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姜蕾 《今传媒》2010,(1):60-62
在全球化时代,传媒面临的是来自国内外的竞争,特别是跨国传媒巨头的挑战,打造传媒的核心竞争力已经成了中国传媒自身生存和发展的唯一途径。目前我国传媒同质化竞争严重,传媒传统经营模式出现了增长的极限,如何在复杂、激烈的竞争环境中打造电视媒体的核心竞争力是值得我们关注和思考的问题。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO,经济的全球化以及电视传播的跨国化给我们的电视传媒带来了前所未有的挑战,随着中国的经济成长和文化市场的开放,海外传媒巨头纷纷"登陆"我国电视传媒市场.探讨加入WTO后电视媒体的背景,分析WTO背景下我国电视传媒的"不足",探寻电视传媒发展的对策,这是当前很值研究的课题.  相似文献   

2001年中国入世标志着传媒政策全球化进程的展开,基于全球视野思考跨国组织、非政府组织和国家等多元政策主体之间的关系与政策模式的变化,成为21世纪以来中国政策实践和研究的必须面对和深思的一个重要现实问题.本文在梳理和分析全球化有关理论的基础上,着重分析了世界传媒政策模式的转变,以及国家在政策全球化中的地位和作用.本文认为,在全球化语境下,传媒政策的形成由统治向治理转变,国家的作用并未由此而弱化或空化,而是管理方式和手段的更新、优化和转变,这期间强权和经济价值与文化多样性的博弈仍是最为关键的政策问题.  相似文献   

杨席珍 《新闻爱好者》2008,(12):180-181
在传媒资讯高度发达的21世纪,媒体的竞争日趋加剧。平面媒体与电子媒体、传统媒体与新媒体、国内媒体与国外媒体,它们之间的激烈竞争无时无刻不在我们身边上演。面对各路传媒大鳄,散布在全国各地的地方电视台该如何应对?这不仅是传媒时代众多地方电视台亟待解决的现实问题,也是全球化语境下事关党和国家的舆论宣传阵地的重大战略问题。当务之急是加强内涵建设,打造属于自己的特色品牌栏目,增强地方电视台的核心竞争力,而新闻节目是实现这一目标的必经之路。  相似文献   

传媒全球化是正在形成中的一种传媒发展新趋势.系指传媒在全球化浪潮影响和推动下.凭借高新通讯技术.试图弥合地域和文化差异.在全球范围内向任何潜在目标受众所进行的超时空、跨国界的资讯传播理念和行为。  相似文献   

传媒形象在传媒市场运作中的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传媒形象是培养传媒核心 竞争力的重要方面 随着我国传媒市场竞争越来越激烈,媒体的生存与市场竞争紧密相联。同质媒体竞争、跨媒体竞争、加入WTO后可能遭遇的跨国界竞争,把媒体推上市场运作的主体位  相似文献   

通过对全球化及传播全球化背景下,世界几大跨国传媒集团的对外扩张情况及优劣势的阐述和分析,以中国国际广播电台(CRI)改革开放30余年来的发展策略为参照,为中国传媒发展如何应对全球化和跨国传媒集团带来的机遇和挑战提供一些拙见.  相似文献   

新书推荐:报刊装帧设计手册128元,媒介败局32元,调查记者手册—文件、数据及技巧指南78元,《华尔街日报是如何讲故事的38元,如何赢得媒体宣传36元,新闻实务方法论38元,影响未来:中国传媒30人31元,新闻实践与政治控制39元,竞争时代的报纸策略43元,影视传播与大众文化39元,全球化时代的跨国传媒集团22元,传播学关键术语释读23元,美国:超级传媒帝国45元,头版头条中国创造词46元,广播电视产业发展论聚焦地方媒体23元,单机拍摄与制作18元,中国电视媒体产业经营新动向56元,中国广播产业制度创新22元,传媒思想58元,中国数字电视报告48元,新大牌局-…  相似文献   

