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辜瑞兰 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(5):180-181,185
1 会议缘起就文化传承而言 ,华文书目资料库的建构与发展不容忽视 ,全球中文图书馆及中文资源收藏单位间的交流合作自是一种必然趋势。近两三年来 ,诸如在香港召开的“区域合作新纪元 :海峡两岸图书馆与资讯服务研讨会”、“两岸五地华文资料库合作计划会议” ,以及在台北召开的“华文书目资料库合作发展研讨会”等 ,与会者倡议合作愈渐增多 ,可显示一致的努力。 2 0 0 0年 6月在北京召开的“中文文献资源共建共享合作会议第一次会议”更选定八个合作项目 ,并决议推动中文METADATA标准格式的研究和制定。该次会议已突破若干格局 ,…  相似文献   

本文从外国法律中文译本的特点、作用和资源分布状况入手 ,探讨了外国法律中文译本参考资源的建设问题。  相似文献   

朱海丽 《兰台世界》2012,(29):22-23
高职院校从事职业人才培养工作,图书馆应重视职业资料库建设,要从总体规划入手,逐步建设满足职业教学和研究需要的职业资料库,要重视职业资料库的平台设计,尤其是资源的数字化工作,并积极做好资料库的读者服务工作  相似文献   

以贵州屯堡文化研究的学术资源构成为例,对图书馆如何做好地方文化知识谱系建构下的文献资源保障工作进行探析,提出以建立屯堡文化研究资料库为契机,通过图书馆参与地方文化知识谱系的建构,为其他图书馆提供一种超越地域局限的地方文献资源建设的参考.  相似文献   

由台湾中华图书资讯馆际合作协会主办的“第三届海峡两岸图书资讯研讨会”于2001年1月9~10日在台南市成功大学召开。来自台湾和祖国大陆的240多名代表参加了会议,其中由中国科技情报学会组织的祖国大陆代表团共11名代表参加了会议。 这次大会主题是:海峡两岸数据库与信息服务的交流与合作。分主题是:两岸中文资讯系统的交流与服务;两岸中文资讯系统的交流与服务;两岸工商、产业、学术资料库和数据库的交流与应用;中文资讯和信息交流相关标准。  相似文献   

CALIS中文名称规范数据库建设方案及其实施进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2004年11月15日至18日,由南京图书馆主办的“第四次中文文献资源共建共享合作会议”在南京国际会议中心举行。来自我国海峡两岸以及美国、英国、日本、新加坡等国家和地区的36家中文资源收藏与研究机构的60余位专家学者共聚一堂,商讨全球中文文献资源共建共享的合作项目。本刊特发表部分专家学者的发言稿,供大家参考。为公开发表的需要,有的论文又经修改,特此说明。  相似文献   

文章以天津师范大学图书馆中文纸本期刊的管理为例,通过研究高校图书馆中文期刊资源的现状、读者使用情况、纸本期刊与电子期刊的对比等,探索数字图书馆环境下高校图书馆纸本中文期刊订购与管理方法,以期为高校图书馆在实现文献保存职能前提下,更好地为读者提供中文期刊资源服务提供参考。  相似文献   

金武刚  李国新 《图书馆》2012,(5):139-140
立法支撑研究是典型的战略性研究,为法律制定提供理据支撑和方案参考。肖希明、张勇等人所著的《公共图书馆文献资源建设法律保障研究》一书,提出了关于公共图书馆文献资源建设应当确立的基本原则、基本制度和基本规范等立法建议,最终被《公共图书馆法》(草案)大量吸收与采纳,堪称立法支撑研究的典范之作。  相似文献   

杨鑫 《大观周刊》2011,(29):53-54,34
旅游资源在旅游业中的重要性不言而喻,然而随着旅游业的发展,旅游资源的保护问题日益突出,法律体系中的立法、管理体系、执法等问题也随之凸显出现。本文对近年来学者们就这些问题的研究进行了回顾和分析,并对研究趋势做了展望,以期为今后的立法实践及研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

国内三大期刊全文数据库优势与特色评述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
《中文科技期刊全文数据库》、《中国期刊全文数据库》和《万方数据库》是国内三大著名中文数据库。对三者的收录内容、检索功能进行分析评价,并通过用户对数字资源使用情况进行问卷调查和分析,从而判定校园数字资源的结构是否更加合理、优化,更大程度地满足不同用户的不同需求,都将起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

China's legislative system has gone through significant reforms since the end of the 1970s. These reforms have changed the legislatures and the legislative process considerably and have led to an increase in legislative publications that had been very limited since 1949. Research on China's legal system has tended to discuss the reforms and the system rather than legislative information and access to it. This study attempts to provide an overview of the new legislative system in China and the types of documents produced by legislative organs. Important electronic and print resources offering access to these publications are also introduced.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(87-88):5-96

