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“三审制”,是国家新闻出版管理部门反复强调的,1997年发布的《图书质量保障体系》规定:初审、复审、终审三个环节缺一不可。任何两个环节的审稿工作不能同时由一人担任。但规定是一回事,实际执行情况却是另一回事。笔者最近对某出版社的编辑审稿情况做了个抽样调查,大致了解现阶段他们编辑审稿的现状:初审编辑  相似文献   

浅谈科技期刊应重视编辑的初审工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编辑初审作为审稿的第一个环节,是评价稿件的基础.本文笔者从"宗旨关、文字关、学术关"阐述了编辑人员初审工作的职责,列举了四个初审过程中的常见问题,分析了初审之于作者、审稿专家、编辑人员三者的意义,同时提出了从重视自身专业能力、重视学术不端行为的判断能力、重视信息检索能力的培养、重视编辑的事业心和责任感等四个方面的初审能力培养,以期科技同仁能够重视编辑的初审工作,发挥好首个学术把关人的作用.  相似文献   

考虑编辑初审工作对科技期刊论文质量的影响,从初审原则、内容审查、真实性审查以及创新性审查等4个方面对编辑初审工作进行探讨。强调初审工作应该着眼于把握期刊的办刊方向和办刊定位。分析初审工作与论文质量的关系。  相似文献   

三审制是在五十年代初确立下来的。1952年10月,出版总署公布了《关于国营出版社编辑机构及工作制度的规定》,为审稿的基本程序作了明确的规定。其第五条第一款指出:“一切采用的书稿应实行编辑初审、编辑室主任复审、总编辑终审和社长批准的编辑制度。”《规定》所要求的三审,是指对于“一切采用的书稿”。如果一部书稿,经过初审,认为不宜采用,再经编辑室主任复审,如同意初审意见,一般即作退稿处理,不再经总编终审。这就是说,对于不采用的书稿,一般只经二审。如果复审者不同意初审的退稿意见,而初审者坚持时,或者复审者认为有必要请总编裁决时,也可经由终审决定。对于采用稿,五、六十年代在实际工作中还不止三审。一般是四审:助理编辑初审、编辑复审、编辑室主任这一审称为复核,最后由总编辑决审——即终审。  相似文献   

徐文杰  康丽君 《报刊之友》2014,(4):103-103,110
初审,是编辑处理整个编审流程的第一部把关环节,在科技期刊的初审环节中,“学术不端文献检测系统”可为编辑提供有效的参考,可帮助编辑了解文章的研究方向,创新性及是否有学术不端行为,对初审的结论有一定的影响。本文分析初审评价过程、并对影响检测的要素和结果进行分析,帮助科技期刊编辑在初审过程中提高鉴别稿件的能力。  相似文献   

从学术研究的共性看学术期刊的编辑初审   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
吴练达  孙广盛 《编辑学报》2005,17(3):162-164
做好稿件的初审工作是办好学术期刊的关键.编辑如何才能把好学术论文的质量初审关,一般是从2个方面来讨论的:一是认为要提高编辑素质,主张编辑学者化;二是从方法的角度出发,阐述初审时可以采用的一些方法.这里提出初审的另类视角,即从学术研究的共性出发来探讨编辑把好稿件初审关的问题.  相似文献   

生物医学论文在科技论文中占比居首,论文初审阶段是防范学术不端行为的第一道关口。然而,初审编辑因年资较低,实际工作中缺乏系统性、指导性、实用性的防范方法。本文详细介绍了“三核七查”法在生物医学论文初审阶段学术不端行为防范中的应用:“三核”是指核对标注基金与论文内容是否紧密相关、核对伦理审核是否真实进行、核对研究是否真实开展;“七查”是指审查论文中英文题名、文字复制比、一稿多投、IP地址、作者邮箱和电话、图片、稿费支付人。该方法对编辑个人经验要求不高,便于掌握,有助于增强生物医学论文初审阶段编辑防范学术不端行为的能力。  相似文献   

张娅彭  王紫霞 《编辑学报》2017,29(5):460-462
根据《高等学校化学学报》分编辑部的工作实践,列举多个稿件初审实例.通过实例分析,对科技期刊青年编辑如何提升稿件初审质量做了梳理和归纳,旨在与科技期刊青年编辑探讨提高稿件初审质量的有效方法,为后续的稿件送审等工作打好基础,以点带面,促进编辑工作整体的高效运转,助力青年编辑自身成长.同时认为,青年编辑应发挥学习主动性,完善和更新知识架构,并注重初审工作的时效性.  相似文献   

