享网站中侵犯著作权的行为分类 视频分享网站侵权案件中的侵权主体,可以分成视频网站、网络用户两大类,因此侵权行为就分为网络用户单独侵权、视频网站单独侵权和共同侵权三种. 1.网络用户单独侵权.网络用户单独侵权发生的基础条件是视频分享网站为狭义的网络服务提供商,只提供传输通道服务,与传输内容毫无关系.用户需要先注册,并上传视频内容、添加描述,网站会自动接受和及时发布上传的视频,①供其他网络用户在该视频分享网站上自由下载和在线观看.  相似文献   

在Hulu网站(图一)的英文介绍里,我们似乎不难找到这样几个关键词.一是让用户体验"质量(Quality)与便捷(Convenience)"--打造全球最好的视频网站;二是让用户体验"简洁(Easy to Use)与分享(Share)"--点击主页一切便尽收眼底:三是让用户体验"自由(Free)与合法(Legal)"--不为版权成本所累.为此,网站提出了自己的口号:为网民发现和提供任何需要的视频内容;确立了服务宗旨:创造用户、广告商和内容提供商的三方共赢.这里,我们仿佛在聆听视频网站盈利模式的三部曲.  相似文献   

在当前媒介融合的大趋势下,虽然华尔街日报、纽约时报等平面媒体都推出了自己的网站,而且网站发展也很迅速,但是和谷歌、雅虎以及YouTube等新兴网站比起来,发展仍不尽如人意,尤其是在经济危机下,报纸网站的增长并不能弥补平面媒体广告下降带来的巨大亏空.在传统媒体单独一家办的网站难以达到预期效果的同时.多家传统媒体合办的网站Hulu("Hulu"一词来源于中国的"葫芦"二字)却取得了良好的业绩.Hulu何以成功,值得我国传媒业借鉴.  相似文献   

何晓繁 《新闻世界》2013,(3):105-106
我国视频网站在2005年之后飞速发展,背后却缺少较为成熟的商业模式。视频网站用户较为分散、定位不明显、版权不明确等问题造成我国视频网站行业较为混乱的局面。探索新的运营模式和盈利模式成为视频网站共同面临的课题。差异化经营一直是抓住目标受众、增强用户黏度的策略,本文以新浪视频近年来在内容制作和整合营销中做差异化调整为分析案例,以期探寻网络视频网站如何通过差异化手段寻求深层次发展。  相似文献   

This study compares the radio industry's use of interactivity to that of other traditional media on the Web such as newspapers and television stations, along the dimensions of audience-oriented interactivity and source-oriented interactivity. A content analysis of 112 traditional radio station Web sites, 282 traditional newspaper Web sites, and 128 traditional television station Web sites found that traditional radio station Web sites provided more audience-oriented interactivity compared to other traditional media Web sites, and traditional newspaper Web sites offered the most source-oriented interactivity. A general conclusion of this study is that although traditional radio stations were more likely to transmit live and archived sound than other media, all traditional media Web sites have held back from developing interactivity beyond e-mail, and have limited the transmission of streaming media, as well as archived audio and video content.  相似文献   

为了提高视频信息的检索效果,美国卡内基·梅隆大学视频数字图书馆对录像制品进行自动编码处理,并从中提取有关信息生成地点附注。在该检索界面中,可以将特定事件与其发生地建立关联,实现从事件、时间到地点的论题检索,或从地点入手检索视频信息的空间查询方法。本文揭示了录像片段在地图中的表现,展望了视频信息检索的未来。  相似文献   

试论高校视频资源系统的构建策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络视频相关技术的快速发展,使视频资源的研究与利用已成为业界的热点.高校图书馆在这方面的研究还处于起步阶段,在视频资源系统的构建方面也还存在不少问题.现阶段图书馆所应采取的策略是进一步拓宽视频资源的采集渠道,避开技术和版权等有争议的问题,发挥图书馆业务方面的优势,构建实用的基于文本的视频资源检索系统.  相似文献   