2006年5月15-19日,第七届世界传媒经济学术会议在京召开。这次会议的主题是“传媒产业:全球化·多样性·认同”。来自亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲40多个国家和地区的近200名学者参加了会议。大会设立了16个主题会议,分别涉及“传媒产业:全球化和多样性”、“电信、新技术与传媒经济”、“印刷媒体、广电新闻  相似文献   

新闻集团常为人称道的是其在全球范围内扩张的全球化战略和进入世界各国市场时的本土化战略。数字化时代,媒体信息可以轻易穿透现实的国界,把服务传递到世界各地,给跨国传媒集团提供了新的战略选择空间。在新闻集团2009财政年度报告中,默多克明确提出,新闻集团正在努力转变旧的观念,改变原来的商业模式,其核心战略就是进行数字化发展,在其书籍、报纸、广播、有线电视、卫星电视、电影、营销服务、数字媒体等全部业务当中推动数字化。默多克将自己的主要责任明确界定为负责在全球主要市场为未来的数字化业务寻找机会。  相似文献   

经过改革开放后30多年的发展,中国传媒业在产业基础和市场规模方面已取得巨大进步,但仍存在行业壁垒森严、企业规模偏小、业务创新不足等瓶颈。在传播全球化的客观现实中,跨国信息技术企业和文化传媒集团主宰着信息传播国际竞争的方向和趋势。中国只有实施传媒产业的大公司战略,将传媒企业培育成信息传播的主导力量,才能使其在全球信息传播竞争中争取到应有的话语权。  相似文献   

跨文化传播的全球化背景   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我们面临着传播全球化的时代 ,不同文化间的传播活动正以日新月异的方式加速世界一体化的进程 ,这种跨文化传播的产生机制是什么 ?传播的作用以及对传播生态的影响是什么 ?文章就这三个命题略做阐述  相似文献   

杨扬  孙宰瑛 《出版科学》2016,24(4):111-113
指出对于跨国企业而言,要获得消费者青睐,必须在全球化的基础上兼顾在地化,一方面采用顶尖科技和优质服务来提升产品品质,同时又要以入乡随俗的销售方式获取消费者信任。深入分析日本纪伊国屋书店这一跨国文化企业的典型代表,其在扩张进程、商品选择、促销方式和全球运营等方面的经验和特色,在全球化扩张与本地化实践基础上实现的文化创新,能为我国文化企业走出国门、走向世界提供借鉴经验。  相似文献   

For decades prior to the late 1980s, Taiwan's authoritarian government tightly controlled the media and used it as a political tool and ideological apparatus. However, the globalization and liberalization trends of recent years have had their influence, and since the 1990's Taiwan's media has been liberalized at a much faster pace than much of the rest of Asia.

Employing an historical analysis approach and a globalization theoretical framework, this study examines how the media in Taiwan has evolved in the era of globalization, and the significance and implications of this evolution. Specifically, this paper explores how Taiwan's media was liberalized, how the major functions of the media shifted, how the media environments were changed, and how the ‘closed’ media system was integrated with the global media system. It also discusses the new challenges and problems facing Taiwan following its liberalization.  相似文献   

Due to the increased importance of transnational governance, individual states become increasingly interdependent. This is also reflected in the news media coverage and media attention to foreign affairs. The European Union (EU) represents a case of advanced globalization. This study investigates news media attention to fellow EU member states. The main objective of this study is to explain what factors determine whether EU member states report about each other. The analysis is based on large-scale content analysis data of TV news and newspaper articles of 27 EU member states gathered during the 2009 European Parliament election campaign (N = 19,106) and employs network analysis to explain differences in media attention. The findings show that there are indicators at the national level that are independent of EU governance, as well as factors related to the European integration that determine whether two states report about each other. As such, countries that are neighbors, and where the same language is spoken, are more likely to report about each other. Furthermore, smaller, older, and EU member states that are more supportive of the European integration report more on fellow states.  相似文献   

