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贠冬鸣 《采.写.编》2007,(2):I0001-I0004
杀猎劁猎,虽说都动刀,确是两种不相干的行当,如此说来,评判学聪书法,笔者并无发言权,好在学术观点言者无罪,信口开河也无妨。  相似文献   

天猎哲夫著编者按《天猎》中国文联出版公司1994年版,共上、下两卷。《天猎》是哲夫的又一长篇新作,该书从一个幽灵的角度,审视人类的处境,完成对人类社会善意的黑色批判。作家用黄土地上的黑色浪漫,都市生活中的变形人生,勾勒出当代中国人生百态的画面。作品因...  相似文献   

师欣 《新闻三昧》2004,(2):16-18
尽管距离采访鄂温克猎民的去日已多,但是,我时常还会想起那里透蓝的天空、浓密的丛山和一群放养驯鹿的猎民们。对记而言,有些选题人生中单就碰上一次,足矣!往往探究求证事件本身的意义,远远超越只是写一组报道发表出来的过程。  相似文献   

尊敬长者教导幼者与同僚合当猎方猎共享情爱表露情感‘割舍旧创昂首向前狼族信条  相似文献   

唐代,鹰猎之风因为统治者的嗜好,民众跟风更甚,皇家饲养和外族纳贡,加之不同阶级都热衷玩鹰,使唐代鹰猎成为全民性质的社会现象,对整个社会发展产生重大影响。  相似文献   

去年我到广西出差,在南宁看到10月18日的一家晚报,在头版刊登了一则消息,题目是《野猪糟踏庄稼:杀无赦!》内容是“呼唤猎猪好手”去南宁郊区“为民除害”。时隔不久,果然有两路“打猪英雄”“去灌木丛异常茂密”的野猪出没地“打猪”去了。10月30日这家晚报又在一版显著位置刊登了《坡陡林密野猪难觅 猎猪先遣队无斩获》的消息。看了这两则消息,我随即向当地群众收集反映,回答是野猪是野生动物,不应等濒临灭绝了才想起来保护;有的说可以搞特种养殖;也有的说可以建一个生态园区,如果将来野猪发展头数确实太多了,还可以建一个狩…  相似文献   

【伏猎侍郎】fúlièshìlánɡ后晋·刘昫等《旧唐书·严挺之传》:"客次有《礼记》,萧炅读之曰:‘蒸尝伏猎。’炅早从官,无学术,不识‘伏腊’之意,误读之。挺之戏问,炅对如初。挺之白九龄曰:‘省中岂有伏猎侍郎?’"伏腊:古代伏祭与腊祭的合称,泛指节日。唐代户部侍郎萧炅在读《礼记》时,误将"伏腊"读为"伏  相似文献   

炊烟如故,让味觉变得袅娜,滇味食间 城市漫画的温柔处,真味坊:时尚时代的清真厨房,寂寞鸵鸟:行走在都市的沙漠风情,拉祜咩佳阁:以猎虎民族的味道招待你,万客隆餐厅:关于驴肉的地道美味。[编者按]  相似文献   

2016年9月12日下午,新华网、猎律网联合举办《2011-2015年度网络违法犯罪大数据报告》发布暨研讨会。新华网常务副总裁魏紫川、猎律网创始人赵宪明出席发布会并致辞,新华网舆情监测分析中心主任段赛民发布《2011-2015年度网络违法犯罪大数据报告》,新华网舆情中心副主任邹海华主持本次发布会。  相似文献   

2010年11月3日至10日,我有幸参与了文化部“人口较少民族非物质文化遗产调研”这一课题。在导师的安排之下,我和师妹王海萍赴内蒙古鄂伦春自治旗,就鄂伦春族“非遗”保护状况进行了实地调查。行迹所至及行政单位包括:鄂伦春自治旗,乌鲁布铁镇,多库布尔猎民村,讷尔克气猎民村。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):151-157

Walking into what remains of one of the state's largest public libraries and finding no indication a library was ever there is indescribable. Walls, tables, and shelving gone. No sign of a book, a magazine, a computer, or a video found. Only the terrazzo floors, battered support columns, and a stiff summer breeze blowing unrestricted where large windows once offered spectacular views of the Gulf of Mexico remain. Helping libraries cope with such a disaster is the purpose of this article. The observations and conclusions are those of an outsider looking in, a much safer, but not necessarily wiser, place.  相似文献   

Leadership, as a topic, has seen a lot of interest in academics as well as with practitioners. The search, however, has not yielded a concrete formula, though there are quite a few theories which have worked well in certain contexts. The context of special libraries is one such area which has a huge potential in discovering what leadership actions have worked well and what can be a framework for success in other special libraries, especially when the utility of special libraries is being questioned in a corporate environment. The dearth of leadership and leadership development literature in special libraries, from a practitioner's point of view, provides a good opportunity for sharing a small journey of success. The column builds upon the application of leadership actions deriving from diverse and merging fields like learning and development, organizational behavior, marketing, and human psychology of reading in making a case for the utility of corporate libraries in the development of employees.  相似文献   