刘冰  史红  常青云 《编辑学报》2020,32(5):549-554
视频科技期刊是以音、视结合文字对科学研究过程的全新展现模式。本文介绍国外视频学术期刊发展历程,以及国内中华医学会第一本视频杂志——《中华心血管病杂志(网络版)》的创办、出版、运营情况。结合实践对视频期刊发展中面临的一些共性问题进行探讨,分析了视频科技期刊在政策环境、版权管理、技术规范、检索与评价、隐私保护、商业模式等方面的政策支撑和生态建立。  相似文献   

With the emergence of social networking and Web 2.0 applications, libraries have the means to reach users through interactive Web-based tools patrons already use in their personal lives, such as Facebook and YouTube. In this study the authors aim to understand the ways that libraries are using YouTube for outreach purposes. Using a methodology adapted from studies in medical literature, the authors identified and analyzed library promotional videos on YouTube, both in relation to other works depicting libraries and librarians and as a unique category of content. In order to analyze the viewership of library promotional videos and its growth over time, view counts were compared at three points in time over a period of sixteen months. Using data made available by YouTube, the authors analyzed the top five referring Web sites to each video, thus allowing a basic understanding of the viewership of library promotional videos and their abilities to reach intended audiences. The authors also analyzed the many interactive features supported by YouTube to gain insight into the ways viewers were responding to and interacting with videos, including comments and the ability to mark videos as favorites. Finally, three examples of promotional videos created by libraries were selected as case studies. The creators of each video were interviewed about the creation processes and their insights into the effectiveness of their videos. A key finding was that while library professionals comprise a significant portion of viewers for library promotional videos, creators can increase viewership by the intended audience if they frequently and strategically feature online video content in Web sites, local or campus communication vehicles, and social media environments. The quantitative and qualitative measures developed for this study are offered as possible metrics for the assessment and evaluation of online library video content, and for libraries’ use of social media forms. Based on these measures, and following the review of hundreds of videos with library-based content, the authors have derived a set of evidence-based best practices for the use of online video as a promotional tool by libraries.  相似文献   

Video games are a popular form of new media, and their use is impacting multiple fields of study within the communication discipline. For instance, research programs in mass communication, health, instructional, feminist/gender, interpersonal, and intercultural communication have all examined video games. Interactivity is the hallmark of video games and consequently is a common concept in the video game literature. While video game interactivity (VGI) is still an under-specified concept, previous research suggests that interactivity has the potential to moderate both positive and negative effects of video games, and therefore it is crucial for understanding general video game effects. We developed a theoretical model of video game interactivity and tested a multidimensional scale to assess video game interactivity across five studies using six independent samples. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses as well as item analyses revealed a reliable and valid metric consisting of six dimensions of video game interactivity.  相似文献   

The innovations of new digital technology as well as the changes in communications policies have made cable operators' triple-play services for consumers possible. In the face of the new type of competition, this study estimates the adoption pattern of triple-play services by cable operators in U.S. local telecommunications markets and discovers factors associated with cable operators' adoptions of triple-play strategies in markets. Probit regression analyses reveal that cable operators having a large video subscriber base are more likely to adopt triple-play strategies in local markets. Apparently, a large video subscriber base provides cable operators with motivation for the adoption of a triple-play strategy in order to hinder video customers' churn to other competitors and to generate additional revenue per customer.  相似文献   

近年来,视频摘要作为一种新兴的多模式学术形式,对提升科技期刊的学术影响力具有非常重要的意义.本文介绍视频摘要的概念、现状、特点,总结视频摘要的制作规范、技术指标和制作建议,讨论视频摘要目前存在的问题和今后的发展策略,以期为中国科技期刊视频摘要的应用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

移动短视频的快速发展深刻影响了人们的生活和行为方式。公共图书馆适应新媒体传播环境的变化,应用移动短视频推动、引导全民阅读。文章通过分析6个用户量较大的短视频平台中的账号信息,了解到公共图书馆应用移动短视频的平台选择倾向于抖音,账号命名倾向于使用机构名称,但短视频产出和粉丝量等总体偏低且分布不均,内容同质化等现象突出。文章从防止名称滥用、鼓励读者创作、创新内容等方面提出改进建议。  相似文献   

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