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提出了图书馆完美服务的命题及其重要性,并着重讨论了图书馆基础服务和延伸服务之间的关系,同时也探讨了为实现完美服务,对于图书馆工作人员的素质、技能的具体要求等。  相似文献   

军队院校图书馆深入基层部队、融入科研院所、贴近领导机关开展延伸服务是办馆的职责所在,是斯时期保障部队能打仗、打胜仗的强军目标要求,是改革创新和进一步提高文献信息资源建设效益的重要举措.本文阐述了军队院校图书馆开展延伸服务的理念和意义,明确了延伸服务的主要对象和服务模式.  相似文献   

对高校图书馆延伸服务的研究背景和内涵进行阐述,从服务理念的转变、服务对象的拓展、基础服务的延伸和服务空间的扩充的角度分析中美高校图书馆延伸服务的差异,对比总结出我国高校图书馆现阶段在开展延伸服务方面的不足。在分析高校图书馆延伸服务的影响因素的基础上,构建出高校图书馆延伸服务绩效评估体系的框架,包括三个一级指标,十二个二级指标及若干三级指标。以期对目前我国高校图书馆延伸服务绩效评估体系的欠缺进行补充,提供我国高校图书馆提升延伸服务工作效率和管理水平的指南。  相似文献   

美国高校图书馆延伸服务及其对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
延伸服务是高校图书馆冲出图书馆围墙的限制,主动为高校师生提供的服务。以案例分析的方式介绍美国高校图书馆面向不同用户群开展的延伸服务,其中包括:大学新生、少数民族生、住校生和专门院系的师生。美国高校图书馆延伸服务的创新对我国高校图书馆更好地开展延伸服务具有重要的借鉴意义。在开展延伸服务的过程中,高校图书馆应该在拓展服务内容的基础上,合理安排时间和空间、采用灵活多样的宣传方式,并积极与高校相关部门开展合作活动。  相似文献   

三网融合为图书馆进一步延伸服务方式奠定了现实基础。如何抓住三网融合机遇,创新服务方式,成为图书馆服务领域的新课题。文章为了探索三网融合环境下延伸服务的现实基础和面临的挑战,从网络平台资源融合、跨媒体流通服务、融合平台下的参考咨询服务、个性化服务拓展和开展其他公共文化服务等方面提出了新环境下图书馆服务延伸的设想。  相似文献   

延伸服务是目前图书馆界讨论的一个热点话题,许多图书馆也开展了各种形式的延伸服务.然而,在图书馆延伸服务的定义、内容、形式等方面还存在诸多不同见解,可商榷的问题也很多.通过对这些问题的讨论,可以使人们加深对延伸服务的认识和理解,并对未来延伸服务的发展方向有所把握,以便更好地促进这种服务形式的发展.  相似文献   

为了更好地实现图书馆的服务职能,推动公共文化服务体系的形成,保障公民文化权益,我国公共图书馆广泛开展延伸服务.公共图书馆应该对延伸服务与基础服务进行明确的界定,以消除延伸服务研究的模糊性,从理论角度探究延伸服务的本质,避免延伸服务概念的滥用和泛化.界定延伸服务与基础服务的方法主要有反向界定法、性质界定法、评估界定法.  相似文献   

面临军队信息化建设的需要及其对军队院校图书馆提出的机遇和挑战,拓展服务空间,面向部队延伸服务是军队院校图书馆适应时代要求的战略举措。文章阐述了军队院校图书馆面向部队延伸服务的时代意义和服务内容,并就延伸服务的实施提出了具体的保障措施。参考文献3。  相似文献   

图书馆延伸服务研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文综述了国内外图书馆延伸服务的研究现状,揭示了国内外图书馆延伸服务的研究重点和方向.提出了我国图书馆延伸服务的研究发展趋势是研究目的更加明确、提供服务的图书馆类型范围将扩大;理论与实践将进一步发展;倡导人文精神,建设符合国际图书馆惯例的延伸服务宏观环境;延伸服务与现代技术相融合的研究将更加深入.  相似文献   

文章为了系统分析延伸服务的内容创新和成功经验,以国外医学高校图书馆为例,从服务范围、服务内容、服务保障、服务空间和服务理念五个方面对国外高校图书馆开展延伸服务全面剖析.然后,结合我国高校图书馆的本土特色,从服务广度延伸、服务深度延伸和服务精度延伸三个方面提出适合我国高校图书馆延伸服务的发展策略.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(82):69-105

The Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Library, established in 1990 to support instructional teaching and research, continued to support the academic programs in the Institute while initiating and developing its Outreach Program in 1998. This program provides library and information services to Illinois fire departments and firefighters throughout the state. Since establishing the Outreach Program, the IFSI Library has accumulated more than 7,000 entries in a “Reference Request Database.”