The goal of this content analysis was to identify commonly used content and design features of academic health sciences library home pages. After developing a checklist, data were collected from 135 academic health sciences library home pages. The core components of these library home pages included a contact phone number, a contact email address, an Ask-a-Librarian feature, the physical address listed, a feedback/suggestions link, subject guides, a discovery tool or database-specific search box, multimedia, social media, a site search option, a responsive web design, and a copyright year or update date.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examines the unique perceptions of immigrant women concerning the public library as a meeting place, a support to integration into American culture, and a provider of programs for acquisition of the English language. The library offers a place for observing the culture of the new country from a distance to active participation; it is an arena for comfort and consolation in a difficult life situation as well as an arena for activity and participation. It provides support in developing friendships, acclimating to a new culture, learning a new language, and providing avenues to employment. Three mothers, who fulfilled the criteria for the study, were selected from an initial focus group. Women from Kurdistan, Mexico, and Indonesia were interviewed individually to gain an understanding on the issues brought forth in the focus group. They participated in interviews over the course of 6 months. These programs became a fortuitous blending of an established community with a group of families looking for a support community in a new country. This study has implications for institutions serving immigrants as they look to find a community of support, to learn English, and to acclimate to American culture as they create a comfortable identity that blends their home country with the new country.  相似文献   

The unprecedented growth in U.S.-China film coproductions and Chinese companies’ high-profile investment in Hollywood studios and U.S. cinemas signal a shift in global power relationships and a reshaping of the global media structure. Combining textual and document analysis with interviews of policy makers and film professionals in China and Hollywood, this article explores the implications of U.S.-China coproduction for global communication. The article proposes three ways of understanding coproductions: as a market-driven and profit-seeking partnership, as a policy and power negotiation, and as a brave experimental adventure. This article contends that the current state of U.S.-China coproduction manifests the contradiction between desire and reality. Although coproductions have the potential to create a space for a new global culture, to develop innovative communication models, and to achieve a China-U.S. consensus, the fulfillment of these potentials will require a steadfast effort and the commitment of more than one generation of filmmakers from both China and the U.S.A. Nevertheless, a global culture and a reshaping of the global media structure are in the making.  相似文献   

边书京 《编辑学报》2008,20(2):157-158
结合我国社会主义新农村建设中存在的问题,主张使科技期刊智库、桥梁、转化器的社会功能达到进一步开发与拓展,在科技推广中扮演裁判、教练、媒人角色,当好“龙头”,培养新型农民,以技术链延伸产业链和价值链,形成资源节约型、环境友好型农村技术体,提升我国农业强国的地位。  相似文献   

The study analyzed factors shaping adoption of technology in academic libraries in Kuwait. The research was based on interviews conducted with library directors, staff, and users, combined with observation and document analysis. A major aspect of the Kuwaiti context was a relative lack of financial restraints and an enthusiasm for technology within society as a whole. Other important influences shaping technology adoption specifically within libraries were the top down decision-making style and a quest for prestige, in a context of a lack of library culture among users, shortage of professional staff, and a strong, perhaps exaggerated, faith in technology as a solution to problems.  相似文献   

网络资源用户中具在残障的群体,他们或者在认知方面存在障碍(如失聪、听力障碍、失明、视力障碍等)或由于衰老而引起残障,而这些身体上或认知上的障碍意味着他们在浏览使用网络信息的时候需要有适合他们需要的特殊元数据和界面。尽管每个人的残障情况各有不同,但是每一种情况都会有一些共同点。通过建立元数据应用纲要来对这共同点进行描述,使信息系统能够根据元数据纲要描述的不同来调节网络信息的显示和功能,同时又保证残障用户的隐私权,是本文的主要内容。本文作者为都柏林元数据提出了一个新的元素:DC:Adaptability,用这个元素来描述具有残障的个人(匿名)元数据纲要,并且为该元素提出了一套规范词,包括显示、控制、内容三个大类共22个规范用词,这些规范词照顾到了用户的个人隐私权,不对残障种类和个人需要或偏好作任何暗示。作者还解释了该纲要不仅可以用来为残障用户提供个人化的信息显示和操作,而且也可以用来为一般用户提供个人化的系统显示。  相似文献   

This work introduces a new approach to record clustering where a hybrid algorithm is presented to cluster records based upon threshold values and the query patterns made to a particular database. The Hamming Distance of a file is used as a measure of space density. The objective of the algorithm is to minimize the Hamming Distance of the file while attaching significance to the most frequent queries being asked. Simulation experiments conducted proved that a great reduction in response time is yielded after the restructuring of a file. We study the space density properties of a file and how it affects retrieval time before and after clustering, as a means of predicting file performance and making appropriate choices of parameters. Criteria, such as, block size, threshold value, percentage of records satisfying a given set of queries, etc., which affect clustering and response time are also studied.  相似文献   

How does the collaboration network of researchers coalesce around a scientific topic? What sort of social restructuring occurs as a new field develops? Previous empirical explorations of these questions have examined the evolution of co-authorship networks associated with several fields of science, each noting a characteristic shift in network structure as fields develop. Historically, however, such studies have tended to rely on manually annotated datasets and therefore only consider a handful of disciplines, calling into question the universality of the observed structural signature. To overcome this limitation and test the robustness of this phenomenon, we use a comprehensive dataset of over 189,000 scientific articles and develop a framework for partitioning articles and their authors into coherent, semantically related groups representing scientific fields of varying size and specificity. We then use the resulting population of fields to study the structure of evolving co-authorship networks. Consistent with earlier findings, we observe a global topological transition as the co-authorship networks coalesce from a disjointed aggregate into a dense giant connected component that dominates the network. We validate these results using a separate, complimentary corpus of scientific articles, and, overall, we find that the previously reported characteristic structural evolution of a scientific field's associated co-authorship network is robust across a large number of scientific fields of varying size, scope, and specificity. Additionally, the framework developed in this study may be used in other scientometric contexts in order to extend studies to compare across a larger range of scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

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