This introduction to Africana reference describes the populations of researchers, the kinds of questions they ask, and how librarians–both specialist and generalist–may respond. It explores issues in “known-item” searches, including name authority and access to material in collected works and series. Choices made by authors, publishers, indexers, librarians, and researchers themselves have an impact on topic searches. Terminology for African languages, ethnic groups, place names, and topics cause problems for novice researchers, but library policy decisions can also impede access. Errors of all kinds–minor or major–can block access to information. The speed of electronic desktop publishing seems to have encouraged reduced care with proofreading, indexing, and verification of quotations and citations. The need for accurate information about Africa is great, but the market for publications and electronic resources focused on Africa is relatively small. This low market share can result in less coverage of Africa in indexes and reference tools. Despite the difficulties encountered in researching Africa, researchers and the librarians who assist them benefit from the tools, services, and initiatives of specialist Africana librarians and from a number of commercially produced resources.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(25-26):569-589
This article is in two parts. Part One reviews developments in Canadian legislative libraries since the 1960s with particular attention to reference and research services. In 1965, the Library of Parliament in Ottawa established its Research Branch to ensure that legislators would have the extensive and expert assistance needed to deal with a wide range of complex and technical public issues. Since then, three provinc~all egislat~vel ~brariesh ave established research units and a fourth is planning one. Part Two describes Canadian loose-leaf and newsletter reporting services available from non-governmental sources which provide reference librarians with up-to-date information on legislation, regulations and legislative activities.  相似文献   

中国科学院文献情报系统是典型的、比较完善的三级文献信息保障体系,其业务组织模式对我国其他同类型机构的图书馆系统具有一定的借鉴意义。文章分析了中国科学院现行三级文献保障体系的几大弊端,如文献信息资源建设资金使用效率不高、书目数据加工重复严重、数字化信息资源的引进缺乏保障等;分析了现代信息技术条件下图书馆文献信息资源共建共享的新途径,认为中国科学院文献情报系统宜适时采用“总馆、分馆”的业务组织模式,实现“资源到所,服务到人”的服务思路。  相似文献   

随着少数民族档案资源建设的深入开展,有效的信息共享及信息服务问题日益凸显。SOA面向服务架构,通过快速、准确地提供全方位、多层次的信息服务,使各个分散的少数民族档案信息资源能够方便、快捷地实现信息共享。本文基于SOA技术探讨少数民族档案资源整合思路及实现路径,以期为相关工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王兵 《图书馆建设》2012,(4):43-45,50
图书馆立法决策服务中常用的信息反馈方法主要有综合反馈法、典型反馈法、跟踪反馈法和组合反馈法。反馈信息包括综合性信息、宏观性信息、微观性信息、预测性信息、动态性信息、正反馈性信息、负反馈性信息、趋向性信息和咨询建议性信息等不同类型。近年来,南京图书馆等图书情报单位在立法决策服务中对于反馈信息的应用取得了良好的效果,为其他图书馆起到了借鉴作用。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(20):131-148
The New York State Library has a mission to provide reference, information and loan service to the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the state government. The special nature of government information needs imposes extraordinary requirements on the library's information services. This paper describes the programs the library has developed in response to its users' information needs.  相似文献   

When the American Library Association's Reference and Adult Services Division adopted "Information Services for Information Consumers: Guidelines for Providers" in June of 1990, it set the positive tone that reference work can and should have throughout the decade and beyond. Efforts by corporations to promote end-user online services, consumer-oriented CD-ROMs, and the like constitute an attempt to recreate the library. These attempts are, however, inherently flawed in that, unlike the library, they do not marshal the wide variety of information resources - print, online, CD-ROM, audio-visual, etc. - that libraries routinely make available. "Information Services or Information Consumers: Guidelines for Providers" challenges information providers (i.e., libraries and reference librarians) to take full advantage of new information and communications technology to make not only the services marketed to end users useful to library patrons, but to realize more fully the potential of the rich resources already concentrated in libraries. The guidelines offer reference librarians and library administrators and governing boards a vision of a comprehensive information service centered in and delivered by the library to the members of the community it is intended to serve. They also challenge reference librarians, library administrators, and governing boards to make that vision a reality. This will require creativity, entail some risks, and depend for its success upon the quality of the resources allocated to the task. The most important variable will be the quality of the front-line reference librarians and their commitment to that vision and the spirit of the guidelines.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解华裔留学生的信息素养、偏好与倾向、对图书馆的认知及个性化需求,提出华裔留学生延伸服务的策略。[方法/过程]在对国内外相关研究文献进行调查的基础上,对两所"侨校"的华裔留学生进行问卷调查,回收376份有效问卷,并进行统计和分析。[结果/结论]华裔留学生的基本信息素养不高,对图书馆移动终端服务的关注程度较低,使用图书馆的频率总体偏低;华裔留学生偏好人际直接交流的方式、倾向于"实地"学习;华裔留学生对图书馆的必要性及重要性的认知程度较高,其需求呈多样化特点。提出识别华裔留学生群体的需求和倾向,发掘后备人力资源,关注文化差异等高校图书馆对华裔留学生延伸服务的策略。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):277-288
The quality of reference assistance for library users seeking information from government publications has recently been called into question. Concurrently, advances in electronic technology offer means to substantially improve access to government information. Colorado State University Libraries has several computer systems available to access its documents collection, which is separately shelved. These systems include RLIN, CARL, NOTIS, and a number of CD-ROM products. Use of each system is examined, and examples of reference inquiries are given. In general, practice at Colorado State indicates that availability of electronic systems does not improve access to government publications and enables reference staff to successfully negotiate documents queries. Fragmentation and privatization of government files, however, threaten to undo the gains thus achieved.  相似文献   

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