This paper reports and analyzes the data, including request methods, delivery methods, types of requests, and types of resources. Trends indicate a change over time in request and delivery methods. Different regions of the state and different user groups have begun to use the library. The research can serve as a model for designing, developing and evaluating outreach reference service in a special or small library dedicated to meeting the information needs of remote library users.  相似文献   

Service to the state is one of the core principles of the land-grant mission. This concept of service is also fundamental to a significant number of outreach activities in academic health sciences libraries, particularly those libraries affiliated with the public land-grant universities. The Dana Medical Library at the University of Vermont has a lengthy tradition of outreach to health care providers and health care consumers of the State of Vermont. Building on the foundation of the land-grant institution-which grew out of federal legislation introduced in the mid nineteenth century by Justin Morrill, Vermont's congressional representative--the Dana Medical Library has based its outreach activities on its dedication of service to the state in the promotion of healthy citizens through information dissemination in support of health care delivery. Reengineering library services designed to meet the specific information needs of its diverse clientele, partnering with disparate health care organizations, and relying on fees for service to expand its outreach activities, the Dana Medical Library has redefined the concept of health information outreach for the new millennium.  相似文献   

档案外展是兴起于欧美国家的一项档案服务活动,具有外展主体与对象广泛、外展形式多样、外展组织过程有针对性等特点。自20世纪50年代至今,国外档案外展的探索与实践经历了孕育萌芽、奠定基础、拥抱网络、日新月异四个发展阶段,并逐渐形成教育导向的档案外展服务、面向社群的档案外展服务和基于社交媒体的档案外展服务三大核心议题。文章认为,在后机构改革时代,我国档案机构可以吸收国外档案外展服务的经验,从外展意识、外展内容、外展方式等方面着手,确定档案外展的基本实践要点,做到意识先行,重视受众需求导向;内容为本,深挖档案机构馆藏;技术为路,推广拉近公众距离。  相似文献   

博库书城对图书馆的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了博库书城的战略运作和取得成功的一些服务细节,对比分析了博库书城和图书馆的优劣势,提出图书馆应该汲取博库书城的经验,在做深做细方面加大力度,注重服务形式多元化、服务内容深度化、服务功能无障碍化,其中深度要比广度更重要。指出只有以发展、变化的眼光时刻关注图书馆事业在发展中遇到的新情况,才能更好地把握形势,跟上发展的潮流。  相似文献   

Library literature suggests that staffing and metropolitan status may affect a public library's provision of outreach efforts. Data from a 1999 survey of Arizona public library service outlets do not support the role of metropolitan status in outreach provision but reaffirms the role of staffing. In this dataset, Arizona public library service outlets had ongoing outreach efforts, with schools and preschools being the most popular venue for providing those services. Analyzing outlets' provision of outreach as a function of staffing revealed that there is a positive relationship between the number of librarians on staff and the odds that a library would conduct outreach. While metropolitan libraries were also associated with an increase in the odds of conducting outreach and making school visits, this was assumed to be a spurious correlation due to the lack of significance in models accounting for staff and metropolitan status.  相似文献   

Although outreach is a common activity in academic libraries, little has been written about strategies for assessing library outreach efforts. Assessing outreach efforts is important in order to measure the success of the outreach activity, identify areas for iterative improvement, and demonstrate the value of the outreach activity to stakeholders. This article is a case study describing the multifaceted strategies employed to assess a major outreach event, Texas A&M University Libraries annual Open House event. It details demonstrating value and programmatic improvement as the articulated goals for outreach assessment as well as the specific strategies used and the insights gleaned from each assessment strategy.  相似文献   

通过介绍英国利兹公共图书馆针对不同读者对象提供的不同服务,了解英国公共图书馆读者服务工作的特色,为我国图书馆更好地开展读者服务工作提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

现代公共图书馆为保障民众信息获取权利而存在的社会机构,必须重视与民众紧密联系着的推广工作。当前国内部分公共图书馆的发展困境与图书馆推广服务开展不力有关。文章以淅川县图书馆为例,在分析其发展环境和发展策略的基础上,总结经验,得出有普遍意义的公共图书馆发展策略。  相似文献   

The Library Outreach Program Committee at Western Washington University serves as a coordinating body for outreach activities to the non-departmental campus community. Successful projects include collaboration with New Student Services/Family Outreach, Academic User Technology Services, and Residential Life. A database of outreach activities assists in tracking and assessing outreach activities.  相似文献   

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