Book Review     
Over the last 2 decades, mergers and acquisitions (M&;A) have become the most preferred strategic tool of firms in the media industry. As still claimed by analysts and managers, M&;A deals are expected to generate greater economic efficiency, especially through size effects (economies of scale and scope and other synergies). However, it seems that the hopes placed in these synergies are generally disappointed. Indeed, among a sample of 11 media firms for fiscal years 1998 and 1999, it appears a firm's size and a simultaneous presence in many businesses of the media industries do not improve economic performance, nor does the possession of complementary assets. The existence of economies of scale and scope, or at least the ability of firms to implement them, has still to be proved. Inversely, the internationalization rate of firms, especially for non-U.S. firms, and their level of focus on the media industries both appear to improve economic performance. These results, based on data available when AOL Time Warner and Vivendi Universal M&;A deals took place, raise the issue of the economic rationality of such mergers.  相似文献   

This paper examines journalists' changing sourcing practices in the context of an emerging media ecology initiated by processes of globalization, digitization, commercialism and concentration. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube provide the means to access a more diverse range of sources, including civil society organizations and ordinary citizens. We developed a quantitative content analysis to examine to what extent Belgian news coverage showed signs of diverse sourcing practices during the 2011 uprisings in three Arab countries. We analysed a total sample of 1121 news items about the street protests in Syria, Egypt and Tunisia, in four Belgian newspapers (two popular and two quality dailies) and two Belgian broadcasters (the public broadcaster VRT and the commercial channel VTM). The analysis shows that ordinary citizens and non-mainstream groups are important news sources and that social media platforms are consulted relatively often compared to everyday foreign news coverage. In terms of inter-media differences, the findings show that broadcasters' dependency on video footage and eyewitness accounts is reflected in their use of ordinary citizen sources and amateur footage. Moreover, the analysis confirms that quality newspapers display more diverse and more innovative sourcing practices than popular newspapers.  相似文献   

Dan Shaver 《媒体管理杂志》2013,15(3-4):112-120
Although there has been much research into corporate governance generally, little attention has been focused specifically on issues in media companies. The question is further complicated by the increasing frequency with which media enterprises that have traditionally operated within the industrial context of a specific medium are becoming business lines for media conglomerates and must compete for resources and strategic attention from a board more concerned with bottom-line profitability than with traditional media industry norms. This study examines board compositions of 21 firms with leadership positions in 1 or more traditional mass media industries and compares governance structure and results for those firms that are concentrated in 1 media segment to those that operate multiple media segments. Relations between skills sets associated with different categories of board members (legal, finance, consumer/marketing, service, academic, and other), management influence, and other board demographics to the creation of shareholder value were identified based on financial measures of market value, earnings per share, and dividend levels. The relations between board characteristics and strategic measures of capital reinvestment, asset sales, and acquisitions were also examined. A number of significant differences were identified between single-industry and conglomerate firms in these dimensions.  相似文献   

查灿长  方妍 《新闻界》2008,(3):161-163
奥运商业化运作的前提条件是其自身所拥有的巨大商业价值,奥运商业化运作的内在动因是其蕴有的巨大经济效益,而奥运商业化运作的核心要素则是其被世界传媒和跨国企业所看重与追求的全球广告平台和无可比拟的广告传播效应。  相似文献   


Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet understudied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology framework to analyze the relationship between venture capital funding and digital news media firms. In doing so, this work explores the interaction between legacy news media firms and new entrants as they struggle for scarce resources and seek to grow in the face of rapid change. A dataset tracking funding activity of legacy and startup news media firms is used to analyze resource allocation within the digital news media ecosystem. Results of the analyses provide insights for news media management by furthering understanding regarding venture capital funding models and the generative mechanisms that help drive growth. Specifically, findings highlight the importance of cross-sector engagement and the tension between firm age and position for growth in the digital news media ecosystem.  相似文献   

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