学术性科技期刊编辑初审的关键性原则   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文献[1]规定,学术性科技期刊(其他科技期刊也基本类似)采用稿件必须经编辑初审(内审)、专家(或编委)复审(外审)和正副主编决审(终审),即所谓“三审制”定稿。“三审制”是编辑工作流程中重要的审稿程序,3个环节相辅相成,缺一不可。然而,在审稿实践中,...  相似文献   

选准审稿专家是确保审稿质量的关键   总被引:31,自引:11,他引:20  
施才能 《编辑学报》1995,7(4):198-199
稿件评审工作是确保刊物学术质量的首要环节,也是编辑工作中的一项重要内容。我国学报类科技刊物一般实行三级审稿制度,即编辑初审、专家(包括编委)评审及主编(或副主编)决审。在这三审中,专家评审是整个审稿程序中最为关键的一环,这里的“专家”一般是指专业对口的同行专家。编辑在对新稿进行初审后,究竟选择哪二位同行专家进行审稿,是编辑同行们常常遇到的一个比较棘手的问题。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the management of creative journalistic work in a media organisation. It reports and analyses a case study conducted in one of Europe's largest media corporations: the focus of the study was a development team of journalists set up and charged with creating and producing a new multi-platform media service and its content. The article discusses the ways in which the creativity of media professionals is supported and managed under the constantly changing conditions of media work and journalistic practices. The study contributes to research on creativity in the media industry, particularly the management of creativity in journalism and media work. The findings identify the key motivations and constraints in relation to creative journalistic work in the media industries under digital transformation. Specifically, media professionals are motivated by the opportunity for developing new skills and competencies as well as chances to create new journalistic products and practices. The article suggests that the skills of change management, communication management and project management are crucial for creative media work.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):492-506
This article looks closely at the issue of unionization among a sample of Arab journalists working in transnational media. Although divided geographically, these media share the same trait of addressing Arab audiences all over the Arab region and indeed the whole world. The main question addressed in this article is how those journalists perceive the role of unions and whether there are differences among those who work in Europe, particularly London, vis-à-vis those in the Gulf. The article is based on interviews with 25 journalists from such outlets, who were asked about their membership and views of journalism unions in their local or host countries. I argue that journalists who work in London and who have joined the British National Union of Journalists (NUJ) see the NUJ as part of the British political scene and consider it to be a powerful potential tool in defending journalists' rights when reporting inside the Arab region.  相似文献   

本文从哲学角度出发,分别论述了档案工作空间的宏观、中观、微观形态及其在档案工作、档案学中的表现.文章涉及:档案工作空间的普遍性、分散性、整体性、基础性;档案工作的空间属性与档案工作的社会分工;档案工作的空间属性与档案工作基本原则;档案工作的数字虚拟空间等诸多档案学重要理论问题.  相似文献   

本文从哲学时空观的角度出发,分别论述了档案工作时间的过程性与连续性;档案工作的时间属性与档案管理三大体系;档案工作的时间属性与文档连续体的运动循环论;档案工作的时间属性与档案定义;档案工作的时间属性与档案管理的过程与环节等诸多档案学重要理论问题。  相似文献   


This article provides a distillation or summary of the copyright, fair use and permissions-seeking information needed by busy library staff that work with electronic reserves. The recommended resources section lists useful books and websites.

This article provides a distillation or summary of the copyright, fair use and permissions-seeking information needed by busy library staff that work with electronic reserves. The recommended resources section lists useful books and websites.  相似文献   

This article recognizes the (soon to be) tenth anniversary of the publication of Kevin Moore's Museums and Popular Culture. An assessment of this book is made in relation to Moore's work in the National Football Museum and the International Football Institute. Included in the article is an interview with Moore, evaluating what he believes were the successes and failures of the project he instigated in Museums and Popular Culture.  相似文献   

The article concerns translations of Lewis Carroll’s Alices Adventures in Wonderland into Russian. The authors outline the history of publishing Russian translations of the work. They also discuss how Russian translators handled some difficult aspects of the work: parodies, nonsense, puns, and the social milieu in which Alice moved. A selected bibliography is included.  相似文献   


This article is about the author's temporary work in three different foreign locations Australia, Israel, and Bermuda. She tells how she found the positions, what it was like to live and work in each place, and gives advice on how to find such positions. She ends with a list of law library associations, their listserves, and how to contact them.  相似文献   


This pathfinder is designed to update my previous article on medical malpractice resources, at 16 LRSQ 31-68 no. 1 (1995). Also included in this work are topics not covered in the original article. The focus is to provide medical malpractice law information resources in print, CD-ROM, and World Wide Web resources. The resources provided are to assist the personal injury attorneys litigating medical malpractice claims.  相似文献   

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